Blind Hearted

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Patrick kissed her with a fiery passion, his tongue dancing eagerly around her mouth. The flavour of it was heavenly to him and he was increasingly aroused by the energy of it all. He was inexperienced, he knew, so he acted purely on primal instinct. As she grew more accepting, he became more vulnerable to her exploring hands.

Feeling a need for air, he disconnected their kiss, his nose taking in a deep, refreshing breath of oxygen. Unintentionally, his forehead fell against her, their eyes meeting. Although he couldn't see, there was pure emotion in those milky blue eyes. Emotions only she could see, he was certain. In books he read, you could easily judge a person's nature and feelings by their eyes.

Not wanting to force her into anything she didn't want to do, he showed some restraint with his hands, keeping them on her hips. He dearly wanted to do otherwise with them. Patrick then made an affectionate nuzzling with his nose against hers, a love drunk smile on his face.
Rebecca was lost in his kiss, a happy sigh blending into it as she let her tongue explore his mouth as well. She could kiss him for forever and never tire of his delightful taste. If it weren't for the increasing need for air she just might have kissed him for forever, but as soon as he pulled back she took a loud deep breath greatfully, panting slightly as she looked into his eyes.

Even though he was blind there was so much swimming in them, so much emotion. She let his forehead rest against her's as she looked into his eyes quietly, a stray hand running gently through his hair, petting him absentmindedly. A small and light giggle filled her as he nuzzled his nose against her, Rebecca happily returning the gesture while she leaned in closer to him. She seemed just as love drunk as he was which she didn't mind at all as she placed another light kiss on his lips. It was much more innocent and than the one before but it held just as much emotion as the first.
The tender kiss Rebecca placed onto his lip was sweet innocent, making his mouth twitch into a soft smile. A quiet grunt was heard in the back of his throat, vocalizing his pleasure towards her combing his hair with her fingers. Every affectionate gesture she made was exciting for him, some different ways from others. Girls who acted like that for him did it out of pity, which grew really old really fast.

"I think I'm in love," he said in a silly whisper, laying back against the couch lazily. "I have an angel in my lap. I just know it."

After a slight chuckle, he pulled her hips closer to him, making it so her pelvis was pressed the bulge in between his legs. Patrick feared the possibility of doing something stupid due to his handicap, but the things he knew he couldn't mess up were done with delight. At this moment, he wished he could see her. There was nothing more tantalizing than the thought of a beautiful woman seated on him who shared the same desires as he.

"Don't be shy, Rebecca," he whispered, half smiling. One of his hands then found hers after traveling along her body in search of it, his fingers lacing with hers. "You can guide my hands. If you want, I mean..."
Rebecca blushed and smiled as he called her an angle, a smile spreading over her face. She leaned into him and placed another sweet and short kiss on his lips before she spoke lightly.

"I would have to agree, for I seem to be sitting on top of an angle as well."

When he pulled her hips closer she felt her blush deepen, feeling his groin pressing into her and making her shiver a bit. She could feel her heart starting to race in her chest as she started to excited as well, her own groin getting hotter as she felt the urge to make him touch her more. When he grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together a bit of confidence filled her. She pulled back a bit and reached for his other hand, grabbing it and moving both of them toward her. She let his fingers slip under the edge of her shirt and used it to lift it up a bit before finally rest him them on her stomach, her chest only a few inched above the.

"You don't be shy either...You can touch as much as you like, I don't mind." She said softly as she pulled her hands away and returned them to his hair, leaning in once more and him deeply, returning to the passionate and long kisses from before.
Patrick couldn't hold back his brief look of shock when she set his hands beneath her shirt. They were set onto her stomach instead of her chest, but he was still surprised no less than he would have been if she did! She had the personality of a bashful girl... Something he did must have given her confidence. That was a rewarding feeling, and it must have been just as nice for her.

"O-Okay," he quietly replied before his lips were claimed. Patrick sighed pleasantly against her mouth and let his tongue move forward to mingle with hers, his body melting against the couch.

