Ancient Order of Angels: Volume One The Artifacts

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Water ran down on Amelia's body. It was late into the evening. "I feel lonely".
No other sound could be heard in the entire house aside from the water in the shower. She felt tortured, saddened, depressed. "What is there to have when nobody is there?"
Amelia stepped out of the shower and changed into her night gown.
"I wish something would happen... something that changes my life..."
She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Minutes passed.
Hours went by.

She dreamed of having it all.
She owns everything.
It felt so good.
She dreamed of conquest, of owning humans, of ruling over everything by wealth alone.
Humans begged her for money, worked for her, were killed for her and fought for her for a bit of money.
She felt so powerful.
"Don't you want this? Look at what all these riches could get you?"
And a blinding line at the horizen within her dream appeared.
"Yes, I want this"
She stepped towards this very light.
Closer and closer until she stepped into the very light.

Emotions and feelings ran through her, knowledge, power...
She could see the dominion she has always fantasized about....
A world of machine and obedience. A world of black, cold metal.

And she was its ruler.
"The Ironheart's Dominion",
she whispered.

Everything turned black.
Her eyes weren't closed! She was sure of that... she thought.
"No it feels like traveling"


The light returned to her and she found herself inside a room.
She looked around, her face not showing emotion.
She saw other people... demons. How she would know it? She felt it...
A feeling she now discovered.

The moment she understood what was going on she spoke, interrupting whomever was speaking, if there was somebody speaking... she wouldn't know.
"I am Wasp. Centurion of Greed."
She bowed politely to those gathered here, her face did not share any emotion with the others. She felt it was not necessary.
"I was called in my dream, just now, to servitude. How may I be of service my pencuries!"
She felt as if the Pencuri of greed may not be worthy of her. Of course this was yet left to be seen.
Weither or not this was the case will be shown soon anyway but all she could see now was a mourning weakling.
How could a weakling be worthy of the riches that a demon deserves?​
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Azimuth wasn't sure he liked his new Pencuri. It wasn't like she was any more cruel than his previous mistress but the sudden change in power irked him. Just moments ago, this lowly demon had been a Centurione like him. In fact, he would be lying if he said he hadn't thought in the least bit he was better than her. But to see her suddenly become his mistress (though he swore he would never call his new Pencuri that ever) before his eyes put him over the edge.

Azimuth forced a smile, though it looked like more a grimace, especially with his pointed teeth. "Maybe," he began, his tone level but laced with venom, "I could gather intel, given my particular affinity to blending in with my surroundings." He wriggled a bit against the snake which held him bound. "Also, could i, by any chance, be released from your sorry excuse for illusion?"
Pencuri of Attachment, gold
Keelie's green eyes flashed, black inking into the irises. "If it's so pathetic you wouldn't need me to let you go!" She snapped, before calming herself. He's not the source of your irritation, calm down Keelie. With nothing more than a side glance the snake disappeared allowing Azimuth to move freely. "Constant updates, yeah. Oi, and do lose the attitude by the time I see you once more, it would be more than a pity to have to find somebody else as skilled at stealth."

Keelie sighed, and added, almost as an afterthought, "If you come across any information about the damned book don't hesitate to send a text, don't be foolish enough to go off after it yourself, yeah?"

Keelie turned back to the table, waiting the other Pencuri to chime in about the best way to begin their search.

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Zenith - Pencuri of Pride
It was at this moment that the Pencuri of Pride stepped forth from the doorway, striding into the meeting with his usual confidence, doing little to mask the lateness of his arrival. He saluted The Gatekeeper dutifully before flashing a self-assured smile towards his affiliates, fully expecting the usual forgiveness that he is granted. It was, in most respects, distasteful for even him to arrive late to meetings of such import, but his lateness was not without good excuse.

"Ah, my comrades- I bid you a weary hello. It appears I have missed the debriefing, as my Centurione has yet to appear before me. The fool cannot live up to the title that was given, it seems."

Zenith scanned the room, taking in the numbers and frowning slightly before sitting down by Keelie and Analise, where the most discussion seemed to be occurring.

