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At Death's Doorstep

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Down a long, blood-soaked hallway, an animalistic figure pounced. A pair of twins wielding handguns screamed in shock at the sudden ambush, whirling their weapons around to face the beastly opponent, firing round after round in an attempt to bring it down. Bullets ricocheted within the enclosed space, and yet not one found its mark. The beast slid between the legs of one of the twins, then climbed onto his back with horrifying speed. The other twin, a female, cried out as she watched her brother's head torn off. It was only seconds and a few gunshots later before she met the same fate. The horrifying sound of death gurgles emitted from the two detached heads that now rolled around on the floor. Chakka skipped around the corner, dragging the two headless bodies behind him as he went. "Come longz now friends, no time for sleepy, its be playtime!" Chakka cackled madly, digging his blade claws deep into the flesh of his victims. Blood painted the floor as he went, spilling out of the severed necks.

Soon, this experiment gone wrong grew bored with his lifeless friends, dropping their corpses on the floor. His yellow eyes peered hungrily forward, blade-claws clinking together in anticipation. "Chakka grinds, chakka tears, chakka cuts, rrrrrrrr..." Proceeding onto all fours, Chakka impatiently pelted helter skelter through the death maze, narrowly avoiding a spike trap. "CHAHHAHAHA!!!" he laughed, sniffing the air. Ahhh. He smelled prey.
(dude i love your character!) Off in the distance Yuuki heard screams starting to rise near them and the announcers voice sounding out numbers one after another, "25 players left" "24 players left" "23 players left" her eyes widened in fear as deep inside her something screamed to run. The other players were dropping like flies and at this rate the boys and she would be the only ones left. "Guys somethings not right!" she said to the guys beside her. "the players shouldn't be dropping so quietly i think who ever made this sick game put something out there to make it more interesting.." she said panic building up in her voice and chest. She tried to get up so they could move but her injuries and a head rush push her back down.
Shadows, scattered lights and the occasional gore spattered corpse passed in a blur as Chakka bounded mindlessly onward, jowls dripping with saliva and mucous. Suddenly, a burst of light emitted in front of the beasts eyes, followed by an excruciating pain in his head. Chakka yelped and skidded to a sloppy halt, sliding across a trail of blood; colliding with a wall. For a moment, he simply writhed like a hideous worm on the ground, gripping his head with his bladed fingers. Growls and human screams burst from his maw in reaction to this sudden and spontaneous pain. Memories started flashing before his eyes in rapid succession. Blinking madly and scratching at his deformed face, Chakka took on a strange transformation. His eyes hesitantly shifted from yellow to blue, and his rapid animal breathing slowed to a normal rate. His expression softened, contorting into a genuinely fearful and confused expression. Through rows of uneven and sharp teeth, a human voice came forth. "DEAR LORD HEEELLLLPP MEEEEEE.....!!" It screamed from within Chakka, looking through Chakkas eyes for a few fleeting moments, "WHERE AM I???!!! Wh...WH...WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ME?!! Dear lord my hands....ugh...my.....MY.....AHHHHHH....CHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Abruptly, Chakka convulsed, foam spewing from his mouth. Chakka closed his eyes tightly as the convulsing slowly stopped. His body quivered for a moment longer and then became very still. His eyes opened again, wickedly. Yellow eyes. Roaring with confusion and anger at what had just transpired, Chakka spat a few choice words venomously into the empty space around him. "CHAKKA RIPS!! CHAKKA TEARS!!! CHAKKA CUTSSS!!MRRRAAAAAAHHHHHRRRR!!!!!!!" Scrambling to its feet in a frenzy, the beast rose up on all fours, resuming the hunt with loud sniffs.

