Bleach: A New Dawn

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After a hefty long lunch Suzzio decided that sitting on his ass for much longer would not get him far in this world. He got up and started his search for the barracks of squad 3 as it was the one clearly superior to the rest, other then 12.... nothing beat 12. The sad thing was just that Suzzio was not among the sharpest spoons in the drawer and he had pretty much realized that 12 would have little use for him other then as a test subject.

It did not take long before he had managed to find his way to squad 3 and he quickly found someone and asked about where he could go to sign up. "The... captain isn't... here ?" Suzzio stood there for a moment and just took it in "So... pleas tell me where am I supposed to go and sign up for this then ? Or am I just going to sit here and look at the grass grow until the captain is back ?" and the answer he was given was silence and a shrug of the shoulders. "Well thanks... that was helpful"
Ginko who was sparring against a member of the squad, heard someone ask for the captain only to be shot down. He also wasn't given anything proper to do while he waited so this made Ginko sigh as she waved off her sparring partner and walked over to him. "Well... Not sure when he will be back, but if he takes it seriously enough he should be back in a few minutes. I guess we can speed up the time for when he does come back though. Lets see... Did you just graduate from the academy?" She asked as she scrathed the back of her head. She obviously was more use to fighting than asking people questions.
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The smirk grew once the papers were pressed against his chest, he grabbed them sliding them back into his Shihakusho. "Oh, that shall be fun," Takeda said as he turned around walking after Ayami. That was easier than he thought, now it was time to put his plan into action. He had to take small steps at first, nothing too big. A chuckle almost erupted but he managed to keep it held in.

After a bit of walking the two young Shinigami found themselves hiding in some bushes surrounded by trees while looking out into the clearing. There were four tall men, two talking to one another while the other two stood guarding multiple cages filled with hollow and souls. "Don't take it personal," Takeda said before grabbing Ayami's arm and shoving her forward into the clearing where the men could see her.

"Bakudo #61, Rikujōkōrō!" One of them cast, pointing a finger at Ayami firing the Kido.
Suzzio had sat himself down ready to watch the grass grow, but thankfully he was interrupted by someone that seemed to actually felt like helping. "Oh hey, yeah I did just graduate " Suzzio was happy that the girl seemed to have just as good people skills as he did. He stood there for a moment, rocking back and forth "so.... been in the squad long ?" he said trying to make a not horrible attempt at small talk
"You could say that... I've been here since our last captain left. So really no progress was made with the members, as we had to pretty just clear out hollows for who knows how long. We had a lieutenant but she retired.... she was kinda bitchy though." Ginko said as she twirled her zanpakuto in her hand. "I'd say a year or so I've been in here. Before the head captain went rogue on us anyway. Guess I should talk about our strengths... Well certain members like me and the seventh seat are skilled in zanjutsu, while the Captain would be ideal for lessons in hakuda. Everyone is somewhat decent at kido while the captain of course makes us look like babies at it. If you like being smart about how you fight, then its another great place, the captain is truly fearsome when he starts thinking. If he doesn't find you worthy of his time he doesn't bother, but when you pose a threat is a different story. The things he can pull off is shocking." Ginko said, as she went silent again before raising her hand up. "Oh yeah, not really important, but he does have a child. So if you see a child crawling around.... don't look directly at her. She takes it as a challenge. Oh yeah. My name is Ginko."
Hioshimi took a deep breath. The door slid open, revealing a somewhat teary Hioshimi with a big smile on her face. Her shinigami uniform was rumpled from where she had been asleep, and for some reason she, too, had brought her Asauchi with her. Her spiritual pressure was much lower than it was before she went into her room, and she wasn't wearing her bells.

"Eheh, sorry I'm a bit...iffy." apologised Hioshimi, rubbing at her eyes with her sleeve. "This is gonna be fun, I can tell! Like, a bath treasure-hunt. Besides, if we're lucky we can find something amazing in here. Who knows what Squad 12 has hidden in their barracks?"

