And So It Begins...

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Sebastian smiled, swimming around and looking over at Sayomi. She was right; It was peaceful and surprisingly relaxing. "You're right. We'll have to come back here when it gets warmer."

Gideon chuckled, looking over St Lydia with a small smile. "The stitching looked fine to me. I like the personal style you put into it. That's what puts us aside from competitors. We hand make every clothing. We dream it."
Sayomi swam over and kissed his cheek. "We can come here whenever you want. It's still pretty when it snows. And the cabin has a fireplace, so it stays nice and warm." She pulled Sebastian to the shore, then lead him towards the cabin. "I have a surprise for you."

Lydia rested her head on Gideon's shoulder "what we make is one of a kind, to match the person. We don't make our clothes in a factory. So when people wear what we make, they can stand taller knowing that all the work put into what they wear is only for them."
Sebastian hugged her in the water, raising an eyebrow as Sayomi spoke of a 'surprise'. He smiled, grabbing her hand and walking out of the water with her. "Surprise, huh? You sure I'll like it?" He smiled, his words meant to tease. He slowly walked up to the embankment, looking around and whistling. "Damn. I can't believe I actually jumped from that height. You're insane. You know that?" He chuckled, running a hand through his black, wet hair. "But I still love you." He kissed her cheek, enjoying the view and hugging her tight. "You're a great girlfriend."

Gideon nodded, drinking another sip of wine before getting up and baking some mozzarella cheese sticks. "You're right. Some people don't think it's that special.. But I put blood, sweat, and tears into making it just right. You hungry?" He put all the cheese sticks on a giant plate, bringing it back into the living room. "I love these things."
Sayomi blushed when he said that he loved her. She wasn't sure if he meant that or not. She took Sebastian's hand and lead him to the cabin. She covered his eyes ad she pushed the door open, walking in. She lead him inside, walking behind him. On the table sat a bottle of very expensive wine, and Tres Leches. "Sebastian, you are so very amazing, and I'm sorry this isn't a lot." She leaned in and whispered in his ear. "And I love you, for everything you are." She uncovered his eyes and stepped back.

Lydia took a cheese stick, taking a bite. "These are the best." She chewed the cheese, then looked at him. "Did you always want to be a designer? Or did it just happen?"
Sebastian smiled as he was lead in with his eyes closed, smelling a hint of tres leches. He sat down and nodded, uncovering his eyes and grinning at her. "You're the best. It all looks wonderful." He had her sit, cutting a piece for himself and her. He poured the wine, slowly taking a sip and savoring the flavor. "My mother and father haven't given me a cake in years. Thank you so much, dear." He kissed her deeply, enjoying the smell of the water on her skin. "Don't think I didn't mean when I said I loved you. I do. I don't know how I began to love you so fast... But it just happened."

Gideon savored the cheese sticks, looking over at Lydia. "I've always had a fascination with clothes. With making them. Hand crafted. I was teased a lot back in school. I was called gay, a sissy.. Many, many names. But I stuck to it and slowly built a business. Now I'm one of the most respected designer's in the world."
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Sayomi inhaled as he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him just as deeply as he kissed her. "The best kind of love is when you can't explain it. That's when you know it's real. If you could explain exactly why, I would be worried." She kissed behind his ear and trailed kisses down his neck, before leting him go, the heat between the two felt amazing through her wet clothes. She piced up a glass of wine as she ran her finger through the frosting on her piece of cake. She turned and wiped it on his cheek with a giggle. "I know it's not much, but it's all the commander was able to bring here. So I Apologize again. It's better then nothing though."

