And So It Begins...

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Gideon had laughed softly, putting a finger to his chin. "Hmm... Is this Jessica? Wait... You sound like Alicia.." He laughed, moving her hands and looking up at her. "Hello, gorgeous." Sebastian rolled his eyes, waving to Lydia as he took a sip of coffee. "Hello, Lydia. Welcome to Black Manor." He smiled to Sayomi, lifting an eyebrow. "So.. What is planned today?" Gideon took another bite of breakfast, looking back and forth between the two girls. "They're not going to tell us, Seb. Let's just get this over with. I promised to take you to dinner later." Sebastian laughed, rolling his eyes and standing. "That workout today was intense, wasn't it Gideon?" Gideon nodded, smiling ecstatically. "Damn right. Your home gym makes my gym in town look like a child's playground. Wish I knew your workout secret."
Lydia rose an eyebrow at Gideon, unamused. "It's a gorgeous house, Sebastian." She looked over at Sayomi then back, "I have sworn to secrecy, so even if I wished, I cannot say. I don't even know exactly. I only know how we are getting there." Sayomi laughed to herself, seems like she had everyone on their toes. She looked at Sebastian. "You may want to change your shoes." She laughed, not making a reference to what he had said the night before. She picked up the bag that had extra clothes in them that Lydia had brought in "when you are all ready, I'll be outside, waiting." She turned on her heel, and went to outside. There sat a jeep, it was lifted slightly and was still muddy from the last time that they went up to her spot. She smiled as touched the jeep. She couldn't wait for her father to come back. She missed him greatly. She opened the trunk, putting the bag in, looking over everything that Lydia had grabbed. It appeared to be everything she had asked for. The Jeep was quite a bit taller than she was, causing her to have to practically climb into it. She sat waiting, turning on the vehicle, listening to the music that played. It was old school rock, the same CD her father had in it when he left.
Sebastian and Gideon left to the bathroom, changing their clothes and brushing their hair in the mirror. Gideon looked to Sebastian, rolling his eyes. "I'm not one for hiking. And by the looks of that Jeep, we're going to get dirty." Sebastian sighed, pulling on a loose pair of jeans and a tight tee shirt. "I'm not used to it either, but I can't change anything. The man has already cremated dad, and mom isn't coming home any time soon. So what else can I do?" Gideon snorted, pulling on a pair of jeans and a black shirt that clung to his biceps. "I'm too old for this crap, that's for sure. But Lydia is a very pretty, youthful girl... I can't complain about that." Sebastian rolled his eyes, grinning and heading outside with Gideon. "You and women, huh?"
After hearing what the men were talking about, Lydia went out and told Sayomi. Sayomi let out a sigh, pulling her hair down. She looked at her hands, trying to decide what to do. As the guys came out, she looked at them, then climbed out of the jeep. She walked over to Sebastian and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm sorry I asked you to do this." She said softly, looking into his eyes. "You don't have to go." She went the back to the jeep, and pulled out Lydia's bag that had all her things in it. "I can take you home Dee, or I can call you a cab. Up to you." She put the bag down, and pulled cash from her pocket, accidently dropping pictures from her pocket, Not noticing, handing the money to Lydia. "Thank you for getting the flowers." As Sayomi turned around to get back in the jeep, Lydia stopped and picked up the pictures. There was one, of her and her father by a waterfall, and the same waterfall with her father and her mother. It was the same as the painting that Sayomi had on her ceiling. Lydia handed them to Sayomi as she turned. "It's your birthday, dove. You should be doing what you really want to do. Not what I was going to make you do. I'm going to run these to my mother's grave since I have them, then I'll be okay?"
Sebastian's face was a mixture of surprise, his eyes flitting between Lydia and Sayomi. He finally scowled and looked to Lydia, his eyes filled with anger. "Thanks for tattling on me. I'm not a child, you know." He looked down at Sayomi, shaking his head. "Please.. Let's just go there. You and me. I want to show you something." He grabbed her hand along with the flowers and the pictures, leading her to his garage. "Gideon.. Go hang out with Lydia." Gideon nodded, holding Lydia close.

