Bleach: A New Dawn

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Haruka nodded, "At your discretion, Captain. I only write up the words." she snickered then grinned at Mirja's antics. "Alright then, we'll get going so we can be back by dinner." she let out a high pitched whistle and moved towards the hallway. In a few seconds, a little shadow of a shape slammed into her chest. She set herself with a laugh and hugged the pup happily. Alucard had grown some during her short lieutenancy and was no big enough to cover her entire torso. "Heya Alucard. You wanna go for a little walk?" she asked the beast. Alucard yipped in excitement then dropped down to the ground. She span in circles, excited to get on the road. "We are ready when you are, Mirja."
Mirja smiled and reached out for the candy, popping it into her mouth and filling her cheeks out, one with Rice Cake, and the other with candy. Then Haruka mentioned dinner, which made Mirja grin and make some comment that was lost to the very full mouth. After that, she saw the small, pup-like thing leap into Haruka's chest, and a loud crunch came from Mirja as she quickly chewed and swallowed her mouth pieces.
"Ohh my god, it's so cute!" She exclaimed, giggled and she knelt down and slowly held her hand out for the pup to sniff. She didn't move to quickly, to avoid spooking the pup, and kept it a few inches away. "Mission, sure" she muttered, staring at the pup.
Amayi Cho

Reporting back.

She calmly wrapped the bandage around her head. It would be probably better to head to the barracks of Squad 4, but Ayami was disgusted by the idea of just being dependent of other people. Opening her eyes, she looked with a cold look at the small mirror in her room. It was one of the few personal belonging she had. Not that she had a big enough room to host anything like a decent closet or such. But why would she need those as she was just a simple soldier in theory? And her profession and rank wasn't meant to enjoy luxuries or anything of that sort.

With having herself dressed in a new garb and having attended to the wound at her temple, Ayami considered herself ready. Leaving her small room, she would head in the direction of Hikari's office. On her way she spotted two figures walking just away from it, but she didn't pay any attention towards the two. With a neutral gaze she would pass them at some distance as she would make her way towards Hikari's office. Hopefully he wouldn't voice any concern about her as she wouldn't like it. It kind of was an irking and disturbing fact that she even wasted time to think about the potential chance of him doing that.

