Apartments of Anarchy

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Name: Malia
Room #: 42

We walk into a room near the top of the building. In the room stands a small young girl, looking no older than ten, arranging the furniture. Yet, something seems off about her. Is it the dark green hair or the slotted pupils? She walks down to a random apartment with a well-intentioned smile that appears more like an arsenal of knives. "Hello. What might your name be?" She asks.
Jay turned around at the sound of a voice. "Hi. I'm Jay." She replied, taking note of the girl's green hair and slotted eyes.
When Analia looked upwards and noticed that there was till two floors to go so she rapidly pulled her long leg back in the elevator and chuckled apologetically. She was always such a spaz. Leaning back against the elevator wall, she noticed that the girl seemed nervous or something. The stranger carried an odd sort of smile and the way the girl had spoken to her if even just a few words, made her feel kinda guilty. Though if you lived in a city, you should be used to people being all up in your space bubble! So, in silence, Analia just looked down to her red flip-flops and wiggled her toes.
Malia looked up at Jay. "Well... Umm... Hi there Jay. I'm new to this apartment complex, as you can obviously tell,
but in the elevators there is someone talking to the walls! I don't see anyone!" she whispers, waving her dark parasol about.
"Yea, this place is really different than most places." Jay looked around.
"I think I could tell by the way I walked in unnoticed!" she quips while uncurling a reptilian tail.
Walking into the elevator, Carlson greeted the two girls. "Hi Malia! I'm Mr.Carlson, the landlord. If you need any help settling in, just ask." He turned to Jay. "Hello Jay. I put up a notice recently about a job offer for the role of security guard. Whoever is accepted gets free everything, for as long as they hold it. I'm holding a competition to see who is most suited, want to come?"
Jay thought for a moment. "Sure. That sounds really fun!"
Loki grinned. He was better at making friends than he had thought. He already had one down!

"Of course!" he beamed, brushing his bangs out of his face. "It's a pleasure to meet you earthli-I mean Kantara."

He had to stop referring to everyone as "earthling." It could be considered rude and degrading to some people. The last thing he wanted was to offend his new friend.
"Mr. Carlson?...SIR?....Hello..."

A rustling sound came from the room in front of her. She jumped back and gasped. It wasn't Gump, it was something worse! AND it certainly was NOT Mr. Carlson! Shojin growled and snarled at her side as they backed up to the door and then both beat a hasty retreat out of there. Slamming the door behind them, they ran down the hall to the elevator. Hitting the button repeatedly, Saja tried to regain her composure.
It was true that you never new what or even who would be in THAT apartment but THAT was not... not... she shivered at the memory. The elevator opened and she and the big black cat got on as she pushed the 200th button. The door closed and the elevator began its rapped assent to their floor. Saja leaned against the wall and breathed as Shojin lay down for the ride up.

'That man has the creepiest creatures in his apartment! I didn't even get to pay him.'

She shoved the wrung and wrinkled money back into her pocket thinking to pay him another day. The black tiger looked up at her with an aside glare with what would have to be a 'you have to be kidding' look.

'You are incredibly good at stating the obvious'

Saja frowned and stuck out her tongue at the offending cat as the door to the elevator opened.
((Well, ty for notifying me. I'm not really bothered with turns, so just post whenever you feel like. Sure, you can keep going. Not that much has happened apart from the usual explosions, property damage, and one very angry porcupine...))

In the elevator, Carlson peeled back one of the maintenance panels. Inserting a key, he give the elevator a quick kick to make the machine listen. "I need full access, NOW!" Normally the key would have been enough, but the building was getting grouchy in it's old age. After an ironic clanking, an extra 4 buttons expanded out of the metal wall. Pressing the first gave him a shock of static, but the elevator ground downwards. Sucking his scorched finger, Carlson strode out into the Sub-basement #1. All around him, machines that were only 10% within this continuum swirled and shimmered with exotic energy. However, many of them were slowing, and two were almost completely black. The hotel was starting to fall apart. The room was overly warm due to the machinery, but Carlson still shivered.

[GLOBAL QUEST: Save the hotel!]

((However, we can't start this until we complete the competition. If you fancy yourself in combat, sign up soon!))
Jay left the elevator and walked over to the bulliteb board. "I can't wait for te competition to begin!" She signed up for the competition. She looked at the list and was a little disappointed there weren't many names, she had hoped to have some good competition. 'Oh well.' Jay thought to herself. She shrugged and teleported to her room to practice.
After stepping out of the elevator Saja noticed the new page on the bulletin board as she read the information a name magicly wrote itself on the bottom of the page:


"Hey! look at this, there is a competition being held for the job and Jay just signed up! This sounds like fun, I'm going to sign up for us too!" Saja grabbed up the stylus and started writing their names down at the bottom of the page.