Sebastian led her into the garage, pressing her against one of the walls. "Love, I don't care where I am today. I just want to spend it alone with you." He kissed her, holding her tight and looking down at the pictures. "That's a beautiful waterfall. Would you like to go?" He smiled, walking further into the jeep. Inside was a huge hummer, it's enormous size filling the garage. "This is my go-to."
Sayomi looked at him, then looked down. "Where do you think we were going?" She hated to feel like she was just in his way. "My mother and father bought the land with the waterfall on it many many years ago. They didn't know it was there, they just wanted a little plot for a cabin, where no one could find them." She looked took the pictures from him, looking at them. "I haven't shown anyone where it is. Just my dad, me, and a few in the military knows where it is." Sayomi put the pictures back in her pocket, sighing. "I Promise that you don't have to go. I knew it was silly to ask you go offroading just to find some silly waterfall." Sayomi looked at Sebastian, hugging him for a moment. "If i leave now, I can be back in just a few hours... it's your birthday, Sebastian. I want you do exactly what you want to do. Not what I thought you would have liked to do, even if you didn't think so at first... I'm sorry.." She wanted to keep apologizing to him, but decided to wait.
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Sebastian shook his head, his eyebrows knitting together. "No, Sayomi. You're getting it all wrong. I didn't want to go with Lydia and Gideon. I just wanted me and you to go alone." He pulled her close, kissing her cheek and helping her into the hummer. "Just tell me where it is. I'll go with you to your mom's grave, too. You think I don't want to go, but I do. I just don't want to go with Gideon and Lydia. It's.. awkward with them around. I like being alone with you." He smiled, getting into the drivers seat and looking out. He pushed a button, opening the garage door and looking for all of his things. Once he realized it was all there, he looked to Sayomi, a grin on his face. "I'm excited to see the waterfall, honestly."
Sayomi looked at him, feeling like he was just saying things. She didn't argue though. She wasn't going to chase him away, just because she thought differently. She got out of the hummer, going to grab the bag out of the back of her jeep. She saw Lydia's Confusion as she turned to walk back. "Just stay and enjoy yourself, we are going to go I guess. The keys are in the jeep if you decide to leave." She didn't say much to the two as she put the bag over her shoulder. She looked to Lydia then walked back. She made sure to pull on the sleeves of her sweater then crawled back into the hummer. "I swear. If this was any taller, I couldn't get in." She said with a laugh as she looked to Sebastian. "If you go to the army base, I'll tell you where to go after we get checked in." With the amount of trees that are around the area, the army base here was used for more stealth then anything else. They were able to send their parties out into the woods to execute stealth in every way possible.

Lydia shook her head again, looking to Gideon. "She has such little experience with males, I can only imagine how this will play out. I can only imagine the amount that chase after Sebastian, especially seeing his ex. The last time Sayomi had a boyfriend, he left her in a cabin two hours away because she refused anything sexual. The guy who first danced with her at the ball. That was the one. That was some time ago..." She shrugged, hoping that Sebastian's birthday was not ruined more than it already had been. She trailed off, walking back inside the house.
Sebastian drove to the army base in silence, his eyes quickly looking to Sayomi every once in a while. "You know.. I noticed something this morning. When I moved you in the bed, your sleeves came up and I noticed scars. What are those from?" Concern was evident on his face, his blue eyes looking her up and down as he drove. "I-I don't mean to be pushy or anything.. But I am just concerned, dear." He held her hand, looking over at her and squeezing her hand. "Look, as for today.. I'm really excited for this. I just didn't want Gideon with me or Lydia. Today is my day and I'd like to have alone time with you. Especially since my dad is gone now." He kissed her hand, smiling softly.

Gideon's eyebrow raised as Lydia told him about the boy at the ball. "Oh wow.. I didn't even know. I'm sure Sebastian would've had a coronary if he knew." He noticed Lydia walking away, so he grabbed her, gently kissing her cheek as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Sebastian and I really didn't mean what we said, Lydia. We were only kidding. We're uptight sometimes."
Sayomi squeezed his hand softly as he asked about the scars. She hadn't thought about when she was sleeping. She knew at the ball and everywhere else they had been there wouldn't have been enought light to show, but his room was well lite. Before she could answer, they arrived at the entrance to the base. As they stopped, Sayomi greeted the gate keeper, Ronald, and handed him her military ID. She was going to have to sponser Sebastian while they were on the base. She was handed a clipboard with papers to fill out. She started to fill them, then paused as she looked at Sebastian. "The scars are old. Before the dancing, I took a different approach to the loneliness that I had felt. I needed a way that I could control as much tension release as needed. Working out didn't work, as I started to loose more weight than I wanted. I haven't done it in a while." She finished filling out the papers. Since they were going to a privately owned property that happened to be on the base, Sebastian wasn't required to hand over his ID. "If you follow this road, eventually there will be thick trees, only wide enough for one car at a time though and eventually, there will be a locked gate. Once we get there, then I'll continue the directions." It wasn't meant to be easy to find this place, and sure enough it was a pain to get there.

