Bleach: A New Dawn

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Asuka stood just outside the barracks, reading a book until she heard her name called by Aya, this caused her to close her book and adjust her glasses as she then walked over the where Aya was until she then dragged one of the two new people off. "Always creating so much Drama..." Asuka looked at the person left then spoke "So you're the calm and boring one? Well if that's the case then things should go smoothly here." Asuka then turned and began walking towards the barracks entrance "Follow me..." Asuka made her way to an indoor training room where a few other Squad 8 Shinigami were training. Asuka made her way to the center of the room then turned to face the new person, adjusting her glasses once again as she then spoke "So. Introduce yourself. I wish to know a bit about you before we conduct the physical test..." Asuka pulled out a small notepad and then a pen as she looked up at the new person, waiting to put their information onto the paper
Ranmaru looked at the one supposedly called Asuka and shrugged with a nod. "I suppose so." They said as they listened to Asuka and followed behind them. Ranmaru was lead to a indoor training room where a few others were currently training. They were then asked to introduce themselves before the physical test began. Ranmaru looked around for Aya before answering. "Truthfully, I am here to follow my masters dying wish of watching over Aya, the one that called me boring. The lie.... I'm here to achieve my goals of becoming a captain. My name is Ranmaru, I have been in service to my master before Aya was born, so when the Oda massacre happened, I was told to watch over her. I could go further into detail, but I think thats all that is needed for now." Ranmaru said bowing before standing up straight.
Silence, something that the Maggot's Nest didn't seem to know that it existed. Even in the depths of the prison, where the only thing that illuminates the bland, grey walls were torches of blue flames that just kept the room dim he could hear the screams and yells of other prisoners. God dammit what he would give for some fucking peace and quiet! Even in his own thoughts he couldn't escape from this awful reality that was dealt to him. Why...just why was this happening to him? Why was he cursed with this tragic fate from a long forgotten clan's actions? Why did he have to die? All of these questions kept running through his head, but in the end the answer's didn't matter nor will they ever ben answered. It was just the way things are and that's that. It would've been better if he just accepted that rather than torturing his own mind.

How long had he been in this isolated prison? A day, a week, a month? Who knows? Time moves slow when you're just sitting there staring at bars all day and night. Zheng looked down at the cuffs that held him, wooden cuffs around his wrists and ankles that kept him from using hakuda and for some reason any kido. It was impossible for him to move, just as they liked it. A slam of a metal door and a man walked into the hallway with a tray of rice grool and a cup of water. Oh great it's this fucking prick again.

The man was tall, but as fat as a cow with sagging man tits that fell against the fabric and had few strands of hair slicked back on his already balding head. As ugly this fucker was, his personality made him look like Fabio. "Oi Chiyou Zheng! You scrub here's your food." He slid the tray through a latch and Zheng went down on his knees and grabbed a spoon to eat the grey, cold slop. The man sneered at him and folded his flabby arms against his man tits. Oh how he loved it when others knelt down on their knees to eat food only suitable for pigs. "How is it? Kneeling down like a commoner to a man as great as myself."

Zheng glanced up the man, swallowing the goop. "Your mother and sister love it when I kneel down in between their legs you fat, hollow shit eating piece of fuck." He went back down to eat his dinner, only to hear the barred door open and ate a piece of foot instead, landing on his ass. Blood came out of his lip and he licked it up with his tongue before receiving another kick to the face landing on his back and kept getting stomped on his stomach over and over again unrelentingly, feeling the air keep getting knock out of him as vomit spat out of his mouth.

"You lowly cunt! Say that again! Say that again and see what happens you fucking cock sucking, ass licking commoner! Say it again!" Over and over again he stomped on Zheng's stomach with all the weight and force he had. This small time noble's eyes were filled with outrage at being insulted by a child. When he finally stopped he was panting heavily, rubbing sweat down from his brow. He looked at the child curled up in a ball, coughing and vomiting more of his lunch over the floor. "Now think better than to insult a noble, brat." Slam! The door was shut and he walked off triumphantly.

This pain...god dammit he couldn't stop vomiting. His braided pony tail came undone, leaving his hair spread out across the floor. What a pathetic sight he was lying there with a pool of his vomit and blood. He knew that he barely had a shred of dignity, but whatever dignity he still had he never gave it to that fat bastard. Not once did he beg for him to stop hurting him, not once did he cry from the overwhelming pain, nor did he even let it bother him. If he lost that pride then he truly would fall into a pit of despair that he would never be able to climb out of. He won't he won't break.

Finally regaining his strength, he sat back up and began to eat the dinner that was brought to him. It was disgusting, but he can't complain it. The bowl was empty and the glass of water was sitting by his side, barely any water was sipped. Zheng wanted to make the water last and savor it as it is not something that is given out unless it is with meals. Again he stared at the bars of his cell again and began to count them over and over again just to keep his mind preoccupied until he would drift off into sleep. Everything became hazy all of a...yawn...Zheng fell asleep with his head laid against the stone wall. At last now he had some escape from reality.

A gentle smile, the smile of a beautiful woman with long dark hair down to the waist and dark grey eyes waving off a young boy with shoulder length black hair and the same steel gray eyes. "Have fun Zheng! Make sure to come back in time for lunch okay?" She called out to the boy who smiled so brightly and waved back at her.

"I will mom! Bye bye!" He ran off away from shack made of poor quality timber found around the streets.

His mother just watched him run off and sighed, closing her eyes. "Oh please be careful..."

Oh to be a little kid! To have boundless energy to be used for playtime with other children. The young Zheng ran as fast as his bare feet could against the dirt pathway in the 72nd district of the Southern Rukongai. The district didn't have a good quality of life and it was obvious by the shacks and people dressed in rags, heck they didn't even have sandals. There was little to eat and what there was they fought and scrounged for it. Many people died everyday from famine and was hard to find a person smiling at all in these horrid conditions, but Zheng still found reason to. He had his mother and that's all he needed. Sure he was always a bit hungry and when it was cold his clothes didn't keep him very warm, but he tried to not let it bother him too much.

He just kept on running to meet his friend Daisuke or as he called him Dai, under the tangerine tree by the river. It didn't take him too long to arrive there, but where was Dai? "Dai? Oh Daaaaaaai! Where are you?!" He walked down the river calling his name, but then he noticed a crowd of older boys surrounding a white haired boy with gold eyes. Oh no not them...this group harassed the sorry kid lead by a kid named Chang-ho, a tall kid with a shaven head and a rough, mean face. He was missing two of his front teeth. "Oi get away from him!"