"Surely there is more amongst our ranks? Have we truly dwindled to such a number...

..Where's Uku?"[/dash]
Comitissa Deceptio (Countess of Deception), Plum
Clara sits back and watches everyone bicker, sit in silence, seem like they are not there, it was all blah to her.

*Press Play* Finally before she knew it she spoke, "Do you ever stop talking?" Sitting in her chair unmoved her voice was on the other side of the room. "Bet your wondering how I did that huh?" Looking at Keelie she lightly walked over and bent down to her ear. "If you have a problem hunny no need to bottle it up. You look at me like that again and I'll be sure to send you back to doing possessions."

Clara had a no bs type attitude. When people were in her presence they knew her status in Infernum. No sooner did she move two other demons walked in late. It was almost in slow motion she peered at them. Coldly she commented, "Wasp is it? And when did you think it was ok to walk hun? This is a meeting not a party. If your late you might as well not come at all..." She then place her hand on Pride's shoulder, she leaped on the table and put her hill in his chest. "Listen here my dear, worrying about Uku is above your pay grade, your just a Pencuri." She heartlessly observed. She gave off a small chuckle as she kept her attention on him. "What you should be worried about is your tardiness." She quickly added. Slightly standing up, she thrusted her hill forward forcing the chair backward in an attempt to make him fall. Nonchalantly rising from the table, she walks over to his side. At this point there were two of her in the room one was watching and the other was doing the talking. The room had become tense and the atmosphere was thick.

She looked over at Analise and then looked at the others. Fixing her bright red floor length dress she muttered, "Now lets get down to business....Analise you go to Unio and see if you can talk them into giving you some more info take your centurione with. Keelie you and your centurione head to beast lake and speak to the Baron. Tell him I sent you, be careful by no means try anything other than what I told you. Wasp since you Pencuri is acting as if they aren't in our presence, you go to records an get a current and I mean current list of places in spain. By now the dispatch team ought to be out by now so we have no time to loose. Scorpion, you get word out to the newly departed souls there is a 50/50 chance one of them worked in that monastery. I on the other hand will pay a visit to the Dux Chaos (Duke of Chaos) We meet back in 30." After delegating roles to everyone she disappeared as if she was never there. She left behind a clock that had begun the count down. Tick tok......
Spider: Davido Alima, red
"I believe I heard the name Heru, but of the others I know not. You should be able to sniff out an archangel once you find them. If you're unsure of how to do that, I would start learning now." Lust said rather bluntly. He bowed in accepting the offer made. "Thank you, You shouldn't expect me to fail. Mainly because I don't." He smiled before leaving the meeting to go off and do his tasks, just as fast as he came, completely ignoring everyone else's anger at him being late, some people just need to loosen up and relax for a bit...​

