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Seshiru almost stumbled as she was pulled along. " and Ojiisan gonna be okay?" she asked, worriedly. "What if need help! I want to help! Seshiru help, yes?!"

She said, looking back and watching the otherd try and fend off the Wendigo. They weren't having much luck, but what else was there to do. Come to think of it...when did they get out of the library?

"Oniichan..." she said, looking at Xeloc, about to ask, when she was taken by the trains.

All kinds. Steam. Electrical. Old. New. They were all just coming and going. The platforms they ran past were a magnificent sight as well.

"Waaaah~..." she said, blinking and forgetting for a mere fraction of a second that they were being chased by the beast.
Katerina was now out of bullets and her blade had been damaged in the last confrontation with this thing, she decided her time was better used clearing out the citizens that were frantically running about the station. "Keep moving but don't shove! Come on, this way, hurry!" She directed them as best as she could. Some listened, others didn't.
"Tell me if you need me!" She called back to the group. "Until then I'll try to clear everyone out!"
"Good work Katerina." Xeloc said with a faint smile as he looked at Katerina. She seemed to be okay. Apparently she didn't want others to get hurt too.
"What's our plan as of yet?" She said as she quickly looked over her shoulder at him. She waved her arms continously. "This way people! Don't shove!"
"Well, I guess we're hoping for the train to arrive early...We'll try to escape using that. Untill then, we gotta hope they can keep him busy and everyone will stay okay"
Xeloc awnsered, already having lost Seishiru. His eyes turned to his right to see the 2 fighting with the monster, which was a tough battle. Both were strong, but both also had trouble. What was worse was that the thing had even grown.

Xeloc shortly shook his head as he remembered his prior task. He got take out of his thought by the little girl's voice. She seemed to be a big train fan for a girl. He chased after her shortly and soon caught up as she was busy checking out the lots of trains that were present. It was almost as if her eyes sparkled. She seemed to have taken her mind of the trouble back there....which was good. Though they still had to go and find out what happened to her back in the sewers. She just changed....She even teased him, and now she's calling him oo knee chan again, whatever that meant. "We should have platform 7." He said out loud, thinking. He saw 7 in front of him and smiled. "Do you see platform 7, kid? You wanna see what train we got and if it has arrived yet?" He said to her, trying to excite her even more.
Logan started to ponder how did the Wendigo get out of the manhole.

"How did it get past that small hole? I wasn't looking when it came out....."

"How about helping me?!"

"I wonder if it had a stick of butter with it......"

"Stop pondering gramps! And help Ayun!"

"Okay!" Logan jumped behind the Wendigo and gave it's throat 5 new holes, however- it just regrew the damaged skin.

"What is this?! Nintendo Hard?!"

"Nintendo what?!"

He shot the Wendigo but it healed. THat was to be expected. However that gave me enough time to leap back. It was now undecisive about who to kill. It's primary objective was eating. That clouded out and overode all othe objectives. It's secondary objective usually calls for a target. It can't handle to people at once, it'll ust get confused it can still attack the closest person tho-

The Wendigo swiped at me. The claws overextended but it's huge palm caught me point blank in the ribs. I was thrown ten feet and rolled another seven. Damn, I had been thinking to much about how the thing would react that I was unable to react when it reacted thus my reactio-

It leapt toward me, it's mouth opening up like a black hole. Well, maybe not a black hole. More like-- SHUT UP. STOP THINKING SO MUCH!!

I rolled to the side. I was overthinking things. The Wendigo took another swipe towards me and I somersaulted backwards yet again. As it lunged forward I brought myself and the spear up, stabbing it in the bottom of the jaw. I pulled out and danced away as it healed and moved towrds me once again.

I shouted to the others as it advanced.