Lydia nodded in agreement "even being a female wishing to be a designer is hard. Everyone pushes you down and says it's not going to happen. Though I'm not famous in the least bit. I'm very glad you did not listen to anyone and continued to follow what you dreamed." Lydia's phone rang, causing her to jump a little, not expecting the noise. She answered it. It was her mother. "I'll find her in a bit and figure out what to do. Thank you, mom." She hung up, and looked at the phone, then Gideon. "A state official is looking for Sayomi..."
Sebastian loved the time between the two, though he looked at the time and sighed. "We need to go soon. The lawyers will be showing up at my house in an hour or two." He finished his cake, wrapping up everything and grabbing Sayomi's hand. He quickly found the Hummer, helping her inside and smiling. "Ready?"

Gideon's eyes widened, and he opened his cell phone, calling Sebastian.

"Seb? It's Gideon. Someone needs to speak with Sayomi. Any chance you guys can hurry it up?"
Sayomi nodded, sad that their time there was so shot. She wished they could have stayed longer, but understood him having things to take care of. She knew that Sebastian was going to be a busy man, and that sometimes she wouldn't get to see him. She looked at him when his phone rang, wondering who would be calling him after everything.

Lydia looked around then got up, grabbing the jeep keys. "They are going to take her, Gideon. She is underage, living alone because the women in charge of her got married and ditched her." Lydia grabbed her things, determined not to let it happen. "State officials wouldn't be telling her about her father's death if it happened. The general from the base would. Someone had to have tipped them off. And her father isn't due home till tomorrow. If i can keep her hidden until then, then she has a fighting chance. Technically, no one outside of a handful of people know, or can find out, that he has been deployed for this long."
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, texting Gideon while at a stop sign. Gideon wrote back that they were after her, and Sebastian sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Shit." He shook his head, looking to Sayomi with a frown. "You're staying with me tonight. No going out. Lydia can stay with you at my house, too. But you're not to leave. Understood?" He called Gideon, his eyes looking around the streets as he drove. "I'm on my way home. Tell Lydia to stay put with you. Sayomi and her will stay at the lake house in the next town until I get home later tonight."

He hung the phone up, his eyes showing sadness. "I can't risk the authorities taking you because of your father being gone. I'm sorry, but I want you to stay here. With me." He held her hand, smiling slightly, though his eyes told something different.

Gideon talked to Sebastian, nodding and hanging up the phone. He yanked the keys from Lydia, grabbing his own keys and sighing. "Sebastian wants me to drive you to the lake house in the next town. He'll drop Sayomi off there and you two will stay there until Sebastian and I get back later tonight. He said you two are not to leave at all. Okay?" He grabbed her hand, helping her into his car and speeding away from the home. "This is so.. Crazy. Why would they be after Sayomi?"
Sayomi squeezed his hand, her eyes hanging in sorrow. "I can't let you do that. If they find where I am at, you could be in major trouble. All of you. And I'm not letting that happen. I'm sure that whenever my father gets back he will fix it. With my age, they are just going to put me in a group home." She looked at Sebastian, her face mixed with emotions. She was sad and scared. She was worried. She couldn't believe that he was willing to get in trouble just to try and hide her. Eventually though, they would find her, and she knew it. "Sebastian... You have so much going for you. That trying not to let them take me cause result in messing it all up. I can't allow that."

Lydia sighed as she shook her head. "I'm not sure. I thought that they gave up after the last time and having the general flip out on them. They had to have gotten a tip from someone about her. But I don't know anyone that would." She rubbes her face groaning. "Her father was moved and wasn't allowed contact before he could sign her into my custody." She looked over at Gideon frowning. "If this is to work, her father will need civilian clothes, and someone has to get him from the airport. We will have to play it up on whats been going on and where they claim to be."
Sebastian's eyes snapped to Sayomi, his hands gripping the wheel tightly. "I don't care, Sayomi. Don't talk me out of something. Hell, I am a millionaire. All they'll do is fine me and send me on my way. Especially since my record is perfectly clean." He squeezed her hand, calling Alfred and asking for clothes and food. "Just bring it to the lake house. When I get home I'm picking her father up from the airport. Thanks again." He hung up, looking to Sayomi and nodding. "I'll go home after my meeting and change. I'll wait and when it's time I'll pick up your dad at the airport and see what is going on."

