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The train was coming to a stop. With with the last of what remained of my strength, I dissolved my Winter Fist, causing the wendigo to fall forward, then reformed it to uppercut the wendigo. I was bleeding everywhere. I had never fought so much in my life. Almost every part of me was either bruised, broken or cut. I ran forward and crouched down to pick up my spear.

I almost didn't get up again. I wanted to stay and kill the Wendigo but rational thought had forced it's way back into my head. Steve was dead. And the Wendigo had....wait. The Wendigo couldn't have killed him. Why did Steve explode in the first place?

It didn't matter. I would take revenge on whoever had killed Steve. Not yet. I was still too weak.

The train had come to a complete stop.

And then...

All at once....

The passengers came out.

The Wendigo's eyes brightened. It's stomach was on fire with hunger as always.


I tried to form a wall of Ice to keep the Wendigo from the people but when I did, it felt like I had stepped on an Electric current.

Could it be I had a limit to how much I could use my ability?

In any case, I had to stop the monster.

I threw my spear, it curved into an arc and became planted deeply between the eyes of the Wendigo.

I shouted to the my tribe," Somebody, keep it occupied!"

To the civilians I shouted,


I staggered and fell to my knees. As I fought to stay conscious the Wendigo shook it's head and pulled the spear from it's head. I couldn't stop it. Could anything stop this creature?
"Damn it......" Logan picked up his rifle and stood up.

"Get in the train gramps!"

"No!" he thundered, shocking Xeloc with his roaring voice.

"You get Seshiru into the train! I might be injured..... but that won't stop me from planting another bullet in the son of bitch's head!"


"Don't worry about me kid!" he turned back and gave them a thumbs up with a fatherly smile, he faced Ayun and rushed towards his side.

"I'm here to help!"

"Are you sure you're in any condition to help?"

"Trust me- I've still got fight left in me!"
Xeloc pushed Seishiru's head in his chest as he doubtfully continued to run trough the crowd of people to get to the train on the designated perron. He arrived shortly and stepped in the train, putting Seishiru down on the first free spot that he could find. He still held her and looked behind him to see that all was going for the worst. He clenched his fist as he wanted to try and ignore it. He wanted to solely protect her...A decision hang upon his shoulders. Was he going to continue to protect the little girl, or try and save of what was left of the team? His eyes darted left and right as he tried to decide.

Anyun was badly injure, Steve was blown up, Logan was dazed and confused, Vyse was in rage, and the only reasonable people left were him, the girl and Katerina, who was still having trouble guiding the people. How were they ever going to board the train like this? "Everyone's gonna board the train and we're going for a nice ride to safety." He said still holding the girl, trying to shush her crying. That's what he said, while in his mind he was starting to wish for a mircale to happen. He looked out the train and shouted. "Katerina! Help them!"

Katerina had been waiting for them to board the train as she continued to guide the innocent civilians to the safe exit. However, even she did not expect things to be this messy. As soon as she layed eyes upon the fight, she quickly clenched her guns, and ran to help them. "Everyone! Get in the train for god's sake!" She snarled loudly, trying to get everyone's attention. She pushed Logan aside and started filling the creature with bullets, taking it's attention away from the others.
I would've given Steve a traditional burial. Too late.

Logan had joined my side. He distracted the Wendigo long enough for the civilians to get away. Xeloc had dashed forward and told everybody to get on the train. Now it had turned it's attention to us. It's nostrils opened and it's stomach growled, loud enough to be heard over the screams of terror.

I struggled to my feet. I kept my eyes on the beast as it started forward slowly. It was trying to work through the hunger pangs to find out how to kill us.

"Logan. Xeloc. I can't use my abilities any more. I can't make a shield or leap out of the way fast enough if it comes at us. I know both of you are good shots. So hit it in both eyes. Then run and get the others on the train. I don't know if I'll get there fast enough....If I don't and the train begins to leave...Don't come after me. Just go."

I knelt down and picked up shrapnel that had flown from the food stand in one hand, as I no longer had my spear, and with the other I picked up a bag of chips. I ripped the bag open with my teeth. I began digging into the bag with my face. I couldn't run and I wouldn't last a second against the Wendigo, but I knew as a fact it couldn't run as fast as a train. I finished the chips. I moved into a fighting stance that was but a shadow of what it used to be.