The group just pushing and shoving Dai around, laughing and taunting the small, scrawny child. "Oh come on, aren't you going to share those sunflower seeds with us? Your best friends?" Chang-ho spoke with such ill intent, taking pleasure in terrorizing his target. Arching his brow he turned his head to see Zheng to be running at him. A sickening sneer spread along that foul mouth of his. "Well ain't it the calvary. Beat it runt or I'll break that jaw of yours. I'm feeling generous today so why don't you scram before I change my mind?" Oh how his cronies and him laughed and laughed. The bastard wouldn't be talking shit if he didn't have anyone backing him up!

Clenching his fist tightly, he stared at Chang-ho and his goons with rage and hate. "One of these days penis breath you're gonna to get yours! I'm gonna be a captain of a squad of shinigami and when I do you'll get it! I swear it!" Zheng yelled with fierce determination, his fists held up to his face ready to fight at the drop of a hat. Oh boy he really was in for it now.

Chang-ho was not amused at this proclamation. When the rest of the group laughed he turned his head to look at them with murder in his eyes. Out of fear they stopped and remained silent as they watched their leader walk up to the younger boy. "Zheng, Zheng, Zheng...are you trying to threaten me? I see you need a dose of reality fodder. You'll never become a captain because you're weak. You can't protect your friend from us and you can't protect anyone else. For example, your mother...maybe when you're head is buried in the ground I'll go over and make her feel like a real woman." Cracking his knuckles, he charged towards Zheng. "No one here will ever be able to become someone like that. We're just animals fighting and killing just to live another day in this little slice of shit that we live in. Give up."

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Zheng released his war cry and the fight ensued. In the end Zheng was carried back by Dai back to his mother's place after receiving one hell of a beating from Chang-ho.

" should've just walked away. I would've given my sunflower seeds to Chang-ho and they would've just left us alone..." Dai sighed and leaned back against the shack's wall. Oh god how could've he gotten Zheng mixed up in this mess? Now he was being bandaged up by his mother from the savage beating he received from the goon.

He shot a glare at Dai and winced in pain as his mother tended his wounds. "It's out of principal! We've been keeping those sunflowers a secret for so long just so we could have the seeds! If we gave them to the prick then he'd just keep it up!" The stubbornness of this kid was stupid. There was no point in trying to talk to him about it. Even if he tried to fight back he just got beaten to a pulp by the bully. Ugh god fucking dammit he just couldn't win no matter what!

"No cursing!" His mother slapped one of Zheng's wounds, causing him to cry out in pain slightly. Dai and Zheng remained in silence for the rest of the time. His friend decided he should head back home and left him to be bandaged up. Once he was gone, Zheng began to shake and looked down at the dirt floor he was sitting on, little drops of tears hit the ground. "Sweetie what's wrong?" She spoke so soothingly as she held her boy close to her and stroked his hair.

"I-I-I hate being this weak!" The child croaked out. "I c-can't protect myself, Dai, you, or anyone! I w-w-want to b-be strong! I want to be someone that everyone in this forsaken place that can be looked up to as someone who started from living here and become a captain! I want to make these people feel like that life just isn't hopeless! That they have a chance too!" Zheng broke out sobbing, feeling his mother stroking his hair and holding him close as she turned his head so that he could cry on her shoulder. "And most of all I want to make people like Chang-ho pay! People who prey on the weak to survive because they are stronger shouldn't exist! I hate this world that we live in! I want to change it!"

She just held him and rocked him back and forth gently as her child let out his frustrations and anger towards the world that they live in. " There sweet, sweet boy. You really are good son." She smiled and kissed his forehead and started to recite something.

"Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul."

She smiled sweetly at him and pat his head. "When you are in times strife my son just recite this poem. You're someone that I know will change the world so don't lament yet. Time will make you stronger." She slid off her golden bangles, something quite unusual for someone wearing rags to have and placed them around Zheng's wrists. "You'll make better use of them then I ever wish I could. Promise me you'll be-"

The dream was disrupted with Zheng's face falling down onto the dirt floor of his cell. "Seriously...fucking hell." He looked up at the bars again, but for the first time since he arrived in the Maggot's Nest he smiled. "I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul." Almost as if he had lost it he began to mutter the entire poem over and over again as if it was a sutra. No matter what happens, no matter what hell he'll go through he shall not give up on hope. He shall not let.
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Kurisu watched as Nadameru flew off across the ground from Kurisu's Hakuda. He noted how she managed to keep a hold of her Zanpakuto, clearly he'd see why soon enough. "I wouldn't be a Captain if I could be outmatched by a graduate..." Kurisu then chuckled as he watched Nadameru activate her Shikai, it seemed to have an interesting form...Nadameru then rushed towards Kurisu. Kurisu then picked up on the sound of something whistling, that was when what appeared to be a whip of water came into view, Kurisu then noted Nadameru using her Shikai to perform an attack from above...clearly trying to hit him two places at once. Kurisu narrowed his eyes before they widened with both the attacks cutting through him yet his appearance then faded leaving behind only his Haori as Kurisu then pointed his Zanpakuto at the back of Nadameru's head "I'd say you got some skill...but you can either choose to end this here...or continue with the risk that I no longer stick to simple tricks and skills...the choice is yours"
She felt confident that her attack would force a strong reaction from her cousin: It felt good, and she knew that no other person she'd sparred with had ever matched her, once she'd let Shizukana Kōu out of its Shikai form. She was right, although a part of her was disappointed that she hadn't even forced him to sweat, or to even tap him with the whip of water. Not that she should be able to, but part of her arrogance had her with just the slightest inkling of a chance that she could force him to take a blow or something.

With the point of Kurisu's Zanpakutō against her head, she was frozen in spot by the instinct of not-getting-stabbed. For a moment, she contemplated Kurisu's words before the spirit of Shizukana Kōu bellowed through her mind. "What are you waiting for? Keep fighting. He is close enough, so try another lash of water!" There was a sort of excited, prideful aggression to the voice of her Zanpakutō spirit. He was eager for more of the battle: more so than Nadameru had ever felt him act before.

"But there is no way I'm gunna win. Why keep fighting?"

"Why?! You might never get a chance like this again. To clash with him on this level, and to test ourselves against him...I want to make him unleash his sword's spirit. I want to see the shape of his Zanpakutō!" The rings of Shizukana Kōu's blade seemed to vibrate in anticipation of the fight: Shuddering almost as much as a real body might.

