Battle for Humanity [OOC]

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Charlie Winchester Finch, #87CEFA


"Charlie. Just okay"



Part-time Librarian
Assistant Photographer
Senior High school student
Hobbyist Writer


Slight depression
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder



"Ah...does a pen count?"

Not much of a brawler or a weapons expert but Charlie's photographic memory more less makes up for his amateur knowledge in combat.



At first glance Charlie is your typical wallflower. Studying those around him but never really acting outside his observations. He's always in his head, trying to think through some of life's great mysteries and day dreaming about his future. Although he has many choices and career paths lined up, he never actually does anything to work towards those goals.

Once you get past his naturally clumsy and socially inept disposition you'll realize several things about the quirky young man. The first would be his less than tactless way of being honest. From his abashedly frank observations to voicing his opinions at inopportune moments; the list goes on. Even though he may be a bit too blunt at times, it all comes from a good place. In fact, its nearly a definite possibility that Charlie lacks a single mean bone in his body. Everything deplorable or remotely bad that he's done has either been by accident or the results of a complete misunderstanding.

Tactless or not aside, he sure does have a sense of humor. Cracking all sorts of witty jokes and and can even surprisingly turn a bit ballsy when he successfully makes someone laugh. Maybe a bit of flirtatious sarcasm thrown in after a few good stomach aches. If he weren't so shy and socially awkward, this boy would have some pretty slick moves.

Now we come to his passive aggressive nature. Charlie, as you can probably already tell, is not one for upfront confrontations. Instead, preferring to voice his oppositions through subtle actions with a hidden but all too clear message. He does not like whatever it is you're doing. Unless it really irks him or it's inadvertently going to harm others than he'll probably never tell you unless asked or prodded.

Although his heart is in the right place, that doesn't stop Charlie from beating people to a pulp. Shimmering beneath his seemingly calm surface is pent up frustration and rage from years of bottled up emotions. His anger is equivalent to that of four football players and he makes sure his victims know he's a force to be reckoned with. However he's totally aware of how dangerous he can be and he's doing what he can to control it. Just don't mess with him or his friends.



Everything probably started falling apart around the time Charlie was in middle school. It was towards the end of eighth grade when his best friend had committed suicide. That had been one of the earlier puzzle pieces that had caused his anxiety to blossom into PTSD. The devastating realization had rendered him a bit unstable and he was excused from school for at least a month. When he finally returned, he found that he had suddenly become a social outcast. No body wanted to deal with the "crazy guy who had spent time at the hospital".

Even the teachers started treating him differently. Giving him good grades and special treatment which only alienated him further from the rest. What was worse was the bullying. It never went too far though and things never escalated to anything physical but to someone like Charlie, words hurt more in the long run.

As for his family, you'll notice right off that its a bit dysfunctional. His father, although caring and supportive, has an all too distant relationship with his son. They do have a few private jokes and funny laughs here and there but nothing more than that. Its more or less the same with his mother who does constantly worry about Charlie but shies away from confronting him; afraid that it might trigger some past memories. Nothing much can be said about his older brother and sister who are now both currently attending college. They're relationship with Charlie had been a bit strained but they always did help him through the bullying.

Now the only ones left in the household, besides his parents, is his little brother, Hamish (a.k.a Ham). They are about as close as two siblings can get. No matter what other people might say the little tyke always sticks up for his older brother. And in return Charlie all but spoils him with anything to a bag full of candy to just a day out with the both of them.


Elijah Finch ~ Father


Natasha Grace Finch ~ Mother


James Finch ~ Eldest Brother


Nicolette Finch ~ Eldest sister


Hamish Daniel Finch ~ Little brother

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Well I got everything just about written up yesterday but it took me nearly a whole day scouring around for pictures and deciding between gifs. Go figure ^^; Sorry for taking so long.
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Well I got everything just about written up yesterday but it took me nearly a whole day scouring around for pictures and deciding between gifs. Go figure ^^; Sorry for taking so long.
You're accepted!!

