Alison and Emily

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Emily smiled, she was sure Paige wouldn't beat her too but that didn't mean she was going to try harder than normal if state was the ultimate victory. She shifted slightly as she felt Ben's eyes trace over her, then suddenly, his lips were on hers. She was shell-shocked for a moment before she returned the kiss briefly. There was no fire, no spark, no nothing. A kiss is a kiss. Alison's words echoed through her head. A kiss was just a kiss. Ben was proof of that... and if she could fake being into it than so could Ali... she let her arm wrap around Ben's neck, her hand pressed firmly against his hairline. it felt wrong. Forced. If Alison didn't love her, how could she do this?
Ben felt sparks igniting throughout his body. He pulled away after a moment with a smile. He stood up, glancing around, and took her hand leading her to one of the cleaning closets. He smiled as they went in and he shut the door behind him pulling Emily into another kiss. A tug in his stomach, a need overcoming him.
Emily followed reluctantly, letting him push her back towards the cleaning closer. As his lips met hers again she returned the kiss fervently, but no sparks radiated through her body and despite needing the affection and attention she wasn't about to let him do anything to her... Not yet at least. She let her hands trail his back but her mind flickered to Alison her heart breaking slightly.
Ben loved the reactions he was getting from Emily. He slipped off his shirt and pulled her close again as they kissed. He deepened his kiss, his need growing. He moved his lips down Emily's neck giving a deep moan.
Emily cringed slightly though Ben didn't realize. Mentally, he pleaded for Alison's... Or even Spencer... To show up. She knew he was stronger than she was. When his shirt was pulled off she felt his skin under her hands. When he kissed her neck She let out a soft forced moan but pushed her hands into his chest. She wasn't sure he understood the movement.
Ben smiled against Emily's lips as he heard the moan escape her lips. He felt Emily's hands push his chest lightly, and knew what he wanted. But he was wondering if she was having second thoughts yet again. Instead he just backed up into the door pulling Emily with him. He turned them around pushing Emily against the wall as he continues to deepen the kiss.
Emily groaned in pain as he pushed her against the wall. Her sore shoulder aching. She knew he wasn't going To let her move. Alison... Please... She pleaded mentally. She slammed her eyes. She hadn't meant for an innocent conversation to turn into this. She hadn't meant for the kiss to turn into more. Had she? She just wanted attention. Wanted to remember that someone wanted her. Wanted conversation. But this... This was to much and there was nothing she could do to stop him by herself
Ben moved his hands down to the hem of Emily's shirt. His lips contained down Emily's neck. His hands slipping under Emily's shirt finally until he heard someone twisting the door knob. He pulled away from Emily grabbing his shirt and slipping it on just in time for a blonde to open it.

Ali hadn't seen Emily in English, and when she asked the teacher he said that she was in the library. As she had searched the library she hadn't seen Emily, and was more worried than ever. She had a feeling to check some of the closets, and inside one she saw a frazzled Ben and Emily. But she could see through Emily, she knew she had to be hurt. This wast what she wanted, right? It couldn't have been. Emily loved Ali, she had to. Ali pulled Emily into a hug, "You okay?" She asked worriedly. What had happened?
Emily fell back as the door swung open, relieved when she saw the blonde locks belonging to the one and only Alison. Emily turned to Ben momentarily but said nothing. "Ben... I'll talk to you in swimming okay?" she offered, keeping her voice stable. As soon as she had moved away she nodded. "I... Didn't instead for that to happen." she murmured. Her head pounding.
Ali watched as Ben ha a mischievous grin and nodded to Emily. Emily had to have given hi some signs.... Why would she do this? "I'm sorry Em...." Ali felt her heart breaking. Ali pulled away from Emily looking down. "I'm glad your okay... I just wanted to make sure you were okay..." Ali said with a smile. "I should go... Class ends soon." Ali murmured turning away.
Emily pursed her lips momentarily. She glanced sideways before grabbing Alison and pressing her lips roughly to Alison's. She smiled as the sparks filled her body.
Ali felt Emily's hand pull her and confusion ran over her. As their lips met she pulled Emily closer. Her body filling with that indescribable feeling she got every time she kissed Emily. But why had Emily been with Ben? Had Ben forced her again? Then why would she talk to him later? Ali just kept her lips on Emily's, kissing her back softly.
Emily smiled against Alison's lips before pulling back with a slightly stressed out expression "I think we need to talk" she murmured, running a hand through her hair.
Ali loved the smile that came from Emily's lips. As Emily pulled away and spoke she nodded. "Yeah ofcourse." Ali said. Her hand slipping into Emily's. "I could get us excised from the next period... Then we can talk?" Ali asked.
Emily pursed her lips and nodded. They had so much to talk about and every time she looked at Alison she could see the wheels turning in her head, as if she was trying to decode something within her mind. She was sure Alison would load on the questions the moment they were alone.
Ali found an empty classroom, per the usual, and pulled Emily into another hug the second they got inside the classroom. "What's going on? What happened?" Ali asked after a moment pulling away to look into Emily's eyes. "Why were you two.... What were..." Ali had so many questions that racked in her brain.
Emily smiled half heartedly at Alison's stammering "Breath Ali." she chuckled but immediately her face got serious. "Well... I tried just talking to him... And then he kissed me and I kissed him back... It was innocent. Just a kiss. But then he pulled me to the closet and... I... I don't know" she whispered her voice becoming hushed as she focused on the floor.
Ali smiled at Emily's teasing but the smile faded as Emily continue to talk. She...she really kissed him back? "Oh.... I'm glad your okay...." Ali said looking down in thought. She had so many more questions but only one actually lingered. "Why?" Ali asked looking up at her.
Emily pursed her lips at Alisons question. Finally she let out a heavy sigh. "I don't really know... I needed.... Affection..." she murmured, running a hand through her hair.
Ali knew what she meant, she had been feeling the same way. But she knew it wasn't just random affection from anyone, she wante it from Emily. She hadn't seen or spoke to Emily for almost two days, except a few glances in class. Ali had been desperate at this point. "Emily... You shouldn't go back to him.... I mean, unless you want him...." Ali murmured although she knew the truth.
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