James Berlin, orange
~Berlin, LLC HQ, Barcelona, Spain~
David Re-emerged as James now in one of the top floors of his tower, eager as ever to get to work, he first made an announcement for his top workers, managers, and officers (all his thralls) to meet with him personally in his conference room. once everyone was situated, he broke the news to them; "Alright, now that everyone has settled down-I would like to let everyone know that I was promoted today! To Spider Centrione! It's completely weird I know. But this means I have a new boss, Lust, and she has high expectations for us, and she wants us to far meet and exceed these expectations. Now what are they exactly, to find and track down the Archangels, every last one of them, I want to know every single thing about them, from their names, gender, and how dangerous they are, all the way to their daily schedule and what they eat for breakfast. Sandra! I need you to focus all our spy equipment and planes on being our eyes in the sky, I also need any scans on any area they might be, I need this place fully scanned and confirmed so we can have their locations. Karland! You deal with the people, question them, use our assets and see what they know, remember, the government is on our side! They must have something on these people. My boss also said it's pretty obvious when you find an archangel! I want them found, and I need this as our top priority above anything else currently in the business, and I want this done before the end of the week, understood?"
"Good, now, off to work!" He said, and with the wave of a hand, people left to tell the others and attend their stations. Meanwhile James and Sandra continued onto James's private room, She smiled as the wall in front of the bed flipped over and revealed a huge TV screen almost as big as the wall itself;
"I am already ahead of you Mr.Berlin"
"Oh really? How so?"
"With this." She turns on the TV for it to reveal the following newscast: [spoili] "Police have the identified 1 of the 3 suspects that were at gunpoint last last night by 5 year veteran Officer Tommin Larson. One of the suspects has been rumored to be 20 year old Hadley Kerrington. The supposed Granddaughter of the Kerrington heir out of England. Police have not confirmed this information but are diligently working hard to find out who these Persons of Interest are. So if your out there, whoever you all are, if your listening turn yourselves in so we can rest at night. Back to you Juan." [/spoili]
"Just saying, but could those be your archangels? Based on what they are anyways. I'll send someone to gather more info on this case, just to make sure we're not running on a loose thread here." She clicks the remote again to reveal a 2-D layout of Barcelona; and all the current units on the field. "I'll notify the spy planes on who to start searching for, If they're here, they'll be found within the hour, if not, it may take a day, tops."
James smiles "Thank you Sandra, your work is appreciated."
Just then, his phone buzzes, he opens it up to see the following text:
"Find someone - anyone - who knows where the tome originated. Do whatever is necessary for this information."
And he replied:
"Consider it done, I'll add it to my list!"
He then gets on the phone to speak with Karland, when he gets on, he can clearly hear screaming and electrocution in the background; "I thought I said to question people, not interrogate them and torture them!"
"Same crap, besides, the people I am doing it to don't matter, there will be no one to miss 'em, but I am sure you didn't just call to scold me...what is it?"
"If you could spare some you remember that special tome that everyone on both sides have been looking for recently?"
"Really? That? I thought we were not going to be pulled into this crap!"
"Well, I got the promotion, and the boss-lady says that wee need to get pulled into that crap, it was inevitable anyways."
"Yes, so while you're busy, do you mind finding out if ANYONE knows were it originated, please?"
"Find out where the tome originated? sounds easy enough."
"Thank you, now bye."
With that, he shoved the phone into his pocket, and went to his work: Throwing a party, but with key members and officials all across Europe, so he can see if he can schmooze them off of any information they have on the archangels, or the tome origins for that matter. He grabbed his cane, and fixed up his suit and scarf, and strolled off to the party.
Heck, he might even get another girl along with those Arch-a's as well. Kill two birds with one stone.
And all done with a finger barely lifted.

Pencuri of Lust, seagreen
Analise nodded to Clara to show her understanding. Picking her phone back up, she texted her Spider. "Hey, change of plans - will explain later. Meet me back here in the Infernus conference room as soon as possible. Looks like you and I are headed to Unio. -Analise" Slipping her phone away, Analise stood from her chair and gracefully circled the table to approach Keelie. Putting her manipulation aside, she took a deep breath and held her hand out as a sign of truce.

"I apologize for antagonizing you - You should really work on that temper of yours, it was too easy to fuel. If you don't mind, I would appreciate your glimmer off of me. I have places to be." Analise managed a genuine smile, though she refused to admit the glimmer was irritating. She took mental notes on the demon named Keelie; If she had to remain civil, she didn't see the harm in knowing her fellows' strengths and weaknesses. With multiple glances at the door, she hoped the Spider would be back soon.
Greed close his face slightly using both of his long hand while smirk a bit, using the simple magic of telepathy to his ex centurione, Keelie, "Thanks for snapping me back, now I regain my conscious back, will you help me regardless of high percentage that you will decline it?" Greed later on snapped his finger making the wine levitate, giving a cunning smile he telepath his new centurion again, "Hey new centurione, Amelia is it? so tell me more about yourself since I'm planning something big, I want to rule not only 1 but 3 at once if you know what I mean, I'm not aiming to be demon lord, I want to be the lord of the demon, earth, and angel world. If you would do please send me the data of each pencuri as well as their centurione"
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Ichabod rested for awhile. "I think i lost them " he then stood up to escape this place, he was holding his wound in the shoulder as he walks downtown. "Damn gotta get to a phone booth" he then cross the street but stopped when he heard the sounds of a horn until it was too late when he was hit by a car . . .