I love that you chose Jared for your characters brother. :D WOO.
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Charis(Kindness) a.k.a. Farrah
<<<<<<<Human Form>>>>>>>

vvvvSpiritual Formvvvv


Charis(Kindness)[Pronounced like Cherish].


Farrah Fairness(Name she uses in The Mortal Realm).


Looks 23(Unknown Real Age).




Caretaker Angel of Virtues(She makes sure the angels are all taken care of).


Too Forgiving. Charis is a pacifist, she believes that everything can be solved with kindness and forgiveness. Charis will only use her powers as a last resort.


Magic. Charis' Forgiveness has granted her many friends and allies. Charis has emotional magic, meaning she can heal the emotionally weak. What some people would call an empath.

Magic/Weapons (if applicable):

Emotional Magic(Empathy). She uses emotions as her powers.


Charis is the Angel of Kindness, which means she is caring and motherly to all creatures. Charis loves to take care of all types of beings. Charis is a charming and heavenly being. She judges no one, no matter what they have done. Charis wants to care for all the humans. She wants to take away all their pain and sorrow for good. Charis is a harmless butterfly, she believes that everyone deserves another chance. She has gotten into a lot of trouble because of it. Since she's so nice and caring, God has forgiven her for her mistakes of trusting the wrong type of beings a couple of times. Charis can't help it, she shows Kindness to all and every being there is.


Charis was born a beautiful cherub angel, since birth she has been a caring being. She would bug the elder angels with asking if they needed help with anything. After awhile Charis grew on them, everyone tends to befriend Charis. Her personalty is attracting. Charis cared for all the beings in heaven. At the Gate of Heaven, Charis would usually be there greeting the new angels.

Charis heard about what was happening in the Mortal Realm. She wanted to come down and help protect the humans. Charis also thinks that hopefully, with the help of the others angels and humans, Charis can changed the mines of the other beings. In a perfect world Charis would have all beings in harmony. [/bg]
You are accepted :)
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I would like to reserve a human character slot. I will most likely have it done in an hour or two
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The Twins


Alias: None

Age: 18

Race: Human (Italian)

Occupation: Con artist

Weaknesses: besides being human, she is not very big or strong at all

Strengths: hand to hand combat, some jujitsu, street smart, quick runner, high stamina

Magic/Weapons: Talented at throwing darts/spikes

Personality: adaptable but hates change, guarded, rebellious, indecisive, perseveres, a good liar, loving, caring, affectionate

History/Bio: Leni and Bruno were born to a tumult household. Their mother and father were teenagers, living together under their father's parents' roof. Their parents fought all the time, with their mother being very passionate and emotional, constantly playing the victim and threatening to leave. Their father had a horrible temper and was also very passionate, picking up a habit for drinking when the twins were a few years older and throwing things around the house. When their parents were about 20, they were kicked out with no where to go. This is where the twins' memories begin around the age of 4. They lived at different homes, taking charity from different people, or surviving on the streets. They were taught to play up starving and to cry on demand and prey on weak human emotions to get what they and their parents' wanted.

They lived like this until about the age of 12, when they could no longer pull off weak scared children, and the authorities were called by someone they tried scamming as a family. Their parents, deemed unfit, had their children taken away. Leni and Bruno were luckily put into a foster family that accepted both of them, and were warm and kind. But the teens were trouble makers. They knew nothing else but what they'd been taught and so their foster family went about trying to 'reform'
them through excessive chores and 'family' time. The twins were rebellious at first, with Leni getting into a group of girls who fought constantly and messed around with weapons, and Bruno finding a group of guys that he wanted desperately to be a part of. But the group required him to jump through several hoops (aka commit crimes) in order to 'become one' of them.

Bruno eventually did pledge loyalty and the group trusted him, but the group was a pack of lycans, and Bruno's initiation was to be bitten and transformed. Bruno had no choice by the time this was revealed, being surrounded by the others and with them having a whole rap sheet of crimes against the kid. And so he became one of them. But yet he resented them completely. His temper increased and Leni broke down one day in front of him, begging him not to become like their father. Bruno, who could never stand to see his sister cry, explained what had happened to him. The two made a pact that they were their own pack, and nothing anyone could do to them would tear them apart.