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Rae listened in horror as the announcer's monotone voice counted down the remaining players. Suddenly as Rae sat quietly listening with Yuuki and Kei, a scream for help pierced the air but was quickly overtaken by another scream, but the following scream didn't sound like it came from any man or woman.
"What the hell was that?'' Rae asked worriedly, "I really don't like that, it sounds like its getting closer. We need to leave quickly"
Rae picked himself up and apprehensively walked to one of the building's broken windows.
"This place isn't safe enough but are we strong enough to continue moving?." Rae asked , looking back at Yuuki's injuries ."We might not be able to find a place to rest anytime soon after we leave."
Yuuki smiled slowly getting up with help from the wall, "I'll be ok but you're right we need to get going. If anything I am the weakest link and if push comes to shove I can always buy you guys some time." She gave a weary smile and checked her ammo and noted that she was getting low. Pushing herself off the wall she began to walk towards the back. "Come on theres a back door we can use over here." She informed the others.
Kei looked up and saw Yuuki's other injury. "Damn it your more tore up then I thought." Kei ripped another piece from his shirt and bandaged her leg. "That should hold for a while but, we should really look for some kind of first aid." Kei looked at Rae, "what about you are you injured." Before he got a response he heard screams echoing through out the hall.

"You might be right, we should rest while we can especially you Yuuki."
Yuuki blushed slightly when he bandaged her leg as well, "if you're gonna play doctor I have a lot more then the gash on my leg and bullet hole in my arm theres a lot more on my back but they only need a few stitches so it should be fine for now." She smiled though her face was getting paler by the minute from blood loss.

When the screams had sounded and she had stood up to lead them away she smiled at Kei's offer of rest, "it sounds like a good idea to rest but whatever they got out there isn't something to be reckoned with. I mean the fuckin thing took out three to five players in under a minute, so honestly whatever it is most likely heading for us next. I dont know about you but im not to curious to meet it just yet." She leaned against the wall for a moment as a sudden headrush took hold of her mind.
Kei was surprised that she could soldier on like this even with all her injuries. He thought back to how he was screaming for his like only a few minutes ago. He looked down feeling ashamed of himself. He placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'll watch the door, you need a break." Kei grabbed his lead pipe and stood up right by the door. "If anything happens I'll stop it and you and Rae can get away safely."
Yuuki thought about all the possibilities that could happen then spoke, "ill wait with you im sure that thing or whatever wouldn't be as easily effected by a pipe bud." She smiled and limpted over to the back door and sunk down beside it groaning in pain on the way down. When she was done she smiled up at Kei to let him know she was ok even though there were little forms of tears in her eyes from the pain.
Kei shook his head. "I guess you won't let me look cool for a second huh?." Kei walked over to Yuuki, "how about we just stick together. You, me and Rae. If something happens we'll figure it out when it happens." Kei motioned to the door. "As long as we have a way out we'll be ok. Now you rest. Let Rae and I stay on guard."
Yuuki laughed whincing a little from injuries and rolled her eyes at him, "ight haha." She smiled laying her head back against the wall. Within minutes her breath turned soft yet raspy as she fell asleep.
Kei kept watch, as Yuuki fell asleep he heard footsteps pass the door usually followed by the voice. "22 players left." Kei thought to himself that there might be a hidden trap waiting outside their safe house. He heard another set of foot steps speed past them it sounded female by her panting. She passed the door and suddenly screamed followed by the voice. "21 players left."
The number of players was quickly declining and from the sounds of screams which drew closer Rae realized that the threat was much too close for safety. After the woman had passed the door, the air became silent. Not a peaceful silence, but an awkward, discomforting silence. Suddenly outside, Rae could hear the noise of what seemed to be scratching at the door.
"What do you think that is?" Rae asked getting up cautiously, carefully making his way to the door.
Yuuki woke up at the sound of a scream and scratching at the door, "wait Rae we dont know what that is." She put her hand out to stop him, "its best we keep whatever's out there, out there." She told him looking like she was ready to jump up and fight whenever.
Kei nodded in agreement with Yuuki. "She's right Rea, let's stay out of sight as long as possible." Kei heard the sounds of gunshots in the distance as well as the sound of blades. "WhateverS going on out there, let's hope stays out there."
Yuuki smiled at Kei as a sign of thanks. Then leaned back against the wall with a few sounds discomforting noises slipping out of her mouth.

Off in the background was another scream of plea, or a cry for help as the announcer's voice picked up again, "21 players left" "20 players left." As more people fell.

*game hq*
In the abandoned house Yuuki and the guys were in and around the playing feild were hidden cameras recored the game so thoughs at home could watch. One camra zoomed in on Yuuki smiling at Kei. The in person audience let out an awh and the host spoke through the microphone, "and here is a few kids we managed to get ahold of for our game this week. Though it looks like we should help'em a little, whatda say folks? Place your vote in now!" He smiled as the camera focused on all three kids now.

