Becoming a Little More

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"You're treating me to ice cream." she said as she pulled off, "So how was everything else at the party?" she asked curiously.

Sophie blushed and smiled, "Why do you think I invited you to this party?" TJ replied ruffling his hair a bit, "Well, I'm off. You two enjoy yourselves. Angel face be nice." TJ directed that last part To Sophie with a wink the went else where in the party.
Alec smiled, "Fair enough," he leaned back against the car seat, "It was pretty boring actually. Isaha disappeared and I dont know where the hell he went."
"Typical Isiah." she giggled, "You see any cute girls there?" she joked, "Any potential wives hung over the toilet ball?" she was having a little too much fun with the girl questions. It was just that the two of them never called about loved life things. His was curious about his types.
Alec has had a few girlfriends before and yes he has kissed before, that stuff wasnt at all new to him. He smiled and shook his head, "Oh yeah," he said jokingly, "You know how I love seeing girls throwing up all over the floor." he chuckled then remembered something, "Oh! I have a question."
She giggled, "What's your question?" she asked watching the road. It was a dark and quiet road. The type seen in the horror movies. It gave her the creeps.
"This weekend would you like to go with me and my family to our cabin?" he smiled at her.
"Sure!" she said excited. She loved roughing it city style in the woods. She smiled, "It's been a while and its the perfect getaway after midterms week. I'll tell my parents when they get back."
" rgghh..." he mumbled under his breath he hated when his hair got messed up. It makes him look stupid, trying to fix his hair he talked to sophie " angel face huh? You guys must be close to have nicknames heh "
Alec had the biggest smile on his face, "Great! This is going to be fun! I could sure use the vacation."
"He just assigned that name for me when we had our first session." Sophie giggled and helped smoothed down a stray piece of hair.

"I can't wait for that but....what are we going to do for the rest of the night?" In the distance she could see the lights to their small town. They were about a mile tops from the 24hour ice cream shop. It was a hot night so she appreciated the gesture of the owners.
" Interesting name he chose " He smirked as she smoothed down some hair " So have you enjoyed yourself so far? "
"I have so far but now it's time to talk about you. Are you from around here?" Sophie smiling at him.
" Heh...well yes ive lived here for about 12 years....i used to live in New york " He said chuckling, " But i guess ive worked up a reputation to feel like ive lived here my whole life "
Sophie smiled, "New York huh? That's cool. We're like told opposites." she giggled, "Well geographically anyway. So, what school do you go to?"
" Huh yeah " he said running a hand through his now fixed hair " I go to uhm..whats it blank out right now....its a high school in this town and i cant remember the name....well i go to school in town so hah " He said kind of nervously trying to remember the name of the school.
"Harvey High?" she said perking up, "I'm transferring there next week." she said giggling, "What a coincidence...or maybe TJ really planned this." she grinned jokingly. 'That sly dog' she thought to herself. Her drunk friend called her cell and she jumped, "Oh." she looked at the caller ID, "I have to take this. I'll be right back." she said getting up and going outside so she could answer it.
" Harvey high! " he shouted after she left " how did i not remember that?...maybe i am an idiot " he said leaning back in the sofa looking at his phone texting alec " Hey man were ya at? "
Sophie came back about a minute later and and sat next to Isiah slightly irritated, "So my so called drunk bimbo friends go a ride home in the car we came here is..." she said and laid her head back, "I'm stranded here for a bit." she said looking up at him.
" Never say stranded heh, i'll give ya a ride " He said smirking as he stood up stretching " Would you like to go now? " He held his hand out for her to take " Or would you like to bump and grind with me " He chuckled a bit
Sophie accepted his hand and stood up, "I say we get out of here. It's too public." she winked at him and giggled.
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