Little did they know, their foster family had had enough and was turning them back over to the state. But instead of going, when the two realized this was to occur, they ran.


Alias: None

Age: 18 (bitten at age 16)

Race: Lycan


Occupation: Con artist

Weaknesses: women, kids, animals (has a hard time hurting them), impatient, has a hard time understanding details instead of the overall picture

Strengths: street smart, hand to hand combat, knows how to use basic weapons (knives and guns) effectively, sneaking

Magic/Weapons: None

Personality: frugal, hard working, determined, loving, open minded, guarded, jealous, cautious, unselfish

Same as Leni
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Name: Max Kuhn

Alias: N/A

Age: 23

Race: Human


Occupation: Police Officer

Weaknesses: He's human so anything that humans are weak to

Strengths: technology ,fighting knowledge, shooting

Magic/Weapons: Standard Police gear and he has a shotgun

Personality: Trustworthy, Honest, a Leader, Perspective, Ability to compromise for greater good, Ability to challenge unlawful or unreasonable orders or authority, Rejection of unearned personal praise, Intolerance of corruption , Obedience to lawful and reasonable orders, and Brave

History/Bio:: Max Kuhn, the youngest of two brothers, grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Edward Kuhn. Edward Kuhn was good at sports, good at school, good with the girls, and everybody liked him. Everybody expected Max to be the same, but he wasn't. Since Edward was everyone's hero, Max decided to be the villain. He got up to all kinds of trouble as a child. Even though Max lived in his brother's shadow, Max still idolized Edward. Throughout his life this clearly shown when under extreme psychological stress he has mistakenly called others by his brother's name. One day the boys' mother, Ana Kuhn, asks the pair of them to kill their abusive father. Edward accepts this request but Max refuses to kill his own father, so Edward locks him in the shed behind the house. Max manages to break out and in order to save his brother from jail and a grim future, he decides to save his father. He obtains a rifle and climbs a tree. Peering through the window into the house, Max sees Edward about to shoot his father. Carter attempts to shoot the gun out of his brother's hands but at the last moment the branch upon which he is perched snaps, causing Max to accidentally shoot and kill Edward. Max inadvertently kills the brother he loves to save the father he hates. Wracked with guilt, he sees his life as "meaningless" from that point on. After the incident Max ran away from home. While gone from home he met a very old man. Max looked up this this old man and when Max told the old man that he was homeless the old man took Max in and raised him as if he was his own. The old man was one of the best police officer's in town. When Max found this out he wanted to be like his adoptive father.
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Name: Max Kuhn

Alias: N/A

Age: 23

Race: Human


Occupation: Police Officer

Weaknesses: He's human so anything that humans are weak to

Strengths: technology ,fighting knowledge, shooting

Magic/Weapons: Standard Police gear and he has a shotgun

Personality: Quiet, kind, and conscientious. Often puts the needs of others above their own needs. Observer with rich inner world of observations about people. Very perceptive of other's feelings. Private and polite. Timid, socially uncomfortable, modest, not confrontational, easily hurt. Fears drawing attention to self. Easily frightened. Easily offended or hurt. Prone to crying. Lower energy. Follows the rules, dutiful and responsible. Stable and practical, valuing security and traditions. Well-developed sense of space and function. Interested in serving others. Dislikes competition. Good at finishing tasks. Clean, organized, a planner. Not spontaneous, does not appreciate strangeness. Intolerant to differences. Prone to confusion. Afraid of many things. Fears doing the wrong thing. Dislikes change. Apprehensive, guarded, avoidant, anxious, cautious, suspicious. More interested in relationships and family than intellectual pursuits.