Knocking against his door, Ayami waited several seconds. Opening the door, she hoped she wasn't bothering her captain with her presence. ''Hikari, I've returned.'' With the door closed behind her, Ayami made a deep bow towards the captain. Though he had said he wouldn't like the formality, she wouldn't squander it cause he requested it. ''If you would like to have it, I can report you in about the details of the mission. Or shall I perhaps write them out so that you can read them later?''
Behind her mask, the Togabito smirked as Nishiki swung her scythe at the drill. As the scythe hit the drill, instead of cleaving through it, the threads became loose and allowed the scythe to pass through. As a result, the scythe was entangled in the threads as they made their ways into the smallest holes or nooks on the scythe. The Female Togabito pulled her arm back, the threads quickly tightening up around them. Nishiki would the threads trying to tug the scythe out of her hands. "Looks like you fell right for me trap. Alone my threads may be weak but together" Her hair began to rise as it formed a giant hand of the threads. She ran at Nishiki as she kept on trying to tug the scythe away "Not even your puny scythe can cut them!" The fist went flying towards Nishiki's side. The Togabito wasn't that far from Nishiki but was still aware of another that could happen.
Nishiki's grin faltered as the woven threads moved upon their own accord and captured her Scythe. The threads tangled themselves within every hole and nook of the Scythe, which weren't many but despite this it was still difficult to tug the weapon free. As anyone would, Nishiki pulled and yanked on the bar of her weapon, placing both hands on it as she did. The woman then spoke, which oddly made Nishiki chuckle. "Of course, I should of thought there'd be a catch somewhere" She continued to pull, highly aware of the woman's hair turning in a fist that flew towards her. "Heh" All of a sudden, instead of pulling back, Nishiki suddenly pushed her Scythe forward before using the resistant force to help her swing her whole body upwards into the air, only holding onto the bar of her Scythe for support in a bid to dodge the large fist. After jumping, Nishiki sealed her Zanpakuto, returning it back to it's standard Katana state. Once she landed, whether it'd be on the back of the large hand or the floor, Nishiki would begin spinning the hilt of her blade while shaking it forward and back constantly, hoping to slowly but surely wear away the strands of the thread still attached. She'd keep spinning and shaking until her sword was freed, slowly working away thread by thread.
Haruka laughed when Alucard sniffed the offered hand, only to jump at Mirja tongue wagging. He licked at her face in excitement and tried to jump on her. "Alucard, behave." the wolf-dog whined and sat down, waiting patiently.
The Togabito chuckled "Not bad at all, your tactics are rather interesting. This should make a fun fight for me" The Togabito raised his hand, droplets of spilled water raising from the ground and scattering around Zheng "Let's see you dance Shinigami" He swung his hand, the droplets moving around rapidly acting as bullets. Although their speed was fast, they were fragile but still left a sting if hit. But Togabito used this as a distraction. He quickly ran around Zheng and made his way to the river. He raised his hands, several geyshers of water rising from the river "This is the worst place imaginable for you" He swung his hand downwards, 2 torrents of water speeding towards Zheng. In the meanwhile, he spun his hand as the other 2 geyshers began to rotate as well, forming points at the end of them.
"I'm no dancing chimp, bastard." This man wasn't taking him seriously at all. The Togabito was just playing around, making him seem like a fool while the Togabito just stood there blasting water in his face. Water bullets flew towards him that just wanted to pelt his face at high speeds. It didn't take an idiot to figure out that this would fucking hurt like hell so he held his hand out, creating a yellow spinning disk that blocked the bullets of water. "Bakudo 39: Enkosen!" The disk was strong enough to be able to take the bullets until it finally faded away. It was too late when he noticed when the Togabito had ran towards the river and then sent two torrents of water towards him. The two torrents crashed down on him, the blunt force of the attacks left bruises on his body, but Zheng seemed to have made it out of the attack and was in the air. "Along this road goes no one this autumn eve, Tenzai!" The bangles around his wrists dissipated into golden energy, disappearing into his body.
