Bleach RP 3 - IC Thread

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Izuru follows his captain obediently and the two of them make their way traveling to the 2nd division. He feels nervous of course, knowing that Soifon is intimidating enough as it is, but the fact she's going to just be coming off from being on edge during most likely some very heated battles, she's going to most likely be looking fiercely towards any surprise, like Yoshitaka is about to do. He keeps to himself though, as it's not his place.

Ashido is thinking quietly to himself while Senna and Rukia talk.

Rukia "Yeah it has been a while. And I've been doing fine. How about you Senna?" She holds her hand out to Senna as well seeing Senna's hand.
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The woman immediately looked over her shoulder as she pulled the from part of her rather short top down. She felt the male she was just talking to closely examinine her back. Did her tattoo catch his interest? He was without a doubt an arrancar official -though she didnt see his tattoo any where whatsoever yet- because of his uniform and she was going to punch him in the face once more but didnt do so, thinking that he would become infuriated, not to mention he is superior in status/rank since he is an arrancar.

"Let go." Nel said in a demanding tone, standing still as to be sure not to do anything offensive or anger grimmjow. Really, she was quite the peaceful type and wished not to fight. Though she didnt speak any further about the tattoo since it was obviously apparent that she was no longer a 'high ranked arrancar'.
Grimmjow releases the woman's shirt when he got a good look at the tattoo. He did not know what to think about it. ~ this woman, she was with enemy ~ he shakes his head and looks back at the woman. " why do you have a number? " He did not realize he was pulling the woman's shirt towards him. This was not Because he was mad, it was just a reflex . He leans forward getting into her face.

When Yoshitaka reaches the 2nd squad barracks He leaps onto the roof so he could see into there garden. still wearing his captains uniform as a cape he takes a deep breath. " SOIFON!!!!! MY DARLING " He yells while placing both hands on his hips.
Nel turned around, surprised by the closeness yet giving grimmjow a straight face."Isn't it obvious? I was once a high ranked arrancar. The first and original holder of Tres." Answered nelliel as she raised a hand and poked his chest."Why, do you care? I am of no use to fight or catch Lord Aizen's interest anymore." She paused."Further more, it should be obvious that my role was taken from me." Shrugged nel."What number are you?" She asked putting her hand down since grimmjow was the one who forcefully took her to get a look of her tattoo.
Grimmjow smirks after hearing her explanation " high rank? yhea righ...." when he notices her mask had bin cracked he could not help and think back about one of his own fraccion . " that explains why you looked like a little brat" He releases her shirt and sneers when he hear the woman speak about Aizen " screw that bastard . i am king now " he says holding his fist up. He looks back at the woman " it dosent matter what number i was.. those weaklings cannot compare to my power now. " he began to think about the remaining espada "They're all cowards, every damn one of them. Whatever. I'll just consume them. As they become my flesh and blood, they will see beyond. I... I am the king!"
Nelliel stared at him then scoffed ever so slightly."You talk to much with confidence. Don't be such a cocky ass." She commented boldly."Especially when Ichigo defeated you." The female added as she crossed her arms."Don't let your confidence over take you now. Not to mention the defeat from him shoulda really changed you." Nel explained."With cockiness like that, You're the type of person who'll lose in life. You will never learn -how- to accept fate as it is and will always try and take the chances over and over to becoming 'king'. A role that is merely impossible, let alone surreal. You're no king. just a tyrant who wants attention. You're just like Nnoitra." Said the girl as she stood there and stared at grimmjow."You don't become king by having superior strength and power. You earn the role. Even a child would know that." Finally finishing, Nelliel decided to roam around and turned on her toes, proceeding to walk slowly."I do not wish to fight. Just giving.. Advice you can say."
Grimmjow stands there in a dazed not knowing to say. In his head he thought that even if hearing it from that woman ~ it was true ~ He watches as she walks away placing his hands back into his pocket . " nel huh " Grimmjow says as he begins to grin again. before he she gets to far away he yells " THE NAMES grimmjow jeagerjaques ! " He watches as she gets further away before turning and walking away.
{ I like how grimmjow yells XD.
Nel has made a new friend~ }

Nelliel stopped and looked over her shoulder."Grimmjow.. Jeagerjaques." She whispered to herself with a smile before continuing her walk."Lets see. Wonder what I'll find." Said nelliel to herself. She then looked up at the sky while walking."Huh.. Hopefully I'll bump into my new friend later. As for right now, hopefully I'll bump into a new friend." She grinned childishly to herself then stopped and turned around."Actually. Should I catch up to that guy..?" Nel muttered as she was lowly talking to herself. She pondered for a moment. He couldn't possibly be to far now."Or adventure and then grimmy.. Heh! Grimmy! His new nickname!" Nel laughed to herself rather amusingly.

