As the hidden...

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"I'm not to sure on that. Not everyone would eventually fall to something like that because everyone is different and has there own opinions. Why did you think she was dead?"
"because he talks about her in a past tense... I guess I just assumed the worst." giggles. "my dear don't deny the power of a succubus." pauses. "unless you wouldn't be okay with that... I don't want to be enemies with you, your very sweet and attractive." winks at you.
"Ah I see." Zanna gets a little nervous at her last comment but makes herself sound serious. "I'm not sure how I would feel on that matter."
"well many of the older immortal girls especially reapers don't care to much who sleeps around. so lets say kurain and I 'got it on' in most cases whoever he was with wouldn't care as long as I didn't bite his neck. but if I had to guess I assume you would care..." she looks you over and smiles.
"Ah I see. Okay. Well I would say I probable would." Zanna smiled.
"hmm dammit. well maybe ill just accidently burn his clothes off so I can see him naked at least once." giggles. "but if you don't roll like me that's fine ill lay off him."
Zanna did a small giggle. "Okay I might not mind that as long as it's an accident." winks "But no I don't role like you sorry. But thanks for understanding."
laughs. "I still need an apprentice and now being the dark reaper you qualify quite well. he might get mad at me for doing that but I tend to stay away from fights anyway." she smiles sincerely at you. "the leader trains all the other so I could help you with your powers and it means you will get full access to everything in the castle."
Zanna looked at her as she thought it over. 'Should I? Well I could do what I told his sister a little better and help protect him... But I'm not big with the thought of her apprentice...But still...' Then she answered. "Well I do need to learn how to control my powers. And I wouldn't want Kurain to get hurt. And getting access to the full castle sounds cool. But if I was your apprentice wouldn't I have to protect you and stay near you?"
"the dark reaper rarely is put in battles because death of the leader is devastating. so no you wont really need to protect me often as well I'm usually on earth or at the castle so surly we will never be to far away. being the leader everyone already has to listen to me so nothing changes there. besides I wont make you do anything you don't want to... usually."
"only teasing but truly some jobs must be done that no one wants to do and my apprentice or not if your staying at the palace you will have to work." she tell you seriously. "like I said your cute but far from my type. I prefer hot, sexy, and hungry. you are far from anything I want."
"That's fine with me I'll be happy to help. But I'm not sure I would be right as an apprentice like I said earlier. I'm willing to try though." Zanna smiled "And I'm kind of glad I'm not your type. Because I'm definitely not like that."
"you could at least pretend and call me pretty anyway." she laughs. "you hurt my feelings." she cups her hands over her heart and gives a pouting face. "none the less we can all sense your power we just have to unleash it. you would make a great partner for any reaper."
"Sorry if I hurt your feeling. I guess your pretty I'm not use to such concepts... on other women." Zanna shrugged. "And I would be glad to try begin an apprentice. But how would Kurain take it if I'm yours instead? I'm also willing to just work though if need it be." 'Would he be jealous or worried more? Or would he want me as his instead if I take on such a task?'
"I'm only kissing I know I look great." winks at you. "and you never know in till you try." pauses. "I'm sure he wont mind I'm much stronger then kurian and he knows I wouldn't let you get hurt. none the less he cant argue with me anymore."
Zanna thought for a moment. Then she had a thought on her parents. "Before I decided would I be able to see my parents as an apprentice?"
"I don't care. bring them to the palace if you want you just need a reaper to be with you if you have guests."
"Okay then." Zanna smiled. "I would gladly be your apprentice Mistress Isabelle." Zanna bowed.
"I prefer kneeling before me but that works." looks over kurian. "we need to get him back to the palace soon."
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