"Holy Sh*t " Carl quickly stepped out of the car and went to the man he accidentally hit. he then saw the man bleeding and damaged "I hate . . . my job " the man says as he faints. "Hey! . . " he then slaps the man "Wake up! " but the man is heavily fainted. he checked his pulse and found his still alive. he then carried the man and brought him inside and to bring him to a hospital
Relief came over Hadley as there was no lament anger from Tommin. Gently, she returned his handshake with a smile. "So what're you-" the sudden shift in atmosphere made her stop mid sentence. Glancing out the window she could see that there was very heavy traffic just outside the house. That's odd. You'd think that people would be afraid to be so close in proximity to Monastery with the recent events...

It occurred to her that she had not finished her sentence to Tommin. Shaking her head she smiled bashfully. "What I mean is what are you..." her sentence trailed off again as a loud riding phone caught her attention. It continuously alerted everyone in the house of presumed phone calls and texts. Something strange was definitely happening. The pendant that was under her sweater, was in direct contact with her chest. It began to produce an energy that felt like tiny little shocks on her skin. It reminded her of when she was a child and she and her friend would scoot across the carpet in socks and shock each other. This was a new energy coming from the pendant that she had never felt before.

Suddenly, the television across the room turned on by itself. A local news channel was on the station, and a professional looking man was standing in front of the rubble of the Monastery giving his report.

"Police have the identified 1 of the 3 suspects that were at gunpoint last last night by 5 year veteran Officer Tommin Larson...." Looking to Tommin her eyes opened wide. "Tommin Larson... that's you, right....?" The reporter continued.

"One of the suspects has been rumored to be 20 year old Hadley Kerrington. The supposed Granddaughter of the Kerrington heir out of England. Police have not confirmed this information but are diligently working hard to find out who these Persons of Interest are. So if your out there, whoever you all are, if your listening turn yourselves in so we can rest at night. Back to you Juan.

"What in the world!" She exclaimed loud enough for everyone in the house the hear. An heir out of England. Where could they have gotten that from? Turning on her heel, she quickly ran into the kitchen. "Did you guys here that?" She said as she looked to Gil, Heru, and constance. "I don't know how long we will be safe here. They have Tommin's identify. ." She looked behind her to make sure he followed her to the discussion. "I mean of course they do after that gun scene... but they have mine too! They said I was a heir. Heir to what? They must be wrong!"

Her lack of breath left in her lungs made it apparent to her that she was rambling and talking much too fast. She was breathing fast, unconsciously so her body would no longer be depleted of oxygen.
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Tommin - Archangel of Jupiter, orange
"Police have identified 1 of the 3 suspects that were at gunpoint last last night by 5 year veteran Officer Tommin Larson. One of the suspects has been rumored to be 20 year old Hadley Kerrington. The supposed Granddaughter of the Kerrington heir out of England. Police have not confirmed this information but are diligently working hard to find out who these Persons of Interest are. So if your out there, whoever you all are, if your listening turn yourselves in so we can rest at night. Back to you Juan."

Tommin's eyes were fixed on the TV for the whole duration of the broadcast.

"It's no surprise we're in the news..." Tommin began.

"What in the world!" Hadley gasped, cutting him off. Her face was one covered in horror. He leaned forward, placing his hands on his knees, before rising to his feet.

"Hadley..." he said in a low, yet warm, tone. Once again, before he could continue, Hadley made a move. She turned on her heel and darted out of the room to the kitchen. "Hadley!" he called, following after her.

"I don't know how long we will be safe here. They have Tommin's identify. ." he heard Hadley's muffled voice say from the other room. Tommin stepped into the room to observe the last part of her panic, directly. "I mean of course they do after that gun scene... but they have mine too! They said I was a heir. Heir to what? They must be wrong!"

