Bleach: A New Dawn (OOC/Sign-up)

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Because I shouldn't have to say anything OOC. You're on the public forums, rp'ing in a public place. If this interaction was MEANT to be between just two people, then you either take it to PM or have it take place in a private/personal room (I.e. An Office with a closes door).
I said if you got anymore problems take it to PM and we shall sort it there as that's where this problem should be sorted. Not here on the OOC.
Okay stop now. It's like watching children fight over a damn football or something on the playground. It's so pointless. If you want to keep arguing then take it to a PM, invite me in and we shall sort this there. cause this is just getting blown WAY out of proportion. All because of one silly scene...

You are kidding me right now. I bring up a legitimate concern, give my evidence, and it's equated to a temper tantrum? You devalue my feelings when you've openly expressed for us to voice our concerns?

Fuck. You.
I said if you got anymore problems take it to PM and we shall sort it there as that's where this problem should be sorted. Not here on the OOC.

This is the perfect place to hash this out. So that way, you are held accountable to whatever you say. You want to shut me up? Do it here. Tell me what you're going to do about this. Simple. As. That.

My problem is not with you as people, well it wasn't until Kurisa pulled that shit. My problem is with a worrying trend that I am seeing and experiencing. There is no reason to take it to pm. There is no reason to devalue the issue, as I am not the only one that feels this way.

And frankly, I am massively disappointed. Massive isn't even a strong enough word. I thought this RP was different...
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*Smashes face against wall*...My....God...
I said if you got anymore problems take it to PM and we shall sort it there as that's where this problem should be sorted. Not here on the OOC.
I honestly find this to be a legit thing to be annoyed by. I've had this problem for a year now, and now other members are beginning to have the same problem. It's obviously something that needs to be changed, and I feel it isn't something to shy away from or have a member take to PMs. If it is something to take to PMs, then it should be the GMs to converse on how to fix the problem in a roleplay they control.

As long as we converse about it in a productive manner from now on, I see no problem with speaking on it OOC wise. Of course, people are going to get a bit heated.
Fuck. You.

But we're all human here, shit happens. Just need a moment to calm ourselves.

But we're all human here, shit happens. Just need a moment to calm ourselves.

calm? I am calm. I am calmly disappointed. I call out a concern only to get called a child. Did I insult anyone? No. Did I attack anyone's character? No. But I am the one that is being childish? Ha!
*Walks in after finishing a post that puts Nadameru in the Spa.*

*reads the drama*

...Well, this got crazy.
....*Facepalms* Seriously this is know what...guys...who ever isn't happy with the can leave, I aint keeping you here. I'm trying to do what I can to make everyone happy, I'm trying to RP everyone I can...I can't click my fingers and make things right instantly. Some people have issues with others on a personal level and so they tend to purposely avoid the other because they don't want to cause issues for eachother. If two people don't like eachother it's out of my hands, I can't tell them how to feel. So as I said...last time I'll say it...if you want to try sort this issue out. Take it to PM, invite me to it and we can sort it out there..
*Walks in after finishing a post that puts Nadameru in the Spa.*

*reads the drama*

...Well, this got crazy.
I know I washed dishes and came back to a war XD
*Walks in after finishing a post that puts Nadameru in the Spa.*

*reads the drama*

...Well, this got crazy.
Yeah it did. I'm sorry it's gotten so crazy...however you know can't control how others feel...
....*Facepalms* Seriously this is know what...guys...who ever isn't happy with the can leave, I aint keeping you here. I'm trying to do what I can to make everyone happy, I'm trying to RP everyone I can...I can't click my fingers and make things right instantly. Some people have issues with others on a personal level and so they tend to purposely avoid the other because they don't want to cause issues for eachother. If two people don't like eachother it's out of my hands, I can't tell them how to feel. So as I said...last time I'll say it...if you want to try sort this issue out. Take it to PM, invite me to it and we can sort it out there..

...Did you read ANYTHING I just posted?

Honestly. Answer that. Did you READ anything? Why are you trying to turn this into something it isn't? Why are you bringing in problems that have NO BEARING on this? I like and care for everyone here, which is why I don't want ANYONE to feel excluded like I have been feeling.

If you don't want to try and understand, fine. But stop making me out to be the bad guy. NO ONE is the bad guy here, this is just a bad trend.

Or is it you that has a problem with me?
Okay for gods sake, heres a solution, even if it drags on don't just end the interaction within a few posts, that will anger people. Even if they appear randomly they have a point with it being public, so unless its like a personal manor or the area is locked out by squad 12 inventions then its all fair game I say. Can we all agree on that? So even if time zones come into play, I think people will understand waiting a few hours for a reply, rather than saying hi then someone leaving. Can we all agree on this?
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...Did you read ANYTHING I just posted?
Yes and I said take it to PM and THEN we can discuss it there. This to me falls under a "problem" and I like problems to be taken to PM where they can be sorted out and other people don't have to read pages of people arguing.
Okay for gods sake, heres a solution, even if it drags on don't just end the interaction within a few posts, that will anger people. Even if they appear randomly they have a point with it being public, so unless its like a personal manor or the area is locked out by squad 12 inventions then its all fair game I say. Can we all agree on that? So even if time zones come into play, I think people will understand waiting a few hours for a reply, rather than saying hi then someone leaving. Can we all agree on this?

See? Yeah, that works. Just please make sure it is implemented. Say...four posts on each side? If a topic or interactions doesn't come from it, feel free to move on?

That was ALL I wanted. A solution to a problem.
Yes and I said take it to PM and THEN we can discuss it there. This to me falls under a "problem" and I like problems to be taken to PM where they can be sorted out and other people don't have to read pages of people arguing.

And it shouldn't be. As a GM, you should be able to handle a concern in a public manner. Especially one that has the potential to come back around. Zane did your job. Congrats.
Okay were all good now god damnit Aeron a naked woman is talking to you -throws in ic-
Thanks Zane. Sure we will do that from now on. While we are at it want to take over the RP? I've got enough stuff to deal with in real life and you know kinda can't be dealing with this sort of stuff anymore. So yeah...congrats ya all got what you wanted =)
calm? I am calm. I am calmly disappointed. I call out a concern only to get called a child. Did I insult anyone? No. Did I attack anyone's character? No. But I am the one that is being childish? Ha!
I understand your annoyance, you shouldn't have been compared to a child. It's understandable and justifiable.

....*Facepalms* Seriously this is know what...guys...who ever isn't happy with the can leave, I aint keeping you here. I'm trying to do what I can to make everyone happy, I'm trying to RP everyone I can...I can't click my fingers and make things right instantly. Some people have issues with others on a personal level and so they tend to purposely avoid the other because they don't want to cause issues for eachother. If two people don't like eachother it's out of my hands, I can't tell them how to feel. So as I said...last time I'll say it...if you want to try sort this issue out. Take it to PM, invite me to it and we can sort it out there..
Shouldn't be handled with, "You don't like it then get out!" present problems, if not handled, only causes worse problems for the future. Me and Hawke could leave (Just using us for an example), but then more members can come and have the same problems, and then blow up more than we both have. Why? Because it wasn't handled beforehand.

If anyone has a problem with someone else that causes them not to RP with them, please take the time now to go tell that person in private. It stops everyone from wasting their time, and makes us much more happy people. I, for one, don't let personal issues effect IC. I personally don't like how Lily handles her character, nor do I particularly like the character Gio. Yet Lily's char remains in my Squad, and I'm going to train Gio later on. So that's my standing.
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