Nishiki's grin faltered as the woven threads moved upon their own accord and captured her Scythe. The threads tangled themselves within every hole and nook of the Scythe, which weren't many but despite this it was still difficult to tug the weapon free. As anyone would, Nishiki pulled and yanked on the bar of her weapon, placing both hands on it as she did. The woman then spoke, which oddly made Nishiki chuckle. "Of course, I should of thought there'd be a catch somewhere" She continued to pull, highly aware of the woman's hair turning in a fist that flew towards her. "Heh" All of a sudden, instead of pulling back, Nishiki suddenly pushed her Scythe forward before using the resistant force to help her swing her whole body upwards into the air, only holding onto the bar of her Scythe for support in a bid to dodge the large fist. After jumping, Nishiki sealed her Zanpakuto, returning it back to it's standard Katana state. Once she landed, whether it'd be on the back of the large hand or the floor, Nishiki would begin spinning the hilt of her blade while shaking it forward and back constantly, hoping to slowly but surely wear away the strands of the thread still attached. She'd keep spinning and shaking until her sword was freed, slowly working away thread by thread.
The Togabito was rather impressed when Nishiki deactivated her shikai just to release her zanpakuto from the threads. As the Lieutenant landed, the Female Togabito stood and watched, not reacting "Heh, not bad. This goes against our orders, but I could care less about orders from some pale freak. If I'm gonna kill you, I atleast wanna know your name. Oh and the name is Black Widow by the way, but you can call me Widow" The giant fist became flimsy as it shrunk back into her regular ponytail. Afterwards, it split into two and wrapped around Widow's arms, hardening and forming into two sleek and sharp blades. She waited for Nishiki to speak as she completed the process. It hardly looked like it was hair anymore but instead 2 purple blades "Oh by the way, I like your hair. I can't wait to wear it on my head after I scalp your head!" She appeared in front of Nishiki, using a technique similar to Shunpo. She swung her right blade at Nishiki as she kept the other one on defense.
Once the two females left Hikari let out a breath closing his eyes. There was too much for him to deal with at the moment. He had the Squad, his clan, now he had to make up for destroying a family. He wasn't looking forward to what would be added to the list, nonetheless he would have to deal with it with zero complaint. Feeling a small spirit energy at his door he quickly opened his eyes and sat up straight as he heard Ayami's voice. She walked to his desk and bowed, though he just looked at her. "If you would like to have it, I can report you in about the details of the mission. Or shall I perhaps write them out so that you can read them later?'' Hikari put on a smile, one that seemed forced to hide how tired he looked. He eyes trailed up and down her body, it was obvious that what he thought was a simple scare was much more than that. Either that or Ayami had gotten very clumsy. "Looks like Squad Four is getting sloppy," he joked about the bandages on her head before getting a bit more serious, "Either or is fine, Ayami. I think you should take the rest of the day off though, so a written report will be fine. Though I must know now, was the mission a success or failure?"
Haruka laughed when Alucard sniffed the offered hand, only to jump at Mirja tongue wagging. He licked at her face in excitement and tried to jump on her. "Alucard, behave." the wolf-dog whined and sat down, waiting patiently.
Mirja panicked for half a second as the dog jumped at her, but then he started to lick her face, and all Mirja could do was giggle and scratch his ears, before Haruka told him to behave, so he stopped being a super-friendly and sat down. After wiping off the dog slobber, Mirja stood up and looked to Haruka.
"So, where is this hollow clean up going down? Head Captain's underwear drawer?" She asked jokingly, chuckling softly to herself.
"I'm no dancing chimp, bastard." This man wasn't taking him seriously at all. The Togabito was just playing around, making him seem like a fool while the Togabito just stood there blasting water in his face. Water bullets flew towards him that just wanted to pelt his face at high speeds. It didn't take an idiot to figure out that this would fucking hurt like hell so he held his hand out, creating a yellow spinning disk that blocked the bullets of water. "Bakudo 39: Enkosen!" The disk was strong enough to be able to take the bullets until it finally faded away. It was too late when he noticed when the Togabito had ran towards the river and then sent two torrents of water towards him. The two torrents crashed down on him, the blunt force of the attacks left bruises on his body, but Zheng seemed to have made it out of the attack and was in the air. "Along this road goes no one this autumn eve, Tenzai!" The bangles around his wrists dissipated into golden energy, disappearing into his body.
The Togabito was impressed by himself, being a rather cocky person, that his attacks had landed on the shinigami. He watched as the shinigami activated his shikai in the air, chuckling "Like a fish out of water, what a fool you are to leave yourself mid air. A shame you had only activated your shikai not, a little before your death" He swung his hand, the torrent of water to his left went flying towards Zheng. It was spinning rapidly and had a fine point at the end, aiming to stab through Zheng's chest. The Togabito mockinly sat down, thinking he had already won the fight.
Amayi Cho

