Breath of Fresh Air

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Noah smiled, his eyes twinkling. "And not even my infectious cheer will change things?" he asked hopefully. "Good. Glad to hear it." He blushed when Lily wrapped an arm around his waist again. He couldn't help relaxing, even when Chaital galloped off across the fields back towards home.

Things couldn't be going much better. His family had a new brother, everyone was going to the party, and he got to ride a dragon with Lily again. He hadn't realized until now how much he'd missed her when she was away.


Grandpa Jenkins chuckled softly and patted Nel's shoulder. "Eyup. But when Axle got the music box, he was the one who dropped it on accident. I figured you'd feel a bit better if I was the one dropping it, so ya'd know how sturdy it was. Don't ya worry. I wouldn't toss around somethin' I wasn't sure could take it."

He settled down on the edge of the bed with a deep sigh. "Ya know, back in my day, I was quite a force to be reckoned with. Me an' Boulder. Both of us, expert soldiers."
Lily tucked her head down against Noah's shoulder as she laughed, her cheek smooshed up against Pumpkin's little head where it was nestled into her own shoulder, and gave Noah a little squeeze without meaning to. "No, not even your cheer will stop him from being a grumpy old man. I'm afraid there's no fixing that."

It was nice, being the one riding along when she was usually the one 'driving'. Noah was her friend, and he had no problems with her being herself. It felt good, not having to tamp down her own energy to suit other people, even if she wasn't quite as excited as he was sometimes.

As they approached the house, her chin resting lightly on Noah's shoulder once again so she could see, Jasper was already visible outside, still standing where he'd dismounted off Infernus' back and talking quietly to the dragon with one hand petting idly at his neck. Lily knew from experience that he would always stop and thank her dragon for the ride, especially if he thought no one was around. Infernus was hers, but Jasper still loved him.

Naga was perched on the bigger dragon's back and gave a squawking call when she spotted them, which prompted Nobu into taking off directly for them to flop down onto Chaital's head and nuzzle all over her. He liked his big dragon friends as much as his human ones, most days.


Nel supposed it made a sort of sense, but it did nothing to calm his racing heart. He cradled the music box close despite its sturdy nature, and after a moment came and settled on the edge of the bed across from where Mr. Jenkins sat, still and patient. It felt like there was some sort of story coming, and he was nothing if not a good listener. He liked hearing people talk about themselves, even if he didn't do it much himself.

"Boulder too?" He prompted quietly, to see if the older man wanted to talk. He didn't like the idea of dragons being used as soldiers, but he was aware of the reality of it.
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Noah's cheeks blushed a bit more when Lily squeezed him, and he relaxed even further. "Oh. Well, truth be told, I'm glad Jasper's like that. Gives some flavor to his personality, you know?"

Eventually they arrived back at home, and Noah smiled when he found Jasper talking quietly to Infernus. Something about the scene was so peaceful. It suited the pair, he found.

And then Naga sounded a greeting call.

Noah burst out laughing when Nobu flew over and flopped right onto Chaital's muzzle, and he leaned down to try and pet him. "Hey, buddy! Good to see you!" He slid down and offered Lily his arm to get down again before turning to Jasper. "Hey, Naga! Hey, Jasper! Glad you could make it."

Chaital let out a soft call of greeting in return, chuffing and laying still so Nobu wouldn't fall off.

"Mhm. Boulder, too," Grandpa Jenkins said, nodding. He folded one leg over and sighed softly. "We were the lucky ones, though. Mostly used fer intimidation, and standing guard around the outskirts, things like that. Well . . . one day, we seen somethin' odd come flyin' out of the sky."

He got a distant look in his eyes and sighed. "I still think they were angels, the both of 'em. Mary Anne Sue an' get dragon, Tinsel. They were from the enemy village. Can't say which one, don't want to spread info I ain't supposed to. But the main thing was Mary Anne Sue an' her dragon crashed right near me an' Boulder."
Nobu made soft, happy sounds as he rubbed his head against Chaital's horns, keeping his paws carefully clear of her eyes and just babbling happily at her. Lily burst out laughing at the display and reached forward with Noah to try and wave him away. "Nobu!" She cried, through little fits of giggles. "She can't see!"