All the while, he slid his hands farther up until they had a breast in each hand. Eagerly, he squeezed them and relished the warmth of them in his rough palms. The flesh was then kneaded slowly, working to make the tips of her breasts harden under his hands. 'So soft... So beautiful...' he thought to himself.
Rebecca shivered a bit at the feel of his hands running over her skip before a soft moan vibrated in her throat. Her skin was warm and soft and her breasts were more than sensitive at this point. Her skinw as quickly covered in goosebumps from his touch and the tips of her breasts stiffened from the lightest of his touches. Her face continued to get hotter as he continued to knead and squeeze, her hair holding onto his hair tightly. She kept her lips attached to his as their tongues rubbed against each other, allowing her to taste him again. As the touching went on she could feel her heart beating fast her and her body getting hotter, an urge for more getting bigger. She let her fingers loosen on his hair before running down his sides and searching for the hem of his shirt. She wanted, needed to touch him, she wanted to feel his skin more and revel in the feel of it, to somehow make him feel as good as she felt. Her hands shyly moved up his shirt and started to explore, rubbing and touching his stomach as she moved her way up.
Patrick was kissing her with a fiery passion, his nostrils taking in and letting out air heavily to help his gasping lungs. Breaking the kiss was being avoided as long as possible. Her flavour was a delight and he could sense the emotion in their kisses. Carnal desires were taking him over, however he wasn't going to let himself go at her like a monster. Patrick was going to savour each and every moment they were sharing. His blindness wasn't going to burden him...

The massaging of her breasts paused so he could take either of her nipples in between his fingers. At a quick pace, he pinched them to excite her. He also pulled them twisted, creating broken patterns with every motion. Very swiftly, he pulled the shirt over her head so her bare torso was at his access. Rebecca's skin was hot to the touch, so he didn't worry about her getting cold. He would keep her warm.

A small amount of worry entered his mind when she pulled up his shirt to caress his front. Would she like how he looked and felt? Was he physically attractive by her standards? The doubt was cleared from his mind as she touched him, though. Her fingers traced along the lines of muscle, sending ticklish, yet pleasant, sensations through him.

His mouth soon left hers, his mouth making breathless sounds when he did. There was saliva coating his lips, all of which he fondly licked at. Within those milky, blue eyes, there was noticeable lust swimming around the irises. While he felt hungry, he also felt loved. No words could properly describe how deeply he was falling in love with this woman.
Rebecca quickly caught on to the breathing through her nose, making sure that their lips didn't part for anything at all. His flavor was just as addicting as it had been a few minutes before, and she could feel everything in their kiss. His emotions seemed to be poring out physically rather than vocally and she was perfectly fine with that. She wasn't entirely sure she could form a proper sentence now as his hands worked her breasts. When he paused in his kneading she let out a small groan of displeasure, onlt for it to be replaced by a surprise squeak, she hadn't expected him to play with her breasts like that!

Small broken gasps and sighs slipped out as he twisted and pulled, her body twitching eagerly with every tug he made. She didn't seem to notice her shirt being pulled off, she was far to warm to be affect by the cool air at this point. She continued to touch, even as he played with her breasts, doing her best to make him feel as good as she did. When he pulled his lips away a small whine seemed to slip out. Her eyes were glazed over a bit, a little pleasure drunk from his teasing. She was weak to his touch, especially since this was her first time, everything was knew and her brain wasn't exactly prepared for the feeling overload, to her body's instincts seemed to know exactly what to do.

She could see the lust in his eyes, as well as the love. That look alone sent a shiver up her spine. Her heart felt so full that she was certain it would burst if she didn't look away from him. She panted a little as she pressed her forehead into his gently her eyes looking into his lovingly.

"Patrick..." She said weakly, unable to think of anything else. She hoped he would understand, or at least respond in some way...there was no turning back now for wither of them, for she was certainly that she was falling head over heels in love for this man in front of her.
A distant smile crept onto his face when she meekly spoke his name, breaking the brief silence they had. His blind eyes blinked slowly as they stared in her direction, his hands slowing down on her chest. Emotions were swelling up in his chest, some of which he had to swallow as it build up in his throat. This woman... He barely knew her. Yet, he had a connection with her that he never had with anyone else. For as long as she desired to be with him, he'd give her the best days of her life.