Straighten her back, Ayami heard the comment. It almost made her comment back as she realized it was a joke. Deciding against going to comment back on it, she thought about her options. She had the choice of either writing the report or to voice it now. Then there was that she had just gotten the day off, which was nice cause then she could invest it in some training. Perhaps finally study in how to control her current powers better? Yes, that would be great.

Due her own thought or perhaps indifference, she didn't notice how tired Hikari looked like. ''I'll then write out the report soon enough. Though I must say that there have been some weird details.'' Her lips curled down as she thought about them. ''I've dealt with the culprit and it has been finished off. Though I might consider it a success... There might be some number of innocent casualties that have fallen during the mission, Hikari, sir.'' Ayami managed to keep both her expression as tone neutral, but she was a bit worried what the man would say or do if he would hear the next part.

''There was a hollow that managed to summon what I believed were undead people. But they seemed to be residents of the outer skirts. I didn't had the chance to investigate nor do I believe I'm capable of a feat like that. With the hollow dead, I've burned many of the bodies, but saved some. They are still there and are guarded by a few simple barriers.'' Making another bow, Ayami kept her head lowered. ''I'm sorry if it disappoints you that I'm not capable of constructing better barriers, Hikari, sir.''
The Togabito was rather impressed when Nishiki deactivated her shikai just to release her zanpakuto from the threads. As the Lieutenant landed, the Female Togabito stood and watched, not reacting "Heh, not bad. This goes against our orders, but I could care less about orders from some pale freak. If I'm gonna kill you, I atleast wanna know your name. Oh and the name is Black Widow by the way, but you can call me Widow" The giant fist became flimsy as it shrunk back into her regular ponytail. Afterwards, it split into two and wrapped around Widow's arms, hardening and forming into two sleek and sharp blades. She waited for Nishiki to speak as she completed the process. It hardly looked like it was hair anymore but instead 2 purple blades "Oh by the way, I like your hair. I can't wait to wear it on my head after I scalp your head!" She appeared in front of Nishiki, using a technique similar to Shunpo. She swung her right blade at Nishiki as she kept the other one on defense.
Nishiki landed softly, holding her hilt with a smirk of a smile adorning her face. This certainly was becoming much more fun than she had initially expected which pleased her. After listening to the woman speak, Nishiki let out a short chuckle noise before responding, noting the woman preparing herself. "Why thank you Widow~ I'm Nishiki Kalemoru, call me Niki if you want~" As she held her Katana in her right hand, Nishiki moved it along her fingers with her fingers so the hilt rested between her index and middle finger softly. "You like it huh? Well, I might as well let you know that I like your hair also~ Hmhmhm, I'm afraid I'll be the one wearing your scalp after this fight~ Shiro would be mad if I was killed, and I wouldn't want to upset him now~" As Nishiki spoke, her voice lowering an octave towards the end of her sentence, she thought of something but was cut short as Widow appeared in front of her suddenly. With her smirk growing into a grin, Nishiki ducked her body so Widow's right blade narrowly missed her head and moved passed her left shoulder. Whilst in this position, Nishiki swiftly gripped and swung her blade under Widow's left one in a bid to push it up a little and hold it there as she attempted to send a forceful punch to Widow's gut with her left hand, hopefully with enough strength to force Widow to double-over.
Hikari listened as she spoke, innocent casualties? That would probably cause a few problems which caused him to sigh. Once she finished speaking Hikari slowly stood to walk around his desk. Once to Ayami he put his hands on her shoulders, gently straightening her as he gave a genuine smile. "Ayami, you shouldn't apologize for doing your best. If anything I should have taken more caution and sent more Shinigami with you, but what's done is done. As long as it was a success, and you stopped the hollow from hurting more people, then you shouldn't dwell on it." Hikari reached into his haori pulling out a piece of candy in a green wrapper. He pulled her hand out before sitting the candy on her palm. "Good job, Ayami. Now go take your day off." Hikari walked around his desk once more and sat back in his chair.
Mirja panicked for half a second as the dog jumped at her, but then he started to lick her face, and all Mirja could do was giggle and scratch his ears, before Haruka told him to behave, so he stopped being a super-friendly and sat down. After wiping off the dog slobber, Mirja stood up and looked to Haruka.
"So, where is this hollow clean up going down? Head Captain's underwear drawer?" She asked jokingly, chuckling softly to herself.