"Shoot him now!"
Katerina and Logan stood side by side, he lifted his rifle but the accursed concussion kicked him in the head.


Status Problem


  • Blind: Accuracy is reduced by 80%

"Shit!" Logan squinted, his eyesight failed him as he pulled the trigger, Katerina gasped as he trembled without warning.

"Gramps!" she shouted, Logan managed to graze the Wendigo's cheek, missing what Ayun wanted them to target.

"Eat this!" Katerina bit her lip as she got the Wendigo good in the eyes, but she there was a huge difference between her and Logan, her bullets might be many, but they weren't strong enough to knock the Wendigo back, in contrast to Logan who could shove it back a couple of steps in exchange for the rate of fire.


The Wendigo sneered as it saw the weakness in Logan, it's horrible jaw filled with rows of teeth opened wide as it rushed towards the disoriented middle aged man.

"Logan, watch out!" Xeloc gasped.



Status Problem


  • Confuse: The migraine headache hinders Logan thinking to a snail's pace- he cannot do coordinated actions.
  • Slow: Dazed from the impact, Logan's head cannot function as fast as normal, slowing down his movements.

"Gramps!" Katerina managed to stab the accursed being in the cheek, her blade going through one cheek and out the other, it wailed as Katerina pulled it out.
Damn, that had failed. Time for the plan I had formulated now. The Wendigo can only concentrate on one thing at a time, so I had to get it to concentrate on me.

"Katerina, take Logan with you and run! Get on the train," I stumbled hurriedly behind the Wendigo and slashed it's Achilles Tendon, causing it's right leg to give out. This also caused it to turn to me. I ran away from it and it followed.

Then I tripped

And fell.

The Wendigo loomed over me. I managed to somersault backwards as it's claw's ripped through my back. The agony caused me get up and run faster. I couldn't run forever. Even now, my body's muscles screamed at me to stop. My brain told me to go faster. I said with false bravado.

"Get on board! I'll be right behind you!"
The burned legs of the Lycan began to twitch again, as if some speck of life still flowed in them, and aye that was the case, as the now cooled blood began to pool and drag it's self accross the platform back to the legs, the red blood cells on anyuns face all regaining life and slowly dripping off his face and lurching across the platform, the growing pool of blood around the body beginning to re-enter the remains, a thick cord of the coagulating liquid forming from the base the tail-bone , slowly gaining mass, forming vertebrae smaller thin cords of jello consistency blood arching to form a rib cage, the tip of the primary cord expanding like a balloon and gaining shape, like a canine skull.

As the simplified red cord arms began to form, a jerk of life seemed to hit the reforming figure, the now transitioning to skeletal hands gripping the air like a man desperate for oxygen slowly drowning. The pseudo-upper body now a vaugly skeletal shape then began to ignite into flame, as did the rest of the body as the skull of Steve opened it's toothy jaw and let out a piercing scream/howl, it's body becoming engulfed in the blinding hell fires as his cursed soul reentered his body, underneath the cloak of fire his flesh rapidly reforming from the muscle up, tendons, veins, organs all threading into existence , this rapid rebirth was too the speed that upon the hellflames dying down from most of the body, his upper body was almost completely reformed, still missing skin, with the sternum bone exposed, and the skull still relatively bare, save for the eyes and tendon and muscle connecting the jaw and surrounding the neck.

Pain, confusion, rage, fear. These were all that went through the Lycan's mind as he was drug back from purgatory and placed back in his body for the third time in his life, the ethereal flames filling him with pain and energy beyond description as he lept off the ground, flames still clinging to his face and leaking out of his still reforming body and began to charge toward the train like a bat out of hell, slamming into hard enough that it ended up smashing into the opposite side of the platform, still running with inhuman speed even uncanny for him, Steve grabbed Ayun violently with one muscle still slightly flaming arm and flung himself upon the back car's window shoulder first smashing into it violently and crashing onto the floor.

letting go of Ayun, the large canine began to ball up and hold his face, thrashing in place as the flames slowly intensified and his flesh visibly began to thread together.
Before I knew what was happening, I was lying in glass as a large, skinless creature who was on fire stood over me. It's tormented howls echoed throughout the train carriage. The flames intensified as if lighter fluid had been flung onto them. Instead of burning, the skin of the creature emerged in lines and then patches.


