Angels,Demons or vampires any creature you like!!!

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She says then we should go now and hurry she doesn't have long. She says will you help me get ana back.
"No. I'm gonna her back. You're gonna wait outside. I'm not losing you." He takes off for the hall.
She says no please let me help or you could get lost too!!!! She fell to the ground her breathing barely there the feather almost fully dust.she said Gabriel lead him and protect him please!
"No. I won't get lost. There is one way to survive. The hall won't effect you if you have a clear purpose in mind. I'll be fine. Stay here." He draws his swords and pushes open the door.
she nods and says please be careful then. she mumbles i couldnt move unless i wanted to.
He slowly walks in the door. Out of the corner of his eye, on the walls, he sees his memories.

He makes his way through the maze, eventually finding the room anastasia was in.

He rushes over and bounces back. There is an invisible field in front of her. He hears a growl behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he sees a hell hound, a dog from hell thats the size of a pickup truck.

He attacks, and captures some of its blood before killing it. Sprinkling the blood around Stasia, he says, "By this blood you were bound, and with it you are released."

He catches Ana as she falls. He carries her back through the maze to the door, when suddenly a voice behind him says, "hello Levi. You left me here for dead sixteen years ago. It's time for retribution."

Not looking behind him, Levi stops. He knows that voice. He sees aurora motioning him to come on outside the door.

It's Eren. My BROTHER.
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She sees Levi stop near the door and she grabs a shadow hunter blade out of her back pocket. She gasped as it basically burned her oh well. She dropped it and used the reserves of her magic to teleport in behind levi. She constructed a shield with the last of her magic around levi's mind to prevent him from hearing eren. She sank to her knees and drove a small dagger into the floor between the floor boards. She fell next to the blade as her wings set fire and the gold burned a blackish red and glowed brightly. The teardrop necklace fell to the floor as aurora stood a long burgundy gown covered in black markings was on her. Her eyes turned black with a red iris she said by the angel you all shall perish in this place she had pushed Levi out the door and the whole building set fire and it began to shake. She began to feel its beams break and then she went shoot a flaming completely black arrow at Eren but he looked like Levi she couldn't fire it her mother appeared behind eren and placed a hand on his shoulder. Aurora couldn't stop her hand from shaking along with the arrow in her hand which she could throw as fast and as straight as a bow itself could fire one.
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Sahira twirled a bit, giggling as the song changed. Noticing the vampire prince, she smiled and waved. "Hola amigo. Are you hungry?" she asked him.
Jade turned when it seemed Sahira was speaking to someone else. "Um hi" She stated and gave a small wave. She realized she had gotten a glimpse from him ealier that day when demons where attacking some group. She wondered if he was one of that group.

"Not really" He replied. "But thank you." Nightfang added. "I just thought following you two would be better than wondering around alone." He commented.

(I apologize for not being here these past few days. Internet issues. And also, sorry for this crap post. I can't really think of anything good right now.)
Chandra walked ahead, Valentine following her, and checked to make sure Valentine's crow was still with them. It was and she was relieved knowing how upset her son would be if they lost him.
(It's all good I think. I've been having wifi issues lately too because of the constant rain though. Hopefully all will work out and every has days of less creativity so all good.)

Sho walked more in the back of everyone than anything letting his brother follow along. They both keep an eye out for what may lay ahead. Sho listened to the wind and leaves, also being alert of any danger but he liked the moment of quiet till his brother might as usual find a way to make conversation or ruin the peace.
Levi says to Eren as he grabs Aurora and puts her behind him, his swords ready to fight if needed, "I didn't leave you for dead. I waited for you to leave for a WEEK and you never appeared. How did you survive, by the way."

"It was Lilith's doing. She needed a warrior to guard the angel, so she gave me a choice: die, or live and be her servant till death. I chose life."

"You always were weak. I should've made sure you were dead." He grabs auroras arm, picks up Anastasia, and walks out of the hall, slamming the door on his brother for the last time.
She says mother. Thank you for the blended energy Brittany she gasps in slight pain. She says ana Levi
"Here." He lays Anastasia at auroras feet.
Aurora quickly reaches for ana as the glow on the necklace goes away fully. Aurora screams Ana!!!! hey ana wake up please! wake up please ana! she places the necklace against anastasia's throat as Auroras wings turn to dust she cringes. the gem begins to glow again. she flys to a sitting position as Aurora falls to the ground. Brittany appears and bows to ana. Brittany is an angel with black hair and red eyes and she says queen Anastasia she needs to be rebonded with you but we need sir gabriels help with the rebonding ritual then the girl will be just fine but there must be three angels present the queen the servant and the already bonded. Anastasia turns to levi and says will you and gabriel help me reform my bond with my human?
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Sahira nodded, smiling softly. "Fair enough," she murmured, turning back to her cooking. "Shouldn't be long, Darlin'," she whispered, moving over the plates.
"Of course. I can give more power if I call on Michael once again."
Sir no michael isn't needed its alright you will damage your memories if you keeping calling on Michael just please allow Gabriel outside of you so he can help to.
Levi draws his swords. "Very well." He runs up the door, flips, and drives his swords into the ground in an X, causing a shockwave. "Gabriel, I summon thee. Come and help me. Return the bond to this pair, to kill whoever removes dares."
Anastasia smiles as Gabriel appears who laughs and says you lost the bond anastasia that's hilarious! Brittany says Gabriel will you tell your partner/ human about the bonding ritual please! also the reason you are here gabriel is because your human and Anastasia's human have two bonds with each other so he must know how to keep them from fading or losing strength.
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Gabriel draws his sword. He says in Latin, Hoc nocebit. Dico tibi aliquid mali facere, sed tunc incipiebat enim mori. He slashes his sword across her throat, missing the major arteries but still causing extensive damage. "Hurry Anastasia. Heal her before she is lost.
Anastasia runs to Aurora's Side and as Anastasia says brittany seize him!!!! What the fuck Gabriel i asked for assistance what were you thinking harming her!?!?!?!?! Anastasia begins frantically healing Aurora as she had already been pale as a piece of paper now she was whiter than snow itself. she looked dead to the world nothing but her slow breathing showing. she says keep him back. Brittany says but what he said my queen he meant no harm! Brittany pulls Gabriel away from levi and Aurora also away from Anastasia. Anastasia gasps as Aurora sits upright away and bites ana drinking deeply her eyes opened red as the wound healed. Ana says the demon is still coded in your blood for a bad enough situation like this where your life is in danger. She pulls away and the black feather on the back of her neck was back Ana stood and said goodbye for now everyone. she disappeared and Aurora stood and smiled blood on her lips as the red in her eyes faded and her fangs there seconds ago now were regular teeth that looked bloody. she says gabriel what happened Brittany let him go please!
Pulling his swords from the ground, Levi says, "Thank you, Gabriel. Your task is complete. You may return." He inhales as Gabriel comes back to him. "Gabriel had to put you near death so Anastasia could rebond with you. She flipped, and had Brittany restrain him." He turns to Brittany. "You can let him go now."
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