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Don't jinx it.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
8 a.m. to 3 p.m. EST
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Modern Fantasy, Fantasy, Psychological, Action, Steampunk
At The World's End
Inspired, in part, by Arata naru Sekai: World's / Start / Load / End

Roleplay Premise

In the year 2239, a small group of individuals were sent 3000 years into the future to determine what would lead the world to ruin, and if possible, to prevent it. The problem? They were sent too far ahead.

The world they now find themselves in has been flooded with water, and evolved species roam the planet. With no way to get back, and no clue as to what to do or even what to look for, how will this small group of people adapt to the world they've been forced to remain in?

Roleplay Information

Hello, fellow roleplayers. This is my first Interest Check in the Libertine section. I decided to bring this one over here because of the possibility that some of our characters may see fit to "repopulate the Earth".

As mentioned in the premise, the main focus of this roleplay will be on our characters adapting to the drastically changed world they find themselves in. There's obviously potential for drama and action (as interactions with the now evolved animal species roaming the planet will likely cause).

I'm looking for four or five people to make up the small group that travels to the future. Our characters will be experts in their designated fields, brought along for their unique talents. The available roles will be outlined in a future section.

Because the time our characters are leaving is in the future, there are naturally technological advances that we don't have yet that they'll probably mention. I would imagine that they all grew up in a mostly autonomous world. I'm open for discussion on the particulars of the time period that they lived in, so feel free to make suggestions and I'll make note of it for the OOC thread.

Evolved Species

This section is subject to change. I haven't decided on any species yet, and I was hoping that anyone interested in this idea would help me come up with some. This roleplay is set in a realistic setting, so the species will be evolved variants of currently existing animals (i.e. no fantasy creatures involved). Feel free to make any suggestions.

Weight System

To add to the realism of this roleplay, there will be a weight system in place. Our characters will have brought necessities over from the past in order to be prepared for what they might be faced with in the future. For this roleplay, the maximum amount of weight a character will be allowed to carry will be 20% of their body weight. Below is a reference list of items we'll most likely want to bring along. Note that they'll be different from what we have in modern times, since they come from 2239.

Medical Kits
Hunting Knives
Various Guns
Mountain Climbing Gear

More to be added. Feel free to make suggestions.


Below is a list of roles that will be playable in the roleplay. Some roles can be played by more than one person (because having two doctors is always good in case one meets an unfortunate end).


More to be added. Feel free to make suggestions.

This idea is still quite a work in progress, hence the "Group RP Plotting" prefix. I want everyone's input and suggestions as to what we have so far and what we need. Once this has some interest and a more concrete foundation, I'll get to work on an OOC thread.

Also a heads up that college will be starting up for me soon, so I won't be on as often once it starts.
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weeeeeel okay then! sorry, never really check this board often..
Yeah, most people don't. Might've been the reason behind this thing's lack of interest. I have a roleplay imma reboot after the big update on the 1st though.
weeeeeel okay then! sorry, never really check this board often..

I really, really, know what you mean.

wanna check an rp of mine out?
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