And Just When We Thought It Couldn't Get Worse...

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His shoulders shrug slightly. "Because I saw how desperately you wanted to save him. And I knew that you'd have to give up you life for that purpose. If you had revived him, he'd have nothing to live for. At least now, if you decide you still don't want to live, he'll be able to remain my puppet and he'll have people to be by his sides whenever he needs someone." Sekran shakes his head. "Honestly. I'm beginning to consider jumping out the window myself. I save your friend without so mush as a simple please or thank you. But you don't care about that. All you care about is the fact that my game seems twisted to you and that you were unable to save Dante yourself." He glances behind himself for a moment, gazing out the window.
Fallen's body convulses slightly as holds back her rage, "I'm sorry. Thank you for saving my friend. I'm also grateful for you playing this lovely game that I'm sure he'll enjoy so very much when he wakes up." she can't help her words from caustically tumbling of her tongue. She turns so she's facing the door, her eyes don't meet anything, just stare off into a distant point. "I hate myself for not being able to save him. That's why I can't stand you. Other than that. Your ohkay."
Sekran snickers softly to himself. "If you still want to save him I'm sure there's still something that you can do for him..." He trails off, unsure whether or not this soft-spoken statement will have any affect on her. Of course, she may refuse. But what then? He'll never get anywhere with her if she resents him. Yet the thought swimming around Sekran's mind concerns Dante's sister more than Dante himself. "If anything, the task I have in mind may save his heart more than anything else."

While tossing bodies into the steadily growing pile, Raylin stumbles upon the corpse of a small girl to whom she soon recognizes as the girl she'd seen the previous day. Lift the girl's body, Raylin cradles her in her arms before whirling around to find Ray. "Ray! I found Dante's sister! I'm going to bring her to Sekran! Be right back!" Shouts Raylin as she quickly runs inside. With a light knock on the door, Raylin is let back into Sekran's room where she rests the girl's body on the bed as instructed. Without so much as a single utterance, she retreats out of the room, tension between Sekran and Fallen thick in the air. Once outside again, Raylin hastily wanders over to Ray's side. "We're gone for only a few minutes and the atmosphere in that room has worsened.​"
Fallen doesn't turn to face Sekran and barely pays attention to Raylin exited the room after bringing in Asura's lifeless body. "What. What can I do?" she asks the question though the only thing she can think is, nothing. There was nothing she could do.

Ray chuckles lightly, "Yeah, that can happen when you can't stand someone but want to be around them at the same time." he says thinking about the two back inside. "Feelings are confusing." he laughs some more throwing two more bodies toward the pile.
Sekran saunters over to the other bed and places a gentle hand over Asura's heart and slowly moves his hand down to her stomach. "She has five bullets embedded in her heart and one in her stomach. I'd like to remove them, stitch her up, and clean her up. But I need a little help... She's Dante's sister. Whether I revive her too is really up to him." He says, his hand dropping down to his side. Whether Fallen chooses to help is her choice. Either way, he's already decided to carry on with this plan.

Raylin nods meekly, picking up another body and tossing it. "Yeah, they are." She replies telepathically, choosing not to speak aloud.
Fallen hesitates but is able to tear away the invisible strings pulling her toward the door, "Ohkay, what can I do.." she asks turning around to face his direction once more.