"Don't worry, we're still safe here. This investigation falls under the jurisdiction of the Spanish police force and they aren't aware of this hideout," Tommin said reassuringly stepping towards Hadley, placing a hand on her back to try and calm her, "The only person who knows of this place that is involved with investigating this event is me and I'm not about to arrest any of you." He gave them all a warm smile. Having heard the phone ring earlier, he moved over to it and pulled it from its stand.

"Hey Tommin it's Phil, Internal Affairs wants you to get down here and get together a report so they can release the pictures of the 3 wanted suspects its late but its all over the news. They're saying they you were last seen having them at gun point. Give me a call back..."

It rang a few times before there was an answer. Only Tommin's side of the conversation could be heard by the others.

"Phil. Tell Internal Affairs I'll be on it as quick as possible. I'm looking into the issue as best as I can. Yeah... yeah... yep. No, there's no need to bring the Spanish into it. Phil, trust me with this. Uh-huh, uh-huh. I'll get the report to you as quick as I can. See ya'."

As Tommin put down the phone he let out a heavy sigh and pressed his head into the wall.
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| Anatolios |
|During the time of Tommin's wall banging episode|

Noticing no one gave two shits about what Anatolios said or did, He got annoyed a bit however, he quickly got over it knowing the situation. Before Following Tommin to his soon wall banging, Anatolios would button up his dress shirt in a serious fashion. Following Tommin to where ever he was going Anatolios would lean his shoulder next to Tommin and crosses his arms in a calm manner after his conversation. ''So what do you suppose we do?'' Anatolios asked in a calm but slightly worried tone.
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Zenith - Pencuri of Pride
"Now now, Clara, you know just as well as I that a decrease in numbers means the greater chances we'll be on the losing team, and nobody wants to lose," Zenith called out, stepping back and he attempted to maintain his balance, not in the least intimidated by her spectacle. Such was the normal life in Infernum. His words were lost to the Countess as she directed her attention to the others, however, and he shrugged it off, once more returning his attention to Analise, holding her gaze with an unspoken question before addressing the group when Clara had left.

"Well, it appears the Countess has granted me the freedom of joining any group, so I suppose I'll give you all the choice. Would any of you care for my company? After all, it seems my centurione has yet to show," the Pencuri of Pride leaned against a wall and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a pull before adding for good measure, "not that I need one, of course."[/dash]
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Spider: Davido, red
Dave's phone buzzed to reveal another text from Lust;

"Hey, change of plans - will explain later. Meet me back here in the Infernus conference room as soon as possible. Looks like you and I are headed to Unio. -Analise"

"Alright, I'll be right there, give me a few minutes."

That being done, he made a quick phone call to Sandra; "Hey, change of plans, the boss-lady wants me, cancel the party and anything related to that, but continue the search okay, you'll just have to make-do without me."
"Okay James, you have fun with...whatever it is your doing."
Dave starts his journey back to lust, grumpy thought in his head. When he arrived, he threw all that away and perked up upon meeting her.

"Unio, sounds like wanted to explain something to me?"
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Uku...just Uku, orange

Uku grumbled and rose about to fire off a retort or two when the guards came into the room. Here's the thing about Infernum; it is, literally, the office from Hell. The dumbasses in the penguin suits may look just that but in truth, they are an elite demon force that can do massive damage to their own kind. Uku took a few deep breaths through his nose causing his nostrils to flare allowing himself to be lead away. He shot a glance to his centuirone on the way out that was accented by a raised eyebrow. He knew the gatekeeper would promote her, even if temporarily. It has happened before and will probably happen many more times. Uku had been a Pencuri for a very long time and always seemed to have setbacks that prevented him from climbing any higher but he never truly lost his title.

Through the halls, he was led forced to bear the twisted grins of his escorts. Several times, Uku had debated trying to talk his way out of this pickle but he knew how it would end.

"Stop here." One of the guards said plainly. Uku stopped and stared at a nondescript door with no handle. That right eyebrow crept up in a questioning pose as he turned to face the fiends.

