Another Realm

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"Most dragons are territorial. If you go into their home they will attack without warning. Be careful."
"Thanks I will keep that in mind. One more question. Where are we?"Shadow says looking up at Darius.
Darius now looks confused, or as confused as a drgon can look anyway. "The land of Aldinia. The capitol should be an hour north of here."
Kyy shakes his head. "Something says I do but I'm pretty sure I haven't." He tries thinking. "Not sure though."
"That happens to me a lot we should probably get going,"Shadow says smiling glancing from Darius to Kyy.
Kyy nods and walks down the hallway Darius showed them. Darius nods his goodbyes and good lucks before lying down again.
Shadow trails behind Kyy and asks "Where do you think we will end up?"
He shrugs. "Who knows?" A light can be seen ahead. "We're almost out!"
"Ok, I just hope it brings us closer to home,"Shadow smirks at Kyy as they see a light ahead.
As they walk out, its an open field with a large town in the distance. "Doesn't look like home." He sighs. "Maybe someone there will know how we can get back."
"Okay and what if they don't even know where we are talking about then what if we keep walking we may just keep getting further away,"Shadow responds as they walk through the open field.
"With the creatures we met, I think it would also be the safest thing to do as well. Better than being caught out here at night."
"That is true you never know until you try. I mean I have always believed dragons once existed I just never thought they still did and that they can talk,"Shadow says smiling.
Kyy smiles and nods. "Same here." He takes her hand and kisses her cheek. After about a half hour of walking they arrivive in town. It looked almost medival.
Shadow starts to blush when he kisses her cheek and smiles. Once they reach the town Shadow breaks the awkward silence and says "I feel like I traveled back in time."
"I've been thinking that too..." He looks around before hearing someone yell for help.
"We should go help the person," Shadow says looking towards where the yell was coming from.
He nods. "Let's go." He runs around the corner to see a man cornered by three bandits.
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