Beatdown! Character Select Screen (OoC)

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Turns out I didn't have work today oops lol. I would say Aster has a fair chance against everyone on the roster. Biggest challenges would be the Baron and Viscous.
I gave a second look at everyone's character sheet and came to this conclusion. Aster would be equal to him if Connor can survive the onslaught of overdrive. Baron Drake's abilities are reduced if not pointless for him. Bite would heal half as much because of Iron Will, and none of Connor's abilities are projectiles. The real problem he'd face with with Baron Drake would be the blood meter and those six points you can throw around when and where you need them. For Hime, Connor would have to end the fight quickly so that her abilities don't start to snowball. Easier said then done since three of her five stats are higher then his (bulk brawn and speed). Though if he can start comboing her, he could possibly win since her bulk isn't super high. It's not negative so that's a plus.
This could be the RP that gets me back to being active.

I tried really hard not to overthink this. If I get bored though, I'm gonna job so hard.

Name: Kasuriin "Kath" Harada
Age: Late twenties
Appearance: A pale young woman of Eurasian ancestry. Dark brown eyes, big black improbably long eyebrows(a la Dorothy Catalonia) with straight bleach blonde hair cut to just past neck length that somehow almost always covers at least one of her eyes without compromising her fighting ability(and switches sides depending on which side of the screen she's on). Her nose is slender and might be otherwise unremarkable save for the slight crease of contempt that frequently appears at the slightest provocation. She appears slender, though the cut of her impractical skirted business suits tends to downplay her muscular figure. Fanart on deviant art tends to particularly focus on her calves. One might assume she's come to spectate if not for her fearless demeanor and possibly the metal studded fingerless gloves. She seems capable of performing complex martial arts and acrobatics in heels without obvious difficulty. The English version of Beatdown has censored away all upskirts to the dismay of some.

History: Harada Kasuriin was born into a martial artist family. She and her siblings were fiercely competitive, and she was among the most dangerous. However when her father announced who would be heir to the dojo, to Kasuriin-chan and her sisters' dismay, they were disqualified for the gender alone. The others dealt with it in their ways, but Kasuriin was bitter. "If father wants me to stay in the kitchen, then let me make the world a kitchen and then see what he does!"

She moved to America, adopted the name "Kath" and became the head of a global food processing and manufacturing conglomerate (Kath Foods) and owner of several restaurant chains by channeling all the aggression and focus she'd learned to tap into from an early age. Okay, maybe not all of it. She still kept up her martial arts practice, fighting incognito for the thrill of challenge. Eventually this would lead her to rumors of the battle for the gauntlet. Whether the rumors are true or not, the opportunity could be an appealing diversion.

Gimmick:Deadly Rival: Each time the Deadly Rival defeats a foe, they gain a +1 in that foe's highest stat. They also get a +2 and a -2 to place in two stats of their choice.
Theme Song:
--Special Moves--
1:The Grip of Hysterics : A short-range take-down tackle to quick (2 hit) ground-and-pound.
2:Histrionics: Basically an illusion-parry type move. She can perform a last-second retreating dodge of a single consecutive strike while appearing completely open to attack.
3:Suffocating Clingyness: A grapple that places the opponent in a brief powerful chokehold should they fail to escape Kath's initial reach.
4:Shoe Crazed: An intricate loop of powerful swift kicks OR, basically, Hyakuretsukyaku with the serial numbers filed off. :P​
This could be the RP that gets me back to being active.

I tried really hard not to overthink this. If I get bored though, I'm gonna job so hard.

Name: Kasuriin "Kath" Harada
Age: Late twenties
Appearance: A pale young woman of Eurasian ancestry. Dark brown eyes, big black improbably long eyebrows(a la Dorothy Catalonia) with straight bleach blonde hair cut to just past neck length that somehow almost always covers at least one of her eyes without compromising her fighting ability(and switches sides depending on which side of the screen she's on). Her nose is slender and might be otherwise unremarkable save for the slight crease of contempt that frequently appears at the slightest provocation. She appears slender, though the cut of her impractical skirted business suits tends to downplay her muscular figure. Fanart on deviant art tends to particularly focus on her calves. One might assume she's come to spectate if not for her fearless demeanor and possibly the metal studded fingerless gloves. She seems capable of performing complex martial arts and acrobatics in heels without obvious difficulty. The English version of Beatdown has censored away all upskirts to the dismay of some.