From the house, Jasper gave a sharp whistle that made Nobu pick his head up, then looked sad as he slid slowly off of Chaital's muzzle and flapped his way to the ground, looking forlornly back up at them before turning to take off and fly back to Jasper's side. Jasper caught him with both hands, holding him like a baby with Nobu's head over his shoulder as Chaital was able to start walking closer again.

"Oh, don't act like you'll never see them again," Jasper was chiding him as they approached, patting Nobu's back. "They're right here. You just have to learn to be patient."

Lily was grinning as they got there, waiting for Noah to get down so he could help her out with her one-handedness. "He's very sad he couldn't blind Chaital for longer. It's a tragedy, really."


Nel had never met a soldier before, not that he knew of, but he had heard stories. He wasn't sure what felt worse, the idea of willing taking a dragon to battle, or of signing up for war without really knowing what would happen. He was glad, at least, that there was no war near them now. He was sure he wouldn't survive being drafted.

He was quiet as Mr. Jenkins spoke, letting the words come to the man at their own pace, and only making soft, encouraging sounds to show he was listening, hands running lightly over the music box in his lap. Had it been hers, he wondered? Perhaps that was what had prompted the story.

"Was she hurt?" He asked, tone soft and calm, only listening with no judgement and no interruptions. It was a strange, unique sort of feeling, listening to one person speak about people they had cared about in the past tense. Later, he would try to understand what it all meant, and how it had effected the present, but for now he only listened.
Thankfully, Chaital didn't seem to mind Nobu's paws over her eyes, and she sat patiently and rumbled happily while the little dragon played. Only once she could see again did she amble over to rejoin the group, licking Nobu gently and then reaching out to try and lick Naga as well.

Noah laughed and nodded at Lily. "Such a tragedy. And now he's sentenced to the kiss of death."

As though she'd heard him, Chaital craned her neck around and licked Noah's cheek. The boy laughed harder and fell dramatically on the ground. "Nooo, she got me too! Aargh. Avenge me, Lily and Jasper!"

Chaital snorted and twitched her tail playfully, glancing between the pair as though to challenge them.


"Oh, yep. Lost her entire leg," Grandpa Jenkins continued. "I took her to my good friends. Jasper's parents. Together we healed her, got her a new leg. An' I thought she might like some music to listen to while she healed. So they made that there box in your hands. Nice an' dragon proof," he explained.
Lily dissolved into fits of giggles at Noah's theatrics, and Chaital's joining in, cradling Pumpkin to her shoulder with both arms to keep from dropping him while she laughed. Infernus, at their side, gave a few amused little chuffs and reached out to Chaital to nuzzle her gently in greeting, as if they hadn't seen each other not long ago.

"I don't take part in losing battles." Jasper said dryly, giving Chaital a look and idly hefting Nobu forward a bit when the little dragon wiggled to get down. Nobu flapped a couple of times, then flopped unceremoniously down onto Noah with a happy, playful cry, not sure what was going on but knowing the boy was on the ground and that he wanted to play. "Oh, kick him while he's down." Jasper gave a sympathetic wince and just stepped back to walk away. "Two against one, I'm tappin out. You're on your own, buddy."

Lily laughed more as he turned to walk inside, moving over to where Noah lay to check on him. "Doin okay down there?"


Nel winced a little at the thought of losing a leg, but otherwise didn't interrupt, listening with quiet interest. "His parents?" He repeated, eyes widening just a bit at the thought. "They made a whole leg?" He looked at the music box, wondering if Jasper knew, or what he would think about it if he did. Nel didn't like to pry into other peoples lives unless they wanted to volunteer the information, so while he knew Jasper had lost his parents when he was young he didn't know how young, or who they had been or what they were like.
Noah laughed harder and rolled over, doing his best to play wrestle with Nobu. He grabbed gently at the dragon's legs, wings, or tail, or tried to hug him, rolling and scooting across the ground. "Oho! You challenge me, do you? I will be victorious!"

He let his head flop over to glance up at Lily. Then he grinned widely and nodded. "I'm great! This is fun. Oh - do you want to go see how Nel's doing? I'll come inside in a few minutes. Gotta win this fight first," he added.