I was barely conscious and I knew if I passed out now I would die. I fought to keep my eyes open and stood up. I leaned heavily on the chairs of the train. That's when I realized we weren't alone. The other passengers stared at us in shocked silence. A man with a bag of trail mix was gaping at us two seats down. I made my way towards him and tugged the trail mix out of his hand.

"I'm just going to borrow this.."

I consumed the contents in under a minute and handed the empty bag. Back to the man."


Although I needed the food to heal my wounds it also served as a distraction. I was containing my emotions. i didn't want to get too hopeful in case that wasn't Steve. Slowly I turned back to the aflame creature. As I talked to him I could feel some of my wounds sealing and forming scabs while the bruises disappeared.

"Steve, is that you?"
The moment Ayun's voice reached Steve, his head jerked out of his hands violently, face still skinless with visible but very slow regrowth of the tissues that should compose it. His heart visible through his still reforming torso, beating rapidly, yes eyes glazed and blind in appearance, with the right one slowly regaining color, the pupil fading from white to black. All the Lycan could do at the moment was stare, his face in malice, lacking a lower jaw, his tongue hanging limply from his throat, the glint of his gnarly fangs, his translator destroyed, all he could do was let out a deep whine as the flames rebuilt him.

Doing all he could to acknowledge the elemental, he shakily stood up, his skin regrowing in assorted patches to cover the fully formed bits of torso and arm, with a single "KLAK" he snapped off and swallowed one of his fingers before scrawling on the side train map in blood.

vita Carcer

​And with this he slumped back down, mind racing and reeling in incoherent thoughts.
Vita carcer? What does that mean? But I knew it was Steve. Who else would save me. How could anything survive what Steve did? With my healing factor something like that was impossible. I doubt even Seshiru could heal from that.

People were beginning to panic. No one had started screaming but there was fear in their eyes. Finally, a man with a half eaten sandwich asked,

"What...What do you want!?"

I looked at him and was silent for a few minutes. Then I looked at his sandwich and said.

"I want that sandwich."

I plucked it from his hands and stuffed it into my mouth.
Xeloc groaned as he still kept looking at the fight behind him. Things were not getting any better nor worse in his opinion. It seemed like an endless battle they were bound to lose. And unfortunately, lady luck was not in their favor. Without any warning, the doors of the train suddenly closed. Xeloc's eyes widened as he looked at the closing train. "Guys....?" Slowly he let go of Seishiru and got up as he turned around. "Guys." He said, echoing himself, as he stumbled to the door. He punched the window of the door screaming it once more. "GUYS!" He turned to Seishiru, who just stared at him. "Open the door on the back for them!" He commanded, adding "...Please." afterwards as he quickly took a turn the other way, going to the next cabin, trying to get to the front of the train.
I was starting to get worried. Where were the others? Steve had stopped screaming and was hunched over as major parts of him regrew. he weould give the occasional whimper that let me know he hadn't dropped dead again. I fell back into an empty seat. The people still stared shrewdly at us but they didn't seem to make a move. If anything they just wanted the get home, they didn't care what came in between.

I was so tired. I had eaten enough for most of my wounds to seal and my bones to be repaired but I was still bruised, sorre and covered in blood. I wanted to sleep. That would speed up the healing process and plus I was exhausted. Also, there was danger everywhere. The Wendigo and the people on the train. I still didn't know where the rest of my tribe was but I was so tired.

"Sooo sleeppyyy....."

Before I knew it my head had fallen back and I was asleep.
Logan staggered as he stepped towards the train, Katerina heaved him up and they both dashed for the train, the doors were closing slowly.


With a last jump, Katerina was able to throw Logan and herself inside the train, everyone sighed as they made it just in time.

"That was close...."

"Tell me about it! You weigh a ton gramps!"