Hioshimi took a quick look down the corridor, flashing a reassuring smile at Kame. It didn't look like she minded her own appearance or mood, and in fact looked rather excited to go out and do something instead of remaining in the room. With a swift gesture of her hand, she beckons Kame to follow her whilst picking the opposite direction to which they had entered the barracks to head down, going deeper into the depths of Squad 12's domain.

"Your zanpakuto is interesting, Kame. I don't know if it's in it's shikai or if it just always looks like that, or if it came with the armour." commented Hioshimi idly, not glancing back to see Kame's reaction. "I'm so jealous, though, at least you have a proper zanpakuto! Mine's a bit shy, I think..." Hioshimi's hand slipped to her Asauchi, patting it gently. She couldn't keep the bite of doubt in her voice; why was it taking so long for her Zanpakuto to reveal itself? What wasn't she doing right?

Hioshimi looked around; the pair of them had reached a junction, in which they could go left or right. Already, Hioshimi squirmed uncomfortably; she knew that they'd get lost in a heartbeat out here. "Decision time, I guess. Which way? And I'm not splitting up, by the way, I'll get so lost...!" she asked, turning to face Kame and giving her another of those warm, excited smiles that she seems to emit almost constantly.
The Hioshimi from earlier had come back, rubbing away all traces of what Kame had heard in her room. It seemed she'd had some rest at least what with her missing bells. Kame hadn't had a wink yet and yet the drowsiness from earlier was all but gone. She only nodded once before following Hioshimi into the darkness, her cheerful behaviour making up for a torch. Kame didn't even mind as she called the activities of the 12 Squad amazing.

Then the topic of the Zanpakuto came up. Kame chewed the inside of her mouth, her earlier suspicions being confirmed about Hioshimi's sword. There was an urge inside her just itching to spill the beans, to unlock what she'd kept hidden for five years but Kame knew better than to give in. It was far better to cultivate a festering wound than to reveal it to an enemy. "It's just rusty." She commented dryly as they walked through the halls.

Upon hearing the doubt in her companion's voice however, Kame began to elaborate. "Shy is better than lazy, Hioshimi." To Kame, her Asauchi was just another symbol of her purity. Whilst her Zanpakuto remained rusted over with the crimes of Tenkujira, hers was just a blade - it hadn't evolved to be a fully fledged Soul Slayer. And although it was selfish of her to do so, Kame hoped that it never would become one.

They paused then at a junction. Kame strained her ears but she couldn't hear anything, much less the sounds of running water. Hioshimi wasn't the only one uncomfortable - the longer this went on, the more self conscious Kame became. She had, after all, sweat buckets today. Did she smell? Was that why Hioshimi was squirming around? She couldn't take a sniff herself - this wasn't the Rukongai, no matter how much time she'd spent there. And why did she care now anyway? It wasn't like it was a problem back in the Academy.

On top of all that was the warm smiles Hioshimi constantly shot at her. She hadn't seen one of those after her first year at the Academy. Most had learnt not to waste their time after a day or two but Hioshimi's didn't show a sign of faltering. And in a way, Kame wasn't sure she wanted them to. Focusing her mind back to the situation on hand, Kame shuffled over to her right, a slight flush on her cheeks. The right way for the right way... it was worth a shot, anything to keep moving. "We're already lost. Let's go," she began walking briskly, "this way."
"Well its great to know the captain does not like people that are less then the best, I hope I will at least manage to get in to this squad" Suzzio liked that the captain sounded like a badass. His hand traced the grip of his zanpakto *Well guys, seems like we will have someone to impress* he said to himself before the girl spoke again

"wait, wait.... did you just say child ?" Suzzio barely registered the girls name as he was to focused on why he should not look at a child. His mind raced to find a reason, but non arrived, he however decided to let it slide... for now. "So to sum it up, the ex lieutenant was a bitch, the captain is smart as hell, do not look at the kid and your name was Ginko" And with that Suzzio hope with every fiber in his body that he had not messed up the girls name. "And Im Suzzio by the way"
Hioshimi took a deep breath. The door slid open, revealing a somewhat teary Hioshimi with a big smile on her face. Her shinigami uniform was rumpled from where she had been asleep, and for some reason she, too, had brought her Asauchi with her. Her spiritual pressure was much lower than it was before she went into her room, and she wasn't wearing her bells.

