Bleach: A New Seireitei (OOC and Sign Ups) (Sign Ups Closed)

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Well, got the issue fixed for page 4, contacted a staff member and they found the problem.
Hope you don't mind what I did, Nevvy. Somewhat figured it might help bring along some interaction perhaps.
There isn't a whole lot she can do other than be pissed so it isn't really my place to mind. Makoto might not like it much but that's not really any of my business.
Well it is your character after all. Though definitely if I need to do something with a character that seems to be needing consent, I'll contact the person about it to give them a heads up and discuss it.
That's not what I meant. I can well take care of myself and am not shy to cut someone off if they overstep bounds. Its just that respecting the character is a separate matter from respecting the RPer bounds. Nothing obligates any character to be kind, considerate, understanding, or anything similar to another character... which is a pretty good thing because blind, depressive people can see things very negatively in a hurry. Makoto is going to have tons of personal struggles and there and it would be most natural if everyone just acted as they would. Taking into account her inability to really stop things to some degree is perfectly reasonable and it comes out cleaner that way.
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Ladies and Gents... you are all doing well... A new post will be coming soon so you won't need to wait too much longer...
Ladies and Gents, I regret to announce this is the end...

*waiting waiting waiting*

Just kidding... I'm very sorry for the wait though guys. Because of my work hours, I can't do all of the things I want to do... I barely get much free time. Don't quote me on this, but we might have to settle for my posts releasing on the week ends. I am deeply sorry for this everyone. Really I am... I'm not making any excuses, I'm just saying that my posts will not come as often as I'd like. I hope though that all of you continue to show interest and continue playing... again in advance everyone, I am sorry.
That's understandable. Nothing ever goes 100% smoothly anyways, and surely real life has the higher priority for anyone really. Take all the time you need in my opinion. I'm sure we're all still interested.
Well, first I'd like to know if it is temporary or permanent. If it is permanent, she shrug and deal with it. If it is temporary, we can temporarily change the posting rules and pursue a side arc of sorts with Otonashi as a more peripheral character to keep things moving and retain activity.
Ladies and gents, as of right now, I am off work until Monday so yeah... I'll be available all week end.
*Happy dance*
I'll post right now!
I'll see about making a post soon.
............... sure is quiet....
Thanks for the ability to awaken Takiko Detective Zero, but I'm going to wait one more "round" to see if there is an event to jump into. (If not, I will wake Takiko up to do some attempted conversing)
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Not really tripping over it but if this is the pace, we might as well decide on some direction.
well with healing kido, I'd assume they'd be able to do something as simple as 'jumpstarting' a brains functions along with the healing bit of anything else. Or rather, give it a little push to get going.
Unfortunately I put too much faith in my players to rely on them to actually POST! If they are going to pass in a round, the least they can do is let me know a head of time... What I was waiting on was Incubus Prince and Gavin but I got nothing from them... I'll post something tomorrow and will start up my fucking three day waiting period again. If someone had yet to post by then... I don't care I'm over ruling it... Those of you who play along and such, I thank you for your participation and continued interest and do not aim this message at you... Thank you for viewing this announcement from your Fucking Pissed off GM...
That was one reason that I was all for allowing extras in past the cap.
I apologize. I won't make any excuses, I completely forgot the rule on what dictates a "round" and wrongfully thought time was involved (not that it's based on every single player posting)

Since you are upset, you can feel free to ignore my following advice (but here it is nonetheless).

It is a sad truth that sometimes rps, for whatever reason, randomly lose players (especially here on Iwaku). Also, every player is different and has a different idea of activity (some consider themselves an active rper, even if they only pop out one post every two or more weeks).

Because of this, it would be a good idea to set up a time limit. How long the time limit is should be based on your idea of activity. Should a player post once a day? Once a week? Some time in between? Setting a time limit will weed out people who can't meet those standards, and keep the rp going for your faithful players.

However, some leeway is important too (in case a player is having a personal issue or even is simply uninspired) Perhaps have a three strike rule? Miss three rounds without warning and a player gets the boot. (I would accept a strike since I didn't properly warn you ahead of time)

Those are just suggestions from a dummy who doesn't seem to possess proper brain cells to remember a simple rule.


Xylime I hold nothing at all against you. What you've just advised to me has always been known to me and I will say now that my rounds had always been three day length before I posted again. I must confess that my -week- length post was because I was awfully busy and had thought that it was good enough time for Gavin and Prince as they had the spotlight in this area of the rp. But I'm done with that. From now on, you have three days per round to post, if a post is not made in that round you will be in MY post as an npc... If you do not post once after five rounds you are disbarred from the rp and I claim your character as an npc and a character that gets side winded. Am I understood?
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