"That sounds boring. I'm done."

"Wait, What!? How dare you toss aside this fight like some game. This is not Ov- " The voice of Shizukana Kōu was cut off as Nadameru twirled the Naginata towards the floor and pointed its blade into the ground. As soon as the blade touched the wood, it seemed to transform back into the normal form as a Katana.

"You were awesome, Cousin. I'm honoured to have gotten to spar with you. I'll have to work harder so that next time, I force you to use your Shikai too." She chuckled lightly, having already shrugged off the anger of her Zanpakutō as if it were nothing.
Takara pouted her face when she started falling. "Cheater!" She shouted before falling face first on the ground, which made her tap her leg on the ground in pain before standing up and eyeing him. She tried to think of many ways to break through his defenses, but all of them seemed futile.... all except one. She started laughing quite evilly as she skipped towards him. "Ahhh my prince is stronger than ever. Its so lovable." She said winking at him before shunpoing behind him trying to knee him in the back of the head.
Despite Takara's attempt to break his defense Kenta remained still. His head covered the back of his head blocking her knee. All he did was straighten himself and open his eyes. He stared forward, narrowing his eyes. He took a couple steps forward. "What? Think I got shit in my ears?...I can hear you." There was nothing but silence. It would make anyone think Kenta was crazy until ten hooded figures stepped from the trees into the clearing. Their movements were completely silent even as he they hit bushes, and crushed leaves underneath their feet. "Oh, we're fully aware that you can hear us...atleast in your mind. The girl, maybe as well," they all said in unison. Their voice was calm, and clear, yet low at the same time. "Great, more shit to make me seem crazy," Kenta mumbled as he rubbed the back of his head. He let his arm drop before speaking clearly, "What are you here for?"

"You, Kenta," they simply replied.

"Me?" Kenta asked, immediately his mind traveled to Lelouch. Was he behind this? He decided not to think too much on it as he wanted to hear their reasoning first.

"The mad man is of no problem," they said. Kenta could hear the smirk in their voice...however that could happen. "Unlike him, we have your well well as your best interest at heart. We want to help you regain your memory of her."

Their voice was so calm that Kenta felt it was right to trust them, but he still held his guard. And while they didn't outright state who she was, he knew who they were talking about. He did want to learn more about the women he hardly had memory of, and apparently they knew as well. "And what's in it for you? I doubt you just want to help."

After his question there were small mumbles, Kenta couldn't understand. There was a silence before they spoke again, "It is fair for you to know. She was something like a mother to us. We tracked the last person recorded to be with her, that person being you. By restoring your memories, Kenta Makoto, we will know what has happened to our mother figure. And we can finally be at peace." Kenta took a second before nodding. He looked back at Takara, apologizing for if she couldn't hear any of it. He also told her to wait for him before he walked forward to the ten figures. They walked into the trees, soon fading away...literally.
Ranmaru looked at the one supposedly called Asuka and shrugged with a nod. "I suppose so." They said as they listened to Asuka and followed behind them. Ranmaru was lead to a indoor training room where a few others were currently training. They were then asked to introduce themselves before the physical test began. Ranmaru looked around for Aya before answering. "Truthfully, I am here to follow my masters dying wish of watching over Aya, the one that called me boring. The lie.... I'm here to achieve my goals of becoming a captain. My name is Ranmaru, I have been in service to my master before Aya was born, so when the Oda massacre happened, I was told to watch over her. I could go further into detail, but I think thats all that is needed for now." Ranmaru said bowing before standing up straight.
Asuka listened to Ranmaru speak and wrote down the little information she gave "Well then. If it's Aya you are interested in then I will simply test you and let you handle her or she can handle you." Asuka then turned her head to her right as she then spoke "Roki! Get over here!" The young man who was in the midst of sparring stopped as he turned as his name was called "Y-Yes Lieutenant Asuka?" Asuka adjusted her glasses then spoke "You shall be testing this person...I will observe. Besides you could do with the training..." The young man bowed then ran over to where Asuka was "This test will be conducted with the use of Bokken. There shall be no use of kido. Only Zanjutsu, Hakuda and hoho. Your Kido skills will be seen at a later date." Asuka then turned and walked to the other side of the room as Roki took his position opposite Ranmaru. He held the Bokken firmly in his hands as he waited patiently "The Bokken are up on the wall over there" Asuka said pointing to the wall behind Ranmaru "Get one and let's start this thing so we can finish it as soon as"
She felt confident that her attack would force a strong reaction from her cousin: It felt good, and she knew that no other person she'd sparred with had ever matched her, once she'd let Shizukana Kōu out of its Shikai form. She was right, although a part of her was disappointed that she hadn't even forced him to sweat, or to even tap him with the whip of water. Not that she should be able to, but part of her arrogance had her with just the slightest inkling of a chance that she could force him to take a blow or something.

With the point of Kurisu's Zanpakutō against her head, she was frozen in spot by the instinct of not-getting-stabbed. For a moment, she contemplated Kurisu's words before the spirit of Shizukana Kōu bellowed through her mind. "What are you waiting for? Keep fighting. He is close enough, so try another lash of water!" There was a sort of excited, prideful aggression to the voice of her Zanpakutō spirit. He was eager for more of the battle: more so than Nadameru had ever felt him act before.

"But there is no way I'm gunna win. Why keep fighting?"

"Why?! You might never get a chance like this again. To clash with him on this level, and to test ourselves against him...I want to make him unleash his sword's spirit. I want to see the shape of his Zanpakutō!" The rings of Shizukana Kōu's blade seemed to vibrate in anticipation of the fight: Shuddering almost as much as a real body might.

"That sounds boring. I'm done."

"Wait, What!? How dare you toss aside this fight like some game. This is not Ov- " The voice of Shizukana Kōu was cut off as Nadameru twirled the Naginata towards the floor and pointed its blade into the ground. As soon as the blade touched the wood, it seemed to transform back into the normal form as a Katana.

"You were awesome, Cousin. I'm honoured to have gotten to spar with you. I'll have to work harder so that next time, I force you to use your Shikai too." She chuckled lightly, having already shrugged off the anger of her Zanpakutō as if it were nothing.
Kurisu watched as Nadameru sealed her Shikai and so Kurisu sheathed his Zanpakuto as he then crossed his arms, listening to Nadameru speak "You did very well yourself. I think near on any Squad would accept you...of course work is needed but I believe you can get somewhere in this place if you work hard enough. As for getting me to use my will have to really push me if you wish for me to use that, it's not something that should be used on friendlies...nor should it be taken so lightly. Regardless...the main point here is. Have you got any idea as to which squad you intend to join?"