"I love you," he whispered against her lips with sincerity. For a quick moment, he moved his hands off of her to pull his shirt from over his head and tossed it carelessly to the floor. His skin was pale like the rest of him and he wasn't ridiculously muscular like some women preferred. Life wasn't spent inactive, though. Patrick's arms were toned enough with muscle to not look lanky, plus his chest was creased to show athletic build. There were tribal looking marks that stretched from his shoulders to his pecks, the designs being navy blue swirls with aquamarine polka dots outside of them. The marks were symbols of his heritage and branded what he was in the realm he once called home. However, they could very easily be mistaken for tattoo ink. Patrick had no idea what they looked like and often times forgot they even existed, because of his handicap.

When he reached out to touch her again, his palms met on her arms. From there, he moved them to her back, his fingers caressing her skin and tracing along her spine. He also moved his face to her chest until his lips touched a breast. From the top of it, he created a trail of kisses, the series of them ending at the hardened tip. Immediately, he wrapped his lips around it and sucked, his voice groaning lustfully as he did so. Like he expected, she tasted divine.

In fact, he wanted to tell her that. For a brief moment, his lips let go of her nipple so he could whisper hotly, "Rebecca... Baby, you're so good." His breath was warm over the saliva soaked nipple, which he gladly took back into his mouth, the tip of his tongue flicking over it.
Rebecca couldn't help but smile back at him, it was just infectious. She breathed slowly as she looked into his eyes and felt her heart full of emotion. Being with him, right at the moment, felt like heaven. Even though they had only meet the other day, even though she barely knew anything about him, it felt right to do this, to let him touch her like this, and the 'I love you' from his lips sealed the deal. She sat back a bit to allow him to remove his shirt, her eyes quickly taking in the body before her.

He wasn't built like other men, but he was still built. His arms were toned and his stomach was lightly muscled, making him look rather dashing and handsome. She felt herself swoon a moment before she let her hands reach out and touch his chest. She lightly traced the markings on his chest curiously, her fingers just barely touching him as she followed the swirls slowly.

"I love you too..." She said softly as she continued to trance and follow the marks over his body as he touched her arms and pulled her closer again.

She shivered and sighed lightly as he hands moved up her spine and his face pressed into her chest. She shivered roughly as he as he kissed all over her breasts, a small squeek escaping as he took a nipple into her mouth. The sensation was unbelieveable. She had not expected to feel this at all. Her face anf body only seemed to get hotter as he complimented her, another small gasp slipping out when he put his lips back onto her breast. She let out a weak moan as he sucked and licked, one arm wrapping around his head gently as the other held onto the back of the couch for support. She could feel herself shivering against him as she pressed into him a little, her voice becoming light and airy as she spoke.

"Ah~ Patrick...that feels...good."
Patrick continued to pleasure her, with his mouth on one breast and a hand on the other. The words she gave to him lit a fire in his heart and urged him to keep going. Since he couldn't see, he relied heavily on voices to know how to proceed many things. It delighted him that she let words flow for him.

After a moment longer, he moved his mouth from her breast, a hot sigh washing over it. "That feels good, babe?" he asked softly, running his tongue along the hardened tip. "I love the way you talk to me."

Without a doubt, Patrick was extremely aroused. It was sensible not only in his pants, but in his voice. Tenderly, he put a kiss in between her breasts, his lips smiling fondly against her skin. Being able to touch her, even taste her this intimately was amazing.

Playfully, he nipped at the skin of her chest before laying back with a small smile, his milky eyes blinking at her as if he was staring. His chest was heaving due to heavy breaths, which he was hastily trying to steady so he could do more for her. All the while, he was wondering what to do for her...
She gasped and sighed softly as he touched her and teased her. She couldn't help but voice the pleasure she was feeling, especially since he would do more when ever she spoke. She shivered lightly as his breath teased her, making her let out another happy sigh. She looked down at him, blushing deeply as she watched him as he kissed her chest lightly and smiled, just leaning into her for a moment before he pulled back and stared up at her with his blind eyes. She could still feel the buldge under her and she knew what that meant...