"And you're pretty strong to lift a 225 pound man like me!"
Vyse was starting to come down from his rage and senses started to come back to him. That's when he realized that the train was already departing with pretty much everyone on board. The train was about to leave, so he broke into a full on sprint pushing civilians out of his way, when the most peculiar thing happened. An amalgamated mass of flesh jump and crash into the last car on the train. Not stopping to think, he jumped in after him, just barely cutting his leg on the broken glass.

He fell right into one of the cushioned seats and rolled off. He looked around to regain his bearings. He tried to find the mass of flesh that was, apparently, on fire. There was only one thing it could be. Steve.

"STEVE! You're not dead!" He wanted to run off and hug him, but then that would be very unprofessional. Plus, he didn't want blood on his coat or for it to catch fire.
Meanwhile through all of this, Seshiru was standing there with the back-door, having been ripped off it's hinges by her unbridles physical strenght, blinking cluelessly.

"Mhhh...what do with the door?"
Darkness swirled around me. Through the darkness I heard whispers. The whispers intensified to the point I was about to scream and then died away, lost in my subconscious. Then the darkness fell away revealing scraps of memories that fluttered and soared.

"You are a-"




I shifted in the seat. I had been cut from my past by the sounds of the real world. I was in a state between sleep and consciousness. I recognized the voice of Vyse and the whimpers of Steve as his body burned and healed. I recognized the sounds of muttering. Passengers who were aboard the train were more panicked. More weird people were emerging from the cracks and they didn't like it.

I tried to stay awake but I couldn't. My body was still healing and wouldn't allow me the energy to raise my eyelids. I was being pulled and dragged down back into my dreams. The whispers were back they whirred and screamed. They told me

"You don't belong."

"You never will."

"Just die."

I couldn't cry out, I just sat there and took it in.

The little voice seemed to try and worm it's way through the malice and darkness that swam in the demigod's mind. Trying to make it through ears that could no longer hear. A mind that could not think. But still they tried.

"Oniichan...?" Seshiru asked, shaking the fallen body. "Oniichan...? Ne, ne...Oniichan...?"

With teary eyes she looked up at the rest of them. "Is Oniichan gonna be okay desu?"
I had fallen to the floor and voices had been split. A voice that I recognized had become distorted and buried beneath the fabric of whispers. I fell deeper into the void as the new voice tried to reach me until I was suffocating in the mass of voices.

My eyes fluttered open and through the haze of darkness I saw Seshiru's face. I sat up and sucked in a deep breath. My injured bones had healed and the surface wounds had been closed and covered by scar tissue. The bruises had turned yellow and my stomach growled with hunger. How much time had passed? 5 maybe 10 minutes? It had felt like days.

I looked at Seshiru. I tried tosmile but instead winced in pain as I said,

"Hello Seshiru."

I tried to stand but found I was still too injured to use my legs. Instead I pulled myself onto a seat and looked to see that Vyse and Steve were also still here.

"Where are the others?"
"Oniichan desu...!" she smiled, arms stretching out to hug him, but she was stopped by the others, pouting. "Heyyy~!"

Oh poo. She forgot he was probably in no condition to be held and hung her head sadly, whimpering.

"Sorry desu..."
Suddenly, Xeloc heards sounds behind him. As soon as he had ran off, he also had turned around. He slowly opened the cabin behind him to see the whole crew standing there. Even Steve, who seemed to have raised himself out of the death. With a rather relieved, but also suprised face he glared at the prior corpse, Steve.
"Well.....everyone seems aboard. But how did Stev-You know what? I'm not even gonna ask. I'm suprised I'm still suprised by all of this." He said in a rather synical tone as he slowly dragged the palm of his hand across his face.
"It must've been the phoenix down from earlier!" Logan said, in a uttermost cheery way.
"...Honestly....No commment.."
He sat himself down on the nearest seat and sighed as he took a good look at the crew. "...well...the Crew isn't in a very good state. If only we had our medic with us, but she's still on the boat...Well I guess...Anyun seems to have quick healing capabilities, and Steve is pretty much immortal apparently. Logan seems to have problems dying. And I. I'm slowly rotting in this body." He finished his sentence with yet another very large sigh, which suddenly turned in a very ugly cough upon which more blood was spilled, which he wiped of on his trousers. "Ah well. Atleast we managed to flee. May it not be the most bad ass way to win, atleast we have the least casualties."