"Eheh, sorry I'm a bit...iffy." apologised Hioshimi, rubbing at her eyes with her sleeve. "This is gonna be fun, I can tell! Like, a bath treasure-hunt. Besides, if we're lucky we can find something amazing in here. Who knows what Squad 12 has hidden in their barracks?"

Hioshimi took a quick look down the corridor, flashing a reassuring smile at Kame. It didn't look like she minded her own appearance or mood, and in fact looked rather excited to go out and do something instead of remaining in the room. With a swift gesture of her hand, she beckons Kame to follow her whilst picking the opposite direction to which they had entered the barracks to head down, going deeper into the depths of Squad 12's domain.

"Your zanpakuto is interesting, Kame. I don't know if it's in it's shikai or if it just always looks like that, or if it came with the armour." commented Hioshimi idly, not glancing back to see Kame's reaction. "I'm so jealous, though, at least you have a proper zanpakuto! Mine's a bit shy, I think..." Hioshimi's hand slipped to her Asauchi, patting it gently. She couldn't keep the bite of doubt in her voice; why was it taking so long for her Zanpakuto to reveal itself? What wasn't she doing right?

Hioshimi looked around; the pair of them had reached a junction, in which they could go left or right. Already, Hioshimi squirmed uncomfortably; she knew that they'd get lost in a heartbeat out here. "Decision time, I guess. Which way? And I'm not splitting up, by the way, I'll get so lost...!" she asked, turning to face Kame and giving her another of those warm, excited smiles that she seems to emit almost constantly.
Nene looked around her room filled with gadgets of all sorts, some that were friendly to sue, and would be helpful. Others that if touched incorrectly, would blow up in the users face. This was a daily and normal occurrence in squad twelve for her. She probably would still be on figuring out how to make hollows her obedient servants if it weren't for Kagiko, who took her plan and finished it withing seconds. So shes been spending her time making devices that really didn't matter much, but it used up her time and that's all she really cared about. That and it gave her time to figure out how she would make Kagiko realize her intellect and finally one up the lazy man. Yawning she picked up a cubed device and pressed a green button which began to suck up every other device that littered her room, sucking it all up within a few seconds turning the dirty room into a clean one. Placing the device on the table she walked out of the room grabbing her zanpakuto, which she tapped on the ground as she walked out of her room.

Walking down the hallway, she heard a different voice speaking to another different voice, and as she got near she heard one of them mention that they will get lost, which made her stop at the junction, and she looked at the girl who was about to walk past her. She tapped her zanpakuto on the ground to get their attention."Lost? Understandable to those that are new. Where is your destination and ill guide you there. I could use the walk after all, I have been in my room for about... a week or so. Now what are your names? Mine is Nene Sanda, I am the fourth seat of the squad, and soon to be, the only one to outwit that lazy schmuck Kagiko." Nene said, for the most part sounding nice, except for the last part, were she thrived to top him in something one day. Even if it was as simple as counting.
Ginko nodded at his summing up what she said. "Thats correct. The captain is a nice guy, don't get me wrong he just.... can be hard to get close to in a friendly way. Don't go shouting this to the world now since people are already suspicious of him, and members left when he became captain for this very reason. You see, he was the previous lieutenant of squad one, around the time when the ex head captain was still around. Its easy to say that our captain respected him a great deal. So when he betrayed, you can imagine what would transpire from someone who admired a traitor greatly. Suspicions of being a traitor. It doesn't help that our captain still likes the ex head captain and doesn't believe him to be evil at all. So on the safe side, don't mention any of the events about the ex head captain."

