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Excellent post Poly. Thanks.

@Everyone - You can post in the IC thread. Though only HHWoof and Poly are active on a mission, the rest of you have lives outside of work. Think about it, your character probably had move to Denver for the new position, or decided to take a course at the local university, or likes to go fishing, or is out on a date for the firs time in months, whatever you fancy. By all means allow Vickers to have her operator interrupt your life and ask you to come in to work. Wouldn't that be fun?
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So OP-Tech isnt gonna suggest/give any weaponry? Just a drone an EMF tracker and an earpiece?

(Apologies if this sounds dickish I mean it in a concerned manner)
I was not told to provide your character with anything else.
Okay so here is the thing. CIA agents are spies not assassins and rarely carry weapons, because the idea is that they blend in like regular people, to collect intelligence - usually they use self defense to get out of bad situations. Yes, there will be times when weapons will be assigned. But CIA agents don't go around flashing a weapon and drawing attention to themselves. Not like the FBI that usually show a badge and carry weapons. For this mission since you are in a covert operation in US soil, and given the mission objective, which is to retrieve a package I don't think a weapon is needed. But know that you will be assigned a weapon when the mission calls for it.
I'll have a bit up in the next few hours. I do apologize for the delay, personal business.
Edited: Good work everyone!
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OK HHWoof. Don't take it personally, but you skipped ahead again LOL. It's my fault, I should have PM you and told you to wait for Poly to reply. Dyson obviously is piloting the drone, and Vicker has ordered Dyson to scan the theater for anything out of place. He would have told you the location of the item. Let's just move on, okay? Edit your post: What you find is a box, not a briefcase, proceed by opening the box, because what we are looking for is the demands of D12. It could be anything inside, so I need you to confirm that what is inside the box is actually the demands and not just a sealed box with condoms (for example). So, open the box on the spot, and what you find inside is the severed head of Agent Jackson, and wedge in his mouth is a piece of paper. The list of demands of D12. BTW the red light districts are known around the world as an area of a town or city containing many brothels, strip clubs, and other sex businesses - technically you are in a porn theater, that's why Adler says what he said.
Awww sick dude, they cut off his head? D: I didn't even know Agent Jackson and I loved him. T.T Now he's dead and we'll never be able to get to know each other. *gross sobbing*
Yeah, poor guy died for his country. He will be honored accordingly. Now we need to focus on the remaining agent. And comply with D12's demands.
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I'm waiting for HHWoof to edit his post so that I can call you guys in for the next operation. I'm sorry that it's taken so long to get you guys in.
Appologies for taking so long, school, then work, and tommorow I have a workday and a party, then Sunday meeting my GF's parents.
Good post, Perro!

Edited: Posted! In Mission Two, everyone is going to participate. Vickers ordered DGraves character to lead the operation. Going along is field agent Chen - whom I will be playing. I will also be playing the prisoner, Thomas Flankman, and the captive agent, and D12 members. Op-tech will provide gear, weapons, and vehicles.

So, to provide some guidance here are some bullets:

  • If there are no questions or concerns move on to Op-tech.
  • Dyson, it's your call to decide what the mission requires and provide the agents with equipment and vehicles (two vans at least.)
  • Transport the prisoner to location. (Work among yourselves who is driving, who guards the prisoner. Etc...)
  • Remember, Wheatpenny is in charge of the operation on the ground, operatives should follow his lead.
  • DGraves keep verbal communications with Base-ops during the operation at all times.
  • Wait for D12 to arrive and initiate the call sign for the trade.
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Oh wait, you know what, I'll wait to post after everyone else does. ^_^
I'm afraid I have to drop out. Schedule has been busy, so sorry :c
I will have a post up tomorrow evening. I'm currently drawing a blank, as I can't get into the zone at the moment. I do apologize for the inconvenience.
I'll try and get a post up this afternoon after lunch with my Gf's parents.
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