Bleach: A New Beginning

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Hey look what i found! :D.

I'm totally keeping this.
  • Love
Reactions: Oni
Feel free XD
Too straight for me.
It's alright. We'll try to find a Yaoi Equivalent as Byakuya taking it in the butt.


Liqui Trafalgar



Normal member

Non atm


Liqui is pretty good at kido and also at healing others. In combat his best bet is to stand and get in a few slashes and await as his Zanpakuto does the rest

Liqui is extremely frail and does not do well in straight up combat. One strong hit against him will win you the fight.

Place of Residence:
The Soul Society

He is usually a nice person who cares for everyone around him, he often will go out of his way to be nice to others. He is insanely protective of anyone under his care. If he however does get mad he doesn't stay that way for long.


In life Liqui was born into a family that ran an orphanage. This meant he never had the problem of not having anyone to hang with or play with.Kids from all over came to stay with the family, many of them with tragic stories. As he grew older and the family kept taking in kids he started caring for each and every kid that ever came into the household, no matter how long they stayed at the orphanage. He saw himself as their temporary brother.

One day a man came to the orphanage saying he wanted to talk to someone about adoption. The family let him in and gave him some tea while they talked. It took 10 minutes before the first gunshots got fired and Liqui was 2nd to go, right after his mother. The slaughter lasted for 30 minutes as the man searched for his child, but he quickly found it wasn't there. Had he come 3 weeks before however it would have.

In the after life Liqui always took care of those less fortunate, helping them anyway he could while also training to one day become a soul reaper. Which he now has succeeded.


Regular Members start with 46 points to distribute. Lieutenants start with 51. Captains start with 56.

Strength: 3

Speed: 9

Reflexes: 8

Finesse: 12

Stamina: 5

Reiryoku: 4400

Kido: 6 (Skills with Hado and Bakudo)

Zanjutsu: 3 (Skill with your Zanpakuto, includes skill with Bankai and Shikai)



Kimyōna ekitai (Strange Liquid)



Shikai Chant:

"Enter their body, Kimyōna ekitai!"

Shikai Appearance:

Roughly the size of a kitchen knife.

Shikai Abilities:

The blade is infused with a strange liquid which is both able to work as a painkiller or as a local anesthetic.

Bankai Phrase:

"enter their blood, play with their minds Kimyōna ekitai"

Bankai Appearance:

Bankai Abilities:

Each syringe contains a different liquid.

Red (boil): This liquid makes it feel like you are burning up from the inside, but really has no damaging properties.

Orange (relax): This liquid works as local anesthetic which will spread through the body if the syringe is not removed before all its content is emptied.

Yellow (blur): the targets vision gets blurry and is known to make people extremely dizzy

Green (restore): a syringe filled with condensed reiatsu that helps speed up the healing process

Light blue (chill): This makes the target feel like their bodies are freezing, other then the bodies normal reactions to extreme cold this has no damaging effects.

Dark blue (cobra): An extremely potent venom, only downside is that before the target dies from the poisoning they feel no pain and can therefore fight as long as their bodies will allow them to.

Purple (Last resort): This liquid liquefies anything it touches and spreads through the body of whoever was hit with it. This syringe however only appears after all the others have been used.

Incarnation Appearance:
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Regular members can only go up to 5000 in Reiryoku.
I approve of GinxIchigo.
There's a lot of shipping I approve of for Bleach. I need more sexy Grimmjow in my life.
K, and keep in mind that regular members dont start with Shikai and Bankai, so you have to train to unlock them. Though i like yours, they fit your division well :3
Big hand touches the little hand.
Ill post a GM post, Rin post, and Emilia post when i get home ^^.
Is he a survivor of the wipe out (If he is, how did he not end up getting himself killed while trying to chronically heal someone?) or is he a new shinigami from post wipe out? (If he's post wipe out, he's certainly older than most average members. Why did it take so long for him to join or be recruited?) Not that this is a problem. Does he know an array of kido beyond healing? Without shikai/bankai, his favored win condition is sort of out of the picture atm which makes him not so self sufficient, something that is also completely fine. Just poking at a few minor details I figure it'd be good for us all to know.
Is he a survivor of the wipe out (If he is, how did he not end up getting himself killed while trying to chronically heal someone?) or is he a new shinigami from post wipe out? (If he's post wipe out, he's certainly older than most average members. Why did it take so long for him to join or be recruited?) Not that this is a problem. Does he know an array of kido beyond healing? Without shikai/bankai, his favored win condition is sort of out of the picture atm which makes him not so self sufficient, something that is also completely fine. Just poking at a few minor details I figure it'd be good for us all to know.
I wrote "he was the 2nd to go" by that I meant he died, so yeah he is a new shinigami.

The age thing... was a minor slip up on my part as it was meant to say 31. Not 331. Will be going to edit that now. (it has been done)

As he is a new member of the 4 squad he does not know a lot of kido, but those he knows how to use he is good at. I know his win conditions atm are very slim, but then again he is new, he isn't supposed to be a powerhouse.
When I said new or not, I meant whether he was part of the old Soul Society but not a prominent member. His living death wasn't part of the question but the age typo answers that. I know he doesn't have to be a powerhouse. He's not going to be running around solo anyway.
Did you read the brief first post exposition either here on in the IC? A lot of the later details are scattered through the IC as people poked about but the general gist is right there.
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