Yu who waited for everyone to re group, nodded and looked at them all. "So.... was anyone else kind of bored with that fight, or was it just me?" Yu said, who dealt himself the most damage with his own explosion. yet he shrugged and motioned them to follow, figuring out what was the cause of the portals popping up. he and everyone else shunpoed to squad one, where Yu knocked on the door and entered once allowed. Standing in front of the desk Yu bowed slightly as he looked at Juki. "Well the portal thing was a tad surprising. We were greeted by members of hell. No joke hell, they turned to magma when they were defeated and sucked up in a portal back to hell. Thats what my guy said anyways. he said something about a he person is rising. So from what i can add up, we were attacked by some people from hell, and mine spoke about a guy arriving. I guess this guy makes them look like weaklings. Thats all I can tell you really, besides some having different abilities."
"I will try to remember that" Suzzio pushed some hair out his eyes. He looked around and tried to find more things to talk about. "So...what do people here do to past the time ?" Suzzio hated this, he had nothing to talk about and he was extremely bad at figuring out things to say. It also didn't help that it was a girl he was talking to, he had never been good around girls.
Nene looked around her room filled with gadgets of all sorts, some that were friendly to sue, and would be helpful. Others that if touched incorrectly, would blow up in the users face. This was a daily and normal occurrence in squad twelve for her. She probably would still be on figuring out how to make hollows her obedient servants if it weren't for Kagiko, who took her plan and finished it withing seconds. So shes been spending her time making devices that really didn't matter much, but it used up her time and that's all she really cared about. That and it gave her time to figure out how she would make Kagiko realize her intellect and finally one up the lazy man. Yawning she picked up a cubed device and pressed a green button which began to suck up every other device that littered her room, sucking it all up within a few seconds turning the dirty room into a clean one. Placing the device on the table she walked out of the room grabbing her zanpakuto, which she tapped on the ground as she walked out of her room.

Walking down the hallway, she heard a different voice speaking to another different voice, and as she got near she heard one of them mention that they will get lost, which made her stop at the junction, and she looked at the girl who was about to walk past her. She tapped her zanpakuto on the ground to get their attention."Lost? Understandable to those that are new. Where is your destination and ill guide you there. I could use the walk after all, I have been in my room for about... a week or so. Now what are your names? Mine is Nene Sanda, I am the fourth seat of the squad, and soon to be, the only one to outwit that lazy schmuck Kagiko." Nene said, for the most part sounding nice, except for the last part, were she thrived to top him in something one day. Even if it was as simple as counting.
(@mahigan )

Hioshimi felt the hostility in Kame's reply about the Zanpakuto and decided to quickly drop it. After all, it wasn't nice to prod around touchy subjects; especially if you're lost in a large barracks and relied on the other person for company. It didn't seem to irritate Kame too much, as she commented on her own Asauchi. Hioshimi seemed to visibly light up even further as her confidence was bolstered by Kame, as she turns around and gives her a grateful look. "I suppose. But what if they are lazy and can't be bothered to show themselves? I guess they'll let me have some rest, at least!" Hioshimi broke off into a giggle, slipping her hand off her Asauchi hilt.

She looked around, hopefully, for some sort of sign. "You know, they should really put up some directions. Or make a map! Perhaps we should make a map." she mused, tapping her chin. It was true; this place was larger than Hioshimi thought it would be, and she had yet to see the lab yet...unless it was kido-orientated and it was an illusion? Maybe she was asleep. Eventually, Kame took the reins and started to proceed down a corridor.

The tapping of a Zanpakuto on the floor startled Hioshimi. For some reason, she didn't reach for Asauchi but instead instinctively raised a hand - was she about to cast a Kido spell? - before relaxing and seeing that it was not, in fact, a scary lab experiment from Squad 12 but simply another Shinigami.

