Alison and Emily

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Emily pushed through the crowd of students until she reached the bathroom. She slipped through the door and headed straight for the mirror. She set her stuff down on the sink, leaning her hands against the sink Pull yourself together Emily, she's just a person. You can talk to her... she won't bite. She shifted slightly as the door swung open, Alison's beautiful blonde hair illuminated by the sun from the windows. She turned towards her with wide nervous eyes.
Ali was able to follow Emily into the bathroom. She was now frantic to just see her, to just talk to her. We guy twisting around out of fear. She saw Emily's eyes full of nervousness and unsureness. Ali wasn't sure what to say, even though all she wanted was to talk. Ali glances around a moment before walking over to her slowly and stopping a few feet away. "Em... What's going on?" Ali asked bluntly. Her eyes scanning the brunette.
Emily clenched her fists at her side her body tensing as Alison moved closer. What was going on? What was she supposed to say? Everything was wrong. She didn't know if Alison loved her or not. She didn't know what Alison's motive were behind the sex. Last night she hadn't asked for anything in return... But it wasn't just because She wanted to love Alison... Its because she was afraid Alison would just.. Sense... That she had slept with Spencer. She didn't want to know if Spencer remembered the night and frankly she didn't want to think about what that meant if she remembered. "I just... Need time" she mumbled, feeling her hands begin to tremble. She was on the verge of telling Alison and she couldn't let that happen.
Ali could see there was something goin on. She knew Emily was hiding something, Ali knew her better than that. She took an ever so small step towards Emily again. "Em, what is going on?. . . I know somethings up. Last night was amazing... But I know there was something wrong, and there still is." Ali stated. She wanted to know the truth, she wanted to know everything. Ali knew she couldn't handle any secrets kept from her, and wanted to know why Emily was acting the way she was.
Emily clenched her fist in annoyance. Alison was pushing for an answer "Why? So you can hang out over my head next time you aren't feeling pleased with me?" she snapped, her body tensing. She was protecting herself from the shame that pulled at her gut. She shifted slightly, her eyes glimmering with an unsaid apology but she refused to speak. To seem weak, no matter how much her heart was breaking.
Ali didn't know why Emily was being so defensive, there was definitely something she was hiding. "No, so I can talk to you. So you can look at me without looking like I'm about to hit you." Ali said. She didn't mean to be harsh, she just needed to know why Emily was acting this way. Why she was shaking. What was going on? Ali had so many questions as her eyes looked into Emily's big brown ones.
Emily's fists unclenched and she let out a heavy sigh "You don't need to know all of my secrets Alison." she stated, though her voice was softer it was still firm. She looked away from Alison, her hands still shaking slightly. She didn't want to tell Alison about Spencer, about the way it made her feel. About the fact that she had gotten drunk enough to lose her mind in sex. She was ashamed... no matter how great it had felt at the time.
Ali took another step to Emily, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Emily, it's not about wanting to know your secrets. It's about wanting to help you.... To help us..." Ali said trying to stay calm. She had never seen Emily like this, and didn't know what she should do about it. She just wanted her to be okay.
Emily scoffed. As much as she hated being angry at Alison, she was to deep into her anger to stop "Fix us!? The only way you're going to do that is if you stop being a coward!" she snapped. Suddenly, realization struck her and her eyes softened "I'm sorry... I didn't mean..." she struggled for the words. "I'm sorry. I... Had a ... Rough night... Before I came over" she murmured, still holding back the one thing she could put into words.
Ali took a step back as Emily snapped at her. She's definitely never seen Emily like this. Something had to be really wrong. She looked down to the ground in thought as Emily spoke. She knew she had hurt Emily, she knew everything was her fault. Ali looked back up finally, "What happened?" Ali asked as her voice was still calm, but hurt ran through her body. "Talk to me Emily..." Ali mumbled.
