Angelic Battalion RP? Interested? (CS and Signups) CLOSED

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For those of us who like having a picture:

Apparent age: 5 1/2
Apparent age: 7 1/4
Apparent age: 4
Apparent age: 6 2/3
people, we are starting to lag behind again. I am just putting this up in case people have forgotten.
I'm still here, I was just waiting to see if wings wanted to post before I start.
Eheh. I've had half a post sitting there since last night, but I fell asleep before I finished and didn't have time this morning. >_< There you go! Keep the questions rolling; I've had way too long to think about this.
Sooooo... What would happen if Edge visted the house? Would he not see anything in the mirror, or would he see his past self from when he was an arch angel?
He'd be rejected because he has no Holy. 999/1000 demons (or angels) can't enter the neutral land.
Unless he declared war on the land 0.0 haha joking
Whoopsies! Sorry guys! I've been totes busy! I'll try and get a post up today :D
That would be interesting, Edge tracks Tess there, and tries to enter the land, only to be denied by the house 0.0
Ugh, so busy. Working on a post right now guys :)
Hey guys. im kinda on the fence on whether to add one last thing as a bit of foreshadowing for the next season. I was thinking of adding something akin to like a boss and at the same time a pet for Kol. I was thinking of using this pet for Kol's grand exit after the battle is done and he has assimilated the twilight essence. Something like that would be fitting for a main evil (or in this case not allied) character after they make their season finale exit. What do you guys think?
can you link me back to the post when you described the twilight essence? I can't seem to remember what it was, but i do remember it was something Kol created right?
But yes I like your thinking so far, I bet we could totally work something out :) @Trevinth

~Hey guys I have a person that's really interested in joining the RP. Do you guys think we could use another character? If yes, what kind of character: angel, demon? And how they would fit in?

I say the more the better! It could go either way: I wouldn't mind another demon under my command, or an angel to smash >:D
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Alright, say the character is a demon, how would we use her/him?
Depends, if he/she would be under me then he/she would be preparing to battle.

If he/she was under Kol, then its up to @Trevinth to decide.

What about a neutral character? Maybe something involving Tessara's little land.
Strategist? Neither Edge nor James seems like the type to direct forces from the rear.

I don't think coming from the neutral land will work. The occupant immediately prior to Tess was a Guardian Angel whom Edge obliterated.
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