"This isn't my room." Uku said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"We know." The other guard replied. He then touched Uku on the shoulder.

Lights out.


Uku woke up with a start and stared around. He was submerged in a thick darkness that not only swallowed every ounce of light but it had a physical weight to it that bore down on his limbs and muscles. Uku closed his eyes again and recognized the smell of burnt flesh and powdered bone. "Perfect." He said to no one. Even his words seemed to be consumed by the greedy blackness that encompassed him.

The shamed demon rose to his feet from the crouch in which he had been left. The clank of shackles annoyed him. He shook his hands, arms and legs gently to test his restraints. "Typical corporate bullshit; they didn't even spring for the cursed irons." Uku felt his true self awaken from somewhere deep within his body. The black began to swirl around him sensing the rage within as it began to boil. Shards of golden and orange fire licked over Uku's skin and quickly disappeared. The flashes became brighter, larger and more frequent as his breathing increased in tempo and intensity. In a whisper, "Gate Keeper…", Uku opened his eyes revealing the same orangish glow burning from within.

With a howl of furious rage, the demon's puny mortal form split and writhed away from his true self. The once seemingly normal husk of a man was soon replaced by a hulking demon bursting with flares of Infernum's fire that was fueled by the wrath of Uku. He stretched himself out and up yanking free from his chains and stomped his right foot down shattering the last post that had initially held him captive. Another howl, this one seemed to chase the black away revealing the tiny piece of real estate that where he was confined. "GATE KEEPER!!!!!"

Uku began to pound at the rock beneath him but to no avail. The brimstone of Infernum could only be shaped by a very select few and Pencuri were far below that level of power. Uku, realizing his folly, resorted to pacing from side to side of his tiny island of isolation and began a soliloquy of sorts that rang through the emptiness with sharp statements and pointed words.

"You lock me up and leave me here for what? Doing my job? Damn your bureaucratic nonsense! Out of all of the Pencuri, I am the one who took action! I am the one who forced the Celestials to tip their hand and you punish me? Show yourself, O mighty Gate Keeper. Out of all of Infernum's minions, none are more loyal than I. Is it my fault that the rest can't think for themselves?!" Uku stopped in the idle of his rock and gazed around. He might very well incur the wrath of his better but he also spoke plain truth; the yelling may have been a bit over the top but hey…anger is as Uku does. "You chose me in a time before all of these cretins came into being and I have never failed you. Give me my leave to work and I will do my duty."

In a final display, Uku brought his huge fists together in front of his body sending a shockwave of fire outward in a vertical disc that cracked the ground beneath him and sent the blanket of onyx despair retreating away from his fiery form.
"Wasp is it? And when did you think it was ok to walk hun? This is a meeting not a party. If your late you might as well not come at all..."
Amelia felt threatened, afterall she was just called to become whatever she is now. She didnt react onto this though... it would be a bad idea to react to a superior with a bad attitude. She was just a centurion, nothing more. At the same time she felt happy....
"I am not a rich girl to them... I am just some centurion"
She watched the countess move on to Pride, proving her superiority by toying with him.
Amelia observed the countess finishing with Pride and noticed a second Countess... an exact copy the Countess inside the room
Amelia felt the air become thick and she felt a pressure in her emotions.
"Deception...", Amelia thought.
"Now lets get down to business....Analise you go to Unio and see if you can talk them into giving you some more info take your centurione with. Keelie you and your centurione head to beast lake and speak to the Baron. Tell him I sent you, be careful by no means try anything other than what I told you. Wasp since you Pencuri is acting as if they aren't in our presence, you go to records an get a current and I mean current list of places in spain. By now the dispatch team ought to be out by now so we have no time to loose. Scorpion, you get word out to the newly departed souls there is a 50/50 chance one of them worked in that monastery. I on the other hand will pay a visit to the Dux Chaos (Duke of Chaos) We meet back in 30."