She couldn't help feeling a little guilty though, he was doing everything at the moment as she hadn't done anything yet. She wasn't even sure where she could start. She wasn't exactly skilled in this department, she was just going with whatever happened. She wasn't going to leave it all up tp Patrick though, for the obvious reasons, there would be a point where she would have to step up and take charge for the sake of continuing this wonderful feeling. She wiggled a bit in his lap for a second as she looked at him uncertainly.

"Patrick...Is there anything I can do to...make you feel good too?" She asked him softly as she watched him catch his breath.
The innocence Rebecca had was reintroduced when she asked him what she should do. From books he read and emotionless experiences he had with women, he knew what she could do for him. Depending on him to lead wasn't the wisest decision because of his handicap, however he'd do whatever he could to make things comfortable for her. Nothing was going to happen if he just sat there expectantly!

While one hand searched around for her hand, his other worked at undoing the button of his jeans. His erection nearly popped right out of his boxer shorts when he pulled the zipper down, but it stayed contained behind the fabric anyhow. Once he found her hand, he carefully guided it to his pelvis and wrapped her thin fingers around it. Patrick was even mindful enough to not shove her hand into his underwear, like some men might.

"You see how hard I am for you?" he asked huskily, moving her fingers along the length. Just from that simple touch, he was already turning vulnerable for her. His head rested back on the couch, exposing his neck to her as well as his bare chest. Basically, he was offering all of his body to her.

"A-All you have to do is... Touch," Patrick told her quietly, unwrapping his hand from hers.
Rebecca watched shyly as he grabbed her hand and unzipped his pants, even in her pleasure drunk state she was able to put it together and know what was about to happen. She felt her heart sudden'y jump into her neck, thumping in her ears loudly as she felt his erection under her fingers. She could feel herself freezing up as she stared at her, her mind going a bit blank from nervousness. However, his obvious enjoyment of her touch made her feel a little better about herself. She looked at him for a second, watching him just lay back and allow her control, before she looked back down. This was a mission now, at least in her eyes. She was going to make Partick feel good no matter what it took.

She slowly started to move her fingers along his lenght, appling gentle pressure to it as she wrapped her fingers around hit completely. Her other hand just wandered where ever there was a plance to touch, sometimes she would wander over the tip, others she would place it on his stomach to support herself as she focused just on pumping him. She listened to him intently, looking for any sign telling her that she was doing good or bad.
Patrick tensed for a moment when she began to work his member, all muscles in his body flexing. It didn't take long for him to relax again, though. With a soft, blissful sigh, he became putty in the palm of her hand. When she'd brush over the tip, he'd shudder. Warm fluids began to ooze from the head, sure to slide messily along the shaft the longer she pumped him.

"Th-That's good, Rebecca," he told her breathlessly, a hand gripping the arm of his couch. Embarrassingly, he realized how quickly his body was building an orgasm. A woman didn't touch him like this in a very long time after all. Still, he put his mind to the desire not to. There was so much more he wanted to do with her before that time came.

A shaking hand reached for her, stroking along her silky skin. It wrapped around her breast for a moment to fondle it, his bottom lip trembling as he moaned for her. The massage was brief though, as his hand slid farther down, finding the waistband of her panties. Curious to know if she was wet, he slipped a finger into her underwear, petting along her sex to learn how she'd react.
Rebecca could feel her face heatting up as she watched him sigh with pleasure, the expression on his face telling her she was doing something right after all. She pumped a little faster and kept a steady pace as she noted the the head start to get wet. She assumed it was a good sign and continued to stroke and touch, having more confidence when she told her it felt good.

She shivered a bit as he touched her chest once again and kneaded it for a moment. She felt his hands slowly move down her body and slip into the hem of her panties, making her heart beat quickly. She shivered and let out a small sigh as she felt him touch her crotch. She had gotten rather wet from his earlier teasing, as her underwear was a little stick from it. As he stroked her, her movements became a little choppy, his hand being a big distraction for her as she pumped him.

"P-Patrick~..." She murmured softly as he rubbed her, her hips pressing down into his hand a little more as a natural reaction.
Patrick smiled smugly as she mumbled his name and lost track of the speed she created on his erection. That was no disappointment to him. In fact, it was the opposite! From just putting a finger against her damp sex, he got her distracted. He cooed with delight as she ground against his hand, smothering it with her fluids. She was certainly wet enough to take him inside of her, but wanted to pleasure her still and better prepare her for what they'd do. Clearly, he was going to be her first; he was going to do things right.