"The Wendigo can only manage two objectives. It's primary objective--which is always eating people--and it's secondary objective--which usually focuses on who it eats. By the way, it usually takes about 1.7 seconds for it to heal from a fatal wound. Just thought I'd let you guys kn-"

Huh. One second I had turned to look at the others the next second I was throw through the air and landed in a heap ontop of a food stand. The stand crumpled and food flew everywhere. That's when the pain set in. The Wendigo was rushing towards me on all fours andcouldn't even talk. A slow trail of blood slithered out of my mouth. Three cracked ribs. Dislocarted shoulder. Fractured shin. Skin around the jaw is swelling up. Noise might be broken. Except for possibly the nose, nothing was broken. Still I'd have to eat a lot of food. Perhaps even sleep a couple hours. The Wendigo looked like it had hardly moved.

Was I thinking that fast? Maybe I was already dead and this was just me reliving the last moments of my life? Well, the Wendigo was speeding up and all I could do was sit here, bleeding, bruised and cracked. Surrounded by random food and without a weapon to use.
Xelod smiled as he saw the perron. Was this actually going to work? It seemed like a simple enough plan. Suddenly, something touched his back. An apple to be exact. It slowly rolled away from him as he turned around quiet confused as to how that happened. Untill he figured, or rather saw where it was coming from. It came where Anyun lay injured, laying in a hole in food stand, covered in pieces of food, while the rest lay on the ground. Blood dripped down his lip, which almost seemed like sauce between all the food. Xeloc's eyes widened in horror, as he saw Anyun's death come closer and closer. Without even thinking about Seishiro for a moment, he reacted out of impulse. As if someone smacked his knee and it flew up. He sprinted as fast he could. But even so, the kid almost thought he was too late. "Anyun!" He screamed out of his lungs. The monster grinned as he looked down onto the broken Anyun, who looked up at him. Anyun tried to push himself up, but it was too late. The creature lunged, his teeth showing. It was then, that the monster stopped, his face covered by the sole of a shoe. It was Vyse's to be exact, who had jumped up and planted his foot in the monster's face. "Not so fast." Vyse nearly demanded, as he fell down in front of the monster, holding his cutlass in it's direction, making a vertical cut along its body. "Don't forget about me just yet." He said as he stepped back quickly, to help Anyun back on his feet, who thanked him. The creature stumbled back as it tried to heal. "BOOM HEADSHOT!" Logan yelled as he grinned widely, like a comedian. It was by now that Xeloc tripped and fell on the ground with his face. "LOGAN! CONCENTRATE!" He snarled. By now, the monster had recoverd again, and growled loudly in a his terrifying voice. The thing was not enjoying playing time. "Oh! Ninja girl!" He saidas he got up and turned back to look at Seishiru.
I could barely move my legs. They weren't broken but one of the ankles was sprained while the other's shin was fractured. I made a slow, austere crawl towards my spear, which had flown five meet to the left of me. Only my left arm, my other limbs were useless. I reached the spear. While facing the battle, I placed the spear between my teeth. Then with my left arm I popped my right arm back into it's socket. If the spear wasn't between my teeth, they would've shattered. As it was, my jaw was pretty sore.

I scooted away from the fight, but managed to grab a few energy bars and a bag of chips. I tore into the food. My leg's swollen ankle started to throb less and the other leg's fractured shin began mending but it would be several minutes before I could make use of either leg.

I ripped off a piece of fabric from the sleeve of my dirty, bloodstained shirt that had once been a white color with my teeth. I used the fabric to create a makeshift sling for my previously dislocated arm. I could use one of my legs now, even though it still hurt.

I managed to hobble quickly on one leg and my spear to where Xeloc and Seshiru was. I did, however fall when I reached them. I didn't make a sound. I just lay there breathing heavily. Then, without moving I said,

"You guys don't happe--" I broke into a heavy coughing spout. Then I repeated, more weakly," You guys don't happen to have any food, do you? Cause I could really go for some shark right about now."
"Platform se-...huu-?!" Seshiru froze as she saw the giant beast whipping her newfound companions around like ragdolls. "O...Onii-chan...!"

She tugged at Xeloc's sleeve, eyes widening in worry. Anyu had been battered the worst out of all of them. The fact that the Wendigo was immune to ice attacks wasn't helping his situation at all. What could they do though. She looked at Anyu, who was now coughing up massive amounts of blood. Despite the fact that he was still managing to talk about eating sharks, he looked to be in a very poor condition now.