History/Bio:: Max Kuhn, the youngest of two brothers, grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Edward Kuhn. Edward Kuhn was good at sports, good at school, good with the girls, and everybody liked him. Everybody expected Max to be the same, but he wasn't. Since Edward was everyone's hero, Max decided to be the villain. He got up to all kinds of trouble as a child. Even though Max lived in his brother's shadow, Max still idolized Edward. Throughout his life this clearly shown when under extreme psychological stress he has mistakenly called others by his brother's name. One day the boys' mother, Ana Kuhn, asks the pair of them to kill their abusive father. Edward accepts this request but Max refuses to kill his own father, so Edward locks him in the shed behind the house. Max manages to break out and in order to save his brother from jail and a grim future, he decides to save his father. He obtains a rifle and climbs a tree. Peering through the window into the house, Max sees Edward about to shoot his father. Carter attempts to shoot the gun out of his brother's hands but at the last moment the branch upon which he is perched snaps, causing Max to accidentally shoot and kill Edward. Max inadvertently kills the brother he loves to save the father he hates. Wracked with guilt, he sees his life as "meaningless" from that point on. After the incident Max ran away from home. While gone from home he met a very old man. Max looked up this this old man and when Max told the old man that he was homeless the old man took Max in and raised him as if he was his own. The old man was one of the best police officer's in town. When Max found this out he wanted to be like his adoptive father.
Hey! I love the idea of having a human cop in our rp! But, I think your personality traits are kind of conflicting, and I'm not sure how well that would go with a cop character? Maybe if you could narrow your personality section to 10 main traits, that would be easier for me? :)
Name: Max Kuhn

Alias: N/A

Age: 23

Race: Human


Occupation: Police Officer

Weaknesses: He's human so anything that humans are weak to

Strengths: technology ,fighting knowledge, shooting

Magic/Weapons: Standard Police gear and he has a shotgun

Personality: Trustworthy, Honest, a Leader, Perspective, Ability to compromise for greater good, Ability to challenge unlawful or unreasonable orders or authority, Rejection of unearned personal praise, Intolerance of corruption , Obedience to lawful and reasonable orders, and Brave

History/Bio:: Max Kuhn, the youngest of two brothers, grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Edward Kuhn. Edward Kuhn was good at sports, good at school, good with the girls, and everybody liked him. Everybody expected Max to be the same, but he wasn't. Since Edward was everyone's hero, Max decided to be the villain. He got up to all kinds of trouble as a child. Even though Max lived in his brother's shadow, Max still idolized Edward. Throughout his life this clearly shown when under extreme psychological stress he has mistakenly called others by his brother's name. One day the boys' mother, Ana Kuhn, asks the pair of them to kill their abusive father. Edward accepts this request but Max refuses to kill his own father, so Edward locks him in the shed behind the house. Max manages to break out and in order to save his brother from jail and a grim future, he decides to save his father. He obtains a rifle and climbs a tree. Peering through the window into the house, Max sees Edward about to shoot his father. Carter attempts to shoot the gun out of his brother's hands but at the last moment the branch upon which he is perched snaps, causing Max to accidentally shoot and kill Edward. Max inadvertently kills the brother he loves to save the father he hates. Wracked with guilt, he sees his life as "meaningless" from that point on. After the incident Max ran away from home. While gone from home he met a very old man. Max looked up this this old man and when Max told the old man that he was homeless the old man took Max in and raised him as if he was his own. The old man was one of the best police officer's in town. When Max found this out he wanted to be like his adoptive father.
Better thank you!!! :D Accepted!
@Charlie W.F. The Perks of Being a Wallflower + Asa Butterfield. Loving your taste~
Thank you ^^ I was wondering if anyone noticed all the Wallflower movie refrences. I was dishing out. Plus nothing would be complete without Asa ;p
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You're accepted!!

I love that you chose Jared for your characters brother. :D WOO.
Ah shoot I forgot to respond! I'm a fellow faniac of Supernatural so Jared had been the first runner up for the older brother ;p
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Cool to hear we may be gettng another Vamp!

I'll probably end up making an Angel once I feel a bit better. (Currently waiting for flu-medicine to kick in, so i can catch some zzz's)

As for the topic of supernatural. I've never gotten really deep into that show. I know the characters and what it's about. Just never watched a whole lot of it. >.<
Yeah I know none of these references. You're more in the loop than me, Ish.
The only reference i'm familiar with is that of supernatural.

I've never seen perks of a wallflower, but want to see it.