(Since this was a spar you get points so~ 3 points xD)
@zane620 @Shoske

Juki watched the small squad enter his office then listened as Yu spoke about what they dealt with, Juki's attention then turned to Zheng as he listened once seemed the enemy wasn't much trouble at all and the squad seemed to have come back with hardly any wounds...something Juki took note of. This was either a good or a bad thing...good thing would be that the Squad that was put together was not only capable of taking on the enemy but more exceeded expectations...bad was that these enemies were weaker than anticipated which meant that this squad was only as strong as these supposed weak enemies. The fact that they had even suffered wounds at all from seemingly weak enemies would be worrying...however Juki hoped that this was good and not bad as he worried...capable Shinigami were on thing...Shinigami that excelled were another.

"Well then seems this mission was a good success regardless of how easy the enemy seemed to for the Squad I put together, was more to test a few things. To see how well Yu could do commanding a Squad formed of some Shinigami he had likely never worked with, to see how strong the Squad 11 Lieutenant and seated members roughly are...there are many other reasons why I choose you all as individuals but the main point is that you got the job done. As for what is going on...well, it was Squad 12 that picked up on that we know this was some sort of portal to hell we will be able to identify one that may show up at a later date...but due to this being one we didn't know...well we had to be careful...hence why Shinigami such as yourselves were sent on such a mission. I look forward to a more detailed report, until're all dismissed.."

(Captain Issued mission: Points 8)
Nishiki was the first to make it back to Squad One, so she chose to take a seat on the roof of the barracks and wait for the others to show. After much waiting, she sensed the Captain's room below here fill with familiar spiritual energies. Jumping down from the roof, Nishiki walked up to the doorway and simply listened in without any response. The second Juki had finish talking, Nishiki stuck her hands into her pockets and turned to walk right out of the Squad One barracks. There was no need for her to hang around here any longer.... She'd much rather go to hell than stick around here a second longer than she needed.

Strolling out of the gates, Nishiki looked around with a slight pout before looking down "... That woman's hair was rather pretty, maybe I should change my hair colour to the colour she had?... hmm..." Whilst wondering idle thoughts, Nishiki soon found herself back at the barracks she belonged to. This brought a slight smile to her face; the thought that she belonged somewhere made a revitalising wave of joy wash over her body. Soon enough this smile evolved to a grin as she spotted the group of Shinigami she was training with before being rudely interrupted by Juki. They were still at it despite looking a rather over-worked resulting in their movements becoming sluggish here and there, the Squad Eleven spirit was clearly strong with this group, which made Nishiki extremely happy. "Alright you guys!! I think it's time you lot took a break, you've really impressed me today! Great work!!" Nishiki instantly made her way to the group with a beaming, honestly happy grin in order to grant them a break.
Even though she told her Captain she would be waiting in her tree Sinai decided to go for a walk. While she was hopeful that her captain would actually be around more she didn't let herself get too worked up. For one she was supposed to be professional and for two if he didn't she wouldn't feel as bad. She had more than enough let downs since she got here, no need to add more. When she finaly decided to pay attention to where she was going she realized she was near squad seven's barracks. "wonder what Z and Kamon are up to." She thought outloud. Without a second thought she made her way to the barracks in search of them. She enjoyed their company from time to time, even used them….mostly Zheng, as inspiration for her poetry. But last time someone found one of the poems it was a shit storm. Sinai doesn't like people touching her things, or being in her room in general, so on the outside it looked like she was fighting to hide a paper about a boy. Needless to say payback was a bitch. But meanwhile back in the present life of Sinai she searched the grounds for Zheng and Kamon
Even though she told her Captain she would be waiting in her tree Sinai decided to go for a walk. While she was hopeful that her captain would actually be around more she didn't let herself get too worked up. For one she was supposed to be professional and for two if he didn't she wouldn't feel as bad. She had more than enough let downs since she got here, no need to add more. When she finaly decided to pay attention to where she was going she realized she was near squad seven's barracks. "wonder what Z and Kamon are up to." She thought outloud. Without a second thought she made her way to the barracks in search of them. She enjoyed their company from time to time, even used them….mostly Zheng, as inspiration for her poetry. But last time someone found one of the poems it was a shit storm. Sinai doesn't like people touching her things, or being in her room in general, so on the outside it looked like she was fighting to hide a paper about a boy. Needless to say payback was a bitch. But meanwhile back in the present life of Sinai she searched the grounds for Zheng and Kamon
She would be out of luck due to Zheng's current..predicament and wouldn't find the poor boy. If she asked anyone where he was they would tell her that they wouldn't know where he is or even how to find him. Who she would find would be the ever oblivious Kamon sitting and sipping some tea. Over the course of three months his blank personality grew somewhat...just don't expect too much from him still. While he didn't show concern he did wonder where Zheng was. He was just supposed to drop some papers at squad one barracks, but supposedly he heard a rumor that he was escorted by a group of squad one shinigami while in cuffs. Of course he didn't believe it. His master would never do anything to break the law and he certainly wasn't going to stop it today. Out of surprise he saw the always blushing Sinai walk by the garden he was sitting in so decided to welcome her. "Hello Sinai!" He called out to her.
Asuka listened to Ranmaru speak and wrote down the little information she gave "Well then. If it's Aya you are interested in then I will simply test you and let you handle her or she can handle you." Asuka then turned her head to her right as she then spoke "Roki! Get over here!" The young man who was in the midst of sparring stopped as he turned as his name was called "Y-Yes Lieutenant Asuka?" Asuka adjusted her glasses then spoke "You shall be testing this person...I will observe. Besides you could do with the training..." The young man bowed then ran over to where Asuka was "This test will be conducted with the use of Bokken. There shall be no use of kido. Only Zanjutsu, Hakuda and hoho. Your Kido skills will be seen at a later date." Asuka then turned and walked to the other side of the room as Roki took his position opposite Ranmaru. He held the Bokken firmly in his hands as he waited patiently "The Bokken are up on the wall over there" Asuka said pointing to the wall behind Ranmaru "Get one and let's start this thing so we can finish it as soon as"
"I thank you for understanding." Ranmaru said, before Asuka shouted for a man called Roki to come over, to spar with them in the form of Bokken. "I see, simple enough then." Ranmaru said before placing their zanpakuto down and walking over to the wall Asuka pointed out, and took one of the Bokken off the wall. They then walked back over to the opposite of Roki and held the Bokken's hilt firmly with both their hands. "I look forward to this spar sir." Ranmaru said bowing slightly, before shunpoing two feet away from Roki, where they took off in a sprint and looked to drop to their knees and skid along the ground. Yet before their knees hit the ground, Ranmaru shunpoed to their left side, where with both arms swung the Bokken at the mans stomach while they also swung their right leg to try and kick the targets back legs in a attempt to break their stance.
Slam! Clang! Zheng woke up with a start from the sudden noise. "Huh...I must've fallen asleep..." He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and saw that the fat bastard was standing at the door of his cell with a ring of keys in hand. The boy smirked at the guard despite receiving an intense beating for him and decided to have some fun. "Do you need my body again or did you just miss my handsome face?" He watched the man look at him with hope that he would burst into flames if he just wished hard enough. The guard placed the key into the the cell door and with a turn he opened it, walking to Zheng and then knelt down to unlock the wooden cuffs around his ankles.

