Beatdown! Character Select Screen (OoC)

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I think the people that could win against Guy would be the Speed Demon, whose name I can't remember, Gunslinger, which we don't have, and the Hero, whose name I can't remember either. Mostly for their specials. It would be a toss up for Vampire dude, and would be a long and drawn out fight if rich lady wins it, using her increasing gains or whatever many, many times. But frankly I don't think she'd win against Guy.

I'm bad with names. Once we start the rp and I see them a lot I'll start remembering them.
Will the IC be up later tonight or tomorrow night? I have school and work tomorrow so I'll be on later than usual tomorrow.
Tomorrow night, some kids will gather around a dusty old arcade machine, slip in some quarters, and start the IC.
Tomorrow night, some kids will gather around a dusty old arcade machine, slip in some quarters, and start the IC.
Well Aster will be prepared to take anybody on for the sake of the universe.
I have a question. So I've just watched the trailer for the new capcom vs marvel game and had a thought. Could the characters team up?
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I have a question. So I've just watched the trailer for the new capcom vs marvel game and had a thought. Could the characters team up?

I suppose, so long as the numbers are even on both sides. Only one person can win the Champion's Gauntlet though.

How psyched are you, on a scale of 1-10?
And speaking of teams if that happened who would team with who and for what reasons?
Can't trust Guy because he works for someone else. Baron Drake would probably give him the creeps, but isn't out of the running. Lore wise, Aster would be the most likely lore wise since Connor might know his master, due to the fact that both of them are probably Ancient Masters. Hime I doubt. He might see something in them and try to take her as a disciple after the tournament, if they aren't all dead. Him and Viscous.... I'm on the fence about. I'm not sure how they'd perform together.
Baron Drake is too proud to team up with anyone.
Hime is perfectly fine with usin.... Uhh, teaming up with people to achieve her goals!
Aster would only team up with anyone he sees to help him reach his goal. So Conner would be a good choice, and The Baron, but rather unlikely. He definitely wouldn't team with The Guy because he's too threatening to communicate with, and with Hime he sees her as too greedy.
Aster would only team up with anyone he sees to help him reach his goal. So Conner would be a good choice, and The Baron, but rather unlikely. He definitely wouldn't team with The Guy because he's too threatening to communicate with, and with Hime he sees her as too greedy.
Hime isn't greedy... Her goals are just more important to her than other people...
Her true goals may surprise you...
The Guy is a strong independent Guy woman, and he don't need no man.

(But imagine him and Vicious, hoof)
In my opinion, Connor might be able to take Viscious. Speed overwhelming, yes, but low damage that's halved by Iron Will and combos that can't be interrupted unless you knock him off his feet thanks to Steel Lotus. And whatever damage is dealt to him he can heal up with the iron will and meditate combo. His 1.22 special move would probably break it, I'll give him that. But otherwise his gat strike is just rapid punching, not very accurate might I add if it's in the pattern of a gattling gun so blows the vital areas might be rather hard to get with it. The .22 would also stagger him if he doesn't have Steel Lotus active, and cause damage if his Iron Will isn't either. But I'd think it's right on the edge of being able to break it, almost but not quite. And in a straight out slug fest, Connor would have the advantage thanks to me putting some points in bulk and brawn, putting me at -2 bulk and 1 brawn (again I miss read the debuffs put on him by taking the Ancient Master gimmick. Bulks the same, brawn was just a -1 not a -3.)
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