• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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carpe noctem
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Saturdays and Sundays.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Romance. Modern. Dystopian. Horror.

This roleplay will contain themes of suicide, depression, self-harm, addiction, and other things related. If you are sensitive to these topics, I suggest proceeding with this roleplay cautiously.


The corporation that Gets You Back To Loving More.

As the effects of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine depletion continue to ripple through our nation, mental illness and psychiatric disaster continues to expand. In the face of this very real threat, world leaders from every country are quickly uniting behind one solution: the Instant Mood Fixer.

More reliable than the medication you've been prescribed, more stable than your central nervous system, and far safer than illegitimate, unregulated alternatives such as cocaine or methamphetamine… IMF truly is a new advancement for a new era. IMF will free up our sorrows, giving individuals, friends, and families the vital chance they need to love, smile, and grow. IMF will allow us to rebuild the mental health world, restore order to the nation, and begin looking forward, investing once more in our collective destiny.

Welcome to the future of mood regulation.


AiCo is the leading global provider of mental health medications, philanthropy, sustainability, and advancement. It's all part of our unflagging commitment to creating more love, solving mental health problems, ensuring positivity, and building a new tomorrow, today. From psychology and drug manufacturing to communications and counseling to technology and security and beyond, no one does more to advance our society, and no one cares more about the people living in it. Decades of psychology and medical evolution, research, and collaboration have served to keep AiCo the number one mental health care company in the nation.

We are devoted to seamlessly integrating into every aspects of our employee's and customer's lives. We believe in creating opportunities and bringing progress to communities struggling to overcome mental issues around the nation. We operate thousands of businesses and employ thousands of people around the country. And through it all we remain guided by our core principles of service, innovation, and a pioneering spirit.

Never has the relationship between AiCo and you been so important as it is in the wake of the Instant Mood Fixer™'s grand release. As the nation begins to flourish, smile, feel whole, and regrow, AiCo stands proudly right where it has always been — right there with you, leading the way. That's why we like to say AiCo is striving to make you "Get Back To Loving More™."

In the coming months, AiCo will continue to be there for you in so many ways. With our brand new employee building, built with the latest technology to ensure the security of your positivity, we hope you will join our workforce to make you and the whole world a brighter, happier, more loving place. We look forward to officially welcoming you to the AiCo family!


It seems like the world needs more mental help access with every year that passes by. Suicide rates climb dangerously, depression and unhappiness becomes the number one fear in the nation, and heartbreak seems to be more common than being in a relationship. You are no exception. You have tried everything, and you mean everything, to relieve yourself of your pain and suffering yet nothing seemed to be working. Until a few years ago when something ingenious came into fruition.

A well-known Japanese corporation by the name of AiCo released into the market a product called the Instant Mood Fixer. This consumable and sweet-tasting antidepressant took over the psychiatric world and you were lucky enough to get your hands on it. For a few years you bought into that glistening drink and it was a huge success, not just for you, but for everybody. While you drank every drop of that bright pink bottle it felt as if you were at an all-time high. Those who were in the mental health care field dared to call it, "The Last Medicine." It was effective. It was divine. It was nectar in retail. But you're in need something stronger now, don't you?

It isn't unheard of to have antidepressants become tolerated, to grow addicted to the feeling of happiness. Soon enough it seems like many are accustomed to the disastrous symptoms of this sweet tasting happy juice. If you don't have the Instant Mood Fixer in your system it seems like you're going back to how you were, or even worse.

Fear not, AiCo has heard your prayers and pleas. They come to bring a gift.

Released into the market is a new drink, a new antidepressant that will solve all of your problems. Now even stronger, more effective, and more longer-lasting than the old one, AiCo proudly announces True Moods: The IMF 2.0. And you just so happen to be invited to the launch party at the AiCo building thanks to your clinical physician.
Interested, you dig a little more into the launch party and find that anyone who attends will automatically become a full-time employee at the corporation. Whether it was the pretty graphics or the fact that you're in desperate need of help, you RSVP your attendance.

And thus begins your stay at the corporation that Gets You Back To Loving More™.



01/27/XXXX Advancement has never been happier. Join AiCo in celebration as they launch their new product! More details will be released via email.

12/31/XXXX: AiCo will be holding a New Years Event at The Gig!

12/23/XXXX: Celebrate the Christmas spirit with AiCo! A Christmas Party + Secret Santa will be held at The Courtyard from 12pm-3pm!