She had been in a room for a week. What in the world was she doing that made her remain in her room for a week? Hioshimi glanced at Kame, wondering if she was thinking the same thing, giving her an inquiring look. However, she quickly wiped it out, and since Kame didn't strike Hio as one for leading a conversation, she took a step forward and held her hand out. "It's good to have aspirations, Nene Sanda! I'm sure you'll be able to outsmart him sooner or later; After all, he can't be flawless all the time. My name's Hioshimi Nakaumo. We're looking for the baths, funnily enough. This place is huuuuge!"
Ginko looked around at everyone and shrugged. "Dont know what they do, but as for me I usually spar with someone, or go on missions. Otherwise I'd probably kill myself from boredom, but thats just me. I mean if you want we can spar until the captain gets back, he'd probably make you spar anyway, so might as well as speed up the progress." Ginko said, now grinning a bit as the topic of fights interested her far more than random chitchat did.
His lips formed a grin "Oh... well its like you read my mind" He took a few steps away from the girl. "Just... dont go easy on me, I dont want special treatment" And then he got ready, but he didn't remove his sword from its hilt
Kame stopped dead in her tracks as she was met with the sound of a Zanpakuto tapping on the ground. Startled, she lay a hand on her own sword as a girl with pink hair emerged from the shadows. While Hioshimi relaxed and let her hands down, Kame remained stiff as they talked. She noted how slow she'd been at reacting despite all of her training but Kame put it off as being distracted by what Hioshimi had said about lazy Zanpakuto spirits and maps.

There was nothing to add on to what Hioshimi had already said so Kame remained silent. Nene Sanda had offered to be their guide and that was all Kame intended her to be. There was quite a foxy look in her eyes Kame didn't like. What was with her goal as well? Outwitting someone could range from any action, from tricking them into ruining their new clothes to making them butcher their own comrades. As morbid as her own goal was, at least it was definable. Although she wasn't the mutant soul people made the members of Squad 12 turn out to be, there was definitely something off about her, Kame noted.
(@mahigan )

Hioshimi felt the hostility in Kame's reply about the Zanpakuto and decided to quickly drop it. After all, it wasn't nice to prod around touchy subjects; especially if you're lost in a large barracks and relied on the other person for company. It didn't seem to irritate Kame too much, as she commented on her own Asauchi. Hioshimi seemed to visibly light up even further as her confidence was bolstered by Kame, as she turns around and gives her a grateful look. "I suppose. But what if they are lazy and can't be bothered to show themselves? I guess they'll let me have some rest, at least!" Hioshimi broke off into a giggle, slipping her hand off her Asauchi hilt.

She looked around, hopefully, for some sort of sign. "You know, they should really put up some directions. Or make a map! Perhaps we should make a map." she mused, tapping her chin. It was true; this place was larger than Hioshimi thought it would be, and she had yet to see the lab yet...unless it was kido-orientated and it was an illusion? Maybe she was asleep. Eventually, Kame took the reins and started to proceed down a corridor.

The tapping of a Zanpakuto on the floor startled Hioshimi. For some reason, she didn't reach for Asauchi but instead instinctively raised a hand - was she about to cast a Kido spell? - before relaxing and seeing that it was not, in fact, a scary lab experiment from Squad 12 but simply another Shinigami.

She had been in a room for a week. What in the world was she doing that made her remain in her room for a week? Hioshimi glanced at Kame, wondering if she was thinking the same thing, giving her an inquiring look. However, she quickly wiped it out, and since Kame didn't strike Hio as one for leading a conversation, she took a step forward and held her hand out. "It's good to have aspirations, Nene Sanda! I'm sure you'll be able to outsmart him sooner or later; After all, he can't be flawless all the time. My name's Hioshimi Nakaumo. We're looking for the baths, funnily enough. This place is huuuuge!"
Kame stopped dead in her tracks as she was met with the sound of a Zanpakuto tapping on the ground. Startled, she lay a hand on her own sword as a girl with pink hair emerged from the shadows. While Hioshimi relaxed and let her hands down, Kame remained stiff as they talked. She noted how slow she'd been at reacting despite all of her training but Kame put it off as being distracted by what Hioshimi had said about lazy Zanpakuto spirits and maps.