Ray just nods simply, throwing more bodies on the pile as he walks along.
"Would you mind getting a pan of moderately warm water from the kitchen and a large empty pan? While you're going that I'll open up Jaimee and retrieve my supplies." Says Sekran. Aiden kneels beside Dante and pulls his master's bag out from under the bed. Opening it, he retrieves a small dagger while Jaimee lays down on the floor and Sekran crouches beside him. Once his dagger is in his hand, Sekran makes a single smooth cut right through his puppet's shirt. Tearing the fabric away, he places it beside him on the floor in a tattered pile. On Jaimee's chest are several stitches from when he'd been opened on a coroner's table post-death. Sekran cuts those stitches away and folds the boy's skin back, revealing many weapons and kits beneath his ribs. After searching for only a moment, Sekran extracts four scalpels -all being different sizes-, a small kit for stitching someone's wounds, an equally small medical kit, a bottle of peroxide, and a small leather bundle containing other surgical tools. Once Jaimee's stitches are back in place, Sekran pulls both of the chairs to the side of Asura's bed and lays all of his equipment beside her.
Fallen quickly disappears out the door, retrieves what Sekran asked for from the kitchen and then returns to the room. Setting the things down on one of the nightstands.
"Have you ever opened someone up before?" Sekran asks curiously while handing Fallen a pair of gloves and taking a seat in one of the chairs. He ties his hair back and slides his own pair on before turning his head slightly to look at her.
"What?" shock registers all over Fallen's face, her inner child appearing, she took a couple steps back. "I--I can't c-cut someone o-open." she stuttered feeling her insides flipping over.
Sekran chuckles lightly. "Ah, yes. As I thought. Please don't fret, my dear. Just put on the gloves and do as I ask. I'll be doing the cutting and such. There'll just be some times when I need you to hand me something or pinch her skin together so I can stitch it. Well that and I need someone to talk to." He smiles warmly, attempting to reassure her. Of course he wouldn't have her cut Dante's sister up. The point of this is to remove the bullets not hack her into tiny pieces.
Still a little squimish Fallen shuffles closer once more, "Oh...Ohkay." she lets her eyes stand off into space as her face reddens to a light rosy color and her stomach begins to settle once more.
Turning back to Asura, Sekran picks up the tiniest scalpel and tears open her shirt so her bare skin shows. Without hesitation, he switches the smallest scalpel for the largest. He then begins to cut into the girl, making a standard "Y" incision. Folding her back like he had when opening his puppet, Sekran pauses for a moment. "If I brake her ribs, are you willing to mend them? Don't worry about Us. We'll just have a bad head ache." Sekran says, referring to himself and Dante together as one.
Fallen nods in agreement trying to not think about Asura's dead body lying in front of her too much. Insteads she imagines she's knocked out, in the middle of an operation that will save her life.
"Hmm. I expected you to say no... Jaimee, please force the bone cutters out of your body." Sekran instructs while putting the scalpel down. The puppet does as he's told and literally coughs up the tool his master requested. Aiden takes the cutters from his brother and hands them to Sekran who nods his thanks and turns back to Asura. "I'm warning you now. The sound of breaking bones is rather unpleasant." The puppet master murmurs before braking off a section of her ribs and delicately placing it on her lap. He then puts the cutters on the ground beneath him. "So.. What was the game you were playing exactly? I wasn't paying much attention when you guys were down by the lake." Sekran says, his face flushing slightly. Standing from his chair, he leans over the corpse, he inspects the heart, locating the exactly placements of the bullets.
Fallen looks toward Dante's body, her cheeks pinking lightly, "Um, we were supposed to act madly in love...It was payback for Asura attacking me." she explains letting one of her hands run through her hair.
Sekran snickers and nods. "So you wanted to piss her off in order to get payback? Well that must have been fun for you. And of course it was amusing for me to watch." He picks the smallest scalpel up once more, making a small cut just above a bullet. "You were willing to piss her off for payback by acting madly in love yet you can't amp it up a little bit more for my game?" Sekran asks casually. Grabbing a pair of tweezers, he gently extracted the first bullet, dropping it in the empty pot. "There should be like this clamp thing in the leather bindle. Please take that out and attach some gauze.​"
Fallen nods and begins doing as he says, "It's different. It's Dante. I already told you I'm not gonna mess with him in order to repay you. If the payment involves Dante, I want no part of it." she explains stretching the gauze covered clamp thing-y out toward Sekran.
Taking the clamp,he dabs at the leaking blood before setting all of the tools to the side and stitching the small wound. "You misunderstand. My game isn't part of your payment. It's just that. A game... What is he to you anyway?" Sekran asks while tying off the stitches and picking up his scalpel again. Making another incision, Sekran carefully extracts another bullet, places it in the pan, and dabs the blood. "Clean gauze please. The bloodied gauze can go with the bullets." He murmurs and begins to stitch the cut.
Fallen rips off another strip of gauze and hands it to him, taking the bloodied gauze and starting a pile next to the bullets. "I don't know. He's not my boyfriend. Just a friend. But I guess when you have one and only one friend, you'll do anything for them..." she trails memories of her give all or nothing healing she had started to perform on the roof to Dante.