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All The King's Men Reboot

I feel like I should point out that they are the Exalted Wardens... not the Exiled ones. >>
I feel like I should point out that they are the Exalted Wardens... not the Exiled ones. >>
F**king mistakeeees! I am going to fix that stupid mistake right now!

AND FIXED!!! Man that was such a stupid mistake. *bashes head in the nearest wall*
Just add a specialization and edit the history because there's no Aslaug and the Warden have recently been formed. Once that's fixed you're done with this sheet Calamity. Sorry about taking so long I feel bad.
Naturally I do a triple post. Damn it.​
Gomen nasai for the late response, weathers been a bit of a bitch.

Okay, so Aalaug quit? That's a shame. As for the other thing, I thought they formed five years ago? >.o

I'm having trouble using Tabs. I get the set up is

[ Tabs] [Tabs=whatever] and you close with [/tabs]

But I'm having trouble making multiple tabs on one thing, like a CS. How do I set it up?
The code is, or used to be:
[tab=Title 1] Content 1 [/tab]
[tab=Title 2] Content 2 [/tab]

  • Content 1
  • Content 2

However, it has been updated recently to the more customizable:
{slide=Title 1} Content 1 {/slide}
{slide=Title 2} Content 2 {/slide}

{slide=Title 1} Content 1 {/slide}
{slide=Title 2} Content 2 {/slide}

There's also the [accordion] and [slider] BBcodes if you want to be fancy, but I must advice caution on using them for CSes; They might be too fancy and end up more distracting than appealing.
If you ever have trouble with knowing how to construct certain BBcode, you can always consult the Help: BB codes page.

On another note, I wanted to finish creating a new character before posting in the OOC, but I seem to be at a loss of ideas. Or out of creativity. Maybe the complete loss of Vidar's CS must've dealt more damage to me than I originally assumed. Or maybe it's because all you jerks are too well-balanced with your characters and roles that I can't find a spot that needs filling. But, I had fun in All the King's Men (despite how little I actually participated in it) and most of the players in it were great.

So, uh, keep up the good work... I guess? I'll be trying valiantly (and perhaps futilely) to make a character fit for this roleplay once again, but in the meantime I'll be watching over and reading this as it goes on.

I'm also worried about how I'll jump into an ongoing roleplay as I haven't had many good experiences in doing so, but pfft: I need a character before I can worry about introducing 'em.
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Gomen nasai for the late response, weathers been a bit of a bitch.

Okay, so Aalaug quit? That's a shame. As for the other thing, I thought they formed five years ago? >.o
I changed it so they formed recently. I'll double check the OP since originally it was gonna still be five, but I wanted to have a fresh start with all the characters and might have missed a bit where it says that it's five years. I've changed a few things around to change mages and give people some more even footing.
Also yeah it is. I loved Aslaug so much.

On another note, I wanted to finish creating a new character before posting in the OOC, but I seem to be at a loss of ideas. Or out of creativity. Maybe the complete loss of Vidar's CS must've dealt more damage to me than I originally assumed. Or maybe it's because all you jerks are too well-balanced with your characters and roles that I can't find a spot that needs filling. But, I had fun in All the King's Men (despite how little I actually participated in it) and most of the players in it were great.

So, uh, keep up the good work... I guess? I'll be trying valiantly (and perhaps futilely) to make a character fit for this roleplay once again, but in the meantime I'll be watching over and reading this as it goes on.

I'm also worried about how I'll jump into an ongoing roleplay as I haven't had many good experiences in doing so, but pfft: I need a character before I can worry about introducing 'em.
Don't worry, I'm in the same boat about already started RPs. Thankfully for you all we've done is sit around the camp and talk because everyone is busy in RL so we can start the plot later.
We also could use more mages. Currently we only have one healing mage and we could use some more points of view. For example we could use an Arcane mage. They could have escaped from the tower in Vanthorn. That would be cool.
Alright I'm home. Will be working on a response for Ansley here in a bit once I make a much shorter response for another RP.