*back in the game*
Yuuki heard the announcer calling out the players left and a tear fell down her cheek. She looked over at Kei and Rae and realized how lucky they really were to be alive right now and were able to partner up.
Rae turned to Yuuki and Kei and backed away from the door. Angrily he punched one of the walls of the abandoned house which echoed throughout the house.
"Crap, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make noise. It's just so frustrating. There is something out there ravaging all of the players but the only thing we can do is sit here and hope that whatever is out here doesn't find us." Rae said, then quieting down, " I just feel so helpless and trapped. I just want to go back and have a normal life, I'm tired of being scared."
As Rae spoke he had to wipe away at his eyes which had begun to fill with tears.
(sorry its kinda long i got carried away)

Yuuki understanding his pain gave a small smile, "Rae i know how you feel, do you think i want to be in this mess torn? i mean i can barely walk, my arm has a bullet in it, my leg and back is torn to shreds, and we're forced to kill people to survive. But thats all we can do until we can find a way out." she gestured to a spot on the wall next to her, "come here and let me see your hand. it'll be on Rae." she tried to give him the best comforting smile she could hoping he'd understand he's no alone, and looked up at Kei, "come sit with us we'll move out in an hour, but its best all of us get as much rest as we can." she stated.

*in hq*
the camera moved back to Rae and the group as he slugged a wall. The host gave the crowed a pity look, "well folks your vote is in. It seems like our three musketeers are getting some help we'll send in a drone with medication and food. Lets hope they appreciate it!" and with that the host hit the send butten on stage and the crowd gave a roar of excitement for their choice of help.

*in game*


a little drone was on its way and flew threw a crack in the ceiling landing on the floor just in front of them with a tiny message hanging inside saying, "Here's some food and medical supplies for Yuuki's injuries and what other purposes you may need them for. The crowd loves you stay strong~ announcer" inside the drone there were protein bars and a case full of some healing solution as well as sterilized stitching equipment and band-aides.

When the drone dropped Yuuki let out a startled scream and jumped to her feet. When it didn't explode Yuuki looked back at the boys giving them the 'what the hell is this' look. then she squatted down and repeated the note out load. After she read it she turned back to them her green eyes filled with a mix horror and relief. "Guys this is a game show.. we're being watched.." she said in a dazed voice and signaled them to come look at it. As they came to look Yuuki sat back on her hills in disbelive just then the course started to shake and move into a new design. Their house began to move into a new location as well as other buildings and things. When it was done their house was in the middle of a forest like area in the completely opposite direction.

in the backgroud the announcer gave a little speach, "Well now my childern their are 20 of you left. therefore the adious as well as myself with start to interfeer with you game giving you new pets to play with and medical surprises as well as food for those who pleases us the most. Have fun players." With that the mic clicked off and the air surrounding them became still and awkward.
"Are you fucking kidding me!!!" Kei picked the drone ready to throw it but saw Yuuki and stopped. He pulled out the first aid kit and sat by Yuuki. He took her arm first and looked at the wound, "I can see the bullet. Im pretty sure I can pull it out and stitch you up. My family owns an animal hospital and we do this kind of thing every now and then."

Kei pulled out the tools, "it isn't everything we need but it'll do, that is if your ok with it Yuuki."
Yuuki flinched at his yelling at first then again at him touching her arm. She gave out a little whimper before saying, "We'll its better then having it being a pain in the ass, sitting round in my arm all day. s-so go ahead." she smiled but as he pulled out the tools her stood face began to crumble. Yuuki was terrified of doctors but she knew that it was her only chance.

The crowd awhed and smiled at the interaction between Kei and Yuuki. The host smiled seeing his chance to feed into there emotions, "Awh look at what we have here, is this a new survivor couple i see?" the host asked the crowd as the camera zoomed in again on Kei and Yuuki. Seeing Yuuki start to blush as Kei touched her arm the host started up again, "Now folks lets say we give this couple some excitement, if you look down at your options and send in your vote by noon!" the host smiled as the crowd fell silent sending in their votes.

*in game*
In the background Yuuki heard the announcers voice call out, "19 Players left." Yuuki jumped at her evil voice. Thankfully Kei hadn't started in on her arm yet. Looking at him apologetically she said, "sorry if i messed you up." she gave him a weary smile.
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