Gideon nodded, driving fast and glancing at Lydia. "Sebastian's plan is fool proof. Hell, he has been hiding for years from a stalker who is trying to murder him. He's a smart kid." He took a left towards the next town, keeping an eye on the cars behind him. "Why would they do this if he's in the military? I don't see why it'd be any of their concern..." His voice trailed off as he called Sebastian and told him what was up.

Sebastian answered the phone, his eyes widening. The first call was from Gideon, though the second was from his mother. She was hysterical. "Shit.. Mom, I'm busy. If they are in town, I'll be careful." He hung up, glancing over at Sayomi with a shrug. "I have a stalker. My mom spotted them two towns over. For years I have been getting letters from them threatening to kill me. Now that I'm in the millionaire status, I'm sure I'll have police officers contacting me soon. Either way, I just need to figure out how to lay low.." He leaned over as they neared a stop light, kissing Sayomi's cheek and sighing. "Everything will be alright, dear. I'm fine. You'll be fine at the lake house. It's huge. Plus, no one would think you two would be there. There are guards that stand outside of the house until midnight. At that time, I'll be back and I'll sneak you to my house. Okay?"
Before the light turned green, Sayomi took his face in her hands and kissed him passionately. "You are far too good to me, Sebastian." She felt like the biggest burden on him, everything that happened with his father, and now here she was making his life even more complicated. She didn't want to argue about the risks and down looks this could have on him. She had a feeling that no matter how hard she fought him, Sebastian wasn't going to let her just leave.

Lydia looked at Gideon, putting her hand on his thigh. "Back before Sayomi's mother and father were married, the governor and her father were to be married. I don't know exactly how it went, but when her parents met, it was love at first sight. So he left the governor. Ever since she has tried to cause them havic." She squeezed his thigh softly, watching him. "Gideon.. thank you. For everything."

Sayomi perked up, looking at Sebastian. "That's it! At least to explain where me and my father have been. That you were scared that your stalkers may do something bold with the passing of your father, and my dad offered to keep an eye over you until either we knew they were gone or that they were taken care of." She laughed to herself for a moment, imagining her father beating whoever this person was. "He will take care of it too, if you want him to. I doubt anyone has ever gotten away from my father. Even if you gave him a licorice rope, he could handle it. Trust me. I have been tied down with one of those." She couldn't help but laugh more remembering when was 5 years old and beating her father with the licorice. He warned her to stop and she didnt. The next thing she knew, she was tied to a table.
Gideon smiled, nodding and patting Lydia's shoulder. "No need to say thanks, darling. I can't let two girls just fend for themselves. They arrived at the lake house, and Gideon whistled. He hadn't been to the house in years, though it looked wonderful. The guards nodded, acknowledging him as Sebastian's godfather and opening the gates. Gideon led Lydia inside, looking around. "I didn't know they upgraded this place again..."

Sebastian chuckled, looking out the window and his eyes widening. He swerved the car to the right, speeding up the car and breathing heavily. "Damn..." He parked in an alleyway suddenly, watching the car that had been following him drive by. He resumed driving, calling Gideon to warn him of the problem. Once he hung up, he glanced over at Sayomi, his breathing slowly returning to normal. "That was the stalker.. They must know everything about me now.. We have to be careful. Unless it's Alfred or Gideon and I, don't answer the door. Alright?"
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Lydia looked around, her jaw open yet again. "This place is amazing. Jeezus. Nothing makes you feel like your house sucks more than going into two of someone else's that are amazing."

