Breathe Me (Closed)

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Adint looked back, seeing Kiki next to Damien's body, cleaning him a little, he shook his head in distaste, while he would usually agree with honoring the dead, they didn't have the time for it right now, his attacker's could return soon, who knew, he came up behind her and knelt, "Kiki ..." He whispered gently, "Please ... we need to go ..." He watched her gently as she cleaned Damien a little.
She glanced back at him. Her blue eyes were watery and she swiped the tears away angrily. "We can't just leave him like this." She argued. "It''s barbaric." She turned back to him. "He didn't..." She stopped there; unable to speak any further.
He nodded, "It's okay ... I know, I know ... fine ..." He got down, and attempted to lifthis body over Adint's shoulder, "We'll bury him, we'll find somewhere, okay?" He asked, his face sweating, even in the cool air.
Kiki quickly jumped to her feet and moved to help him. She nodded. "Okay." She agreed. She was beating herself up for the tears that had escaped. She was supposed to be the calm one, the quiet one. She tried to keep her emotions hidden.
He nodded, "I remember where his house is, it's close, hopefully we won't get caught carrying a dead body there though." He sighed a little, and turned down an alleyway, "He live's in the suburb's ... the closer one." Adint said quickly, wanting to hurry along, "But how to get there ..."
She was quiet for a long moment. "There's a little park." She said quietly. "It was closed a couple years's all grown over now..." She didn't want to go back there, but they had to go somewhere. "It's only a few blocks from here."
He nodded, still carrying the body, "Lead the way." He said, frowning, "It will be better than nothing." He looked around a corner, not seeing anybody, "Where is it?" He asked, his face still a bit sweaty, even through the cold.
She took a deep breath, then led him down the empty side street. "It's a couple blocks this way." She said. She was steadily growing more uncomfortable the closer she got to that cursed park. Her ears drooped as they reached the ancient wrought iron gate. Long, climbing plants had grown and twined through the fence and gate so it was difficult to open. Eventually she managed to pushed it open enough for them to squeeze though. Inside the park was like a whole other world. The grass was tall, almost to Kiki's waist, and the flowers and bushes had grown wild since it had been shut down. The twining green had grown over everything, giving it an almost lost-in-time feel. She hardly recognized it. There, partially hidden beneath the growth, was the bench. The red paint was faded and chipped, and it looked to have been broken. "Just stay here Kiki, okay? Right here on this bench. I'll come back for you soon." She could practically hear the echo of her mother's voice. Little Kiki was so trusting then; of course her mother would return. She wouldn't abandon her six year old girl. She'd waited alright; at first on the bench, then she'd moved about the park. The hours had stretched into days. Her mother never came back. For a year, Kiki lived in this park. She'd go out and find food, then come back here. Her hands were clinched tight. She wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible.
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He looked at her, as she clinched her hand's, obviously not a pleasant place for Kiki to be, thoughy he wouldn't ask, they all had past that were best left in the dark, he laid Damien's body down, "Let's hurry up. Okay?" He whispered to her, beggining to dig a hole by the bench.
She nodded slowly. She quickly put a stop to the trickle of memories and knelt to help him. At least is was a peaceful place; a beautiful place for this man to be laid to rest. As much as she hated it, she couldn't deny the almost magical beauty of the old park.
Within 30 minute's the man was buried, dirt covered most of Adint's clothe's, as well as some dried up blood from Damien, he looked at Kiki softly, "There ..." He whispered, and said a quick prayer over Damien's resting place, followed by a brief moment of silence, "Are you ready?" He asked Kiki gently.
She nodded and stood, brushing as much of the dirt off of her as she could. She knew she was a mess but she didn't really care. She took one more long look around the park before heading back to the gate.
He followed slowly behind her, somewhat dragging along, as if not wanting to leave but knowing it to be best, he came up behind her and sighed gently, giving her a soft smile, "Okay ... let's go ..." He said, stepping out of the gate.
She pulled the gate closed behind her and started down the street. She just wanted to go back home. She glanced back at him. She didn't know what he was wanting to do next, but she was going with him until they got back.
He looked at her gently, and shivered slightly, Looking up at the sky, "Well ... I suppose we can head back ..." He shrugged slightly, and looked down at his feet, moving his toes around in his shoes for warmth.
She nodded. "Alright." She agreed. She started to walk back towards the apartment. As she silently walked the memories started to flash through her head again. Even before her mother abandoned her, she was used to being alone. Her mother would disappear from their shabby apartment for days at a time, and little Kiki would be left to fend for herself. She didn't like being alone, but it was better than when her mother would bring her men home. Usually they were drunk, and on more than one occasion Kiki would find herself hiding in her tiny bedroom as she listened to their screaming fights. Her mother never kept the same man around for long. Kiki was suddenly jerked out of her flood of memories when she heard a shout from across the street. A group of humans had spotted them. Kiki grabbed Adint's arm.
Adint bared his teeth, "Kiki ... We gotta go now ..." He said, rushing off and pulling her with him, running down several alleyway's, trying to get himself and Kiki to somewhere, anywhere safe, he cursed slightly, as he slid on some ice, groaning a little, but pulling himself up slowly, then looking over to Kiki, "You okay?" He asked, still wanting to hurry.
She gasped when Adint started to run and pull her behind him. She struggled to stay on her feet as she was tugged along behind him. When he went down on the ice she went down too, and quickly scrambled to her feet. "Yeah." She said as she tried to help tug him up. "I'm fine." She looked around to see if the humans were behind them. "Come on, let's go!"
He nodded, and pulled her along again, "Under the bridge." He whispered as they ran farther, going underneath the bridge, and hiding, he pulled her behind a large pillar with him, sighing softly, motioning for her to stay quiet, and wait.
She nodded and ducked behind the pillar with him. She tried to slow her gasping breath, and squeezed her eyes closed.