'What? Wait! Why do you do these things? I did not say I wanted to do this too.' The black tiger sulked.

"well it's done and you are. You know you love competitions, come-on lets go get ready!"

She was so excited that she didn't even send her thoughts but spoke them. She almost ran down the hallway to their apartment, leaving the cat behind to fume over being ignored and used and... he sighed and started plodding slowly after her.
After reaching their apartment Saja made them some food then set about 'getting ready'. She started laying things out on the bed: Shurikans; an assortment of small knives for throwing, darts, caltrops and frogs, always a good choice. A rather unique looking whip that when it was cracked it stretched out almost twice its length, a dart gun, not her favorite but effective. She stopped a moment with a small frown on her face and pursed her lips.
'Should I use everything or...?'
'Use it.' Came the big cat's response.
Nodding her head in a quick affirmative jerk, Saja moved to a long chest at the end of the bed and opened it reverently.
She looked down upon what must have been a family heirloom in days gone by, but no one would no who's now.
Gently, carefully she put her hands under it and lifted it out of its place and put it on her bed. The Shinobi Shozoku was of a dark-blue color, blue being her favorite color, her father had given it to her on her birthday just before he had died. There was no Obi though, she had placed it in her father's hands in his coffin at the funeral.
She ran her hands over the outfit and stopped at the split-toed boots with a quirky smile on her face as she remembered the fight they had had over her need to wear them. She had thought they were silly and of no fashion value, at the time fashion had been everything to her.
With a deep sigh she stood up and went back to the chest and pulled out the second most valued personal possession, a Ninjaken. Saja laid the sword in the middle of the bed and stood back a bit. smacking her forehead with the palm of her hand, she turned to the tall cabinet and opened the double doors. Inside was an array of tools and weapons of all sorts including bombs of all kinds. None of which were large and all of which were meant mostly for distraction or escape.
It had been a long time, for her, since she had been fully dressed for any occasion. The smile came back to her face then left just as quickly. The rule of thumb for a ninja was not to over do it on the tools and to carry ones that could have multiple uses if possible. She pulled out the things she would need, she didn't want to kill anyone but you never knew...

Read more:
((Alternate characters being used: Simon, a troll-orc hybrid. Tukamep, a gnome, with his golems. Carlson will be testing out one of the more esoteric functions of the house. Kibble, a long legged thing that resulted from a magical corruption between a spider and an octopus))
After a good while of practicing, Jay fell into bed to sleep. "I'm going to get up early to practice tommorrow." She yawned.
Carlson thumped his fist down on the workbench. The half-dead energy core flickered and buzzed, slowly dying. The power output generated by these spheres had never so much as jittered, but now almost a third were collapsing. None had died yet, for which he could be thankful. But when they did... Carlson shuddered, pocketed the globe and left.

Leaving the workroom, he stumbled over the threshold, and dropped the small energy core. It hit the fading carpet with a soft boing, smashing into infinity. Alternate realities showed it dissolving into a mercurial puddle, in others, it flitted away. The expanding energy wave caught these realities, and reversed them. Time stretched in odd directions, before flipping back to just before Carlson dropped the energy core. Breathing heavily, He stepped back from impeding disaster, and went back into the workroom.

"To allow for time-travel, the energy contained within even one of these spheres must be immense..." he mused, looking at the innocuous sphere. It hummed and fizzled, slightly more vibrant then it was a few seconds ago. Carlson shook his head. It was too late to deal with quantum conundrums, not with a hotel to run tomorrow. He resealed the energy core, and went to bed.
Once she was done laying out her things on the bed Saja sat on the the floor in a lotus position to meditate. Father had always said that a calm mind was needed for fighting if one was to survive. Shojin flopped down on the couch with a mighty yawn.

'Aren't you going hunting tonight?' She thought his way.

'No, I want to stay hungry for the event', and he licked his chops as he settled down for a long nap.

'Yuch, I will never get use to that!' Saja did a little shiver at the thought of him liking what he was going to do, she just wasn't blood thirsty like him.

It took a few minutes to get past that image but soon she accomplished her goal of clearing her mind.
Name: Kimu
Age: 18
Race: Wizard

The door of the apartment building bursts open as Kimu shimmies through with her carts and bags. She skids to a stop and almost tips over from the weight and speed of the carts as she looks at her key tag.

"Room number..... 5? Terrific.."
Exhausted and out of stamina to finish moving, Kimu groans and pushes her cart so it rolls by itself to stop in a hall 2 doors away from her room.

"Mmm.. Almost there..." With one final run, she pushes the cart to her room and unlocks the door to show a small but homey room in which she begins to unpack all her things. Within an hour, everything is set and she is sitting in a chair, room door propped open, and her feet up on her desk as she looks through the world wide internet.
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