And Just When We Thought It Couldn't Get Worse...

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Sekran snickers softly to himself but says nothing. Instead, he proceeds to make another cut, remove the bullet, dab the blood, and stitch the wound.
Fallen sighs softly, and looks out the window. Where would her and Dante go, if anywhere? What if he woke up and blamed everything on her and never forgave her? Never understood the circumstances they were under and why she did what she did? Killing his sister was too high a cost to repay, nothing would ever change that.
"No offense and I don't mean to be mean by saying this but the reason that you only have one friend is because you won't except anyone else's friendship besides his." Sekran murmurs. As he extracts the last of the bullets from inside the heart and stitches the wounds, he places all of the tools he's used thus far in the pot of water. Grabbing the top of Asura's rib cage, Sekran peers at Fallen while holding it place. "If you would please mend only the bones, that would be great.​"
Fallen slowly places her palms only inches from Asura's rib cage, faintly they glow a light purple and mend the bones together within seconds. "I know, I'm still getting used to the whole. You can have friends, and people aren't gonna come and kill them kind of thing."
Removing his gloves, Sekran puts them in with the bullets and rubs his head, his expression pained. "So bad things have happened to your friends in the past. As long as I'm around, I won't let that happen. If your friends fall, I'll help them back up... But then again, I'm not your friend so I guess I really don't have to unless I want to. So you'll just owe me." Sekran says, continuing to rub his head. Yes, he knew that by having Fallen mend the broken bones he'd get a pretty bad head ache but at least it'd make this process easier for everyone. A little pain is definitely worth it in the end.
Fallen sighed, "Well no actually, I'd consider you my friend. I mean you've been able to stand me for the past forty five minutes, so I guess that counts." she looks at Sekran's hand rubbing over his head, she forgot that he might become a little pained after she used her powers. Going into motherly mode Fallen gently lifts her small, cool hand and places it on his forehead softly.
Sekran chuckles. "I'm fine. I'm fine. Just a head ache. It's just a little bit worse than the one you gave me earlier when you freaked out." He says and smiles devilishly but shakes his head, getting rid of the thought that had entered his mind for a split second. Putting a fresh pair of gloves on, he goes back to inspecting Asura's stomach, almost immediately locating the last of the bullets.
Fallen doesn't move her hand, she instead does something that was more of a reflex then anything, she leans down and presses her soft lips to his forehead. "There maybe that'll help. It used to help mine." she tells him in no louder than a whisper, then stands back up straight.
Sekran lifts his head, blinking in pleasant surprise. "Thank you." He replies, cocking his head to the side and smiling. Lifting the second largest scalpel, he cuts into the stomach, making a long incision. He locates the bullets and extracts them with the tweezers, adding to the collection. After stitching the wound and dabbing at the blood, he drops the tools back into the scarlet water. "There should be a large needle in one of the kits. Would you mind finding it for me?​"
Fallen nods and turns around, shuffling through the kit soundlessly she locates the large needle, turns back around and hands it Sekran, she looks on expectantly.
Nodding thankfully he threads the needle. He then turns back to Fallen and grabs her hands, placing them on Asura's chest. "Pinch her skin together like this... As I make my way down the cut, please move down as well. This is really sharp and I'll feel back if I prick you." Sekran instructs, pressing the edges of cut skin close together with Fallen's hands beneath his. Carefully, he begins to stitch Asura's chest together once again.
Fallen holds the skin the way Sekran told her and awaits for his fixing to be done.
Once the stitching is complete, Sekran drops the bloodied needle into the crimson water. "All that's left is to bind the stitches so they aren't tugged on and then we'll be done." He says, removing the gloves. Sekran grabs the gauze and places it beside Asura and lifts her limp form so she's sitting up. He then tears her shirt off completely, gaining easy access to the wound on her chest. "Please hold her up while I wrap the gauze around her.​"
Fallen holds Asura upright for Sekran, watching as he wraps the gauze around her.
Once finished wrapping Asura with the gauze, Sekran replaces Fallen's hands with his own and lays her down. He then pulls all of the his tools out of the water and places them in their respective kits. Ushering For his puppets, the two little boys saunter over to his side. "Here, Jaimee. Swallow these just like last time." Sekran murmurs softly, handing the boy one kit at a time. Peering at Fallen, he allows a gentle smile to appear. "Thank you very much, Miss Fallen, for helping me. You wouldn't even be able to begin to imagine how hard that would've been with my two puppets trying to help instead. Believe it or not but a blind puppet isn't the best help when it comes to dealing with sharp things." Sekran laughs, remembering the scar in his side from when Jaimee wanted to "help" him repair a corpse.
Fallen giggles lightly, "I can only imagine." absentmindedly she twirls a piece of her white hair around her index finger.
Sekran lets out a softened sigh. "Well now what shall we do, sweet Fallen?" He asks casually, letting his hair fall from it's tied-up state.

Raylin peers over at the growing pile of bodies. "Is there no end?" She asks, her eyes skimming the landscape in which is still strewn with the dead humans.

A small child steps onto the grass of the campus, his short silver hair draping over the mime mask covering his face. The mask, painted white with intricate black spirals and blackened lips, conceals this child's expression of amusement as his eyes wonder from body to body at his feet. Without even a moment's hesitation, the child strides over the lifeless corpses, paying no mind to crunching of bones beneath his feet.
Fallen looks around the room and sighs, "Oh I don't know, doesn't matter to me." she says placing her hands on her hips.

Ray scans over the bodies, "Shit. We are heavy sleepers." his eyes gaze out over the field to find a small figure walking over the bodies, and to left farther back another, smaller figure. "Hmm...Curious..."

"Ew! Ew! Uck!" Bow squeals as she dances around the bodies, her light cocoa pigtails swaying side to side as her hazel eyes watched her sparkling red converse making sure not to step on any corpse. Her head snapped upward making sure the boy-ish figure in front of her was still insight, she'd followed him all the way down here afraid she might get lost.
Sekran takes a few steps toward Fallen, his broadening. "Doesn't matter you say?" He murmurs, continuing on toward her.

Raylin nods, following Ray's eyes for a moment to see the two unfamiliar figures. "More new kids?" She wonders allowed while chucking yet another body into the pile.

The child vanishes for a moment, teleporting just behind the girl that has been following him. "Just how long do you plan on stalking me?" He whispers in the girls ear impatiently. Beneath his mask, the child's eyes glow a scarlet red, the color of the blood seeping from the bodies below them.
"No not really, it doesn't take much to amuse me..." Fallen says staring out the window not even noticing Sekran's approaching steps.

"Suppose so." Ray murmurs snapping back to working, he grabs two bodies and tosses them toward the pile.

"Eep!" Bow squeaks and spins around jumping back a bit, on to step on a bone. At the sound of its crunching she whimpers and steps to the side of it, "I didn't want to get lost...So I've been following you since...the bottom of the stairwell..." she mumbles mousy.