Angels and Demons

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Kaethe noticed the change in the girl's expression and knew that for some reason, her emotions kept changing. That was odd, but she didn't really care about the reasoning behind it. What was more important was the fact that this.. girl.. was taunting her with not knowing her heritage even though Kaethe did already know it. Of course she had. Her father didn't keep such a nasty secret to himself. It was shameful and she deserved to know. She growled lowly at the female and nearly jumped at her again, but yet again she was stopped by something that was said. A quarter human? That didn't make sense. If her mother had been half-demon, her father would have told her that. 3/4 demon was better than half.. So, what was the other quarter? Unless..

"You are a liar!" she snapped, getting a horrible feeling in the pit of her belly that she knew exactly what her heritage really was. All of a sudden she didn't doubt this girl as much as she had a mere moment again, but now she was infuriated because it was her automatic reaction to things that she didn't like. She picked up her hand mirror and hurled it at the girl, not caring if she missed or not as long as she was throwing something. "Get. Out," she hissed, then slammed open her bedroom door and stalked out, ready to tear apart anybody in the hallway if they dared speak to her.
Tamara huffed and a stray lock of hair fell into her face. "I have not lied." she muttered under her breath and absently ducked the thrown mirror. A quick thought and the shadows swallowed the mirror and deposited it back on the vanity. She spread her wings a bit and folded them against her back, revealing a wicked looking glaive that she looked over before letting it disperse into shadows. Her work here was done, for now.

She watched as Kaethe stormed out of her room and tiredly tucked the strand of hair back behind an ear. She supposed for the safety of the others, that a warning would be good. She sighed and with a hand gathered up some shadows and formed six little birds. " Stay away from Kaethe please. For your own health do this." She spoke and with a word, the little birds flew off in search of the other six residents. Alyss, she assumed would be out flying. 'that sounds good right now.' she thought looking out the window at the clear blue sky.

And fly she did. She relished the feeling of the sun on her wings as much as she hated the headache that wouldn't go away. She spotted Alyss enjoying her freedom and was happy that at least one person learned something new. She rolled over a few times, watching as her wings went from pearly white to a reddish black and back again.
A tiny black bird landed in Dateshi's window and squeaked a message to him. He stared at it blankly, then spoke the first fords he has spoken in hours since he had spoken to the Fallen, Alyss. It felt good to speak, but the words came out as a growl.

"Fuck you. Fuck her. Fuck them all."
While Ornias enjoyed his delicious almost midday breakfast, a pair of black curious looking birds flew into the kitchen, one perching next to him and the other next to Ru'mel. They both chirped their messages at the same time, clear as glass but as confusing as being left alone in the middle of the fog. Ornias raised his blond eyebrows questioningly. Dear Lord, have the other ones already made an outside enemy or what in the hell is going on? He shook his head and turn to leave his plate and glass in the sink, looking out the window and squinting at a flying figure in the aky.
The foot of the stairs let out near the front door, but Kaethe didn't bother checking again to see if she would be let outside. Her fury had devoured her and she needed an outlet - a living one. It wasn't the same as the horrible caged feeling that she had given in to earlier when Datenshi had to pin her to the floor twice. This was different, a concentrated anger. How dare that idiot woman accuse Kaethe of having that disgusting heritage? The blood of.. no, she could not even think it. It made her cringe and flinch, and she smashed a vase as she walked by just to hear it shatter.

In seconds she had entered the kitchen, and her bright blue eyes swept the area as she took in the two boys standing there eating breakfast. Neither one looked familiar, but she knew they were residents. One appeared to be an angel and one a demon, which gave her a lovely choice of which one she should take on. She smirked and eyed them both, then strolled further into the room and wondered absently if either one knew who she was. Likely not. Keeping her movements nonthreatening, she picked up a sticky bun from the table and offered the demon boy a flirty smile.
Alyss swung upwards, heading high into the sky. She had not enjoyed her brief period of entrapment, even though it had lasted only a few hours. Alyss' claustrophobia was quite severe and even that short time of restricting her freedom had grated on her nerves. Alyss swooped into a circle, looping through the air cheerfully. Alyss spread her wings wide out, the light being absorbed in her black wings. They didn't shimmer or shine as they would've back when they were a pure white. Alyss could still remember how she had been a glowing beacon back then, but now her wings simply stopped the glow of the sun. Trapped it. Alyss never would've spread them if it hadn't been for her compulsion to be free. Suddenly the Fallen saw another figure join her in the sky. Tamara, or Erdolliel if her son was to be believed. Alyss appraoched Tamara slowly, unsure of how the woman would react.