"B-bully...." she frowned, puffing her cheeks up, letting go of Xeloc's sleeve, she wrapped her arms around Anyu's shoulders in a hug, for a few seconds before letting go, frowning at the roaring beast who was now after Logan. "Big, bad bully! NO hurting Oniichan and Ojiisan!!"

She ran at it, being small made it easy for her to go unnoticed until she was just about two meters away from it. And just as it had turned it's attention at her, she launched herself at it and rammed his head right into it's stomach. The beast flew back several meters, roaring in rage.

"BAD! BAD MONSTER! NO HURT ONIICHAN!" she said, stomping her foot in a scolding manner. "BAD!" In the middle of her next scolding, she grabbed a nearby bench and uprooted it from it's bolts on the cement, using it like a fan and striking the wendigo several times. "BAD! BAD! BAD! BAD!"
Vyse saw the Wendigo terrorize not only his crew but the populace of his hometown and he could not let this stand. In a blind fit of rage he abandoned his tranquil focus and charged the Wendigo. He drew his gun, making wild shots, some even barely missing some civilians. His rage has blinded him, almost about as much as the time they killed his sister...His sister. The memory flashed into his mind for a second and empowered him to kill the damn Wendigo.

Throwing all caution to the wind, he fired his last shot. The bullet seemed, to him , go in complete slow motion. He could've sworn that he saw the bullet spin and spiral...Directly into the beeping orange light on the collar of the Wendigo. Vyse cursed himself, as he prepared himself for the worst.

((I have permission from Domanoochi to do that))
"Good work-" Logan was sent flying as the Wendigo managed to throw a lamp post it ripped from the concrete ground.


Logan slammed into the stairs that led to the station, Xeloc hurried towards him.

"Uh...... oh...." Logan groaned as his vision wasn't focused, Xeloc gasped as he saw blood drip from his head, due to the impact from the stairs.

"Gramps! Are you okay?!"

"Wha......" Logan asked feebly, he was extremely groggy.

"Snap out of it gramps!" Xeloc tried to lift the massive street lamp- but to no avail, he was not strong enough to lift it.
Seshiru blinked, looking back at the scene and then back at the Wendigo, watching as Vyse attacked it with ferocity that was unusual for his character. But there was no time for that.

"Ojiisan!" she said, running to the two and grabbing the street lamp, lifting it off and turning, throwing it off to the side. "Muuh...Ojiisan okay desu?"
As the bullet hit the wendigo's collar it pierced the metal box, damaging precious circuitry and small cords, the light next to the box began to flash a radiant orange on and off in quick intervals and emitted a loud continues beeping.

Steve let out a pained shout as four metal prongs from inside his collar jammed into his neck and it's light flashed a mocking orange of the other collar, it's beeping increasing as speed, like a count down, crackles and small sparks began to emit from Steve's collar as he pulled in vain to tear the contraption off to no avail.

As the constant beeping reached a deafeningly loud continuous point all Steve could do was turn with a jerk and look at the others with an expression of utter confusion before the collar let out a high pitched whine and the Lycan was blown to bloody chunks from the waist up, pieces of muscle and bone went flying across the station in a bloody mist as the Lycan's blood splattered against his comrades and across the ground, leaving only a pair of twitching furred legs with third degree burns and bubbling innards lying around the waist.

Twitching still the legs let out a few vain jerks and kicks before lying limp.

Throwing a table weight at a co-worker the german scientist began to curse and throw a tantrum as his video feed to the Wendigo's collar cut off due to the bullet.




Just as I turned over and tried to sit up, blood sprayed and splattered a red slash across my shirt. What remained of Steve had fallen over....nothing could've possibly survived that. At first I felt nothing but the slow beat of my heart. Then, as if lava had been injected directly into my veins.

I through my head back and roared into rage. The moisture from around the station flowed towards me and surrounded my arm it lengthened into a giant hand. When I flexed my fingers the fingers of the arm flexed too. I clenched my hand into a fist. In response the hand clenched too.

