Atrinita Town- "The city of Heroes"

Erexia looked at Axel. "Weeeeell.... I'm just a bit slower than that a lightning bolt at top speed, but other than that, I think I can out run a cheetah~" She said happily, ears twitching slightly. She thought she heard Jadars voice.
" You are no average Dimir. The others wouldn't notice me. You can rest assured I mean no harm. It's just strange to see so many powerful beings in one place. One can assume it a conspiracy or terrorist group. Although this is the town of heroes there are a lot humans. Others like me can see this as a threat and watch your movements. I just got a little curious about the whole thing. My name is Einema."

I pull out my sword pointing the hilt to him.

" It was my curiosity that this has happen. Strike me down if you don,t believe me. It is your decision for I have intruded in your privacy."

I stare him down with fiery determination. Knowing nothing about him, I leave my life in his hands.
Jadar took the blade from his hand. He twirled it is his hand, feeling the weight. "Nice blade," he said. He thrust it at the man who handed it to him with terrifying accuracy into it's sheath. "Keep it." He moved his hand away from the sword and backed away so he could se the figure he was talking to. "I am Jadar, a Dimir Shadowmancer. And I agree, if the Gathering is not for another seven months, why were we all called here? I am confused, myself." He looked the man up and down, trying to figure him out. "So, who is it you were going to report to? I can hear a few of your thoughts moving through the shadows in your mind."
"I report strange sightings to a local scientist. Depending on the information I provide he will help me closer to my goal." Now it's pointless to avoid him. " He and I meet in the next town over. I do odd jobs for him. Reporting strange sightings, that catch my eye, was one of the few things he asked me to do." Someone is bound to come here and see us. "How about we get ourselves a drink and continue our conversation there. I would like to talk about this in greater detail. I'll pay of course." I extend my hand to shake. Looking at this Dimir he is definitely here for the gathering. With that level of control he would rank high. "You can trust me. I have enough money to fill you three times. So don't feel embarrassed about it." With a huge smile on my face and time to waste. I await Jadar's answer.
The shadowmancer grabbed the odd-job man's hand, shaking it. "Alright, let's talk. There's a pub downtown we can go to. The Golden Chimera, I believe it's called." He pointed in the direction they would go. "Would you like to Shadow Warp there, or just walk?"
"I prefer to walk. Thanks fore the offer though." We continue to walk to the pub. I wouldn't mind to jump but I love to walk the streets. I should keep talking he looks at me funny. "You have too be hear for more than the gathering. You don't look all that interested in it. I love the weather hear. It all most never changes. I was born In a cave not to far from here. I was coming to contribute something great to this city. I want to be in the history books. On the way hear the scientist told me if I help I would accomplish it." I buy an apple for the both of us. "The dots don't seem to connect for me. How did you all meet?"

Jadar looks over at the man. "History books, eh? good luck on that one. As for how we all met, the Balverkion and another winged person were talking, and I saw two people over by a tree watching them. I was here because someone said the Gathering had come really early this year, as a test to see who was the most powerful even if they were not fully prepared. I came thinking it was true, but found I was fed a lie. I approached the people by the tree, and then the Balverkion girl, and then the elf popped out and interrupted." He thinks for a moment. "You keep mentioning a 'scientist', that sends you on errands. Is that like an Alchemist? Or what?" He lifted his hood up over his head, as the sun was burning the back of his neck.
"O I'm terribly sorry! I forgot about you and the sun." I walk faster to the pub as not to annoy him any further. We enter the pub and sit near the darkest corner. "Well we arrived order whatever you like. HAY BARTENDER I WANT A PINT OF BEER! As for the scientist he is actually a noble in a Kingdom to the north. He told me to refer to him as a scientist. You should know how it is with them. A title like Alchemist would cause a lot of problems for him." I get up to go get my drink from the bartender. "I'm getting my drink. What did you want?"
"Hm. Interesting." He looked up as Einema was walking to get his drink. "Uh... yeah, a pint o' beer will do, thanks." He thought about the northern noble that called himself a 'scientist'. Whatever THAT was. He had heard of Alchemists, but not Scientists. Was it like an Alchemist? Or a Mage? And from what kingdom did he come from? It was all very confusing for the Dimir.
Axel grinned toothily. "Sounds like a plan." He tilted until he was falling off the side of the branch. Landing gracefully on his feet, he stretched his arms wide. "Pick any direction, and lead the way."
Erexia paused, before crouching on the branch before jumping off to the East, and sprinting off into the east of the city, dodging around people with ease before pausing in the true middle of town, where a huge fountain of a stone dragon stood, pouring golden water into a small pool.
Axel came to a stop not a moment after, looking up at the rather large object. "Think it's the fountain of youth?" he joked lightly, peering closer at the gold-water fountain.
She chuckled and looked up at the fountain, "Its the cities monument I think..."
"And now that we have our dragon..." Axel nudged the other lightly with an exaggerated wink, hinting toward their earlier conversation.
She looked up at him, "Do you think that theres something underneth this? Making the water gold...?" She half pondered, noticing that the water seemed to deepen in golden colour when she started to put her hand in it.
Axel wasn't sure if he should laugh or paint a picture of absolute horror as the thought crossed his mind. "If my, not-so-pure mentality is right, then your hand shouldn't be smelling all that pleasant when you hold it to your nose." He then stepped closer and bent double, his straight nose taking in the scent. It wasn't what he thought it was [thankfully] but there was something metallic to the scent. "It could be," he responded. "Some metallic compound. Alchemy maybe or basic science."
the sky lights up the passage of a comet as it enters the atmosphere. illuminating the sky. to crash into the nearest river.

((hello i am new i hope do good roleplay ^^ lulululu))
She pulled her hand up and sniffed it, "Yeah... It's gold powder..." She said, sneezing slightly.