"You are to be escorted to Central 46 for your trial. I only hope that you're executed Chiyou Aizheng." With his large hand he grabbed Zheng by the scruff of his shirt and made him stand up and made him follow him through the Maggot's Nest. This was the first time that he saw anything else other than the first time he arrived in this hell hole. There were others sitting in the corner of their cells shacking back and forth muttering inaudible words repeatedly, some even slammed their fists against the bars screaming their lungs out threats, curses, and pleads of desperation to be released. Most of these poor suckers had probably lost their sanity a long time ago and don't even know what had changed in the outside world. The most tragic figures though weren't the violent, insane ones, but the quiet ones. They just sit there everyday quietly waiting to die. There were times when he saw guards dragging away the bodies of those that starved themselves to death. The security grew more and more lenient the more floors they ascended, finding many inmates to be walking around freely in this drab place. There were other shinigami waiting by the gate and Zheng was passed down to them.

The gate to the Maggot's Nest slowly opened up and sunlight poured down on him. It was so blinding that he had to raise his arms just to block the light. He just stood there stunned by the light though when he got used to it he saw just how pale his skin was. His skin almost seemed to be as white as snow from lack of natural light and littered with bruises from his most recent of beatings. One of the shinigami pushed him forward to start walking, not saying a word to him, but his eyes said enough. They weren't going to be sympathetic towards him and weren't going to hold his hand while they were escorting him. Zheng understood that immediately and complied with them lest he suffered another beating. He wouldn't find a friend in them.

It wasn't long until they made their way from the squad two grounds where the jail was located and walked along the streets of the Seireitei. God dammit this was degrading to see shinigami, the people he worked with stare at him as he walked on. There were even members of his own squad that saw him in this shameful state he was in. Never did he make eye contact with anyone while he walked on. Was it because of pride or shame? It was hard to tell. He just stood tall and kept facing forward towards his own demise.

The gates of Central 64 compound shadowed them, the political and judicial power that was almost absolute that had the power to condemn even the most powerful of shinigami and change laws. Slowly they opened towards Zheng's entourage to a large vacant space and then a just round building surrounded by a mass of water. They walked along the pathway that lead to the entrance of the building and then was lead down a series of staircases down underground to find the assembly hall that they gathered in. It was time to confront fate. With as much courage and dignity he had he entered the pitch black room and a beam of light shone on him. He looked around and saw that the forty wise elders and the six judges were all present, their faces concealed by plaques with a number to obscure their faces. The damn cowards dish out punishment and their righteousness, but don't have the balls to have the accused to see their faces.

The mutters and whispers each of the old men filled the room until it was silenced by one of the six judges who motioned them to be quiet. That same judge began to speak to Zheng with a deep, commanding voice. "Chiyou Aizheng...Third seat of Squad Seven. You are here under the overwhelming proof that you are of the Chiyou Clan. As you know the Chiyou Clan betrayed the Soul Society many, many centuries ago and threw the Soul Society into a three year long civil war. Your clan killed many shinigami, disrupted the balance of souls, and brought the near collapse of the Gotei 13. Even if your clan is disbanded and forgotten we cannot allow to let you live." Again these so called wise old men whispered their opinions to each other, judging the child that didn't even know about this history until recently. They maybe all high and mighty, but their actions spoke for them. They were afraid to let him live in fear that one day that he would again bring about a civil war that would throw the Soul Society into chaos. This idea was ludicrous though you can't change the minds of stubborn old men who are stuck in the past.

Another one of those old farts spoke up to question Zheng. "According to your file you are the wielder of Tenzai, the zanpukto that is passed down to every new leader of the Chiyou Clan. It was once the zanpukto of the clan founder Chiyou Dequan down to Chiyou Han and so forth until it reached that wench Chiyou Hai that started the civil war. Is that correct?"

Zheng looked up towards the man's voice, glaring at him akin to the intensity of a wild beast though when he spoke his tone was calm. "Yes sir, that is correct. I'm Tenzai's master thus making me the leader of the Chiyou Clan." His tone may had been calm, but the lethal rage laced in their was enough to make some of these old men start to sweat. They knew that they had to kill him. If they let him live then they'll have a beast of a Chiyou Clan leader holding a grudge towards them. Again they were talking amongst themselves and god dammit he didn't come here for old men chatting like they were talking about trivial matters over tea. "Grrr....Will you all shut up?! I maybe a clan head of the Chiyou Clan, but I'm a loyal shinigami of the Gotei 13 first! If you asked me to I would go to hell and back if it was to help the Soul Society! I would gladly lay my life on the line to protect what we have been so hard to build back up! I-!"

"Insolent child! You speak when you answer our questions so hold your tongue!" One of the judges chastised the young accused for speaking out of turn. While sitting there with that plaque covering his face he saw Zheng's eyes pierce through him, making him sweat and shake uncontrollably. Just what the hell is up with this kid? Why did his gaze instill so much fear in him? "You shall be executed in three days time! Guards escort him back to the Maggot's Nest!"