Winter Fist Level 2

The fist is no longer stationary. Now it can move as Anyu moves. It's able to change from liquid to solid and back again to simulate actual movement.

Winter Fist.png
Increased Strength by 15%

Accuracy decreased by 5%

Speed lowered by 10%
I charged towards the Wendigo, even though my legs were far from healed. I swung my Winter Fist upwards, decimating the Wendigo's head. Then I grabbed it by the waist and flung it away.


But even as I said that my body protested. Blood exploded from my mouth and I coughed vigorously. With my left arm, the one without the Winter Fist, I wiped the blood from my lips. I grunted and stumbled forward. The Wendigo had already healed and was once more rushing at me. I charged once again. My Ice powers didn't freeze it or hurt it but I wasn't using it in that way. I was beating a dumb animal with a blunt obect.

We met like two asteroids colliding. Debris flew everywhere. And incision had appeared on my shoulder but I hardly felt it. I smiled a full smile, baring my teeth as the blood cascaded down. It's arm had been removed. It swung it's onther at me and my arm intertwined it's fingers with it's own.

I was pushing against it. Still stronger. I needed leverage. There was none. But I couldn't stop.

O'Reily wrinkled his nose in disgust as he and Hampton reached the manhole the Wendigo had escaped through, the scent of the creatures rotten flesh as it had confronted him and his partner was hanging in his nostrils like a corpse left in the rain for four days. As he began to climb up the Manhole he turned to see Hampton approaching quickly, his arm still reforming from it's lance-like shape to it's standard arm form.

Letting out a tired grunt O'Reily pulled out his Magnum with one hand as he began to ascend with leisure, his brown long coat slicked with sewer fluids and the Wendigo's blood before I continued it's pursuit of the targets, his brows furrowed in concentration as he heard a distant boom, and both of the blips on his radar faded.

" We an take our time getting to them, what I think has happened, has happened then the Wendigo is now completely out of control and with luck all we'll need to do is subdue it and call in a containment crew. On a secondary note, contain your shadow, you are beginning to leak into metaphysical existence and it's disgusting."

Jack nodded in silent agreement to Harris' words and with a twitch of a finger his shadow returned to standard two dimensional plane of existence.

" Wendigos are a pain in the ass, I'd rather be hunting a rouge yeti or a Hell Demon, shit I'd even rather be back in Spain when we had to clear out the beginning of a undead epidemic because some scientist didn't want to recreate life with magic. But no it has to be a 20+ foot hyper cannibal with the strength of the hulk.

"Shut Up Jack. We aren't getting paid to talk." O'Reily said in a disgruntled voice before picking up his radio

" This is Delta-45 in pursuit of the targets, the Lycan and the Hunter-Destroyer Wendigo have vanished from radar, approach with extreme caution and engage with extreme prejudice, they are at the Fremont Bart station, Set up blockades at Fruitville, Emeryville and Hayward, save the other district officers for back up as needed. We may need a containment crew for the Wendigo I believe it may be AWOL as of now. Do not kill the old unworthy, he is to be apprehended alive. " He said into the device before clicking it up and continuing his ascent out of the sewer, Hampton at his heels.
The explosion was loud, and as the girl turned, she felt her shirt and part of her face wet with tiny droplets. Tiny, red droplets...

"....d...doggie...?" her body began to shake uncontrollably. "D...doggie...?"

She looked at Xeloc and Logan, eyes wide, ready to cry.

"Where....where's mister doggie...?"
"I do have a bit of good news though. We've identified the other members that are with the unworthy and the Wolf Man. One of them is Vyse Mckine, the guy in the trench coat, not a lot of info on him. We do know his sister was killed and he disappeared shortly after. The next guy is Razzy Blackskull--"

"Blackskull? As in the Blackskull family? As in Russian Mafia?! As in--"

"Shut up! Yes, those Blackskulls. This particular Blackskull, has either covered his tracks very well or has had his tracks covered for him by someone."

"So you got nothing?"