Username: Shadow's Intent

Name: Valience

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Race: Marked

Class:Warrior/ ex-Templar

Weapons: Two Bastard Swords

Alliance: Neutral

Appearance: Taller than most men, Valience is described as "exotic" by most. Either for his sorrel glacial eyes that remind one of an animal in the midst of a hunt; light tanned skin that has lighter 'stripes' across it or his hair short wine red colored hair. He's got the broad, muscled frame of his human father, and the several features of his wildling mother. Though his true form is hard to be seen, as he nearly almost always wears a seemingly cumbersome but remarkable suit of armor. This armor is as effective in combat, as it is ornate. It gives Valience a rather intimidating appearance, if not for the two bastard swords he can use with equal measure.

Personality: Valience is a complex man, with complex values. He has a strong sense of justice, one that lead to him slaying his former king; both a despot and tyrant. He can stand humans, elves and other Wildlings alike. However, he has little patience for racism and discrimination, and will aptly stand up for the offended party. Valience will also never leave a comrade behind. He's quiet mostly, choosing to speak only when he feels he must or when he feels strongly enough to do so. His quiet nature, as well as his foreboding size and formidable fighting capacity added to the fact he was able to tame a Wyvern enough to make it his mount, certainly make this one Marked one would be hard pressed to make angry.


Valience doesn't remember his birth parents, as he was bought and sold, as a slave. Slavery was what he knew best, he worked menial, but laborious tasks. This lasted from the time he was three, to the time he was twenty. He bears many scars, some from from fighting--but others from the all too cruel hands of his keeper--the Lord of Galcia. Branded like common cattle, he was whipped often when he was young. At times he wasn't even to blame, he just became the whipping boy left with severe lacerations spanning his entire backside. But this wasn't enough. The lord threw him to the wolves so to speak, by pitting him in the local arena for blood sport.

What they found however, was something...unexpected.

Most have to be trained on how to kill someone, to break that innate consciousness that prevents them from delivering the death blow and staining their hands. Valience fought so viciously that it left the crowd speechless. No one expected a common slave to act the way he had. The way he fought, they would be reminded of an animal being slaughtered and quartered. He bit their throats out, he crushed their heads with his bare hands and he split them right down the middle. It was as though he were born to kill men. With animals it was different, he moved differently and almost seemed to dominate them as he kept his eyes locked on theirs. It seemed, while his Wildling nature couldn't allow him to shape-shift, it did hold in him the ferocity of the animal his Wildling mother was a tribe of. The nature of the beast is still unknown.

It didn't take the lord long to realize there was money to be made with Valience as his personal gladiator. But there were a few complications. Firstly, Valience knew nothing of swordsmanship, secondly a man just over seven feet--or nineteen hands if one were to convert it to measuring how tall a horse might be. But, no horse is that big. A knight in the service of the lord Sir Langley, offered his services. He was one of the lord's best swordsmen having championed several tourneys from neighboring lands.When they started, no ordinary sword felt right. They were just too small for his massive hands. That was, until they tried the Zweihänder. A weapon with a blade over five and a half feet long and weighing seven pounds. Most men would tire quickly from swinging such weight around. But for a certain slave that was used to holding wild horses to a stand still, it was a refreshing change.

Valience took to the lessons quite naturally, though there was much to learn his mentor was patient as Valience was eager. His mentor also secretly taught him how to read, as slaves and serfs weren't allowed. Their ignorance made it easy for them to carry parcels and documents without fear of them being spies. When the time came, Sir Langley issued Valience an ultimatum--make him bend a knee, or Valience would die. Rather this was a the truth, no one could be certain though Sir Langley was an honest man by virtue. Nevertheless, they engaged in a heated duel; speed and precision versus outright power and a seemingly limitless amount of stamina and endurance. The fight came to a stalemate when they locked swords and even though Valience had the power, Sir Langley had leverage. The match ended when Valience grabbed a second Zweihänder in his free hand and hammered down hard against the first forcing his teacher to not just one knee but both. He was now ready.

Now skip four years, he is now twenty. Though birthdays are an alien thing to him, it doesn't stop this man of the utmost focus from becoming the champion gladiator from The Barren, to Morecrest and Kalico. The name that passed everyone's lips: The Drachen. He'd had many prestigious battles but it would all come crashing down when a slave killed his king to save a mentor and father figure. After he left the city of Galcia he ventured for a time, becoming a sell-sword as his height and physique made him stick out quite readily. For four more years, he would see not stop fighting. Bouncing from one fighting group to the next and never staying in one area too long. He's fought for those against mages and those for them.