He didn't even put up a fight. Zheng was escorted back to the Maggot's Nest and was soon back in his cell. It still smelled like vomit and blood. His ankles were again cuffed and he sat down with his back against the wall. "Three days...dammit." He just closed his eyes and let himself get lost in his thoughts. For once this place was quiet...god he wished it wasn't.
Sinai was shocked to find that no one knew where Zheng was. He was 3rd​ seat after all so someone should have known his whereabouts. But no one had a clue. It was clear he wasn't on the grounds since she couldn't sense him and neither could anyone in his squad. She was about to go on her way, back to her tree when she heard someone call her name. Not many people knew her in squad 7, then again she questioned how many people knew her in her own squad but that was a concern for later. She turned to face the garden to see Kamon. Kamon was always a bit strange to her, but what was really strange was that Kamon was there, and zheng wasn't. all kinds of red flags and warning bells went off. Initially she had thought Zheng was on a mission since she never went to ask the captain who would have most definitely known where he was. But he wouldn't have left Kamon , she knew that much. "hello Kamon" she smiled "where is our master?" She didn't really understand their relationship, though she occasionally wondered if it was bdsm related, she was just too embarrassed to ever ask. Hopefully Kamon knew where Zheng was, even though she wasn't quite sure why she cared THIS much.
"I thank you for understanding." Ranmaru said, before Asuka shouted for a man called Roki to come over, to spar with them in the form of Bokken. "I see, simple enough then." Ranmaru said before placing their zanpakuto down and walking over to the wall Asuka pointed out, and took one of the Bokken off the wall. They then walked back over to the opposite of Roki and held the Bokken's hilt firmly with both their hands. "I look forward to this spar sir." Ranmaru said bowing slightly, before shunpoing two feet away from Roki, where they took off in a sprint and looked to drop to their knees and skid along the ground. Yet before their knees hit the ground, Ranmaru shunpoed to their left side, where with both arms swung the Bokken at the mans stomach while they also swung their right leg to try and kick the targets back legs in a attempt to break their stance.
Roki held his stance as Ranmaru got closer, he then stepped towards the incoming attack, bringing the bokken he held from the ground up to knock Ranmaru's bokken up into the air as he then leaped up, spinning slightly to avoid the attack from behind as he then stretched out his left leg in an attempt to knock Ranmaru flying back before he would land and take a solid stance once again, awaiting Ranmaru's next move...
Standing atop of the Squad Eight barrack's main and highest structure stood the flame-haired Squad Eight Captain. This particular area had become a common stop for said Captain to perch; stood straight with impeccable posture, hands held restfully behind his back, spiritual energy hidden and undetectable by the vast majority of Soul Society members while he gazed upon the captivating view. From an outsider's point of view, he would seemed to be in some sort of daze or lost within his own mind when, in fact, he was actually taking in all of his surroundings at once, observing the entire area. He did not make a single move, only the bottom corners and sleeves of Haori, along with his hair, moved along with the wind that drited smoothly passed his figure. Simply watching everything from this veiwpoint helped him clear his mind, something that he'd do often to just relax.

"Nononononnononononononono! Get the lieutenants! I heard the captain is a big meany face! He might make us do something stupid like get him hair spray or something! I want fun induction, not a boring one by a meany head!"

'Visitors.' A new voice broke the settled silence at the barrack's entrance. Despite this, Fumio didn't react, only having a thought to make a mental note of what was currently going on within his barracks. Taking a calm breath, he continued on with his silent observation.

"Yes he is! Luckily I am fun and not a meany face! Now youuuuuu!!!" That was until it was broken by the loud and obnoxious voice of Aya's... 'Meany face? Honestly....' The comment earned a quiet glance over to the scene, the rest of his body still set in stone. He took to watching the interaction, observing as both Lieutenants attended to the guests and assumingly soon-to-be recruits of the Squad.

"We will throw down like two big independent women, who don't need no dick captain!" Fumio couldn't resist cracking a smirk at being branded a 'dick captain'. Aya may of been childish, but Fumio just couldn't help but be amused by her behaviour, no matter how spiteful Aya was trying to be. Asuka was, of course, the mature one and quickly got down to business. It was refreshing to be around someone mature, however Fumio just hoped Aya's childish ways didn't rub off on Asuka... That would be disastrous for him since it'd take away some of Asuka's serious-style charm and wouldn't suit her professional appearance.

The two Lieutenants acquired a visitor and soon split to attend to their duties. Fumio, on the other hand, opted to stay put. Instead of returning to his observation of the Seireitei's environments, he closed his eyes to focus on the spiritual energies of each Shinigami. He decided to use this opportunity to exersise his senses, mapping out a vision in his head of what he sensed was going on.
Knock! Knock! "Henry! You there this time?! I'm sorry I was gone a little longer than expected this time... Just had to do some things! I'll tell you once you let me in... or come back since I'm guessing you're not in right now judging by the silent response I'm getting again...." Sighing, Konome let her hand drop to her side as her eyes drifted to the floor. She had passed by Henry's door three times now, all times receiving no response from Henry, in which she just went away to busy herself while planning to return a little later. The reason for her visit was that she wanted to check up on Henry and see how he was doing... During the last few months she had become rather busy, however that was mainly due to her frequent visits to Squad Twelve more than anything... although she did try her hand in being an actual Shinigami and didn't really know what to think of it, but she wasn't going to complain. Her main goal was to somehow get back her original Zanpakuto or something atleast... As well as build up her strength since she had been out of combat for a long while.

Sighing once more, Konome just thought for a moment before closing her eyes. Her eyebrows started to show tension as she forced herself to focus on sensing Henry's energy.... however her attempt was futile; sensing was something she really needed to learn how to do.

"Konome, did you hear about Henry?" A fellow Squad Six member attracted Konome's attention immediately. Opening her eyes instantly, the woman directed her vision to her Squad mate.

"... What do you mean by that? He did something really good right?" 'Either it's really good... or bad-No, I'm sure he's just fine, it is Henry after all' The Shinigami's eyes drifted to the left as he began responding. "Erm... Well.... He-" "That's enough." Konome interrupted hurriedly. "U-um?" The Shinigami seemed a little confused by Konome's sudden response, not sure why she stopped his trail of speech. "I can already tell by the tone of your voice that something bad has happened to Henry Tobias.... I needn't know any more details." With that said, Konome turned and quietly walked away which her head down, hair covering most of her face, leaving the Shinigami blinking in thought before shrugging and turning around to resume what they were previously doing.