Sayomi looked at him, worried. "Do you have to go? I don't want you to leave.. just stay hidden with me, love. Just stay hidden with me." She was worried they would follow Sebastian and something would happen. She didn't want anything to happen to him. "Whenevery my dad gets in he can just take a taxi. Or Alfred can bring him. Something. Please. I don't want anything to happen to you."
Sebastian shook his head, looking over at Sayomi with a sad frown. "I wish I could, love. But my lawyers are transferring everything tonight. If I'm not there, I could lose everything. I'll call you once I get to the lawyers office. And after that, I have to arrange things at home. But then after that I'll be all yours." He kissed her, finally arriving at the lake house and helping Sayomi out quickly. "Besides, I have Gideon." He chuckled, watching as Gideon practically dragged Lydia outside. "Hey, Seb! Ready?" Sebastian nodded, looking to Gideon and Lydia. "I'll be alright by myself, Gideon. Stay here with the girls and I'll be back as soon as possible. You know where my dad keeps the guns. If someone tries to break in.. Shoot them." Gideon nodded, leading Lydia inside. Sebastian kissed Sayomi, rubbing her cheek with his thumb and looking down at his hands. "I'll be back soon."

Sebastian got in the car, racing to the lawyers and arriving faster than he expected. The lawyers greeted him, quickly having him sign all the documents. Sebastian sent a text to Sayomi, his eyes a deep, dark blue.

[Sebastian]Hello, love. I reached the lawyers office and everything is fine. I asked Alfred to lock up my other cars. The lawyers transferred everything to my name. I love you, dear. Be careful. xoxo

He got in his car in the parking garage, nodding to the security guard and quickly driving off. He spotted a car behind him, though he paid it no mind. As he was driving, the car quickly swerved, hitting his hummer and flipping it. Sebastian screamed in shock, letting go of the wheel and holding tightly onto his phone and wallet. Thankfully the phone survived, though the Hummer had flipped and he could feel blood on his legs. He tried to hit the door open, though it wouldn't budge. Groaning, he unbuckled his seat belt, using all of his strength to open the door. It finally gave way, groaning open as he rolled out. His left leg had a bar through it. The pain was unbearable, and Sebastian coughed, feeling blood come out of his mouth. He saw the car before it drove away. He heard the sound of police and ambulance sirens filling the air, and Sebastian decided to text Sayomi.

[Sebastian]I got in a car accident. The damn stalker rammed my car and I went off road and flipped the Hummer. I have a metal bar stuck in my leg and I'm bleeding.. Tell Gideon to come with you two to the hospital. I'll be out in an hour or two. I love you.

The police officers pulled him up from the ground, asking his name. Upon hearing who he was, they rushed him to the hospital, where the doctor said that he had cracked his chest bone. The bar was removed, though the pain was terrible. Sebastian realized that he had suffered no damage to his face, and he called the insurance company, informing them of the hit and run that had just happened. He accepted the pain pill that was given to him, sitting back and waiting to be discharged. He was told that the blood that he had coughed up was from a punctured lung due to a broken rib, and the rib was quickly tended to. Sebastian sent one last text to Sayomi before he closed his eyes to sleep.

[Sebastian]I'm ready to leave. I only want you to come into the room, please. I need you near me. xoxo
Sayomi started to have a full on panic attack when she received Sebastian's text saying that he had gotten in an accident. After a while, Lydia was able to get her calmed down. "We need to get to the hospital. Does he have an extra car here?" Sayomi looked around before finding the keys. She gtabbed them, and looked at the other two. "Gideon. Take me to the guns." She wasn't asking, she was telling. She had a bad feeling about everything.

Sayomi took a gun, putting it in the waistband of her jeans, hiding underneath her loose sweater. She handed one to Lydia. "You two hours get my dad and meet us at the hospital. This is all happening suspiciously together. Something is going to go down, eventually. Maybe not tonight, or tomorrow. But eventually. So be ready. Just get him to the hospital.

They went out and Sayomi got I'm the car while they headed to get her father. She sped off to the hospital. Sayomi stoped the car and ran inside. The help directed her to Sebastian's room. She entered quietly. She took his hand in hers, and kissed his cheek as tears rolled down her cheeks. Sitting down, she rested her head on his bed, waiting for him to wake up.
Gideon had no choice but to let Sayomi do what she wanted. He led Lydia outside, driving with her towards the airport. "I hope Sebastian is okay.. God, that boy knows how to kill me by giving me a heart attack."

