Ashes To Flames IC

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Acer ignored Liam and continued firing over Osi's shoulder, determined to follow through with what he must.

Falco released the knife for a moment, smiling.
Violet coughed, her throat burning from the cut, but she was not in life peril quite yet.
Falco raised the gun, firing once through the window, shattering the glass.
Violet winced at the sound of the gunshot. She couldn't see straight, her vision was blurred and spinning.
Falco chuckled. "Let's have some fun before they come, shall we?" He laughed, stabbing the knife straight between her shoulder blades.
"STOP!" Violet choked out, a scream of pure agony escaping.
Falco knelt by her ear. "Where's the chip? Or do I need to lure your little friends closer to my trap?"
Violet shook, the pain overtaking her senses. She couldn't answer.
Falco twisted the knife, ignoring the blood washing over his armor.
Violet screamed, her vision spinning and turning red slightly. It was all she could do to not black out.
He ran throughout the halls and fought off a horde of enemies. He stopped and smiled, pulling his sword and yelled as he sliced through them like butter. He ran and ran trying to find Falcos room. "Come on!" He yelled. He stood right in front of his door but a huge lot of men stood in the way. "FALCO!!!!" He screamed!
Sicarius and Acer ran up the tower, meeting up with Liam to help find Falco. They went through door after door, killing anyone who resisted, until they finally burst in to the room where Falco was. The knife was still in Violet's shoulder, blood pulsing from the wound. Sicarius took aim at Falco, ready to shoot him if he so much as moved. "Dont. Move.'
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"No!!! He's mine!" Liam yelled as he bumped into him. He walked in front of them and stood in front of Falco, he grabbed the chip and held it up. "Is this what you're looking for, huh?" He asked as he waved it in the air. "Let her go and I'll give it to you. You have ten seconds to make your decision." He said as he started counting.
Falco smiled at their entrance, making no move as told, until he saw the chip. He dropped Violet, who hit the ground on her shoulder, driving the knife deeper in her shoulder and making her scream, curling up and shaking.

"D-don't...g-give...No! L-Liam!" She said, trying to tell him not to.

Falco slowly lifted a hand. "Give me the chip, and Vi stays safe." He had a gun still aimed at her head.

Acer stepped forwards, biting his lip. "Father. He's lying. That's a fake."

Falco's eyes flickered to Acer and a small smile showed. " you have the real one?"

Acer nodded, glancing at Osi and then at Vi, mentally telling Osi to get Vi while he had Falco's attention. He walked up and pulled a small microchip from his pocket, handing it to Falco.

The moment it landed in his hand, Falco shot Acer in the chest. "That's what you get for treachery." He growled with a victorious smile.

Acer fell over Vi, who froze, terrorized.

Falco looked at Liam, his gun turning towards him and he shot three bullets at him, one hitting Liam's shoulder. "That's for lying. Just like little miss princess's parents." He smiled, kneeling down beside Violet.

Violet screamed again as Falco removed the knife, the pain pulling her closer to unconsciousness. She tried to weakly push Acer away, but she couldn't.
Falco's smile disappeared. "Don't you dare give me orders." He growled. "Traitor."

Violet pushed away, shakily standing to her feet. She held the knife Falco had in her hand, shaking so much it made no sense how she stood...but it was present in her eyes. She was running on pure angered adrenaline. "Y-you...shot.."

Falco turned to Vi, cutting her off. "I shot my son and your little friend. Big deal, one of them is still alive."

She stumbled forwards. "You..too many...hundreds.." She twitched slightly. Was she going mad?

Falco didn't move, he still wasn't wearing his helmet.

"" She started to raise her hand, but blacked out, falling again, only a few feet away from Sicarius, several feet from Falco.
Sicarius' hands were trembling, seeing Falco shoot Acer angered him greatly. A shot rang throughout the small room and Falco's right cheek was blown away, chips of teeth and bone scattering around the place. Falco screamed loudly, before Sicarius went over and punched him in the hole left by the gunshot. Falco held the side of his face, the pain stealing whatever he wanted to say right from his mouth. "Don't you dare bring up her fucking parents around me, Falco!" Sicarius yelled, the mask hiding the shaking in his voice. "Don't you fucking dare!" He went to get Vi, his eyes never looking away from Falco. His hands were still shaking badly, but he managed to pick her up bridal style and walk out.
Violet didn't respond to be picked up. She was out cold, loosing too much blood for too long.

Falco dropped to his knees, glaring at Osi, one hand on his face as the other moved around his neck. Finally he found the switch and his helmet shot up over his head, the microbes started to work and the helmet speaking his thoughts. " will pay. I will hunt all of you down an kill you...the same way I did Acer." He growled, looking down.