"Nah, I'm sure that Alucard took care of that particular clean up." The pup huffed and jumped onto Haruka's shoulder. Long used to it, the woman didn't misstep as she walked. "As for where, we'll be traveling about an hour from here. The town is pretty small, so hopefully the Hollows are stupid and irritating." she looked over the report again then to her charge. "For you, fight as you do normally. I'll keep a hands off approach, but I'll step in if I need to. Alucard will provide witness if he isn't napping." the dog nipped her ear which she just chuckled at. "Do you need any supplies before we set out, Mirja?"
The Togabito was impressed by himself, being a rather cocky person, that his attacks had landed on the shinigami. He watched as the shinigami activated his shikai in the air, chuckling "Like a fish out of water, what a fool you are to leave yourself mid air. A shame you had only activated your shikai not, a little before your death" He swung his hand, the torrent of water to his left went flying towards Zheng. It was spinning rapidly and had a fine point at the end, aiming to stab through Zheng's chest. The Togabito mockinly sat down, thinking he had already won the fight.
A smirk had formed along his face despite being in an unfavorable predicament. There he was, in the air where a torrent of water was going to pierce his chest and chill his organs and freeze his blood, waiting for them to be frozen in his veins while this arrogant prick already claimed that he won. Even in the face of death he was still confident that he will win, in fact it was because he was confident in his abilities that he he had did not fear he would face his demise today. Then all of a sudden he moved like a blur, leaving what seemed to be a small cloud at his feet and then another small cloud appeared in the air again followed by the blur before Zheng appeared right in front of the Togabito with his leg coming towards his face. Cloud Stroll is a technique that allows Zheng to have movement in the air, emitting bursts of reaitsu while stomping the air. This was that technique, but mixed with shunpo, a powerful combo that allows him to move in the air rapidly. He also had used Iron Tempered Will, creating a thin layer of compressed reaitsu over his body that acted as a strong defense that as well increased the damage of his attacks.
Nishiki landed softly, holding her hilt with a smirk of a smile adorning her face. This certainly was becoming much more fun than she had initially expected which pleased her. After listening to the woman speak, Nishiki let out a short chuckle noise before responding, noting the woman preparing herself. "Why thank you Widow~ I'm Nishiki Kalemoru, call me Niki if you want~" As she held her Katana in her right hand, Nishiki moved it along her fingers with her fingers so the hilt rested between her index and middle finger softly. "You like it huh? Well, I might as well let you know that I like your hair also~ Hmhmhm, I'm afraid I'll be the one wearing your scalp after this fight~ Shiro would be mad if I was killed, and I wouldn't want to upset him now~" As Nishiki spoke, her voice lowering an octave towards the end of her sentence, she thought of something but was cut short as Widow appeared in front of her suddenly. With her smirk growing into a grin, Nishiki ducked her body so Widow's right blade narrowly missed her head and moved passed her left shoulder. Whilst in this position, Nishiki swiftly gripped and swung her blade under Widow's left one in a bid to push it up a little and hold it there as she attempted to send a forceful punch to Widow's gut with her left hand, hopefully with enough strength to force Widow to double-over.
Widow was taken back by Niki's strength, it was obvious that she was physically stronger than her when she managed to push back her other blade. Immediatly afterwards, she felt a fist punch her in the stomach. She skidded back, Widow losing her breath for a moment. The punch was strong but it wasn't enough to take her out. She looked up at Nishiki "Heh, you think I'm scared of your captain? I'd love to see him upset, it would be fun to have your severed heads on a plaque" She ran towards Nishiki, her right blade ready as the other one began to take a different form. She appeared behind Nishiki, swining her blade at Nishiki's neck aiming to cleave it right off.
A smirk had formed along his face despite being in an unfavorable predicament. There he was, in the air where a torrent of water was going to pierce his chest and chill his organs and freeze his blood, waiting for them to be frozen in his veins while this arrogant prick already claimed that he won. Even in the face of death he was still confident that he will win, in fact it was because he was confident in his abilities that he he had did not fear he would face his demise today. Then all of a sudden he moved like a blur, leaving what seemed to be a small cloud at his feet and then another small cloud appeared in the air again followed by the blur before Zheng appeared right in front of the Togabito with his leg coming towards his face. Cloud Stroll is a technique that allows Zheng to have movement in the air, emitting bursts of reaitsu while stomping the air. This was that technique, but mixed with shunpo, a powerful combo that allows him to move in the air rapidly. He also had used Iron Tempered Will, creating a thin layer of compressed reaitsu over his body that acted as a strong defense that as well increased the damage of his attacks.
The Togabito confidently watched as his torrent was heading towards Zheng, but out of the blue he managed to move around in mid air and appeared in front of him. The Togabito crossed his arms but Zhengs attack shattered them and hit his mask, shards of ice flying everywhere due to the attack. The Togabito went flying back and skidded across the ground, his body rather limp due to the attack. He got up, his arms forming again from the water behind him. His mask had a large diagonal crack across it. He quickly moved his hand once it formed over it and froze the crack to slightly reinforce it "Y-you fucking bastard. I thought shinigamis couldn't move around in the Soul Society, so what the hell just was that. No matter. I'll make you pay for that" The Togabito quickly jumped into the water, his body quickly vanishing and only leaving the mask. Afterwards, a giant creature with no features rose from the river, the mask in the middle of the giant glob of water. It swung it's arm, multiple blades of water flying towards Zheng
"Nah, I'm sure that Alucard took care of that particular clean up." The pup huffed and jumped onto Haruka's shoulder. Long used to it, the woman didn't misstep as she walked. "As for where, we'll be traveling about an hour from here. The town is pretty small, so hopefully the Hollows are stupid and irritating." she looked over the report again then to her charge. "For you, fight as you do normally. I'll keep a hands off approach, but I'll step in if I need to. Alucard will provide witness if he isn't napping." the dog nipped her ear which she just chuckled at. "Do you need any supplies before we set out, Mirja?"
Mirja laughed as she thought of the wolf-dog rifling though the Head Captains underwear drawer. And then she said about the hollows being an hour away. Which was not really a good frame of reference.
"So, an hour by puny foot-walkers, or an hour by awesome Flash-Step Phantoms?" She asked, before shaking her head. "And na, got all the supplies I need. It is really helpful, having my feet as my supplies. Easy to tell if I am forgetting them" she joked, wondering why Haruka told her to fight normally. How else would she fight?
Mirja laughed as she thought of the wolf-dog rifling though the Head Captains underwear drawer. And then she said about the hollows being an hour away. Which was not really a good frame of reference.
"So, an hour by puny foot-walkers, or an hour by awesome Flash-Step Phantoms?" She asked, before shaking her head. "And na, got all the supplies I need. It is really helpful, having my feet as my supplies. Easy to tell if I am forgetting them" she joked, wondering why Haruka told her to fight normally. How else would she fight?