There was nothing to add on to what Hioshimi had already said so Kame remained silent. Nene Sanda had offered to be their guide and that was all Kame intended her to be. There was quite a foxy look in her eyes Kame didn't like. What was with her goal as well? Outwitting someone could range from any action, from tricking them into ruining their new clothes to making them butcher their own comrades. As morbid as her own goal was, at least it was definable. Although she wasn't the mutant soul people made the members of Squad 12 turn out to be, there was definitely something off about her, Kame noted.
@mahigan @RainyDays
Nene let out a light giggle at the more talkative one who was called Hioshimi's assurance. She shook her hand and nodded at where they wanted to go. "I see, well you don't know him that well then. He may be lazy but holy hell is he a genius. And alas it is huge, we need the space for experiments and such." Nene said as she looked at the other girl and tilted her head. "D-did someone already experiment on you? Or is that a more personal thing?" Nene said before shrugging, and motioning for them to follow her. As she tapped her zanpakuto on the ground, walking straight down the hallway that would have been to their left at the junction. She continued this way before turning right with two doors opposite of each other. "Left is women's, right is males. Insides are the changing rooms and well the reason your even going in there. When walking in there is a switch besides the entrance, that if pushed will shock the opposite gender from entering. I wouldn't say we have perverts here, but that's just a safety measure."

Ginko nodded at his statement of not going easy on him, taking a deep breath in. when he looked at him who wasn't doing much she shrugged as she shunpoed behind him with her palm out aimed at his back, but shunpoed at the last second in front of him, still with her palm out, but aimed at his stomach this time. It was a simple hit, if he proved to be stronger then she wouldn't have to worry about killing him with her zanpakuto.
Mirja watched the hollow in front of her burst into flames as Haruka shot out this mid-level kido with ease. She then released her powers a lot more and distracted the final hollow, then when it found that Haruka wasn't there and turned back to Mirja for a fight, it got owned by some purple spears of light. Once Mirja could see her again, she had some awesome gauntlets on, which had great aesthetic appeal for Mirja, who loved her Hakuda.
"That is so totally cheating" she exclaimed, when Haruka mentioned something about squad 4. "Ok. They are really nice, and have some cute nurses. one of them gave me a lolly last time I got in a fight with the 11th squad" she told Haruka.

The praise she got from taking four hollows down was lovely, and made Mirja blush, and then look at her arm when Haruka asked about it.
"Ahh, yea it really hurts. But Its fine at the same time. No rush" She admitted, giggling softly.
Haruka laughed softly, "It isn't
cheating of it is my shikai." she said then released the blade. "Thanks Yuurei Mamoru." she said to the zanpakuto before she sheathed the katana. "As for Squad 4, they always gave me a cherry pop. I don't like needles." she hummed. "It'll be better for you not to expend anymore energy. Would you like to take a ride on Alucard?" the puppy yapped in excitement.
Haruka laughed softly, "It isn't
cheating of it is my shikai." she said then released the blade. "Thanks Yuurei Mamoru." she said to the zanpakuto before she sheathed the katana. "As for Squad 4, they always gave me a cherry pop. I don't like needles." she hummed. "It'll be better for you not to expend anymore energy. Would you like to take a ride on Alucard?" the puppy yapped in excitement.
Mirja looked at her Zanpaktou and pouted.
'Half of me wnats you to hurry up and be awesome like that, but the other half of me says I haven't had you long, so you haven't had chance' she thought, before looking back up at Haruka.
"The cheating was using that super kido to blow one of them away. I can't even use a #4 properly and you are going all up to fifty!" She exclaimed. Haruka then voiced her concern about expending more energy, to which Mirja laughed at. "Ha! My energy is bottomless. Ore-Sama is the strongest person ever!" She proclaimed, putting her hands on her hips and posing dramatically, but then quickly flopping as her arm hurt. "gyah, you failed me, arm!" she muttered to herself.