Grandpa Jenkins beamed at the tone of amazement in Nel's voice. "Mhm. A whole leg. An' before ya know it, Mary Anne Sue an' Tinsel didn't want to fight fer the army no more. Neither did Boulder an' I. We got . . . new priorities, and we all settled down right here, in this old mill. Had to be in hidin' the first few years, till the war was over," he added with a light chuckle.
Nobu wriggled in Noah's grasp, flopping his feet around and smacking his tail lightly against the boy's sides, 'gnawing' on any limbs that came in reach with carefully gentle bites much like a playful dog might. Unlike his bite-y counterpart, he was capable of playing without making someone bleed, as long as he didn't get too excited.

Lily just smiled and stepped away from them to move towards the house. "All right, all right. Don't tire each other out too much before dinner!"


Nel made a soft, awed sound and sat thinking about it all for a moment, wondering what it must have been lIke. Mr. Jenkins made it sound like he had defected, which he supposed was possible, but he wasn't really in a position to judge. He was glad the man had found love and gotten out of war.

"I'm happy you found her," he said finally, with a small, fond smile. "I wish I could have met her." What would the older man have been like then, fresh from war and newly in love? He hoped they had gotten to be together for a good, long time before she was gone.
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"We'll try not to!" Noah called back, playfully swatting towards Nobu's face but being careful not to actually hit him.

Chaital, meanwhile, twined her neck briefly with Infernus' and tumbled happily. Then she settled down beside him, watching Noah and Nobu carefully to make sure the play didn't get out of hand.

Soot eventually crept out as well, stretching a bit and yawning. He glanced around and spotted the scuffle before tilting his head. Why were Noah and Nobu fighting? He made his way over, sniffing gingerly and glancing up at Infernus and Chaital for cues.


The older man sighed deeply and nodded. "I wish you could have, too," he murmured. "Ya know, I don't think ah would have left the war, if not fer her. Might not have even considered what we were fightin' over. Might not ever have realized it didn't make sense, an' I didn't agree with it. I've never regretted leavin' Upper Floaten to live here."

A soft bell rang downstairs, and Grandpa Jenkins beamed and stood up. "Welp! Sounds like dinner's ready. Reckon we oughta go wash up, eh?"
Nobu snapped playfully at Noah's hand when it came near, making little fake play growls at it like he was a big dragon on a hunt, but when Soot came over to check on them he stopped and tilted his head backwards to see the black dragon. Flopping back into the grass, he extended all four paws up towards Soot's face and gave a little squeak, inviting the larger dragon to come say hi to him. He didn't know if Soot knew how to play, but they could still say hi.

Infernus was content to greet Chaital and watch their little ones play, but when Soot came over he gave the dark dragon a little huff to get his attention, just so he could see that Infernus and Chaital were calm and relaxed. There were no real fights here, only friends and play. Even as little as he was, if Nobu truly wanted to fight, Noah would be badly hurt already.


Nel nodded silently along, somber as he considered the ideas of war, and of leaving for love and family. He was glad that Mr. Jenkins had run away, so he could be happy, and so he could still be here with his renewed familial bonds. It was strange to think of himself as part of that, when he had never existed inside of the man's previous life, but he was glad that he could be around to see it.

The dinner bell startled Nel a bit out of the thought, and when he looked at Mr. Jenkins and saw the man smiling so easily after telling such a story it almost made him feel sad. He managed a little smile still, and curled his fingers a little tighter around the corners of the music box. "Thank you for sharing with me." He said softly, and after a pause got to his feet to put it back on its shelf. Whether the older man took it as thanks for sharing the music or his past, Nel wouldn't fight his conclusions.
Likewise, Noah already knew enough dragon body language to understand what was playing and what was actually a threat. He glanced up and blinked a few times when he saw Soot towering over him and Nobu. "Oh! Hey, Soot. We were just playing. Were you worried about us?"

With a soft huff from Infernus, Soot relaxed and lowered his wings, reaching down to gently nuzzle Nobu. Then he reached over and gingerly licked Noah's cheek.

It was all Noah could do not to squeal in delight. "Aww! Thanks for the kisses, buddy!" he replied, reaching up to pat Soot's cheek.