"Excuse me," Alyss called evenly.
Tamara did a few more rolls to get rid of the last remnants of frustration left over from dealing with Kaethe before straightening and falling a few feet. Her wings pumped vigorously, raising her back up to her original height. She hung there, observing the ground below her, her mind going over the past few hours. She managed to get Datenshi to teach Alyss and got Kaethe thinking about her heritage, now to pester the others. Later though. For now she had caused enough trouble.

The near silent wing beats of Alyss approaching were acknowledged but ignored. Tamara simply did not feel the need to acknowledge her approach at that time. Her mind was full of the past, the present, and the future, and everything that needed to be done if her idea were to work. So it was with a start that she noticed Alyss not far from her. Tamara blinked several times, trying to remember what Alyss had just said. "Hm? Yes? I thought you would have had enough of me by now." She tiredly asked. No matter what the eight knew of her or their perceptions of her today, she was very tired and feeling very much alone.
"I have no reason to be tired of you. Clearly you were sent here and everything you do has a purpose," Alyss responded. The way Tamara talked was rather pessimistic, but it wasn't up to Alyss to judge that. After all, anyone who talked to her for five minutes would think she was depressed. Alyss, of course, never felt anything or looked like she felt anything. Tamra, on the other hand, emoted and right now she seemed much duller then usual. Alyss did a little half shrug and decided to move on to the news she had appraoched Tamara to relay.

"Your son is here. Well, the man I assumed to be your son judging by facial features. Yin," Alyss told Tamara. Maybe that would cheer her up a little.
Tamara stilled. And promptly plummeted. She hit the ground hard and stumbled before standing straight and stiff. That knowledge wasn't meant to be known. Anyone standing near her would have fled for their lives if they were smart. She was gentle before, now she was beyond ready to maim or even kill. That was one secret that the world did not need to know. There were beings out there that would kill for that information and then use it against her.

Tamara hissed in pain before shaking it off and rejoining Alyss in flight. Her legs were going to kill her later, she was sure of that. "You keep that to yourself. Of all things, that Knowledge does not leave your lips or your head!" Tamara said, her voice steely and if possible heated. Part of her itched to kill Alyss, to get rid of the threat. The other part though was calmer, but no less angered.

'He is going to pay hell and high water! He knows better to come find me when I'm busy! Wonder what he wants though, it must not be good if he's left Hell.'
Alyss blinked in surprise as Tamara suddenly fell to earth. On purpose, apparently. She watched curiously as Tamara slammed into the ground. Even from all the way up here, Alyss could practically feel the rage radiating off her. Did she hate her son or something like that? Not that Alyss really cared. Family things stayed inside the family... If one had any family, that was. Alyss mentally shrugged and was just turning away when Alyss rejoined her.

"I have no reason to spread it around," Alyss responded. She honestly had no interest in telling others of Tamra's son. The information was worthless to Alyss as she did not know it's importance. Thus, Alyss did not care at all.
Ornias rubbed at his nose as he nibbled on a muffin he found, his attention suddenly being caught by the blonde frail-looking girl entering the kitchen. 'Interesting' he thought as he eyed the girl, not p and down like other men would, but just enough to try and read her features and her body language. He had never been interested in people unless they talked to him, so this was one of those situations where he only stayed there until something happened, possibly earning a small salute or a smile from the girl. He couldn't help to think that she looked like a magnificent Angel, blonde curls and shiny blue eyes. 'Not your type, remember that, or you shall get stabbed on your back' he recited mentally, remembering to never judge a person by its looks.
Ru'mel had reached out for a corndog unconsciously, more out of boredom than for appetite. He saw Ornias eat his muffin with a expression that could be read as one of interest or even yearning. But his attention was taken away from him as a young woman entered the kitchen. His eyebrows rose questioningly. Have I seen this girl before? She must be a resident in here, no doubt of that.As she smiled at him he could clearly read her eyes. To the normal mortal, they would have looked full of innocence and good will, but he, being a demon, knew exactly what was behind her flirty expression.Anger, hurt and maybe a twinge of doubt, though that wasn't the most important of all. He smiled warmly at her and gave a nod. "Very good morning, my lady".
Kaethe smiled more as the cute demon boy spoke to her, nodding in return and tucking a stray golden curl behind her ear. She pulled a piece of the bun in her hands off and munched on it, then put it on an empty plate and went to fill up a glass. Keeping her movements casual and nonthreatening, she poured herself a mixture of chilled blood - after thinning it, of course - and orange juice. The perfect morning drink. She added a straw just for kicks and went back over to the table, then looked over at the boys again with another smile.

