Bleach: A New Dawn (OOC/Sign-up)

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That's fine. I don't even need you there!!
I'm probably gunna head into the spar and cause mischief.

Or I stole someone's Dango...So I've got that going for me.
You are either really strong, or have a weak door. if I tried to punch though my door, my fist would give out long before the door. But then, it is a Fire Door, so it's meant to be sturdy.
Well the door is pretty hollow, but thick wood. Also I'm sick, so...take it as you will.
Oh, Okay, I understand this better now, thank you for clearing that up from me. One last question, is there any way of her loosing this stored suffering or is the only way of her releasing it is if she uses it? I'm guessing there probably isn't a limit to the amount she can carry based on her power-level right?
Only way for her to lose it is if she uses it. But as said, the arc can be dodged, it's rather easy to dodge. Hence why it's used more as a finishing blow rather than a right in your face attack. And no, there is no limit.
Well the door is pretty hollow, but thick wood. Also I'm sick, so...take it as you will.

Only way for her to lose it is if she uses it. But as said, the arc can be dodged, it's rather easy to dodge. Hence why it's used more as a finishing blow rather than a right in your face attack. And no, there is no limit.
Okay, that's fine then.
A guy isn't a perv and he's a bitch? xD Wtf?

That isn't why he's a bitch. He sees a grown woman in the spa, whom repeatedly says she isn't interested in him, and all he can think about is SHE CAN SEE MY MAN NIPS AND DICK!!

Rather than...oh...i don't know, sitting down so he is completely covered, he immediately leaves when there is a lieutenant. Someone he can glean some information from, rather than complain about free food ( That's free food, ya pussy scared bitch!) he could have AT LEAST asked if she knew a decent place to eat on a budget. Once Haruka entered, whom obviously didn't give a damn (and whom was ANOTHER lieutenant) that was another wasted opportunity. Simply because he couldn't let go of his obsession with anyone seeing his dick.

Yes. He is a bitch. And one I find very unbelievable that he lives on the streets. He isn't resourceful at all.
That isn't why he's a bitch. He sees a grown woman in the spa, whom repeatedly says she isn't interested in him, and all he can think about is SHE CAN SEE MY MAN NIPS AND DICK!!

Rather than...oh...i don't know, sitting down so he is completely covered, he immediately leaves when there is a lieutenant. Someone he can glean some information from, rather than complain about free food ( That's free food, ya pussy scared bitch!) he could have AT LEAST asked if she knew a decent place to eat on a budget. Once Haruka entered, whom obviously didn't give a damn (and whom was ANOTHER lieutenant) that was another wasted opportunity. Simply because he couldn't let go of his obsession with anyone seeing his dick.

Yes. He is a bitch. And one I find very unbelievable that he lives on the streets. He isn't resourceful at all.
Its nishiki, she always a pervert.
That isn't why he's a bitch. He sees a grown woman in the spa, whom repeatedly says she isn't interested in him, and all he can think about is SHE CAN SEE MY MAN NIPS AND DICK!!

Rather than...oh...i don't know, sitting down so he is completely covered, he immediately leaves when there is a lieutenant. Someone he can glean some information from, rather than complain about free food ( That's free food, ya pussy scared bitch!) he could have AT LEAST asked if she knew a decent place to eat on a budget. Once Haruka entered, whom obviously didn't give a damn (and whom was ANOTHER lieutenant) that was another wasted opportunity. Simply because he couldn't let go of his obsession with anyone seeing his dick.

Yes. He is a bitch. And one I find very unbelievable that he lives on the streets. He isn't resourceful at all.
Welllll shit. xD

Its nishiki, she always a pervert.
Hey now, she ain't 'bout that life anymore. o3o
That isn't why he's a bitch. He sees a grown woman in the spa, whom repeatedly says she isn't interested in him, and all he can think about is SHE CAN SEE MY MAN NIPS AND DICK!!

Rather than...oh...i don't know, sitting down so he is completely covered, he immediately leaves when there is a lieutenant. Someone he can glean some information from, rather than complain about free food ( That's free food, ya pussy scared bitch!) he could have AT LEAST asked if she knew a decent place to eat on a budget. Once Haruka entered, whom obviously didn't give a damn (and whom was ANOTHER lieutenant) that was another wasted opportunity. Simply because he couldn't let go of his obsession with anyone seeing his dick.

Yes. He is a bitch. And one I find very unbelievable that he lives on the streets. He isn't resourceful at all.
That isn't why he's a bitch. He sees a grown woman in the spa, whom repeatedly says she isn't interested in him, and all he can think about is SHE CAN SEE MY MAN NIPS AND DICK!!

Rather than...oh...i don't know, sitting down so he is completely covered, he immediately leaves when there is a lieutenant. Someone he can glean some information from, rather than complain about free food ( That's free food, ya pussy scared bitch!) he could have AT LEAST asked if she knew a decent place to eat on a budget. Once Haruka entered, whom obviously didn't give a damn (and whom was ANOTHER lieutenant) that was another wasted opportunity. Simply because he couldn't let go of his obsession with anyone seeing his dick.

Yes. He is a bitch. And one I find very unbelievable that he lives on the streets. He isn't resourceful at all.
Man you got some real hate for him xD Well okay then. I mean I think you read a bit to much into what was meant to just be a silly comedy scene me and Abi were having a little laugh at but if you want to hate him and think of him as a bitch I wont try change your mind nor change my character to change your mind. I'm glad some people don't like him...this makes him just that much more interesting for me to play him.
Its nishiki, she always a pervert.

You can't talk either about Nishiki. That's a whole other issue I could talk about with massive amounts of irritation for character interaction.

this is why I usually RP with one or two people.
Well someones a tad grumpy.
Man you got some real hate for him xD Well okay then. I mean I think you read a bit to much into what was meant to just be a silly comedy scene me and Abi were having a little laugh at but if you want to hate him and think of him as a bitch I wont try change your mind nor change my character to change your mind. I'm glad some people don't like him...this makes him just that much more interesting for me to play him.

No, it's a TERRIBLE reason for me to dislike him. I cannot RP with anyone else outside of my squad. Like literally, I can't. And it sucks because I'm stuck in this little box. And nothing pisses me off more than being stuck in a box.

Silly scene my ass. I'll just stick to what I know.
You can't talk either about Nishiki. That's a whole other issue I could talk about with massive amounts of irritation for character interaction.

this is why I usually RP with one or two people.
I think you need to relax. xD That scene was meant to just be a quick, pointless but fun interaction between my Nishiki and Kurisa's Sachi, nothing serious. xD
Man you got some real hate for him xD Well okay then. I mean I think you read a bit to much into what was meant to just be a silly comedy scene me and Abi were having a little laugh at but if you want to hate him and think of him as a bitch I wont try change your mind nor change my character to change your mind. I'm glad some people don't like him...this makes him just that much more interesting for me to play him.
Sachi's been in the RP like around 10 posts and already got someone hating him...gonna be a good character for me this one xD
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