Eventually he caught the scent of dinner. He stood up and dusted himself off, smiling. "Oooh, smells like supper! C'mon, Nobu. Ready to go in and eat?" he asked, strolling towards the door.

Once inside, he ran to the bathroom to wash up. Then he hurried to the table and bounced. "Lily. Lily, where's Nel? I have the best news!"


"You're quite welcome," Grandpa Jenkins replied. He shuffled for the stairs and waved an arm. "Ready to eat somethin' delicious, kiddo? My son Axle makes the best damn meat ya ever eaten, I tell ya what."
Infernus gave a low, pleased rumble when Soot greeted Nobu so gently, careful of the littler dragon's size. Soot was learning well, and quickly. Soon enough, there would likely be no need to worry about how he might react to things at all.

When Noah got up Nobu sprang to his feet to scrabble after the boy, which prompted a startled little sound from Naga and had the small she-dragon flying off after them to come inside before the door could close. If Nobu was going inside, she wasn't going to be left out. He could be getting treats without her!

Lily was in the kitchen helping Jasper set up the table when Noah came in, and gave him an amused but lost sort of smile. "He and your grandpa are upstairs, I think. They should be down any minute - what news?"

As if on cue, their footsteps could be heard descending the stairs just a second later.
Noah whirled around when he heard footsteps, and his face lit up when he saw Nel. "Nel! Nel, Nel, Nel!" he burst out, running over. "Soot licked my cheek!"

Grandpa Jenkins chuckled and headed for the table. "Did he, now? Ain't one to normally do that?"

"Not normally, no. He's doing so good!" Noah added.

". . . I hesitate to let you have dessert after this, Noah," Axle teased, setting a pan of the potatoes on the table. "Seems you're sugared up enough already." He wore a vibrant blue flower in his hair and a blue dress shirt as well, with freshly combed hair and a warm sparkle in his eyes.

Noah quickly sat down at the table and shook his head. "What? No way! I'm totally calm. Right, guys?"

Grandpa Jenkins stifled a snort. ". . . Nope. But I can't blame ya. It is an excitin' night, and Malia will be here any minute, too. I suppose we can wait an extra few minutes for her before we start eatin', yeah?"
Nel blinked at the quick footsteps when Noah came hurrying up to him, looking a bit startled and inquisitive when his name was repeated so many times in quick succession. He had almost begun to wonder if something bad had happened despite Noah's grin, before his brain processed through the information and his eyes grew a little wider.

"He did?" He asked, the surprise shifting into something more pleased as he glanced towards the door, like he could still see Soot through it. "How shocking! He must be watching Chaital!" Infernus didn't really have a tendency to lick a whole lot, but Chaital was always grooming the other dragons. "He's picking up the others' habits so quickly - and showing affection to humans, no less!" It was exciting, even if he didn't get anywhere near Noah's levels of amped up himself.

Lily only tried to muffle a laugh with her hand when Noah tried to insist he was not actually being hyper, failing rather miserably at stifling it. "You're trying your best." She said with a little shrug, careful not to jar Pumpkin off her shoulder with the motion as she took her seat. "I think that's all we can ask for."

Nobu and Naga, bigger than Pumpkin and more likely to destroy things than just be sneaky, were well trained enough to obediently settle at Jasper's feet once he was sitting, and he only glanced over at the mention of Malia. "Ah." He murmured to himself. "That's why." He had wondered if Axle was 'dressed up' for the occasion or for someone specific, but the matriarch's presence was explanation enough. At least he's wearing a shirt this time, he thought to himself, but not even he would say it out loud.

A moment later a knock came at the front door, and Lily popped up with Pumpkin and insisted she would get it while Axle was still serving food. She was surprised, at first, to find that Malia had changed before coming. Rather than her usual plain clothes meant for working she wore a deep green tunic with a brown vest, over top a simple pair of pants and brown boots, and she had pinned back a bit of her hair away from her face. For a second Lily was tempted to think it had been for Axle, but the dinner was really meant for Nel, and the clothes were still very simple without being overly flashy or eye-catching, so she decided the change was meant more for him than for a prospective love interest. It was nice, still, that Malia had dressed up just a little for the event. It made it feel important.

