Original poster
Ali was just outside on the field but kept glancing in to the indoor swimming pool. She couldn't see into the windows super well, due to the sun and glare. But she couldn't help but glance over once in a while, thinking about the brunette who was swimming. As she continued to play she played her hardest, hoping Emily was watching but knew she most likely wasn't. But she loved to show off to Spencer anyways.
Ben smiled and shrugged, "Yeah. I made the team last year so I'm hoping to do the same this year. But it's nice to meet you anyways Emily." Ben said he saw the coaches coming to soon split the boys and girls and then start the tryouts. "Well will I see you at the lake party later?" He asked quickly, but still calmly.
Ali was just outside on the field but kept glancing in to the indoor swimming pool. She couldn't see into the windows super well, due to the sun and glare. But she couldn't help but glance over once in a while, thinking about the brunette who was swimming. As she continued to play she played her hardest, hoping Emily was watching but knew she most likely wasn't. But she loved to show off to Spencer anyways.
Ben smiled and shrugged, "Yeah. I made the team last year so I'm hoping to do the same this year. But it's nice to meet you anyways Emily." Ben said he saw the coaches coming to soon split the boys and girls and then start the tryouts. "Well will I see you at the lake party later?" He asked quickly, but still calmly.