Amelia followed her command and quickly left the room, moving towards the Records.
A voice found itself into her head.
"Hey new centurione, Amelia is it? so tell me more about yourself since I'm planning something big, I want to rule not only 1 but 3 at once if you know what I mean, I'm not aiming to be demon lord, I want to be the lord of the demon, earth, and angel world. If you would do please send me the data of each pencuri as well as their centurione"
Amelia understood. "I will..."
Visiting the records will only help following that command of her Pencuri.
She felt that an oppurtunity will rise for her.

Within the records she quickly searched up any point of interest that may be of any use. Starting with the Sagrada Familia, Casa Mila, Gothic Quarter, Park Guell, Casa Batllo, Palau de la Musica Catalana, Montjuic, Muesei Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Palau Guell, Muei, Monserrat, Poble Espanyol, Parc de lan Ciutadella, Camp Novu, Fundacio Joan Miro, Sagrada Familia Metro station, Tibidabo, Santa Maria Del Mar, Placa d'Espanya, the Barcelona Cathedral, Arc de Triomf, Torre Agbar, Casa Vicens, Sagrat Cor, Santa Maria del Pi, Montjuic Cemetery, Poblenou Cemetry up to more secret places such as secret basements within some of the Cathedral, churches created by the so called Templar Knights hundreds of years ago.

Remembering her Pencuri's command she took quick notes of every Centurion and Pencuri:

Uku, the power of an object.
Analise, the Puppeteer.
Keelie, annoying stalker.
Zenith, mirror.
Dave, dangerous neutron.
Azimuth, unknown.
Chrystaline, spider.

She also felt she should add another line:

Amelia, death.

Having done the notes she quickly looked up information regarding her own direct suprerior and was to be disappointed to not find much listed. Looking at the clock she quickly hid the notes that her Pencuri requested in her bra. She would give them to him in the next oppurtunity.
She then grabbed the list of places and data about them and left the records.

She headed back to the room where the clock was still ticking. Holding her phone with all the notes about all of the places that were named in the records.
"Hopefully this will be to the countess satisfication..."
"I really do not want to see her angered AND be the cause of it"​
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As the man was driving he began to have second thoughts if he should bring him to the hospital since he think he already killed him "What if he is really dead!!! " he looks at the man who's blood has been dried on his face "But i checked his pulse an hour ago " his paranoia was running lose. "I don't wanna go to jail "he said to himself. he pulled over and dumped his body on the sidewalk. while making the sign of the cross "I'm so sorry " and got back inside his car and drove away

Four Hours later

Ichabod woke up with a headache "Oh man! " he struggled to get up but successfully got up. "Damn . . . i'm starting to hate my job " he then saw a safehouse and knocked on the door "Hello"
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Pencuri of Attachment, violet
Keelie shot a glare toward the Countess before rising and moving over to Azimuth, her centurione. "We'll play along for now, yeah. But I still may need you to run an errand for me before we get to Beast Lake." She spoke with hushed tones, barely above that of a whisper. "I still feel it's imperative that we have some information on the Angels' and their movements, as well."
Keelie turned to leave the room, planning on getting a few things from her room before heading out when Analise's voice stopped her. "I apologize for antagonizing you - You should really work on that temper of yours, it was too easy to fuel. If you don't mind, I would appreciate your glimmer off of me. I have places to be." Rolling her eyes, the floppy ears disappeared from Analise's head. "My temper is just fine, I tend to enjoy bickering."
Pencuri of Attachment, violet
She slipped out of the conference room, gliding gracefully down the halls towards her own rooms. 'Speak to the Baron. Tell him I sent you. Don't do anything else.' Ugh, who does she think she is? If I'm not supposed to do anything but say "Hey Clara sent me" what good will that do? I really don't like beast lake. It's so ugh. The last of her thoughts caused her to cringe. Beast Lake was the last place she wanted to spend the next half hour, but oh well.

Once inside her room she grabbed her halberd, and drank a glass of wine, putting off the inevitable as long as possible. Finally, she left the rooms, grimacing as she headed through the winding pathways of Infernus moving herself toward Beast Lake.