Emily turned back to the mirror. Shame and defiance stood side by side in her eyes. She looked back at Alison "What is there to discuss? What happened last night is my business not yours" she stated firmly. As much as she loved Alison, she wasn't able to say in words that she had slept with Spencer. She wasn't able to spill that dark secret. If she did, it gave Ali something to hold over her head... As well as oblivious Spencer's. And she would. Emily knew she would.
Ali couldn't keep talking to Emily like this. Emily was too angry at her. "Fine Emily. When your treaty talk, you can find me." Ali said. She wasn't meaning to be as harsh as she was. But she was annoyed, whatever was bugging Emily she wouldn't even share with Ali. How was Ali supposed to help her? Ali turned making her way out.
Emily muttered something similar to a fine. She waited until Alison was down the hall before slinking out of the restroom. She made a beeline for the entrance and slipped out the front door of the school. As soon as she was out of sight She broke into a jog. There was no way she was staying at school. She would call her mom. Tell her she was sick. Make up some fake excuse for why she had left. The tears streaming down her face weren't enough. As soon as she made it home she rushed to her bedroom. Suddenly her bed wasn't so inviting. The pictures around the room of her and Alison or of them and the girls weren't so heartwarming. Everything felt broken and wrong. Emily wasn't even sure who she was anymore. She fell back into her bed, her eyes staring at nothing. This wasn't how love was supposed to feel... Was it?
Ali had hoped Emily would maybe stop her, maybe go after her, but alas when she turned around no one was there. She continued back to English, and waited for Emily. But she never showed up. Ali felt the twisting in her stomach, hoping she was okay. But she knew she wasn't. How was she suppose to fix this? To stop being such a coward? Someone was stalking her, watching every move, finding out about all her secrets. Ali couldn't handle it. She slipped her phone out texting Emily, 'Where are you?.... You okay?....' Ali sent it but she already knew the answers. She just wanted Emily to talk.
Emily wrapped her pillow tightly in her arms. Tears fell soaking into the pillow. She heard the buzz of her phone and pulled it to her, already knowing who it was. She flipped it open, reading the text several times in order to actually process it before responding. I'm at home. No... I'm not... I... No. She responded tossing her phone back to the bed.
Ali knew Emily wasn't okay. She wanted to just leave school, to go after her, but she didn't know if that's what Emily wanted. She seemed so angry, and sad at the same time. Ali texted back, 'I'm sorry Emily. I can come over... If you need...' Ali texted as she sighed holding back her tears. Her phone buzzed, and her heart dropped seeing the blocked I.D. on the message. "Looks like the girls are starting to crumble under your reign. It won't be much longer until you fall with them." Ali tucked her phone away quickly and glanced around.
Emily pulled the phone closer again and opened the text. Her heart fluttered and sank at the same time. She contemplated Before giving in Please... Love you. She dropped the phone and turned around, curling herself into a ball.
Ali froze as her phone buzzed again. She took a deep breath and pulled it out. Ali felt her heart soar as she saw the name on the screen. Ali texted Emily back quickly, 'Be there in five.' Ali made a stupid excuse to the teacher and just left the room. She hurried her way out the door, slipping her shoes off so she could run. She made her way to Emily's quickly, going up the stairs and to Emily's room. She saw her curled up on the bed. Ali walked over as she climbed on the bed, pulling Emily close to her. Her breath was still slightly heavy from the running, but she didn't care. She just kept her hold on Emily. Snuggling close.
Emily felt Alison's arms around her and immediately she broke into tears. She sobbed apologies, hidden in her tears. She pushed her body closer to Alisons, shaking with exhaustion. She needed nothing more than to be close to Alison. To be loved.
Ali kept a tight hold of Emily, wanting to take away whatever was troubling her. Ali moved her lips to Emily's forehead kissing her softly as she held her tight. She loved being able to hold Emily close to her, she loved protecting her. Although she knew it was herself that Emily needed protection from. But Ali couldn't let go of her, not now. Her hand moved to Emily's lower back as she drew random shapes against her skin. Letting her cry, not minding the tears that fell onto her. She just wanted Emily to be okay.
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