Angels and Demons; OOC/Signup

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Oh, it's fine XD I don't mind, actually.
Okay, so not only did I like that post to continue our little war but also it was hilarious. So. You are officially my Goo BFF. Got it??

OKIE DOKIES!! I say odd things sometimes... I'm an oddball... And slightly dyslexic, as I am now realizing. I have to re-read everything I type to make sure the letters are in the right order... But hey, it's all goo.
I think too fast for my typ[ing most of the time, so I'm constantly having to go back and fix stuff XD

And I'm pretty odd too... Most of the time I don't understand what's going on inside my head. I just kinda go with it
Aww that made me feel better. AGH I NEED MORE CANNED TEA!
YES! "Arnold Palmer Southern Style Half & Half Sweet Tea Pink Lemonade" by Arizona Tea. It's like an addiction on so many levels.
Tamara's left the building. I'm sure she's left with more questions left unanswered.
Oh, of course. How did I not think of that?

A Halfer, by Alyss's guess! MWA HA HA HA HA!! I AM A GENIUS!! No, actually, I should edit that part out since it akes almost no sense... Does it? Does anyone mind? I'm on the fence about it XP
I get it ;) But just cause darling Miss Vanya informed me :D

By right, Datenshi should at least know of Tamara. So should the other demons but they've yet to meet her in the house.
Spreading your secrets around now, are we Vanya? Well, look what you did to Alyss! Now she's in a fightin' mood! XD
Oh, snap!! Cooks, you still want Alyss to learn how to posess?
YES!! Because it'd be awesome and also she's going insane XD
Lol sorry bout touchin Alyss with mah big ole dirty demon man-hands. It was kind of a fight-or-flight response.
I'm not spreading any secrets really. Her abilities are still unknown.
-looks around, confused-...I like mineturtles. Hehehe.
-looks around, confused-...I like mineturtles. Hehehe.

Lol wow what an awesome thing to say when you don't know what people are talking about xD

May I have permission to use that?
Luvable- she's just not used to people touching her XD

Vanya- Hmm, quite true... Except to me!! MWA HA HA HA HA HA!!

Mexma- I want turtles.