Once a good distance away from Henry's room and the Shinigami she previously conversed with, Konome leant her back against the closest wall before exhaling a breath that she was unaware of holding the entire time she was walking away. Panting lightly before steadying her breathing, Konome felt a tinge panic as her heart picked up the pace a smidgen... She didn't know what exactly to do in this situation though... Should she go out looking for Henry? Or stay here and just hope he would return?... Either way, Konome was in no state to venture out alone... She was no where near strong enough to protect herself, and if Henry was in trouble, she doubt she would of been able to save him.... She needed her Zanpakuto, now more urgently than ever... If Henry was dead, Konome wouldn't believe it until she had saw his lifeless body no matter what she was told. Until then, all she was certain about was that he was in trouble. The kind of trouble or why was unknown to her... But once she had reuinted with her Zanpakuto, Konome knew she'd have the strength to find out, or atleast hoped so...
Roki held his stance as Ranmaru got closer, he then stepped towards the incoming attack, bringing the bokken he held from the ground up to knock Ranmaru's bokken up into the air as he then leaped up, spinning slightly to avoid the attack from behind as he then stretched out his left leg in an attempt to knock Ranmaru flying back before he would land and take a solid stance once again, awaiting Ranmaru's next move...
Ranmaru bokken was blocked and almost thrown into the air, but Ranmaru held onto it then dropped into a split to avoid the kick. Shunpoing away Ranmaru stood on their feet as they glanced at Roki. 'Hmmm a solid stance, and I cant do kido's to conceal myself.' Ranmaru thought to themselves before nodding with a idea they could try. First they rushed at Roki and then shunpoed in front of him swinging the bokken in an attempt to hit the righht side of their head. At the last second however, Ranmaru released their grip on the bokken and crouched down turning slightly as they placed their hands on the ground with their left leg touching it with the right leg raised a bit. Pushing up with the left leg, Ranmaru lifted their right leg upwards toward Roki's chin
Sinai was shocked to find that no one knew where Zheng was. He was 3rd​ seat after all so someone should have known his whereabouts. But no one had a clue. It was clear he wasn't on the grounds since she couldn't sense him and neither could anyone in his squad. She was about to go on her way, back to her tree when she heard someone call her name. Not many people knew her in squad 7, then again she questioned how many people knew her in her own squad but that was a concern for later. She turned to face the garden to see Kamon. Kamon was always a bit strange to her, but what was really strange was that Kamon was there, and zheng wasn't. all kinds of red flags and warning bells went off. Initially she had thought Zheng was on a mission since she never went to ask the captain who would have most definitely known where he was. But he wouldn't have left Kamon , she knew that much. "hello Kamon" she smiled "where is our master?" She didn't really understand their relationship, though she occasionally wondered if it was bdsm related, she was just too embarrassed to ever ask. Hopefully Kamon knew where Zheng was, even though she wasn't quite sure why she cared THIS much.
He could only frown at her question for he couldn't give her a definite answer of where Zheng is. That too was a mystery for where his master was. For all he knew those rumors could be true and that would bring up the question of why those squad one shinigami were escorting him. "I cannot give you a definite answer for I don't know where he is at the moment. He was going over to Squad One barracks to hand in the monthly report..." The thing was that was weeks ago and he hasn't returned. Perhaps those rumors are true after he couldn't tell Sinai that. It would just cause her to worry needlessly if he was wrong. "I take it that you're hear to see your mate?" Kamon asked with no sense of subtlety. He only assumed that Sinai was his master's mate because her body language seemed to be quite off whenever she was around him. She seemed to be more self-conscious of her appearance whenever she was around and always semed a bit more nervous around him.
Slam! Clang! Zheng woke up with a start from the sudden noise. "Huh...I must've fallen asleep..." He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and saw that the fat bastard was standing at the door of his cell with a ring of keys in hand. The boy smirked at the guard despite receiving an intense beating for him and decided to have some fun. "Do you need my body again or did you just miss my handsome face?" He watched the man look at him with hope that he would burst into flames if he just wished hard enough. The guard placed the key into the the cell door and with a turn he opened it, walking to Zheng and then knelt down to unlock the wooden cuffs around his ankles.

"You are to be escorted to Central 46 for your trial. I only hope that you're executed Chiyou Aizheng." With his large hand he grabbed Zheng by the scruff of his shirt and made him stand up and made him follow him through the Maggot's Nest. This was the first time that he saw anything else other than the first time he arrived in this hell hole. There were others sitting in the corner of their cells shacking back and forth muttering inaudible words repeatedly, some even slammed their fists against the bars screaming their lungs out threats, curses, and pleads of desperation to be released. Most of these poor suckers had probably lost their sanity a long time ago and don't even know what had changed in the outside world. The most tragic figures though weren't the violent, insane ones, but the quiet ones. They just sit there everyday quietly waiting to die. There were times when he saw guards dragging away the bodies of those that starved themselves to death. The security grew more and more lenient the more floors they ascended, finding many inmates to be walking around freely in this drab place. There were other shinigami waiting by the gate and Zheng was passed down to them.

The gate to the Maggot's Nest slowly opened up and sunlight poured down on him. It was so blinding that he had to raise his arms just to block the light. He just stood there stunned by the light though when he got used to it he saw just how pale his skin was. His skin almost seemed to be as white as snow from lack of natural light and littered with bruises from his most recent of beatings. One of the shinigami pushed him forward to start walking, not saying a word to him, but his eyes said enough. They weren't going to be sympathetic towards him and weren't going to hold his hand while they were escorting him. Zheng understood that immediately and complied with them lest he suffered another beating. He wouldn't find a friend in them.

It wasn't long until they made their way from the squad two grounds where the jail was located and walked along the streets of the Seireitei. God dammit this was degrading to see shinigami, the people he worked with stare at him as he walked on. There were even members of his own squad that saw him in this shameful state he was in. Never did he make eye contact with anyone while he walked on. Was it because of pride or shame? It was hard to tell. He just stood tall and kept facing forward towards his own demise.

The gates of Central 64 compound shadowed them, the political and judicial power that was almost absolute that had the power to condemn even the most powerful of shinigami and change laws. Slowly they opened towards Zheng's entourage to a large vacant space and then a just round building surrounded by a mass of water. They walked along the pathway that lead to the entrance of the building and then was lead down a series of staircases down underground to find the assembly hall that they gathered in. It was time to confront fate. With as much courage and dignity he had he entered the pitch black room and a beam of light shone on him. He looked around and saw that the forty wise elders and the six judges were all present, their faces concealed by plaques with a number to obscure their faces. The damn cowards dish out punishment and their righteousness, but don't have the balls to have the accused to see their faces.

