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Wow, offensive; who are you to say androids do or do not have souls! I find this highly triggering!

Quick Edit: That's me kidding around mind you, though I'm sure I can just science up a reason as to why it wouldn't be possible, iunno, built in dimensional tethers so Kagi could remove her for a short while but Mag would end up blinking back some time later, probably pissed. o:
Hey, don't talk about the ultimate android waifu like that! She has a soul, dammit!
Wow, offensive; who are you to say androids do or do not have souls! I find this highly triggering!

Quick Edit: That's me kidding around mind you, though I'm sure I can just science up a reason as to why it wouldn't be possible, iunno, built in dimensional tethers so Kagi could remove her for a short while but Mag would end up blinking back some time later, probably pissed. o:
Well, I was wondering about that a little. Ever noticed how you might get really attached to a certain item that isn't alive? Perhaps a stuffed animal or something, and you give it a personality etc. This is a process dubbed "ensoulment". Many western cultures have a hard time grasping it though, so it's found predominantly among children and orientals. Perhaps it's something like that? Magda gained a soul when she passed the Turing Test? Either way though, it would be pretty amusing watching a a pissed of robot pop between dimensions.
Hey, don't talk about the ultimate android waifu like that! She has a soul, dammit!
... I think you're forgetting a few rather important androids. Don't forget that the vocaloids' characters are androids.
Doesn't change best android waifu though.
Doesn't change best android waifu though.
Totally does. Hatsune Miku is like 80 times better, Kagamine Rin is maybe 75 times better... Hell even GUMI's better, and she's a partial psychotic. They also have way nicer singing voices.
You people and your obsessions with androids x..x
You don't know the meaning of obsession till you've seen my collection of Chie pictures.

Great demons in hell -.- Please destroy this guys soul ^
My soul is eternal, it can never be destroyed!
Roll for #1 android/reploid!
Im going to kill all of you >.> ~takes out her grape flavored medicine filled water guns~
@Greymis You have no idea how happy you mentioning cantrips made me right then. Most people never thinks that the simple tricks and powers are great. Most people are wrong.
Every type of magic has its place, even the simplest~.
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