"By walking. We can flash step if you can keep up." she challenged playfully. "Let's get going then yes?" she said before she flash stepped away.
Mirja pulled her lips tight as Haruka insinuated that she couldn't keep up.
"May be a Lieutenant.." she started, before Haruka promptly Flash Stepped, so Mirja set off after her. The take off was roughly, less graceful than the average Soul Reaper, but the propellent was of a higher caliber, as if displaying the denser reiatsu that Mirja possessed though the technique. "The only reason we are not miles apart already is because I don't know where to go" she told Haruka after catching up to her. There where few things that Mirja was proud or defensive about, but her proficiency in Hoho was one of them.
Widow was taken back by Niki's strength, it was obvious that she was physically stronger than her when she managed to push back her other blade. Immediatly afterwards, she felt a fist punch her in the stomach. She skidded back, Widow losing her breath for a moment. The punch was strong but it wasn't enough to take her out. She looked up at Nishiki "Heh, you think I'm scared of your captain? I'd love to see him upset, it would be fun to have your severed heads on a plaque" She ran towards Nishiki, her right blade ready as the other one began to take a different form. She appeared behind Nishiki, swining her blade at Nishiki's neck aiming to cleave it right off.
Nishiki stood straight after she had knocked Widow back, once again using her fingers to move the hilt of her Zanpakuto between the index and middle fingers of her right hand while resting her left hand on her left hip. She watched Widow with a devious grin. "Oh I don't think you'd want that~ My Captain isn't one to be trifled with~ And don't worry your pretty little head about that, there's no way in hell that you'd ever be able to achieve that~ Especially since I'm going to be last person you'll ever be able to lay your eyes upon" As Nishiki spoke, her hair seemed to lift and wave in the air, her invisible aura growing, thus her spiritual energy. As Widow charged for her, Nishiki simply held the hilt of her blade up before it began emitting a glow. "Time for something new~ Rein Hokori~" As she spoke these words, the glow that her Katana emitted grew into the shape of a different type of Scythe than the one she used previously.


Nishiki kept still, even as Widow disappeared. With her smirk still held, Nishiki swiftly twisted her body away from Widow's blade in time with Widow's movements before thrusting the top of her Scythe upwards, aiming to hit a spot exactly in the middle of the blade in bid to force not only the blade but Widow's forearm upwards. Meanwhile, Nishiki made sure her Scythe was in between both her and Widow. Glancing at the woman, Nishiki spoke with slight amusement. "I'm superior to you in ever way. I would say give up, but you deserve to be punished for challenging such a skilful being such as myself. That punishment will be death." Her voice, along with how she spoke, seemed to of changed, sounding deeper with a noticeable cocky. The smile she held turned into more of a mocking one instead of a devious one.
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