Sebastian woke up slowly, smiling as he saw Sayomi there with him. "Am I dreaming? I... I didn't think you'd actually be here so soon." He smiled, rubbing a hand across her cheek and looking down at his leg. A metal brace held his leg in place. There were bandages wrapped around his leg. He groaned from the ache in his body, shifting slightly and grabbing his coat. He signed the papers on the table beside him, looking over at Sayomi and kissing her gently. "I'm glad you actually came. Let me get my things. My Hummer is completely totaled."

A nurse walked in, her eyes looking back and forth between Sebastian and Sayomi. "Hello, Mr. Black. Is this your girlfriend?"
Lydia nodded "Sayomi will take care of him. She is definitely right. It seems odd that the same day they are looking for Sai, his stalkers show up. They would have needed a good cause to come for her again." She watched as they drove, hoping that the flight wasn't delayed. Sayomi was like the Black Canary. People underestimated what her father taught her.

Sayomi smlied at him as he kissed her. "Of course I was coming up. I have the car from the lake house, Lyd-." Before she finishe'd the nurse walked in. They weren't at the same hospital that she worked at, so she had no idea who the women was. She took Sebastian's hand in hers, kissing it. "Yes. I'm his girlfriend." She looked at the nurse, a soft smile on her lips, but at this point she was edge about everyone. "Is there anything specific he needs to do for his leg? He obviously didn't need surgery" She looked back to him, squeezing his hand. "You are so lucky that it missed your major arteries."
Gideon shook his head, smacking his hand on the steering wheel. "This is ridiculous. His stalker hasn't been around for years. Now, all of a sudden, he's being targeted again." He pulled the car into a parking space at the airport, looking to Lydia with a frown. "Uh... I'm not sure how to address this guy.."

Sebastian smiled, the pain pill making his head fuzzy. He sighed, sitting up slightly and looking over at the nurse. "Write me some pain medicines and I'll go. I'm fine. Really." The nurse looked to Sayomi before looking down at her clipboard, nodding. "He's alright, I guess. The doctor wants a follow up in a week. He hit his head pretty hard and we're not sure if he has a skull fracture. He does have a concussion, so let him rest but wake him up every hour or so." Sebastian moved his fingers against Sayomi's hand, leaning up and whispering into her ear. "Is it bad.. That I so want to be a part of you? Everything about you sets my skin on fire..." His words were becoming slurred, though he kissed her neck, his breath hitching and pain shooting up into his lung. "Wait until I'm better, dear."
Lydia shrugged "I just call him general, he will probaby have you call him by his name once meeting."

Sayomi blushed as she looked at the nurse, Sebastian kissing her neck. "I can take care of him, I am a premeditated student. Thank you for helping him." She looked at Sebastian, looking into his eyes as she ran a finger down his cheek. "You're a high, love. Take it easy. My father is expecting us shortly." She said softly as she kissed his forehead. She slowly helped him up, making sure that her shirt didn't move and show that she was carrying a firearm. That would only end badly. "Lydia is getting him. So we will go back to your house and wait for them to arrive." She chose her words very carefully, since they didn't know who the people were, they could be anywhere at all times. "Can you help him get ready and bring him outside? I'm going to move the car to the entrance." She cupped his face in her hands "I'll be right back, alright?" She kissed his head again, and then left the room.

Sayomi ran out to the car, and looked around. She pretended to drop her chapstick as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, cussing under her breath. She went after it, looking under the car for anything that may have been put there. They ran Sebastian off the road in a hummer. There was no second guessing what they could do. She got up and brushed herself off, then got in the car, bringing it to the entrance, waiting for Sebastian to be brought out.
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