"I don't believe I've met you two yet. Forgive me, I wasn't feeling very sociable last night. My name's Kaethe," she said sweetly, offering a hand to the angel boy, who was closer. She hoped neither of them recognized the name since that would put them on their guard, and she didn't want them to have any sort of warning when she lashed out. All she wanted was to spill some blood, that's all. Not so bad, was it? Blood.. Pure blood, not mixed like hers.. That damn woman was a liar! It just couldn't be true!
Ornias put his glass down and accepted Kaethe's hand, kissing it softly, a reflex he had always had with women. 'Mmm...where have I heard that name before?' he thought, though he would not exactly mind about names, every demon he had killed had such exotic names he couldn't tell one from another. His wings twitched slightly behind him as he let go of the girl's hand. Ornias cleared his throat "The pleasure must be mine, lady. What an honor it is to be in front of such a beautiful creature like you. My name is Ornias". He was just being polite to her, nothing but flatness came out from his voice, not even when he told her she was beautiful did his voice tinged with the least of romance or flirtiness. That was only what Ornias was like.

Ru'mel's eyebrows barely twitched as she said what her names was. Kaethe. Of course he had heard it before. Somewhere in a conversation a long time ago. She ripped his heart out, I swear she did! That had being what he had heard about her. He just raised his head and folded his hands behind his back, the tiniest of smirks on his face as he circled her and leaned against the sink. At least I'll be ready is she decides to start playing around with us. "The pleasure is also mine. You can call me Ru'mel." His eyes flashed with a hint of jealousy as Ornias took her hand and kissed it slightly.
Allowing a faint pink blush to cross her pale cheeks as she giggled at the oh-so-charming kiss of the angel boy, Kaethe was positively seething on the inside. The more that she thought about that wretched female and her false accusations, the more furious she got, and the more she wanted to rip out the heart of this handsome boy. Though he complimented her before introducing himself, his voice sounded off. Disconnected. He was obviously insincere, likely too polite to say that he didn't care to meet her. What she didn't hear was suspicion, which was the only thing that truly mattered.

"Ornias. What a wonderful name," she giggled, turning her head slightly to acknowledge the introduction of the demon boy as well. "And Ru'mel. Such nice boys you both are," she continued on, mentally calculating how much of a chance she would have taking on both at once. If she hadn't mistaken that spark of jealousy in Ru'mel's eyes, he had a thing for Ornias. That might explain Ornias' lack of interest as well. So, chances were, that one would join in to play hero if she attacked the other. Hm. Oh well, can't be helped!

She pulled Ornias closer by the hand of his that she still had in her own, then moved to slam the heavy porcelain plate that she had been using against the side of his head. Expecting retaliation from the demon boy behind her, she didn't wait to check whether or not the blow landed. She slid forward and spun around behind Ornias to face them both, keeping the angel between herself and Ru'mel. An extra security measure, to add some time and interest.
Barely taking in what had just happened, Ornias spinned a bit in his spot, his hand flying to the side of his head where the plate had crashed. He shut his eyes as his vision got blurry and gripped the counter with his other hand, struggling to stop the spinning in his head and the ringing in his ears. 'What in the nine circles of Hell is her problem?' he thought, gritting his teeth and desperately trying to keep his cool. He didn't want a fight right now, least to say he wanted to fight with a female. 'Vicious-looking demon female' a voice in the back of his head said.