"Come in, come in," Lily urged with a smile, closing the door behind the woman and hurrying off ahead of her to the kitchen. "She's here! Perfect timing!"
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The freckled brunette laughed and nodded. "I know! He's doing so well, Nel. You and the dragons have really had an impact on him. Poor guy." He settled further back in his sheet, glancing at Lily with a shrug. "Hopefully I'll mellow out with age. Like my father."

Grandpa Jenkins spit out the drink of water he'd just drank. "Yer father mellow? Very funny, lad," he said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "He only acts calmer half the time."

"Hey! I resemble that remark," Axle teased. He lifted his head a bit when he heard Malia had arrived, and he turned towards the hallway only to freeze in awe. "Oh! Malia. You look - you look stunning," he stammered. He cleared his throat and bowed before gesturing towards a chair. "Would you care to take a seat?" he asked.

He'd carefully left one chair open next to his in the hopes she'd sit by him.

Grandpa Jenkins cracked his knuckles and nodded. "Well, soon as everyone's sittin' down, we can get started with our celebration, eh?"
Malia hadn't thought finally doing something to her hair other than leaving it free or tying it fully back to keep it out of her way would have such an effect. No matter what sort of reaction she'd anticipated by dressing up what she considered just a bit, Axle's reaction had even her steps faltering and cheeks beginning to pink.

"You flatter me," She said with a little shake of her head, but did at least manage to start walking again. "You look rather dashing, yourself." She paused on her way to the seat he indicated for her, stopping where Nel had settled into his own and putting a hand on his shoulder to keep him still while she pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head. "It's good to see you," she murmured softly just for him to hear, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze just to let him know she was there for him, and finally let Axle direct her into a seat.

Jasper glanced at Mr. Jenkins with an eyebrow raised while the lovebirds' attention was elsewhere, wondering if the older man was thinking what he was - Axle was absolutely head over heels for the matriarch. He had to wonder how long it had been since the man had looked at anyone romantically, besides his late wife. Maybe Axle just hadn't anticipated having those sorts of feelings ever again and didn't know how to handle them.

Nel was flushing a little from the attention already, anxious but also pleased to have everyone around him. He had doubted it, somehow, but part of him was overjoyed that Malia had come to see him, that she had come to be part of his introduction into a new family. Another was worried that having a family again would mean that she wouldn't spend as much time around him, like he didn't need her anymore, and he tried not to let it get to him as he fidgeted quietly in his chair.

"Is it like a birthday?" Lily asked with a grin as she sat back down, a hand on Pumpkin's side to be sure he was steady. "Do we blow out candles?" What did one do for a sort of 'adoption ceremony' for someone who was already technically an adult? It all felt very exciting, she just hoped Nel didn't get too flustered. She'd help Noah in his unconscious efforts to be louder than everyone else if it meant keeping some of the attention from getting too intense.
Axle giggled and blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah - good. That was my intended plan."

Pumpkin rumbled and flopped against Lily. Even if he managed to fall somehow, the floor was close by and he wasn't worried about getting hurt.

"As for the celebration tonight, we'll give a toast to Nel and enjoy a delicious feast," Axle carried on, with a nod. "Everyone raise your glasses."

Noah and the others did so, gazing at Axle expectantly.

Mr. Harn cleared his throat and beamed. "To Nel Harn. We welcome him into the family, to love and protect him always."

"To Nel!" the others chimed, and everyone took a drink and started eating together.

But there was a problem. For Nel to be officially adopted, he would have to go with Mr. Harn to a courthouse. And that was in Upper Floaten. Mr. Harn decided he'd bring that up tomorrow, once Nel had a chance to rest.

For now, Malia was sitting next to him. "So," Mr. Harn said with a smile. "How did the rest of your meeting go?"
Lily giggled at Pumpkin's theatrics, nuzzling him back when he pressed into her hair, but when everyone was ready she lifted her glass and joined in the toast, a big smile on her face and feeling giddy inside. A new family being born was so exciting!

