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Angelic Battalion RP? Interested? (CS and Signups) CLOSED

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Don't underestimate Edge! xD But for real, Edge is more of the kinda guy to just attack head on. That might work. Maybe a scout of sorts?
A scout of sorts would actually work, she's submitting me an CS right now, she told me she was thinking to be a sort of "Hell Hound" Type of character. Which would really work in that case :)
On the other side, where would an angel be? Maybe a Historian, one who keeps the records and all knowledge? Ooh, what about Shiro's teacher? The Collector that brought her to Heaven and was tasked with training her as a Collector when Shiro was judged as righteous, sort of thing.

EDIT: Ope. Nevermind. Um... Look! Twilight Essence!
Hm how about something akin to a handy man if allied with Kol. you know, someone to help Kol when he needs to get something. Naturally, with Edge wanting to have Kol's head stuffed and mounted over his cozy little fireplace, Kol cant always go out and collect what he needs. While a character like that would be very interesting, it is still entirely up to the guy what kind of character he wants to make and who he allies with (if anyone).
This is her CS:

War Armor
No Armor
Hell Hound


Demonic Hell Hound

Hell Hound:
Flame Breath
Tail Whip

Kusarigama (2x)
Clawed Gauntlets
Knife Boots

Chronic Liar
Hm think she can whip in a bit of a backstory? I'm just a big person for lore and the like. Again entirely up to the person. She can decide to put something here now or just explain as she goes.
I got another question. How come she isn't here posting the thing herself?
Idk @Trevinth she asked through message
I'll send her the link so she can talk to you guys directly :)
Really Chel? XD

I can't believe this thread didn't alert me to the new posts.
well I got my foreshadowing post up. I had hoped to add something else in there but then I figured it would have been unnecessary.

I'd say his eyes 0.0

haha, joking! I found this roleplay via the little ad thingy at the top :3

Nice to meet y'all! I suppose my first post will involve the little imp thingy?
Aw shucks D:
Next season should include alot more back ground on the neutral lands, or perhaps a more direct influence on the human world......

Will be interesting with three devil level demons roaming around :3 If you do plan on bringing Kol into the next one.

Edit: I plan on making a short little history for Celthric, maybe during the search with Tyson, and he ask some questions ^_^
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