In either case, he left his mark as one of the fiercest combatants either had ever seen. He found service for King Akard some five years ago, until recently he was placed as one of the starting members of the Wardens. The sight of a massive metal being carrying two Zweihänder, marching onto the field of battle is something of a shock and awe effect. It was during these five years in service, that Valience found a wyvern egg and while initially he was going to eat it--the egg hatched and imprinted on him. Within years, it grew bigger than most hutches and ate entire cows. This massive creature is highly protective of Valience and when he fights--it does as well.

Though he does not openly claim to be, he is indeed, a Templar.

Secondary Skills: Blacksmithing/ Metal Working/Tanning


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Alright I'm home. Will be working on a response for Ansley here in a bit once I make a much shorter response for another RP.
After you post, i'll throw something up for Sage.

Geez, all ya'll leave his rabbits alone! D:<

*brandishes frying pan*

jk <3

Username: Shadow's Intent

Name: Valience

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Race: Marked

Class:Warrior/ ex-Templar

Weapons: Two Bastard Swords

Alliance: Neutral

Appearance: Taller than most men, Valience is described as "exotic" by most. Either for his sorrel glacial eyes that remind one of an animal in the midst of a hunt; light tanned skin that has lighter 'stripes' across it or his hair short wine red colored hair. He's got the broad, muscled frame of his human father, and the several features of his wildling mother. Though his true form is hard to be seen, as he nearly almost always wears a seemingly cumbersome but remarkable suit of armor. This armor is as effective in combat, as it is ornate. It gives Valience a rather intimidating appearance, if not for the two bastard swords he can use with equal measure.

Personality: Valience is a complex man, with complex values. He has a strong sense of justice, one that lead to him slaying his former king; both a despot and tyrant. He can stand humans, elves and other Wildlings alike. However, he has little patience for racism and discrimination, and will aptly stand up for the offended party. Valience will also never leave a comrade behind. He's quiet mostly, choosing to speak only when he feels he must or when he feels strongly enough to do so. His quiet nature, as well as his foreboding size and formidable fighting capacity added to the fact he was able to tame a Wyvern enough to make it his mount, certainly make this one Marked one would be hard pressed to make angry.


Valience doesn't remember his birth parents, as he was bought and sold, as a slave. Slavery was what he knew best, he worked menial, but laborious tasks. This lasted from the time he was three, to the time he was twenty. He bears many scars, some from from fighting--but others from the all too cruel hands of his keeper--the Lord of Galcia. Brandded like common cattle, he was whipped often when he was young. At times he wasn't even to blame, he just became the whipping boy left with sever lacerations spanning his entire backside. But this wasn't enough. The lord threw him to the wolves so to speak, by pitting him in the local arena for blood sport.

What they found however, was something...unexpected.

Most have to be trained on how to kill someone, to break that innate consciousness that prevents them from delivering the death blow and staining their hands. Valience fought so viciously that it left the crowd speechless. No one expected a common slave to act the way he had. The way he fought, they would be reminded of an animal being slaughtered and quartered. He bit their throats out, he crushed their heads with his bare hands and he split them right down the middle. It was as though he were born to kill men. With animals it was different, he moved differently and almost seemed to dominate them as he kept his eyes locked on theirs. It seemed, while his Wildling nature couldn't allow him to shape-shift, it did hold in him the ferocity of the animal his Wildling mother was a tribe of. The nature of the beast is still unknown.

It didn't take the lord long to realize there was money to be made with Valience as his personal gladiator. But there were a few complications. Firstly, Valience knew nothing of swordsmanship, secondly a man just over seven feet--or nineteen hands if one were to convert it to measuring how tall a horse might be. But, no horse is that big. A knight in the service of the lord Sir Langley, offered his services. He was one of the lord's best swordsmen having championed several tourneys from neighboring lands.When they started, no ordinary sword felt right. They were just too small for his massive hands. That was, until they tried the Zweihänder. A weapon with a blade over five and a half feet long and weighing seven pounds. Most men would tire quickly from swinging such weight around. But for a certain slave that was used to holding wild horses to a stand still, it was a refreshing change.