{ should nel catch up to grimmjow? o_o I dunno anymore <_< I'll let you decide }
( ill make it easier for you)

Grimmjow was actually following the woman hoping it would lead him to Ichigo, he listens to her as she talks to her self " hmph what a fre" His eyes burst open when he hears the comment about the nick name. not being able to control his temper he punches the rock that he was hiding behind " WHAT YOU CALL ME YOU LITTLE TWERP!!!! " he yells as the rock crumbles in front of him. He holds one of his fist up " don't you ever call me that again"
Becoming startled, nel turned around."EHH? Geez! Ok, ok... Grumpy Grimmy." She muttered his nickname very lowly before shaking her head."Wait.. Grumpy grimmy?" Nel pointed as she raised an eyebrow before throwing her hands up in the air and nearly running over to him, Hugging him rather tightly. But not as tight as the 'death hug' she gave ichigo."GRIMMMY! YOU'RE BACK!" She yelled happily before stopping with her hands on his shoulders."Wait... You followed me?" She asked quietly before twitching and smacking him across the face."Oi! WHAT THE HELL!--WHY?" The female shouted, hands over her hips as she leaned forward.
~ im going to kill her, NO damit she can lead me to Kurosaki ~ Is what Grimmjow thought when he hears the woman taunting him with that cursed nickname. " shut u.. " when she hugs him Grimmjow glared at the woman ~ did she just hug me ~ When he was about to say something he gets smacked in the face. " wh.........." At this point Grimmjows left eye started to twitch . "" He pinches both of her cheeks and began pulling them in different directions making it look like she was making weird faces " YOU BIG BREASTED GOAT!!!!!!"

( i could not think of another insult lol )
( It made me laugh XD )

Nelliel eyed him irritably. The female used her left hand to pull his hair back, and her right hand to hold onto grimmjow's wrist, slightly stopping him from pinching one of her cheeks so she can talk."T..-- TEME!" She yelled before quickly adding the first thing that came to mind."AT LEAST NEL DOESNT HAVE A HOLE ON HER BODY!" Nel then released grimmjow's hair and stuck her hand through his hollow hole."GRUMPY'S HOLLOW HOLE SCARES GIRLS AWAY!" She proceeded to childishly and furiously add in foolish insults, barely giving the man a chance to speak.


shouted nel as she flailed her arms around.
Izuru watches his captain and hears Yoshitaka calling out to Soifon and calling her that. He puts his hand to his face and says under his breath "Here we go.." He then jumps up onto the roof and gulps as he looks around for Soifon knowing her reaction is not going to be pretty hearing that, Izuru basing that on as her reaction never was a pleased one hearing that coming from Yoshitaka.
" wha..... " Getting his haired pulled only caused Grimmjow to pull harder on her cheek. As the woman sticks her arm through his hollow hole He glares at her " dam you......... errrr" Hearing her call him that name again and her actions grimmjow could not help but laugh " hah ... then let me make you some holes of your own...... wha?" " shu...." "HE...." YOU W...." ~ im so going to kill her ~ he thought as she continued to yell out random things . He places one of his hands on her shoulders when he hears the comment about him being a wannabe number six. " SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!" with out hesitation he tears the woman's shirt off before turning around and walking of muttering things to his self like " stupid goat " " green haired hasbin" when he gets a few feet away he turns around nd screams " YOU BROKEN IDIOT " At that point grimmjow dident know what he was saying.
As the shirt was ripped off and still in grimmjow's hand it was only natural for Nelliel to cover her breast. Arms securely wrapped around her in shock--Where should she even begin?! Tears were at the corner of her eyes and instinctively she turned into her child form that she was really unable to control at will before hearing grimmjow shout at her."YOU BROKEN IDIOT".

