Aurora's Gift (OOC)

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Yes we do, we have a huge swarm of them in a uv lighted tank. Really makes them glow lol. It's a spectacular tank
I am so jealous. I'd totally love that job!!!!!! You are sooooooo lucky!!!!!!!!!!
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Yay jellyfish. Jellyfish are neat. They're like the pinnacle of all life, a creature that turns back into a polyp upon death and that doesn't even have to work to get food, it just floats around lazily.
Only Turritopsis dohrnii is biologically immortal—that is, turning into a polyp from their medusa stage and growing again.

Box jellyfish are relatively active predators, as well. However, this has earned them a classification separate "true jellyfish". The Irukandji jellyfish, for example, evolved to have a very selective form of stinger, using clusters of nematocysts like a lure to draw in and consume visually-oriented fish during the daytime.
Since when was "visually oriented fish" a "very selective" niche? As far as I'm concerned most fish that live in shallow water are visually oriented.
The many potential things they eat are active during the day, so they intentionally retract their tentacles at night to conserve energy. I said their hunting habits were selective, not picky.
So quiet ;-;
Would Kyler count as one of the newer arrivals? This would be his 3rd day at the facility.
Hummmm...I could drag you out there
Ah I stopped getting notifications for the IC. Next time someone posts IC can they tag me at the bottom so I can find the thread again?
That Koro-sensei song must have been a nightmare to translate into english and still have it rhyme.
Ah I stopped getting notifications for the IC. Next time someone posts IC can they tag me at the bottom so I can find the thread again?
Here is the link to the IC: CLICK
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Don't worry, I'm not fond of bad outcomes. Though I guess whether or not there is one depends on whether or not you make characters I wouldn't want to die :P. Nah I'm more fond of the Villainous Plot Reveal and it's pretty much my trump card, so your characters will at least survive to that point.
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I'm going to be posting less often then usual, IRL crudsicles, today's not a day that a post will be happening sadly. Sorry, so sorry.
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