At the same time Kaethe had pulled Ornias to her and smashed the plate on his head, Ru'mel had reached over into the sink to let the water flow freely and he moved it swiftly around him. His eyes were slitted and his teeth were bare as he spoke. "I thought I recognized the name. You are the heartless demon with the good-looks I have heard about before. No wonder they have advised people to stay away from you. Your looks are like poison to men, and so is your attitude, miss".
Kaethe smirked as Ornias spun and put his hand to his head, her eyes glancing down for a moment to look at the shattered plate on the floor. Ooh, that must have hurt, it was quite heavy. Poor dear must not even be able to see straight, she thought with a wicked grin. Fighting had always thrilled her and given her a delicious rush - probably thanks to her father drilling it into her every single day since she could walk. No, it wasn't his fault, he was making her a stronger demon! Why was she arguing with herself all of a sudden? Damn that woman, damn her straight to Hell! She shook her head to clear the strange thoughts away and refocused.

Ru'mel caught her attention first, and she eyed the water that he controlled for a moment. Interesting. She grinned as he spoke, feeling rather flattered that he recognized her and paid her such high compliments. Heartless AND good looks? He was even more charming than his injured counterpart. Being heartless wasn't a good thing, why would she want to be known for that? Wait, no. Stop thinking. She laughed coldly and shook her head, allowing her golden curls to tumble over her shoulders.

"Well aren't you just the sweetest little demon boy that I ever did meet," she replied with a slight Southern twang. In a flash, she picked up another plate and hurled it at him, more to see what he did than any real intent to hit him.
As the plate flew in front of him, Ornias pressed himself to the counter and hissed as a bolt of pain shot to his head. 'Cazzo, that woman surely has a good arm for throwing stuff'. He turned his head to look at the girl, his face straight, trying to hide the annoyance he clearly was feeling build up inside him. Running his tongue through his teeth he decided to play along with the female in her little throw-and-return game. He hardly had to raise his hand for the plate to turn in the air and head in her direction instead of Ru'mel's. With a movement as quick as a the blink of an eye, he was already standing next to his counterpart. His expression was as unreadable as ever. Annoyance mixed with anger and pain, something you didn't wuite see in an Angel.

He had been ready to slash out with the water at the incoming plate, but Ru'mel had to blink several times as he saw the plate change direction suddenly. The tiniest of smug smiles appeared on his face. My, my, Ornias surely knows how to take the control in a party. He then pursed his lips as his companion appeared next to him; eyeing him from the corner of his eye Ru'mel could tell he wasn't even a bit amused about the situation they were both were in.
The plate flying back at her did not faze her one bit. It rebounded a few inches from her face and was sent hurling into a cabinet to shatter there and fall to the floor with a soft chime. No doubt everybody else in the house could hear it, but she didn't care. Kaethe just wanted to fight, and they weren't playing offensively. They were just keeping up a decent defense and banding together, which made sense. However, she did not want logic. Mindless panic and chaos was more to her taste. She took a step toward them and began reflecting Ru'mel's energy that he used to control the water back on himself, to make the water rush at him. It was difficult to control, resulting in explosions of water that she hadn't predicted.

"Come on, guys, I know you both want to play.." she mocked, her wings finally spreading from her back. They were a shining black, each feather tipped with a deep sapphire blue. Beautiful, yet undeniably wicked and dark. She went to take another step forward and faltered, a faint expression of pain and uncertainty warring in her eyes for just a few moments. This was WRONG. She had to stop and back down! No, that was stupid! She could win this easy! "Come on," she repeated, shaking her head a little and glaring at them both.
Ornias jumped back as the water exploded around Ru'mel. He clearly had not expected that to happen. He eyed Kaethe and straightened up, his wings folding themselves so well behind him that if someone had stood in front of him they wouldn't even think about looking at his back. He eyed her wings, thinking about how a demon like her could have got that stunning pair of wings. His lips drew back into a smug smile. 'She wants a fight? Give her one already! Show her who you are!' the tiny voice at the back of his head whispered. He crossed his arms over his chest and motioned with s finger for her to come closer. "Bring it on, my dear".

Separating himself a bit from Ornias, Ru'mel sputtered and rubbed at his face as the water hit him everywhere. He had not idea Kaethe was going to do that, if he had then maybe he could have seized her, at least for just a moment. His hair was stuck to his face and so were his clothes, cold running through him, though he did not even tremble a bit. He glared at Kaethe with glinting eyes that showed anger. How is it she can behave like this? Taking her anger at others? He shook his head and then stared at Ornias as he challenged her to come closer to him.