Ashes to Flames II: Revenge of the Gods

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
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"Fine. Fucking cat." Osi let go of the kitten, then walked outside abruptly. Bitter shook it's head, a multitude of loud popping noises being made before it stretched.

"Damnable brute." Bitter thought to itsself before jumping up. It tapped Vi's hand with a claw. "Miss Violet, do you think if I fought Master Sicarius, it would get rid of his frustration?"
Vilan rubber the back of her neck as she thought. "Um, I... I've never played tag before..." she admitted hesitantly.
Caleb giggled. "We can teach you!!" he said, taking her hand and swinging it around in his small hands. He giggled.

Violet sighed. I didn't mean for him to leave... She thought silently before looking at what she assumed to be the ground, but was a chair. She twitched slightly at the suddenness of a claw on her hand, but relaxed when she realized it was just the cat. "I don't know...honestly, I doubt it would..but it might." she reached over, gently holding the cat in front of her face. "Promise you won't hurt him? I'm not saying no, but I also don't want him hurt."
" NEVER PLAYED TAG! WERE IS YOUR CHILDHOOD! " he ran over to caleb and picked him up putting him on his shoulder and taking vilan by the arm and pulling her along with them " You must learn "
"A human is not supposed to fall into Phelegethon. Phelegethon is the river of boiling blood in the Seventh Circle. There, punished are the shades who committed crimes of violence against their fellow men. Murderers and tyrants: men who through their violent deeds in life caused hot blood to flow and now themselves are sunk in flowing, boiling blood. The river is now stagnant and black because of my master chasing Falco into Hell and falling inside. It created a paradox, and from that paradox we came. Nigh-Immortality is our realm now. You need not worry." It looked at Violet, worry was all over her face. A sigh came from the cat. "I promise, child. I will not harm him." Bitter was put down and then it scratched her finger, wetting each of its claws with blood. "Sorry, I require this." Bitter started to draw a strange arcane circle on the table. The red changed to blue and started to glow vibrantly. Bitter's small body started to shift and crack. "This should do nicely..." Its voice started to deepen and take a more masculine tone, in stark contrast from its normal, metallic and cold tone. It looked up at Violet. "Violet, can you do something for me?"
Vilan laughed quietly as she was pulled along. Deciding to not answer his question but instead change the subject and ask one herself. "Where excatly are we going?" She said between brust of laughter.
Violet winced. She rubbed her finger and frowned, but tilted her head, her eyes staring at the ground once more. "I have to know what it is first..."

Caleb giggled. "tag tag tag tag!" he said, smiling brightly and chanting happily.

((pm me and when I get back in an hour or so I'll explain))
Liam comes back from a very long walk and sees a girl with cat ears. He tilts his head and walks forward. He realizes the clothes she is wearing "Babe....Vi?" he said as he sat his hand on her shoulder. Hoping she'd know his voice.
Violet flinched, but recognized his voice. She smiled a little. "Liam is back!" she said, standing. She hugged him, nuzzling his shoulder before saying "Sure Bitter, what do you want me to do?" She was sure Bitter wouldn't say anything bad with Liam there.
Liam smiled but went away as he saw her eyes "Violet...what..what happened to your eyes?!" he said as he looked at them. He saw a form stand in front of him and stuck a gun to it's forehead. "What did you do to my girl!" he screamed.
Violet shook her head. "It wasn't him! It..I'm not exactly sure what happened...Liam, I'm fine, don't shoot Bitter." she said sternly, but she didn't, she couldn't find that serious tone she always had. She stood behind him and nuzzled his shoulder. "He might explain though." she said, smiling a little.
Liam looked at him and lowered his gun and looked at Violet. "I'll fix this." he saidas he walked away. "Kasio!" he yelled as he busted into his room "What the hell happened to my girl! What happened to her!" he screamed.
Violet sighed as Liam left. "Okay Liam.." she looked at Bitter and simply sat on the ground, putting her head on her knees, her ears shifting, twitching a little.

Kasio jumped, his book falling to the ground. "Damnit Liam! I'm TRYING to find out!" he said, growling, glaring daggers at Liam. "If you wouldn't go acting like we killed her maybe I wouldn't have lost the page!" he said as he picked the book back up. He was visibly shaken, not by Liam, but by the fact he had still not found a way to help her.
Liam say down on the bed "Sorry...I just....wait.." he said. He got up and heard a voice. "Liam, you're a Seeker....think..." it said. He looked at Kasio and grabbed the book and sat it down. "It's not in their. It's blood is what healed her. It's my blood is what must being transforming her but the eyes aren't right...." he said as he looked out the window. A light shined from the sealing and his parents and hers came in. "Come on, Liam. Think. You're the one for my know what to do. You must think." her mom said. She looked at Kasio "Hi, Kasio. Don't holds anger against him..not heed too Osi's words..Liam loves Violet. He and she are the ones to save this world...he died for her...literally. Hens a Seeker..the one you sought your while life to see and find. Remember, Kasio?" she asked.
Kasio blinked, but nodded absently. "B-but...your...dead...and..." he shook his head. "The blindness was caused by Osi's venom..I think...or the ears..something was...either the ears or eyes, one of the two." he rubbed his head, too confused now. He had too little sleep. And I still haven't told any of them the bad news... he thought to himself.
Violets mother walked over too Kasio and touched his head, healing him and them slapped him "That's for staring at my ass a long time ago." she said with a wink. "Do you remember now? You've always wanted to meet a seeker." she said. She looked at Liam as all of then touched Liam, surging light through his body. "Protect my little girl..." she said as the left. "He's a Seeker, you can learn a lot from him....not a Demon..don't let words cloud your mind." she said as they were fully gone.
Kasio blinked. He looked at Liam. "Just don't start fighting with Osi...Seekers and Demons don't get along." he said, offering a hand. "Why don't we try being friends...okay?" he said. That slap had somehow knocked some sense in him.
He chuckled as he shook his hand "I'm stronger than my brother. Trust me. Even that weird thing in their as well. I Can good my own." he said as he started for the door. His hair was pure white now, his eyes turned ice white. He got a little taller, his muscles grew stronger than anything in the world. He was his true form. Now it was time to turn Violet to her true form as well. Break the curse...and keep others that are a threar away from her. "Come on, it's time to make her normal again." he said as he walked out the room
Kasio nodded. "Umm..okay.." he said, following.

Violet didn't like being in the open, so she shifted, using the clicking of her tongue to hiding under the bed, curling up so no one can see her.
Liam walked into the room and didn't see her "Shit...Babe?" he said looking around. He looked for a bit and then saw..the bed. And smiled..."Come out, come out wherever you are!" he said with a smile. He jumped on the bed and flipped up the covers and looked under the bed "Boo!" he said as he held out his hand. "Come, babe. I have a surprise for you." he said.
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