Suddenly Violet shifted, shivering a little.

((Osiris, leave the rest of Falco to Liam please.))
((Sure. I didnt want to kill him. I just couldn't resist. <3))
Sicarius walked out with Violet in tow. "Don't worry, princess. You're safe now." He rode away from the Tower and went to a hill away from the Capital, waiting on his brother.
Liam fell to the floor right after Acer. He saw Osi grab Violet so he got in his hands and knees and then stood up as he stared at Falco "You ever talk to my brother like that again, I'll to your fucking heart out!" He said as his arm was dripping badly.
Falco laughed. "You can't tell me what to do, I'm better than all." His helmet spoke as he stood, raising his gun. "You will die. Fuck the rebellion. Osi will die next to you, and Violet will see the rebellion fall, right next to me." he laughed, though that was mentally, not pysically.

Violet began to stir, looking around. "L-liam?" She realized there was no Liam, no Acer, no dead Falco, and started fighting against Osi. "YOU L-LEFT HIM?!"
He sighed, then took off the mask. "You are my priority, Violet. You are the only thing I came for. That is Liam's battle to fight. I won't interfere in it." He sat against a dead tree, palming a detonator in his hand. "If he doesn't finish the job and come back, this will. I just hope I'm not going to lose my kin over this."
Violet struggled against him, weakly. She made a low growling sound, pulling her mask over her face as he removed his. "" She somehow got the strength to pull away from him, sitting a moment before trying to get to her feet, it perfectly evident she was struggling. "" She winced as she made it to her feet. "Leaving again. Never again."
He grabbed her arm. "No. You're not leaving. You'll just get yourself killed. And that makes all we've went through for naught. Do you want that? For your men to have died in vain?" He stared into her eyes fiercely. He wasn't letting her leave.
Violet pulled on his arm. "Then why don't you come with me?! I have to see Liam! I can't let..woah.." She shook her head a little. "I can't let him.. I..need... woooaahh..." Something clicked out loud and her mask fell, a small red light on the mask. Violet dropped to her knees, covering her eyes and groaning in what was pain or annoyance, that was unknown. She leaned over, coughing. Blood was spit out on the ground. "Shit.." she mumbled, coughing more.
"Calm down. See? You'll just get yourself killed." He got his backpack off of the horse and handed it to her. "Lie down. If you get excited, you'll kill yourself. You've lost too much blood and are too weak to do anything." He got a cigar but didn't light it, instead twirling it between his fingers. "If you get any worse, we're going."
Liam took off his mask and stood their. He walked a little to him and stopped. "I will kill you, even if it's the last thing I do. Oh and by the way. You think that was the real chip? The real chip doesn't have a code on the back, you fucking idiot! You killed your own son for no reason!" He yelled as he power kicked him in the stomach so hard, Falco flew back and slamming into the wall. "I've gotten a hell of a lot stronger sense our last encounter!" He said as he downed his stare at him "Get the fuck up! Come on! You try to kill the woman I love! You fucked with the wrong, motherfucker!" He yelled.
Violet started to speak, but the light on her helmet flashed again and she stopped, picking it up feebly in her hands, trying not to cough. She pressed a button and watching the report that pulled up, reading it quickly and closing it. she lied on her back, ignoring the pack he handed her, staring up at the stars. " stars." she said quietly, sighing. "Mom...always...said I'd...die...outside..." She thought a little bit and smirked. "Maybe...someday...I will.."

Falco coughed, shooting a random fire that missed Liam by centimeteres. "He betrayed me! He is no son of mine! You will die! Who gives two fucks about love, it is a meaningless..crap..that hurt.." He winced freezing a moment and realizing that was said aloud. "Love dies, as well as anything else that betrays the lord of all, Falco!" He didn't get up, but lifted the gun. "I can kill you in one shot." He shot Liam's shoulder.
The words shook Osi, the mention of her parents making him more of a wreck than he already was. "But....but today isn't the day you die, Vi. You just can't. I-I haven't earned your forgiveness yet." His hands were balled into fists to keep from shaking, but it failed, probably making it worse.
As the shot hit Liam in his shoulder he spun around landing on his back "God damn it!!" He yelled and got up and charged at Falco, kicking his gun out of his hands and grabbing by his jacket and punched him in the face and threw himin the air and kicked him over his table. "You get the fuck up and face me like a man! Come on, you pussy!" He said. His arm hurt badly, but he punched a window and it shattered so loud anyone for miles could here it. "You should have killed me when you had the chance!! Now it's my turn to kill you but for good!" He yelled, blood dripping from his hand, he started to lose blood.