Nel was flushed but smiling, laughing weakly at the idea of so many people being willing to toast to him, for some reason. He had always been friendly but quiet, living easily enough once he found his way but more comfortable around dragons than people. To have all of his friends at the Dragonry, and the friends and now family that he had around him in that very room, and even a dragon to call his own - he felt very blessed, and very happy. Words couldn't adequately describe it.

Lily was happy to chitchat with Noah and Nel about Soot and the other dragons, while Jasper discussed remodeling plans with Mr. Jenkins - he wasn't a contractor, but he had a good eye for general structure and design, and was willing enough to give his two cents.

"Which one?" Malia responded when she could tear her eyes away from Nel and how at peace he was, fighting the urge to sigh by giving Axle a little smile instead. "There's been so many I've lost count. Shift changes and personnel swapping is in the works. Our team should be getting sent out sooner rather than later, if all goes well." They needed that new crystal quickly, after all. Hopefully in the next couple of days, everything would come together.
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"Oh! Well - all of them, I suppose," Axle said with a chuckle. "Which reminds me, do you need any help with the paperwork? Sorting, maybe, or anything else?"

Pumpkin slid off Lily's shoulder eventually and padded over to Naga. Then he play bowed and wagged his tail, inviting her to play with him. He hadn't had a chance to interact with her much and wanted to be friends.

Noah, meanwhile, patted Nel's shoulder and grinned. "Hey. Want to see who can eat more lemon tarts?" he asked, pointing to the tray of snacks and grinning.

Soot paced for a few minutes outside the kitchen to try and keep an eye on Nel. Eventually, though, he decided Nel was safe and turned his attention back to Chaital and Infernus. Surely they were up to something that would be fun to join in. He shyly lowered his head as he approached, tucking his wings in and rumbling softly.

Chaital was in the midst of sunbathing. On hearing Soot rumble, she lazily swished a tail and slowly flapped one wing, inviting him to join her.
"Paperwork is the bane of my existence," Malia said dryly, fighting the urge to roll her eyes just at the thought. Of the many things she enjoyed about helping to run the Dragonry, administration had never been her true goal. Clerical duties had never stopped being annoying and tedious, she had just learned to force herself into doing them anyway. "I wouldn't say no to some assistance, if you'd like. If you could, I might ask a favor of you, actually. Would you be willing to keep some of it here, hidden away? You and I and the Grandmaster of the Riders' Association know that forming a retrieval party to go and find a new power crystal is in everyone's best interests, but much of it will have to remain a secret until it's all said and done." She could likely get in trouble, as could many others, and while she wasn't worried about herself, as she wasn't technically any sort of official authority to the powers that be in Upper Floaten, there were lists of names for those that collaborated to form the party which she would prefer to keep hidden.

While Nobu looked over with interest when Pumpkin approached, Naga only shuffled her weight between different feet, looking back and forth between Jasper and the small dragon and trying to decide if she should wait for table scraps or just leave. If she stayed by her human's feet until he stopped eating, surely she would get something for being good.

Jasper looked down at Pumpkin when the little dragon tried to entice Naga to play, giving him a small, uncertain smile. "I don't know if you want to poke that particular bear, buddy." Naga was considerably less gentle than Nobu was, less used to play, and more prone to resource guarding. He was her size and was used to her being rough, but Jasper wasn't so sure about Pumpkin.

Nel glanced over when Noah tapped at him, laughing softly at the instigation, and gave his head a shake. "I don't want to fight a losing battle," he said, amused. "I think I'll just take one or two."

Lily sputtered a little laugh, surprised at the immediate forfeit, and pointed a finger at Noah. "He's got you pegged already. I bet you could out-eat anyone at this table when it comes to desserts!" Given the things that his father liked to make, she couldn't blame him for having a sweet tooth.

Infernus had laid near Chaital but with his head still held up, relaxed but alert as he usually was during what were normally working hours. He didn't mind keeping his saddle in case Lily needed it, and had only settled in and watched Soot pacing for a little while. He gave the darker dragon a little chuff and reached his neck a bit closer as if to extend an invitation for Soot to come closer, but they were free to do as they liked. Soot could wander off if he wanted to, or lie down and relax in the sun with them. He was new to having a human to worry over, and would eventually learn not to be quite so concerned about being apart.