The mutters and whispers each of the old men filled the room until it was silenced by one of the six judges who motioned them to be quiet. That same judge began to speak to Zheng with a deep, commanding voice. "Chiyou Aizheng...Third seat of Squad Seven. You are here under the overwhelming proof that you are of the Chiyou Clan. As you know the Chiyou Clan betrayed the Soul Society many, many centuries ago and threw the Soul Society into a three year long civil war. Your clan killed many shinigami, disrupted the balance of souls, and brought the near collapse of the Gotei 13. Even if your clan is disbanded and forgotten we cannot allow to let you live." Again these so called wise old men whispered their opinions to each other, judging the child that didn't even know about this history until recently. They maybe all high and mighty, but their actions spoke for them. They were afraid to let him live in fear that one day that he would again bring about a civil war that would throw the Soul Society into chaos. This idea was ludicrous though you can't change the minds of stubborn old men who are stuck in the past.

Another one of those old farts spoke up to question Zheng. "According to your file you are the wielder of Tenzai, the zanpukto that is passed down to every new leader of the Chiyou Clan. It was once the zanpukto of the clan founder Chiyou Dequan down to Chiyou Han and so forth until it reached that wench Chiyou Hai that started the civil war. Is that correct?"

Zheng looked up towards the man's voice, glaring at him akin to the intensity of a wild beast though when he spoke his tone was calm. "Yes sir, that is correct. I'm Tenzai's master thus making me the leader of the Chiyou Clan." His tone may had been calm, but the lethal rage laced in their was enough to make some of these old men start to sweat. They knew that they had to kill him. If they let him live then they'll have a beast of a Chiyou Clan leader holding a grudge towards them. Again they were talking amongst themselves and god dammit he didn't come here for old men chatting like they were talking about trivial matters over tea. "Grrr....Will you all shut up?! I maybe a clan head of the Chiyou Clan, but I'm a loyal shinigami of the Gotei 13 first! If you asked me to I would go to hell and back if it was to help the Soul Society! I would gladly lay my life on the line to protect what we have been so hard to build back up! I-!"

"Insolent child! You speak when you answer our questions so hold your tongue!" One of the judges chastised the young accused for speaking out of turn. While sitting there with that plaque covering his face he saw Zheng's eyes pierce through him, making him sweat and shake uncontrollably. Just what the hell is up with this kid? Why did his gaze instill so much fear in him? "You shall be executed in three days time! Guards escort him back to the Maggot's Nest!"

He didn't even put up a fight. Zheng was escorted back to the Maggot's Nest and was soon back in his cell. It still smelled like vomit and blood. His ankles were again cuffed and he sat down with his back against the wall. "Three days...dammit." He just closed his eyes and let himself get lost in his thoughts. For once this place was quiet...god he wished it wasn't.
Juki sat within his office thinking...Reflecting on his time within the Gotei 13 many hundreds of years ago, he was always dragged into the Central 46 chambers as he was accused of hundreds of crimes he hadn't committed. At the time Juki was the Captain of the Twelfth division and so he was the prime suspect whenever something went wrong. Everyone assumed Juki was corrupt...however the thing that really end-"Head Captain. You asked me to notify you on the fate of Chiyou Aizheng. He is to be executed in three days time" Juki's thoughts were interrupted by this news. Juki nodded then spoke "I see..." Juki stood from his desk then walked over to the Shinigami that had entered the room "I thank you for the go to sleep" Juki held his left hand over the face of the Shinigami as their eyes shot wide open then glazed over as they then collapsed to the floor "Central 46 never learn...well then...I guess I will have to take matters into my own hands" Juki then raised his left hand up to the air as he then tapped it causing the space to rip open forming a portal that he then stepped into.

In next to no time the same portal opened up within the depth's of the maggots nest with Juki stepping out, this of course startled the one guard down on this level or more this section "H-Head Captain?! w-wh-" Juki held his left hand over the fat Shinigami's face as he then spoke "Silence..." The Shinigami then fell to the floor much like the one earlier. Juki then walked passed the cells of many souls, his eyes never met any of them however. Juki ended up at the cell in which Zheng was in, he could see the sort of state he was in and it was awful...however this place wasn't called the maggots nest for nothing. Juki then tapped his cane on the floor to wake Zheng up before he spoke "So I hear you're to be executed within a few days time. I'm sorry that Central 46 didn't see things in a different light. However I cannot stand idly by while they waste the life of one of my men by punishing them for a crime committed centuries I ask you this Chiyou Aizheng...Will you fight for your freedom?..."
Ranmaru bokken was blocked and almost thrown into the air, but Ranmaru held onto it then dropped into a split to avoid the kick. Shunpoing away Ranmaru stood on their feet as they glanced at Roki. 'Hmmm a solid stance, and I cant do kido's to conceal myself.' Ranmaru thought to themselves before nodding with a idea they could try. First they rushed at Roki and then shunpoed in front of him swinging the bokken in an attempt to hit the righht side of their head. At the last second however, Ranmaru released their grip on the bokken and crouched down turning slightly as they placed their hands on the ground with their left leg touching it with the right leg raised a bit. Pushing up with the left leg, Ranmaru lifted their right leg upwards toward Roki's chin
Roki held himself still as he observed what Ranmaru would do. He wouldn't be caught of guard so easily and so had to pay very close attention to everything. Roki braced himself as Ranmaru made their way towards him with a shunpo, he watched as they aimed to bring their bokken in to hit Roki around the face however to avoid this Roki crouched as Ranmaru did the same, Roki then stepped to Ranmaru's right in order to avoid the second attack, along with this step Roki brought his Bokken down and towards Ranmaru's stomach whilst their body was still open, he brought the bokken in with a smooth and swift strike attempting to deal some serious damage
Roki held himself still as he observed what Ranmaru would do. He wouldn't be caught of guard so easily and so had to pay very close attention to everything. Roki braced himself as Ranmaru made their way towards him with a shunpo, he watched as they aimed to bring their bokken in to hit Roki around the face however to avoid this Roki crouched as Ranmaru did the same, Roki then stepped to Ranmaru's right in order to avoid the second attack, along with this step Roki brought his Bokken down and towards Ranmaru's stomach whilst their body was still open, he brought the bokken in with a smooth and swift strike attempting to deal some serious damage
Roki had dodged their kick which made Ranmaru smirk as they went for the obvious shot to the stomach, so in order to dodge this Ranmaru took their left leg off the ground and pushed off with their hands. With just enough time as the bokken missed their head. Yet however, Ranmaru grabbed his bokken by where a blade would usually be, this caused a somewhat stinging pain when it connected with their hands however. Yet since this was a spar, they didn't have to worry about cutting their hands. With their legs still in the air, Ranmaru spun their body slightly swinging their right leg towards the left side of Roki's temple.
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