History: Harada Kasuriin was born into a martial artist family. She and her siblings were fiercely competitive, and she was among the most dangerous. However when her father announced who would be heir to the dojo, to Kasuriin-chan and her sisters' dismay, they were disqualified for the gender alone. The others dealt with it in their ways, but Kasuriin was bitter. "If father wants me to stay in the kitchen, then let me make the world a kitchen and then see what he does!"

She moved to America, adopted the name "Kath" and became the head of a global food processing and manufacturing conglomerate (Kath Foods) and owner of several restaurant chains by channeling all the aggression and focus she'd learned to tap into from an early age. Okay, maybe not all of it. She still kept up her martial arts practice, fighting incognito for the thrill of challenge. Eventually this would lead her to rumors of the battle for the gauntlet. Whether the rumors are true or not, the opportunity could be an appealing diversion.

Gimmick:Deadly Rival: Each time the Deadly Rival defeats a foe, they gain a +1 in that foe's highest stat. They also get a +2 and a -2 to place in two stats of their choice.
Theme Song:
--Special Moves--
1:The Grip of Hysterics : A short-range take-down tackle to quick (2 hit) ground-and-pound.
2:Histrionics: Basically an illusion-parry type move. She can perform a last-second retreating dodge of a single consecutive strike while appearing completely open to attack.
3:Suffocating Clingyness: A grapple that places the opponent in a brief powerful chokehold should they fail to escape Kath's initial reach.
4:Shoe Crazed: An intricate loop of powerful swift kicks OR, basically, Hyakuretsukyaku with the serial numbers filed off. :P​

Daamn, you were like, just in time.
The battle has begun!... Well... No fighting yet but still...
Gahh... Why me?... Okay, if I'm careful I can beat the vampire... Though the six points mean I can just be easily outclassed...
Excellent. Fight and whittle each other down. Then I shall swoop in and fight the last person. And if that last person is the Vampire, then I'm guaranteed the win because he can't get the gauntlet.
Excellent. Fight and whittle each other down. Then I shall swoop in and fight the last person. And if that last person is the Vampire, then I'm guaranteed the win because he can't get the gauntlet.
And if it's Guy...
Hmm... Speaking of Guy I wonder how much it would take for a temporary team up...
Unless it's guy. Then I'm kinda screwed. And I think Hime would have an easier time then the others to make an alliance. What with being filthy rich and all.
Well to beat a vampire whose gimmick is twice the stat boost of mine I'll need all my assets... Wealth included... So, anyone up for a team battle? Cause it's either that or I buy a bomber to drop gold bars on him.
So, who'd beat who? We've got a few fights in the near future that I'd like to agree on.

Personally, I don't think that Hime has a good shot against the Baron, though I do think Aster and Guy are fairly even, even without Overdrive. With Overdrive, I don't think Guy would stand a chance.
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So, who'd beat who? We've got a few fights in the near future that I'd like to agree on.

Personally, I don't think that Hime has a good shot against the Baron, though I do think Aster and Guy are fairly even, even without Overdrive.
Which is why I'm trying to turn it into a two vs two battle... I'd stand a chance that way!
I think with the mobility and the realm warp, control the chains give him, and the range of the mystic shot gives this win to Aster. He is simply faster, and can keep his distance. And with his brawn and bulk, he won't be immediately decimated by a punch Guy throws at him.
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What exactly does Bing Chains do? Does it attach the target to the ground or simply pull downward?
Binding Chains causes the target to be grounded for a small period of time. They're just immobile for a brief period of time but can still use abilities that don't causes yourself to move.
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