The vast inky lake spread out before her, and she gazed across it with disgust plainly written across her face. The Baron could be anywhere out here, in the murk that passed for water, or in his personal holdfast on the other side. Keelie turned to Azimuth once more. "So, you go that way, and I'll head this way. We should meet at the Baron's place, but if you run into him before that happens text me, and I'll be right there."

@Muna @Orchid
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Pencuri of Lust, seagreen
Analise looked at the Pride Pencuri as he spoke, eyes internally rolling at his pomposity. "Pride, tag along with me and my Spider if you'd like." She figured they would be able to gather more information with an extra pair of eyes which would be beneficial for everyone involved.

Turning at the voice of her centurione, Analise smiled at the Spider as she admired his punctuality. "Unio, sounds like wanted to explain something to me?" "Yes, thank you for arriving so fast. We have thirty minutes to get as much information about the Angel tome as possible at Unio. I'll need your help to formulate questions - the Unio will not give us what we need if we are not specific enough." Analise started walking toward the door, expecting to be followed.
Heru Chidubem- Angel of Mercury, blue
Heru had just gotten dinner cooking. The kitchen was grand it was something that stood out, something that made you want to be there. Heru stood over the stove stirring the sauce. Layed out on the marble counter was all of his spices, from oregano to paprika. On the other side was his freshly picked tomatoes, bell peppers, unions, and a number of other things. After he stirred the sauce he he turned around and place his hands on the stove unconsciously, the sound of sizzling immediately made Heru jump from the stove holding his hand. Ouch! He quickly ran to the sink and turned on the cold water and put his hand under in hopes of soothing the burn.

He turned off the water after awhile and dried his hand looking around at the sheer beauty of the place. The sun shined through the window giving the room a yellow but subtle tint. This tint gave life to the marble tabletops that sat on the honey pine colored cabinets. In the middle of the kitchen sat an island, hanging from the ceiling were different utensils. The aroma of the food began to engulf the room, Heru closed his eyes and envisioned his bath. With his mind he locked the upstairs bathroom, turning on the water preparing it for himself. He finally opened his eyes and went to feeling in his pockets for his phone. He started for the door to retrieve it, but he was stopped by Gil walking in.

Immediately following was the girl from earlier. Smiling he spoke to her, "Hi I don't think we met....I'm Heru Chidubem and sure you can help if you'd like. Be careful though Gil like to burn food." He stepped over out of the girls way to re attempt to get his phone but again he was interrupted. "Did you guys here that?.....I don't know how long we will be safe here. They have Tommin's identify.....I mean of course they do after that gun scene... but they have mine too! They said I was a heir. Heir to what? They must be wrong!" Hadley bellowed flying through the door almost running into Heru. "Woah...Woah..Woah, What are you talking about?" He asked looking at her quizzically. As soon as he said that, a plate fell and shattered on the floor startling Heru. "What the.....Gil! What are you doing?" He barked after catching himself. " I have to clean it up." He mumbled walking to the closet. Opening the closet he reached in and grabbed a broom to sweep up the mess.

Something wasn't sitting right with Heru and he knew it. He remembered that Hadley was a bit upset so he continued to question her, "Heir to what? Who has Tommin's identity?" When he was about to continue on he heard a knock at the door. This of course puzzled Heru because he thought they were alone. He quickly peered over to Tommin, who had just walked in after Hadley, sharply saying, "I thought you said this was a safe house. Yeah not so safe when Joe Blow is knocking at the door. Don't try anything crazy we don't know who it is." Feels like a similar aura....but that could be an enemy masking himself. Heru slowly swept up the last piece of glass and walked it over to the trash. Again the individual knocked. Tommin seemed to have occupied himself on the phone, over hearing his conversation. A report huh? Heru signaled for Gil to walk with him to the door. Alleviate all possible outcomes...tie all loose ends think it through and level the playing field with us having the advantage. Reiterating the words of his Father in his mind, he started toward the door reading the individual before making contact.

@Amanda Sea
@Brother Gabriel
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