Lydia let out a sarcastic laugh as she looked at him. "Don't you try and cover it up, Gideon. You were not joking. You just didn't think you would get caught. I wanted to warn Sayomi before she took people to a place she has never taken anyone before. It is only fair to her." Lydia held his hand, and lead him inside, not sure of what else to do. "You two are uptight. Especially him for still one so young. You want to find love in people who care for you for yourself and not your money, then you two need to simmer down. You attract how you act. If you want someone to love you for you, then you need to stop concentrating on the money, on your status, on get getting dirty. Think of the experience, not the physical or status gain you could get. If you don't, then you will never be with someone who makes you truly happy. It's your choice, but I'm just saying."
Sebastian followed Sayomi's instruction, nodding. As they drove off and he grabbed the ID, he looked to her. "I've had things I've done to relieve the stress, dear. One time it got too stressful and I decided to end it. I grabbed the rope and tried to get it to hang right, but my dad came in and stopped me. I was sent away for a while, but I got over that." He smiled at her, looking around and turning down the road she had instructed. "It's not always an outward appearance. I tried taking pills, too. But that caused a stomach pump to be issued and my father committed me to a psychiatric facility for a while." He looked to her, sighing. "I honestly wish you knew that I was joking about going. I really am excited. I just don't know how to word things, I guess."

Gideon rolled his eyes, looking over at Lydia as he poured himself a glass of wine. "No, I actually was kidding. Hell, I can't get my old ass out of the house half the time. There's nothing to do anymore. As for Sebastian... He's been through a lot, Lydia. Remember, I'm a lot older than you. I'll have you know I grew up dirt poor and I got myself dirty everyday. Sebastian has had his share of problems. At one point his parents sent him to live with me so that he'd experience what it's like to live poor. That boy may be many things, but he's a great man who knows when to get dirty. I'm sorry if you nor Sayomi can take a joke." He took a gulp of the wine, pulling Lydia down onto the couch. He trailed a finger up her neck, grinning. "When I was growing up, I couldn't afford anything. I had no money to even buy a sucker. But I worked hard and made myself what I am today. I'm uptight when it comes to clothes, but both Sebastian and I are not afraid to get ourselves dirty and work."
Sayomi looked at him, holding his hand still. She had thought many times of ending her life, but cared too much for her father to put him through another loss. She got out of the car, and unlocked the gate. "The next 50 acres, these are my family's. There are multiple private plots around the base. It's to add in more of a difficult training when they are out here." She looked around, loving the trees. She loved to just get away from everything. She climbed back in the large car, feeling like a child. "Alright. So at the form, stay to the right. It's going to get steep, muddy, and very bouncy. So hold onto that wheel." She smiled as she looked out the window, excited. She looked back at Sebastian, then kissed his cheek softly. "Don't do those things.. I don't want to loose you. I will always be here for you. Always." If they didn't work out, Sayomi wouldn't let him feel so alone that he would want to do something like that.

Lydia laughed "Your body gets used to do things, and if you try to do the out of ordinary on it, it freaks out. There are 60 and 70 year Olds that are going hard at the gym everyday. If they can do that. I'm sure you can do anything you wished. So do not try to pull the age thing with me." She leaned her head on his, thinking. "You should show your toned down side more. Being all uptight as often makes it intimidating." She had never said that she thought that Sebastian or him was anything but amazing. Anyone that could drag Sayomi out of her darkness had to be great, and more. "By the way. I'm probably not as young as you think that I am."
Sebastian accepted the kiss, nodding at Sayomi's directions. "So.. Uh.. Why didn't you tell me that the boy you were dancing with was your ex? Not to worry, though. I'll have words with him soon. Since you are my girlfriend, he has no right talking to you. Especially after what he has put you through." He looked to her, smirking. "I have my ways about how I find out things. I know.. It's weird, but totally okay."

Gideon rolled his eyes, looking over at Lydia. "I meant I never having anything to do. I'll have you know that for my age I am very fit. In and out of the bedroom, of course." He grinned at her, running his hands through her lusciously long hair. "You look young, but not eighteen or anything. You're probably mid to late twenties at the most. But young women are like ripe wine." He scowled at her words, looking down at his wine. "You really have no clue about me, do you? I'm actually quite relaxed and non-uptight most of the time. When it comes to customers.. Well, that's a different story."
Sayomi looked at him, with an almost cocky laugh. "Lydia let it slip to you or Gideon." She looked out the winow for a moment, as they bounced around, then looked at him "I didn't want it to ruin the night. It was a long time ago. All he wanted to know was how open dancing had me to get me to have sex with you. You must have really pissed him off after you thanked me at the ball." She looked down in her lap, hating what everyone thought about her. She didn't want those to follow her here, but she couldn't keep running forever. "This was the only time he had said anything to me, over than the torment he puts me through at school." She lifted her eyes up to Sebastian as she waited for what she assumed would be anger.

