Atrinita Town- "The city of Heroes"

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Erexia looked around, "Well... There was a meeting in the town square today... Which is why there was a lot of people around the city this morning.... But other than that.... I really don't remember being informed of a meeting of somekind...~" She said with a smile, tail wagging slightly.
Axel hummed in acknowledgement. "Well then let's hop to it and see what's going on."
"Shouldn't we rest first...? It's night time and everything..." She asked, wings ruffling slightly.
The city around her slowly died down, the moon starting to shine in the sky behind them.
"I rather prefer the night." he said, conjuring a wolf from the darkness then making it leap at Erexia as a joke, making it fade into the air and landing in her arms as a little black bunny with red eyes. "More materials to work with."
Erexia nearly fell over from the wolf and held the bunny in her arms, tail slightly puffed but she had a smile on her face. "I guess you could say that as well." he knelt down and placed the bunny down before materializing a dark golden sword from the darkness and twirled it around before making it disappear into darkness again.
"So you are part Shadowmancer! I am NOT alone!" He jumped into the air with glee. Dimir Shadowmancers are rare, as they must be born on a new moon, and most Dimir children are conceived at such a time that they will be born on a full moon. Shadowmancers were not held highly, as their births were not planned and out of time, and thus they were considered 'mistakes'. Jadar was elated to find another who could bend the shadows to their will.
Erexias ears drooped in confusion, "I guess... I just have the minor power of Darkness, not as good as my electrical bending though..." She said, lifting her hand and forcing the streetlights to flicker on before they even need to turn on. She twinged as she left her right arm too far and bit her lip silently.
"Oh." Jadar was... less excited. Not only was she merely a minor darkbender, but she made the lights come on, reducing the level of darkness in the area. He stepped outside the area of light provided by the overhead light. "So, you're like an Electromancer with slight knowledge of shadow magic?"
She turned the lights off before pausing and shaking her head, "No... I've been told I am partly a shadowbender... But I don't know much yet.. I can do pretty good things, but my Electric powers exceed my Darkness powers. But you could say I'm Both.." She said with a small smile.
"Well, I can help you with your shadowmancy, but you will have to find a Electromancer or a Thunder Mage or a Gizmo or someone of the sort to help you with electromancy." He scooted a little closer at the removal of the lights. He didn't like light. It made him weak.
Erexia smiled slightly, "They say I've mainly completed my Electricity. But maybe you could, I wouldn't mind that~" She said with a smile on her face.
Jadar smiled back, his razor sharp predatory teeth showing. He tried not to look threatening. "Sure, we'll start whenever you want."
Erexia looked around before stretching, "Well.. I kinda need to rest... It might have to wait til tomorrow night..." She said, ears drooping tiredly.
Axel watched the two interact, his eyes turning into a silvery color with amusement. Just like the Dimir, the dark elves were few and far apart. While they were, for the most part, an established race, they held to the mountains of the polar ice caps and the mountainous regions. Few dared to traverse small towns much less cities for the fear of 'contamination.'

"She's a paradox," he commented thoughtfully. "To be able to command both light and dark must be quite the ability." He snapped his fingers and a tongue of fire settled above the tip of his index finger. The warm orange glow turned his face a light peach color. And the tip of a silvery strand of hair, like a marionette's wire, delved into it, and lit itself. However, the hair itself did not burn. "I've been accused of arson," he said with a conspiratorial wink. "But I'm quite fond of my earthen abilities." The strand pulled apart, the separate tips all alight with the magically forged flame, fanned around in the image of a thin flower. The flame died out and strands of hair retreated back into the bun. It was an ability he learned to do himself. Rather than to keep his magic focused on elemental things, he'd found a way to channel it through his body and into his hair. It had become his ultimate physical weapon after years of training [read: trial and error].

Axel shook his hand and he flame disappeared into thin wisps of smoke.

"And the lady's right. The moon may be the dawn of a new day for a shadowmancer but it's quite late for the rest of them." He raised his voice a few decibels, a perfect immiatation of his mothers velvety voice as he quoted her flawlessly. "Women do need their beauty sleep, after all." He couldn't help the grin on his face. It was an ability he used on many people when he was bored in the city. Being androgynous was a blessing sometimes.
Erexias ears pricked up slightly at the word 'paradox', He had only heard one other person say that word about her and that was someone who looked after her when she was a child. She watched the elf happily, admiring the way the fire worked. She didn't realize that her tail was crackling with lightning, but the lightning was a faint gray colour.
Jadar scowled and backed away from the elf. Not only a Dark Elf, but a Pyromancer, too? Jadar hated Pyromancers, bringers of heat and light. He preferred the dark and the cold, much more comfortable for shadow bending. He turned to Erexia. "Alright, we'll start tomorrow. Get a good night's rest, I'm off to explore." And with that, he melted into shadow and disappeared as quickly as he came.
Erexia stretched and looked around for a suitable sleeping place. She found a good looking tree and walked towards it, slightly forgetting about Axel and her wings stretched out, they seem to just be under a meter in length. She crouched slightly and jumped up and flapped her wings once, getting to the perfect branch and landed with a huge smile. She then looked over at Axel and frowned slightly, "Have you also not got a place to stay...?" She asked with a small frown.
Axel trotted over, turning his gaze upward. "No," he replied. "I would try for an unoccupied room of a rarely-used apartment building. Or, I could just--." Immediately the ground around him rose and twisted into a dome that shielded him from everything. Just as quickly as it was erected, it fell away, merging with the ground once more. The damage wasn't completely undone, but it was good enough to be considered mild erosion.
Erexia blinked and shook her head slightly, looking up at the sky, watching the stars start to appear, predicting where the next one would appear.

She shook her head again and slowly fell asleep, thinking about what would happen the next day, if she would meet any new people.
"Good night," Valerie muttered, heading for her home with the freedom to use her power. The moment she got home, she climbed to bed (literally, for her bed was on top of her mother's), wondering how several rare beings were in one place at the same time. It was a miracle, really. They were the heroes. And she'd just be another human being in this town.