MAL, CEO of AiCo. (Played by Co-GM @| Muse |)

DAKAI MATSUSHIMA, COO and Founder of AiCo. (Played by yours truly.)


What is AiCoin?
AiCoin powered by AiCo is a type of currency used between employees and the founders of the corporation. Used like Apple/Samsung/Android Pay, those inside the facility use the AiCo app to:
1. Check their balance.
2. Make purchases.
3. Transfer AiCoins. (Privileges given only to the CEO, COO, and AI)

How does AiCoin work?
For everyone's convenience, AiCoin is available through the AiCo phone app. Between merchant and customer, people can make easy and quick payments to think

What are the prices of places/products around AiCo Headquarters?
- 1,000AC will be given at the start of employment.

- 10AC will be given every day if the employee makes it without penalty.

- 10AC will be given if you take a picture of any AiCo bottle through the AiCo phone app.

- Prices will be listed in the LOCATIONS section of the info dump. Honestly, don't even worry about the prices unless you are on the cheap spectrum. AiCo Treasury will take care of your balances and guarantee a worry-free spending experience.

How can AiCoins be taken away?
AiCoin is a currency set in place to make sure that your experience at the company is immersive, involved, and developing good, positive, respectful habits towards employees and the founders. Points can be lost if you:
1. Are late to a business meeting.
2. Are not present at a business meeting.
3. Commit a crime.
4. Go against the grain of AiCo culture.
5. Have a complaint filed against you.


What is a complaint?
A complaint in the AiCo community is something no one wants to get. Once someone gets a complaint there is a huge penalty that follows. There is a serious reduction of AiCoins from your AiCo account, a reduced dose of True Moods/Instant Mood Fixer in your next appointment, and you get more hours during the evenings at work. Needless to say, a complaint isn't something to mess around with.

Want to file a complaint? Click here. (LINK TBA.)


- Iwaku rules obviously apply.

- If you have any questions, you can obviously ask me or my Co-GM privately in the PMs, in the OOC thread, or Skype/KakaoTalk, if you have us on there.

- Make sure that all your posts are mobile friendly or at least have a plain, code-free mobile version.

- I do not want to see any one-liners in this RP. I don't want a novel series either. I completely understand that everyone is busy, but do take the time to post one decently long paragraph minimum.

- If you're going on hiatus, let us know when you'll come back. AiCo will handle the rest.

- Like the hiatus, AiCo will handle things if you decide to drop out. We understand. Sometimes too much detail and life gets in the way.

- Drama in the OOC will not be tolerated. AiCo is a place where everyone is understood on civil terms. If you encounter an issue, please let us know immediately and we will handle it.

- One character will be accepted in this roleplay. If need be, we will be lenient and accept another character of yours. Only if we need to.

- The posting speed for this roleplay is 2 posts a week. But! This is subject to change, since everyone has lives and everything gets super busy once school/work/emergencies hit.

-AiCo will always try to keep things interesting though, in case things get a little dry around the headquarters. If you have any ideas/suggestions/complaints for the company, let us know and we'll see what we can do.

- Though we incorporated a sex hotel, all sex scenes are either put in spoilers, fade to black, or taken to PMs.

- Any triggering content written will have to be put in spoilers.
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I propose a dating auction if we do a holiday event.

You know, when you bid on a potential dater for charity or something and you take them out for a nice night.

Its fun, but I mostly want to see people get pissed on low bids because I'm mean lmfao.
  • Love
Reactions: Jihae and MaryGold
A dating auction, ha! I second that idea. It would fun as it would be hilarious to see.

The only idea of my own I can add to the pot is a Couples Competition where the winner gets a prize. I could perhaps the others pairing up just to win the prize because it's limited edition or something and the only way to get it would be to enter and win the competition.
  • Like
Reactions: MUSΞ and Jihae
A dating auction, ha! I second that idea. It would fun as it would be hilarious to see.

The only idea of my own I can add to the pot is a Couples Competition where the winner gets a prize. I could perhaps the others pairing up just to win the prize because it's limited edition or something and the only way to get it would be to enter and win the competition.

I propose a dating auction if we do a holiday event.

You know, when you bid on a potential dater for charity or something and you take them out for a nice night.

Its fun, but I mostly want to see people get pissed on low bids because I'm mean lmfao.

This dating auction is such a good idea. Count me in! I can already see the promotional posters lmao
  • Love
Reactions: MaryGold and MUSΞ
When do you think the IC will be opened?
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