Lydia chocked back a laugh, looking at Gideon. "Does that mean that because I'm not eighteen or twenty that I am austere?" She asked, her chestnut eyes, looking into his green. "Your right. I don't have a clue about you. I know very little about you actually. This is our second time meeting. The first was not very prolonged at all."
Sebastian smiled, shaking his head. "I didn't know that Lydia knew. I have my ways, darling." His eyes flashed anger, though he kept calm. He gripped the steering wheel harder, shaking his head. "When school starts back up, you will enter with me. You will not have a say so, either. The next time he opens his disgusting mouth, I will pop him in it and he'll regret ever saying anything to you again." His mouth was set in a stern line, his eyes turning a deeper blue. "You may have done things.. As have I. But that doesn't justify anyone saying things like that." He grabbed her hand, kissing it and looking to her. "Don't try to tell me no. I will find a way to make it happen, Sayomi. I care deeply for you. Hell, I think I might love you already! I'll be damned if a ridiculous ex of yours treats you that way."

Gideon pulled Lydia closer, shaking his head and leaning back on the couch. "Did that ever come across my lips? I don't think so. As for the brief encounter... I apologize. Sebastian needed me and I have to look out for him. But we're alone now, so let's get to know each other... I am actually a clothing designer. I own a shop and make tons of clothes each year for many customers. I love reading, exploring, and drinking occasionally. How about you?"
Sayomi's jaw dropped as he mentioned that he thought he may loved her. She didn't know how to react to that. She thought that she may love Sebastian also, but it scared her. She didn't want to get hurt or disappoint him. "No, love, he isn't worth it. Just forget about him. Don't walk in with me just because of him. Do it because of you wanting to." She looked at him, and held onto his hand, wanting to hug him. When she realized that they were getting close to edge, she told him to stop the car. "We will have to walk a little ways, but we are pretty much there"

Lydia hugged Gideon for a moment "I understand it. I do. I was just mentioning it." She was happy when he said that he was a designer. "I too design. Such as Sayomi's dress last night. Am obviously not as big as you."
Sebastian stopped the car, helping Sayomi out and taking in the beautiful landscape. "I want to walk in with you. I enjoy it.. But also because everyone will see you and I together." He smiled, kissing her cheek and holding her hand as they walked. The grass was green and bright, the trees slowly turning to the fall colors. He sighed, wanting to live in this world forever. "I wish I could stay here with you for the rest of my life. But that wouldn't be possible, especially since I don't have a home here."

Gideon raised his eyebrows, nodding. "It was a gorgeous dress. I guarantee in soul you're better than me."
Sayomi held his hand, and smiled to herself. She didn't want to spoil anything. They walked, and it was such a beautiful day out. She loved it. They walked a bit, and finally found a river, and she had them follow it. She didn't want to let go of Sebastian's hand, not now, or ever. He made her feel special, made her happy. One day she would discover what she had done in order to get him. They reached where the river began to fall off the level they were on. Sayomi let go of his hand and then went to the edge. She turned and looked at him, sorrow in her greenish-blue eyes. She blew him a kiss, then she went backwards over the edge with her arms spread. As she fell, she turned so she could see down, and turned into a swan dive, straight into the small body of water below. The water that ran in was cold, but the pool was a natural hot spring, making a perfect temperature. She bobbed up, laughing as she took a deep breath, and pushed her wet hair back. She looked up at where she knew he would be on top, waiting to see if he too would jump.

Lydia shook her head. "There is no way that I am better than you, Gideon. I saw that suit that you made. It was marvelous. Stop trying to short sell yourself to try to look good." She knurled him with a giggle, teasing him about the last part.
Sebastian gasped as Sayomi jumped, his eyes wide as he ran to the edge. He looked down. Sure enough, Sayomi was splashing in the water, smiling up at him. He jumped, diving and twirling as he entered the water. He came up, smiling and taking in the sight. "It's beautiful here."

Gideon smiled, shaking his head. "That suit cost me a fortune. Luckily Sebastian covered the cost, since it was his suit. I figured out the design when I was sleeping."
Sayomi smiled as she floated on her back. "It's so peaceful here. It's nice to get away sometimes." She looked at the sky for a moment Then closed her eyes. "We can go in the cabin to warm up if it gets too cold. We can go later to take the flowers to my mom. She will understand." She floated by Sebastian, splashing him a little.

Lydia groaned. "That dress took like 30 different drawings before we both we happy. Ones that she liked, I didn't think we're good enough. I put it together that night. The stitching was shakey at best."
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