Nel, now a child immediately broke to tears, sobbing loudly. It was that guy! The guy who yelled at her was yelling again! The child nel had no memory of what happened In her 'true' form and therefore sobbed very hard."BWAHHH! ITSYGO!" The child nel cried for ichigo as if to say,'Where is he when she needed him'.".. TOOPID KITTY!" Nel screamed, coughing from yelling and crying to hard."WHY KITTY HATE NEL!? NEL IZ NICE!" Sniffled the much younger nel as she sat there on the ground throwing a fit.
( lol o so you play that card huh)

Grimmjows face fills with a confused look ~ what the hell is going on ~ he thought to his self. Seeing her cry out like that greatly annoyed him. " errr SHUT UP BRAT!" He starts to walk back towards her scratching his head and signing. He glares down at the little girl " hmph" Her shirt was torn and now it looked like just a piece of cloth so he removes his own shirt and tosses it onto her " there! now close that trap" He crouches down still glaring at the little girl. ~ maybe now this brat can give me answers~ He fixes the shirt so it would rap around her body and he could see her face " I will make you a deal brat....... show me were kurosaki is and i will let you live"
( what do you mean XD INITIALLY I WAS GONNA HAVE HER BE NORMAL AND RETRIEVE TJE SHIRT OR SOMETHING BUT THOUGHT,"Nah.. Gotta make this suitable. GM probs won't allow a women prancing around topless while Kazuaki might be like,"Srsly. No. Leave me alone. <_<" So I was debating and really thinking ouo. What were you expecting?.. We gotta plan things In PM. If you want. I'm struggling over here -with this post-. :d plus I had to squeeze child nel. *shrugs*
Why do I feel like I Cockblocked for a moment there XD

Nel eyed him. Instead of focusing on answering, the girl was sniffing
His shirt admirably, also wiping snot on the sleeves"Woahh. Kitty smells good!" The girl grinned before snapping out of it."I dunno! Itsygo belongs to that place.. The place that wear the same outfit as him!" She said referring to the soul society."Right?" She adds unsure herself.
( lol ... your gonna make grimmjow look like a pervert lol. well we should head to the soulsociety to cause some trouble, nd who knows grimmjow could actually fall for the big breasted goat lol)

Grimmjow sighs thinking to his self ~ what was i even thinking~ Seeing her snot on his shirt causes his eye to twitch again ~ this brat~ He begins to think about what the girl said " uniform?" ~ she must be talking about that rat nest of shimigamis~ Ever since Aizen had lost to ichigo he was no longer able to travel through the spirit world . He scratches his " dammit" he looks back at the girl " can you take me there brat?"
( PSHHH. Mannnn nel will be giving him nose bleeds left to right without even trying. Also, we'll just pretend nel knows where S.S is XD. Maybe she like gained the soul society's trust and they foolishly doubted she would even encounter a person like grimmjow and whatnot.

Nel thought nothing of Grimmjow. Being the gullible and simple minded child, she saluted grimmjow -out of nervousness- and hopped infront of him, looking over her shoulder."THIS WAY! LETS GOOO!~" she grinned, leading him to where she first met ichigo -assuming it would be the place that would maybe lead grimmjow to the soul society-."I'll only show where I met itsygo! Maybe its there!" She grinned.

--skipping a bit--

About halfway through all the walking, and occasional running, nel suddenly fell to the ground exhausted and laid on her back."K..Kitty.. Can't do it." She whined panting. The girl raised her arms up."If you want nel to lead, you have to carry me." She said exhausted."I wanna see itsygo too." Mumbled nel.
(lol yhea sure... you just had to make this little trip difficult , XD . )

Grimmjow follows the girl thinking to his self ~ she better be right~ after a few hours " were the hell are we going?" he turns to look at her " WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" seeing that she was laying down. when he hears her call him kitty he began to get angry " why you little" after hearing the rest of what she had to say. he turns away " yhea right " he takes a few steps before turning back towards the little girl and picking her up by her head " you better be right brat!!!" Grimmjow begins holding her like a book at his side as he walks " hmph ... to think you were 3rd "