"Relax, baby..." An arm wrapped around her waist to keep her still and coordinated, then his middle finger pushed against her entrance and buried itself in it. Patrick gasped at the feel of her tightness around his digit, the depths of her ultimately warm and silky. For a few seconds, he let himself feel proud of himself. He caused that wetness!

At a steady tempo, his finger moved in and out. His member began to twitch in her hand with desire to be pleasured; to be fucked. Patrick's mouth also desired something... Quickly, he slid his finger out of her and moved it into his mouth, his tongue licking up her flavour. During so, his other hand was working at her underwear to pull it off, just letting them bunch at her legs since she was positioned over him.

"You taste wonderful," he said huskily, burying his finger into her once more. "Mmm... Just let me know when you're ready for me."

Patrick would doubtlessly need help situating himself, if she expected him to be atop of her. Being unable to see and hazy from sexual desire wouldn't get them anywhere!
Rrebecca was at his mercy now as he started to rub her sex. She was finding it hard to concentrate on anything when he did that, the pleasure was just too much! She looked down at him a bit nervously as he wrapped his arm around her and held her in place. She gave a gasp as her bodu jolted with surprise, not having expected him to stick his finger inside.

A loud moan slipped out as he pumped his finger in and out, her sex twitching madly against his hand. When she felt his member twitching in her hands she started to pump him once more, doing best to stay focused. She gave a small whimper when he pulled his finger out, only for her to blush as she watched him lick it clean. She didn't care that she was now completely naked or that she was forgetting to keep her hand at a steady pace, all that mattered was what she felt.

"P-patrick~...I...I..." She stumbled out as she pressed her forehead against his.

It was time. She couldn't wait any longer. She need him so badly that her heart felt like it was going to burst. She looked into his eyes and waited for him to tell her what to do.
Only a moment later did he withdraw his hand from her, the skin of his hand glistening with sweetness. That hand went to his erection, which he smothered with her juices, his body tingling with delight as he briefly pleasured himself. The fluids were warm on his cock and they combined with what his own sex produced due to her pumping. Patrick licked at one of his fingers, curious to know how they tasted together. It was a perfect duo of flavour he wanted to share with her.

"Try it," he said hypnotically, his voice laced with demand. Reaching out for her mouth didn't seem wise; he feared the possibility of getting something else dirty.

Once she did, he used that same hand to grip his member and hold it still, his other arm wrapping tightly around her waist. She was just inches above him, allowing the tip of him to stroke teasingly at her entrance. "Ease yourself onto me, baby. Take your time," Patrick instructed lustily. "I'll make sure you're comfortable."
Rebecca had pulled her hand away from his erection and rested it on the couch as well, finally realizing that it was pointless to try and fucus with him playing around with her sex. When he pulled his hand away as let out a small whimper, sad that he had stopped. Those her displeasure was quickly silenced as she watched him started to stroke himself with the very hand he had used to please her. Her eyes were quickly glued to it as she watched, following the hand as it pulled away and was brought up to his mouth.

Suddenlt her throat went dry as he licked his hand and then told her to do it. She hesitated for a moment, not completely sure is she should, but she couldn't bring herself to disobey. She leaned in slowly and ran her tongue over his fingers, cleaning it just like she had done with the chocolate from the cake. She had to admit, it tasted wonderful, much more than she thought it would.

She looked down as his hand pulled away and grabbed his erection, preparing himself for the main event. She shivered as his other arm wrapped around her tightly and held her in place. She was just above him, one small move of her him would close the space quickly. A small moan slipped past her lips as he rubbed the tip at her enterance, teasing her. She could feelt her heart beating in her chest, thumping in her ears from her nervousness. They said that the first time was always painful, and this would be no different with Patrick, that thought alone made her hesitated with her movement. But the thought of feeling like she had with his hand kept coming back and she was torn. With a loud gulp and a deep breath she lowered her hips, slowly pushing him into her.