Before he even had moved an inch the girl had vanished and the instant later he felt something move behind him, but before he managed to react it had moved to his front. He had no chance to move from it or counter attack, the best he could do was minimize the damage. Crossing his arms in front of himself he tried his best to block the incoming punch. He felt to force of the hit push him backwards, but he managed to stay on his feet.

"You are really fast, I will give you that" Suzzio ran towards Ginko as fast as he could. Clenching his fist he got ready to land his own punch, but unlike Ginko Suzzio had no fancy moves. He just ran right at her as fast as he could and then he stopped as close to her as he could, putting all the force into his punch.
Ginko nodded at his summing up what she said. "Thats correct. The captain is a nice guy, don't get me wrong he just.... can be hard to get close to in a friendly way. Don't go shouting this to the world now since people are already suspicious of him, and members left when he became captain for this very reason. You see, he was the previous lieutenant of squad one, around the time when the ex head captain was still around. Its easy to say that our captain respected him a great deal. So when he betrayed, you can imagine what would transpire from someone who admired a traitor greatly. Suspicions of being a traitor. It doesn't help that our captain still likes the ex head captain and doesn't believe him to be evil at all. So on the safe side, don't mention any of the events about the ex head captain."

Yu who waited for everyone to re group, nodded and looked at them all. "So.... was anyone else kind of bored with that fight, or was it just me?" Yu said, who dealt himself the most damage with his own explosion. yet he shrugged and motioned them to follow, figuring out what was the cause of the portals popping up. he and everyone else shunpoed to squad one, where Yu knocked on the door and entered once allowed. Standing in front of the desk Yu bowed slightly as he looked at Juki. "Well the portal thing was a tad surprising. We were greeted by members of hell. No joke hell, they turned to magma when they were defeated and sucked up in a portal back to hell. Thats what my guy said anyways. he said something about a he person is rising. So from what i can add up, we were attacked by some people from hell, and mine spoke about a guy arriving. I guess this guy makes them look like weaklings. Thats all I can tell you really, besides some having different abilities."
Shoske rubbed the back of his head at Yu's question, his shirt burnt and tattered. Around his body was burnt marks while there was a larger one on his cheek "Well my guy could become lightning, so it was pretty fun for me. Got to test out some new skills" He followed him Yu to Squad 1 barracks and into the Head Captain's office, slightly bowing as well. He listened to what Yu said and waited for him to finish to speak himself "Permission to speak sir" Shoske said, waiting for his Head Captain's office. Once the captain granted permission, he started speaking "My opponent had nothing too special for abilities, he was capable of turning his body into lightning and dramatically increasing his speed. I have a feeling however that this will not be the last time seeing him, which is why I am reporting it."

Before he even had moved an inch the girl had vanished and the instant later he felt something move behind him, but before he managed to react it had moved to his front. He had no chance to move from it or counter attack, the best he could do was minimize the damage. Crossing his arms in front of himself he tried his best to block the incoming punch. He felt to force of the hit push him backwards, but he managed to stay on his feet.

"You are really fast, I will give you that" Suzzio ran towards Ginko as fast as he could. Clenching his fist he got ready to land his own punch, but unlike Ginko Suzzio had no fancy moves. He just ran right at her as fast as he could and then he stopped as close to her as he could, putting all the force into his punch.
He managed to block her hit which was good on his part, yet what he did next was slightly underwhelming. He just ran at her like a fight between two children would be like. So when he stopped close to her she side stepped it and looked at him. "Uhhh, might want to try something else besides running straight forward and swinging. Dont be afraid of hurting me if that's what you are worried about. My shikai only makes me stronger when Im hurt, so more pain is my game." Ginko said as she shunpoed to his right side, with her left leg lifting off the ground attempting to kick him in the head.
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