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Oh my Sora >.< yeah that definitely doesn't sound fun..

Anyway, Rin Megumi, as listed in the second post the spot for Master of Fire is open, so normally I'd say you can have at that one. Unfortunately @Vio kind of made it impossible for someone to have a Master of Fire unless they match her history.
Vio, I told you this would happen. This creates a very troublesome situation for me. Are you still insisting on the older brother being the Master of Fire (if so find someone to play it, make a character within a quick amount of time) or can you adjust (making him a different element, kill, retirement, etc) so someone else can play this character that they set their eyes on?
@Rin Megumi, would you be willing to take a different position for your character should that be needed?

As also posted in the second post of this thread, sub elements such as lightning, chi, invisible fire can not be created by a single angel on their own. They aren't elements to pick and add from. To use those three mentioned elements another angel of a different element (see second post for which other elements) has to work together with him. Not just be present, actively work together.
Also, age 18 for the second highest rank? Second in command of all fire angels, second in strength and power? That is kind of young. It would be extremely rare for someone to be able to reach that length in that short a time. Especially to reach that and not have their own power kill themselves in the process. Would you mind aging him a bit, or otherwise adapt to a different rank? At absolute youngest a Master I would prefer them around age 20.

And it seems your images are broken?
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Haha in that case I'll be hopefully be able to say yay movement :P (I'm just teasing, you know that right)
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I'll post soon too :)
React with Jessabell;
and use Ariel to help heal Celestine ^-^
Yay *snuggles you*
Oh my Sora >.< yeah that definitely doesn't sound fun..

Anyway, Rin Megumi, as listed in the second post the spot for Master of Fire is open, so normally I'd say you can have at that one. Unfortunately @Vio kind of made it impossible for someone to have a Master of Fire unless they match her history.
Vio, I told you this would happen. This creates a very troublesome situation for me. Are you still insisting on the older brother being the Master of Fire (if so find someone to play it, make a character within a quick amount of time) or can you adjust (making him a different element, kill, retirement, etc) so someone else can play this character that they set their eyes on?
@Rin Megumi, would you be willing to take a different position for your character should that be needed?

As also posted in the second post of this thread, sub elements such as lightning, chi, invisible fire can not be created by a single angel on their own. They aren't elements to pick and add from. To use those three mentioned elements another angel of a different element (see second post for which other elements) has to work together with him. Not just be present, actively work together.
Also, age 18 for the second highest rank? Second in command of all fire angels, second in strength and power? That is kind of young. It would be extremely rare for someone to be able to reach that length in that short a time. Especially to reach that and not have their own power kill themselves in the process. Would you mind aging him a bit, or otherwise adapt to a different rank? At absolute youngest a Master I would prefer them around age 20.

And it seems your images are broken?

Oh alright. Let me fix those. And it's not age 18, it's age 21. I wrote age 21 there.
I didn't realize the second elements thing wasn't possible, so let me change it.
Sorry about that. ^^' And I'd seriously like to stay with fire, but if not possible I'll just stick to Air..
@Olissa I fixed it, but I kept him a fire angel. If that's not possible I'll remake it and make it an Air angel.
Nice image
And we'll have to hear from Vio before we can put you down as a fire angel for certain.
@Olissa Alright, tell me in case I can't make a fire angel.
If not then I'll just make an Air one like I just said. I'm keeping the image though! And the name.
I'll just change some stuff in the backstory.
*Snuggles back*
As for the Fire Master problem, I see how it conflicts the story since Kaden added it to her backstory as her characters older brother, but since she hasn't been fully active or exactly mentioned this "fire master brother" in actual roleplay, I don't see it as a problem to hand the position over to Rin :)
And if a problem does arise, then it can be solved instead of making a potentially enjoyable new character wait to join the roleplay c:

And that right there is me using big words >:D HAHA!
I'll go back to being a half-assed twit now x3
@Ali @Olissa
Oh that's the problem? I can edit my backstory and make Seth be Kaden's fire master brother then, that's no problem.
I had found someone one to play the role and I've told her fifteen times to make the character sheet but I feel bad. I honestly dont want to change my character sheet when I worked hard on it but I'm willing to talk to @Rin Megumi and see if we can come up with something better o3o

I haven't been active because I was gone for a week and all of you know this ._.
@Vio the moment I saw this roleplay I made the character sheet because I /really/ want to participate in it. I wasn't allowed into another roleplay because of the same character sheet issue, someone else already had the same thing in mind and didn't allow me to be that and I was barred from participating. So, my character can be the fire master brother. I have no problem with that. If you want to change anyhting in my character's story, do it, too. I don't mind. I just really want to participate in this roleplay. No offense but if that friend of yours didn't make the character sheet after you told him/her to make it about 15 times, then it doesn't look like they're that interested, and even if they are, the amount of times you told them to make t.. I understand if you won't let me have that role, though. In this case I'll just sit and be the air master. I'll be sad because that's not exactly what I had in mind, but I can work with it.
*silently weeping in the corner like a baby*
I don't exactly deal well with conflict. I feel bad, and I'm not even involved in this! XD

And don't worry Rin, we'll show you love to death here!
@Vio the moment I saw this roleplay I made the character sheet because I /really/ want to participate in it. I wasn't allowed into another roleplay because of the same character sheet issue, someone else already had the same thing in mind and didn't allow me to be that and I was barred from participating. So, my character can be the fire master brother. I have no problem with that. If you want to change anyhting in my character's story, do it, too. I don't mind. I just really want to participate in this roleplay. No offense but if that friend of yours didn't make the character sheet after you told him/her to make it about 15 times, then it doesn't look like they're that interested, and even if they are, the amount of times you told them to make t.. I understand if you won't let me have that role, though. In this case I'll just sit and be the air master. I'll be sad because that's not exactly what I had in mind, but I can work with it.

Nah she had her chance, and she she's more excited about my wonderland role-play than any thing xD

I don't want to force you to be the brother though. Let me look over your CS and maybe I'll like your history better than mine or something xD
I'll let you two work it out and just observe from the sidelines, once you've found a conclusion that you can both live with, I'll be right here to see it :)

And Ali, you're no twit! Certainly not a halfassed one.
It's alright Cassette, discussions and (minor) conflict tend to do that yeah.
I'll let you two work it out and just observe from the sidelines, once you've found a conclusion that you can both live with, I'll be right here to see it :)

And Ali, you're no twit! Certainly not a halfassed one.
It's alright Cassette, discussions and (minor) conflict tend to do that yeah.
So is...
Ahahahaha we sung that one in church recently! Haha
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I super duper swear I'm posting tommorow! No more delaying! *puts on diligent face*
Haha it's okay, I've been accidentally postponing all kinds of roleplays too >.<
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