Valience took to the lessons quite naturally, though there was much to learn his mentor was patient as Valience was eager. His mentor also secretly taught him how to read, as slaves and serfs weren't allowed. Their ignorance made it easy for them to carry parcels and documents without fear of them being spies. When the time came, Sir Langley issued Valience an ultimatum--make him bend a knee, or Valience would die. Rather this was a the truth, no one could be certain though Sir Langley was an honest man by virtue. Nevertheless, they engaged in a heated duel; speed and precision versus outright power and a seemingly limitless amount of stamina and endurance. The fight came to a stalemate when they locked swords and even though Valience had the power, Sir Langley had leverage. The match ended when Valience grabbed a second Zweihänder in his free hand and hammered down hard against the first forcing his teacher to not just one knee but both. He was now ready.

Now skip four years, he is now twenty. Though birthdays are an alien thing to him, it doesn't stop this man of the utmost focus from becoming the champion gladiator from The Barren, to Morecrest and Kalico. The name that passed everyone's lips: The Drachen. He'd had many prestigious battles but it would all come crashing down when a slave killed his king to save a mentor and father figure. After he left the city of Galcia he ventured for a time, becoming a sell-sword as his height and physique made him stick out quite readily. For four more years, he would see not stop fighting. Bouncing from one fighting group to the next and never staying in one area too long. He's fought for those against mages and those for them.

In either case, he left his mark as one of the fiercest combatants either had ever seen. He found service for King Akard fourteen years ago, until recently he was placed as one of the starting members of the Wardens. The sight of a massive metal being carrying two Zweihänder, marching onto the field of battle is something of a shock and awe effect. It was during these fourteen years in service, that Valience found a wyvern egg and while initially he was going to eat it--the egg hatched and imprinted on him. In several years, it grew bigger than most hutches and ate entire cows. This massive creature is highly protective of Valience and when he fights--it does as well.

Though he does not openly claim to be, he is indeed ,a Templar.

Secondary Skills: Blacksmithing/ Metal Working/Tanning


A few things:
  1. King Akard took the throne five years ago and formed the wardens recently.
  2. There's no way his father would have formed the Wardens. There's no need for Morcrest to, they're protected by economical power and leverage.
A few things:
  1. King Akard took the throne five years ago and formed the wardens recently.
  2. There's no way his father would have formed the Wardens. There's no need for Morcrest to, they're protected by economical power and leverage.
Where does it say Valiences father formed the Wardens? I said King Akard placed him in the Wardens as a starting member. But I did however shorten the time frame.
I'm also worried about how I'll jump into an ongoing roleplay as I haven't had many good experiences in doing so, but pfft: I need a character before I can worry about introducing 'em.
I believe in you.

On an unrelated note, is it common knowledge that Valiance is marked? Or how does he treat that? Same with Serie?

I ask because that's sort of an integral part of Lauchlan's personality... He goes to some stupid lengths to hide that he's marked and it affects a lot about him. If there are three marked humans in the Wardens, and two of them are upfront about it, I guess it doesn't make a lot of sense for him to be as guarded... So I'd have to rethink some things. Or something.
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Trough Sërié doesn't particularity care if someone knows that she is a Marked or not her usual clothing hid her mark, and thous, her being a Marked. But if the right topic comes up it is not impossible that Sërié herself admits being a Marked.
Alright posted.

Replied to Sage (@Fairy), Lauchlan (@PetticoatLane), and Yrïé (@gamer5). I'm trying to make larger posts than what I'm used to but I find myself filling them with fluff and just whittling them back down to what I am comfortable posting with, you're all at a much higher writing tier than me and I'm just trying to make acceptable posts for you all XD
Whoa wait-- did I miss anything? Alerts are being rude again.
Three new characters. Mite is having a bit of trouble coming up with a character. Everybody wants Sage's rabbits, etc. etc.

Alerts are not very good at doing the alert thing, huh? :3

I'll get started on a Sage post within the hour.
That... That just sounds wrong. >_>

And yes, he would appreciate dinner - but seeing as how no one else is volunteering to gut and skin them...