"He's a Blackskull, that speaks a thousand words. Oh, another Russian, a Human though. Name's Katerina Kovalevski. She murdered the Russian Prime Minister about a year ago. She's still on the most wanted list of most countries."


"Still more. Somebody known as Xeloc Mandara, a wolf born. Not much of a record on him. There are two unknowns. One tall white haired man who possibly has Elemental Powers and a small black haired girl."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

They continued on without a word. All the info they had found had been circulated. If they needed more, it would be found.

My Winter Fist was being shattering, I was covered in sweat from desperately reforming it and the Wendigo was regrowing it's other arm. My vision had moved beyond fuzzy until it felt like I was looking through cloth.

"I--I'll kill y--"

I couldn't even finish a sentence as the blood spewed out. It was less this time. I had lost so much blood. The energy that I had gotten from my rage had drained away, leaving me little more than a hollow ragdoll.

Finally, it's other arm had reformed. It's claws had extended and were running towards me through the air. That's when I switched tactics. I dove away from it's claws and landed less than gracefully. Next, I reformed my Winter Fist and ripped removed it's legs with a sweep.

That's when I heard it.

Vyse stopped for a second. Sorrow and anger and guilt. All these feelings washed over him as he realized what he'd done. He killed Steve. He blew him up, though inadvertantly, but still he killed him. It reminded him of his sister. He may not have known Steve for a long time, but losing someone, your friend is just as bad. A single tear fell from his eyes as time resumed. He fought with a passion as he unsheathed his swords and sliced at him.


Skill Acquired----> Rage

Damage increased by 300%
Damage taken increased by 200%
Logan held his head as he tried to stand up, only to stumble forward much to Xeloc and Seshiru's shock.

"Don't worry about me......"

"Gramps?! Your head is bleeding!"

"Don't worry about...... me..... kid...." Logan staggered forward.

"Ojiisan! You shouldn't walk around injured like-"

"I'm fine! Take care of yourselves! I coped worst than this!"


Status Porblem


Logan is suffering from Concussion!

  • Logan is 50% slower
  • Logan is 20% weaker
  • Logan's eyesight is blurred, leaving his accuracy reduced by 80%
  • Logan cannot think straight
  • Logan cannot do any coordinated tasks.


"You need to lie down Logan"

"No....... I don't!" he struggled to answer, fearing his injuries will worry Xeloc.
Xeloc and Seishiru both stood more of a distance as they saw most things happen. Ever single horrible detail, may it have been clear or not. He wasn't sure if Seishiru had seen it, but he did. He saw how the lycan exploded in a rain of blood, painting the area around the still twitching legs red, and filling it with flesh and other gruesome tissue. He would've been more shocked if he was not interupted by Logan who stumbled towards him, seemingly injured and rather confused or dazed.

By now he could've already figured, that Seishiru wasn't normal. No. Au contraire. She was something else. Something special. However, she was still a small girl, and no small girl should've to go trough this kind of horrible scenery. Xeloc wiped a bit of Steve's blood of his face and kneeled down near Seishiru, holding her shoulders as he licked his thumb and started wiping the blood she had off her face. He wanted to say something. He wanted to comfort her by saying the 'dog' was still okay, but she saw it. She knew he wasn't okay. While he was cleaning her face he saw her eyes starting to fill with tears, which infected Xeloc's eyes with despair. He coughed once more into his fist just to see more blood appear, when he was finally done cleaning her...He should've protected her more.

He looked to his right as he saw the train arrive and his eyes widened. "The train!" He exclaimed. Without Seishiru even being able to object, he lifter her up and was suprised by her weight, though still being able to carry her. He looked her in the eyes and smiled. "Everything's going to be okay sis?" He said comforting, much suprised by how the words 'sis' passed his lips like that, especially since he never even had one. He looked back up again, still holding Seishiru in his arms and looked over at Logan who stumbled back towards the already blasted demon. "Logan, Come back and get into the train!" Upon which Logan reacted with a groan and saying "I already told you I'm fine!" Xeloc groaned as he saw how Anyun had spotted the train as well. "Anyun, get Logan to the train. He's not doing well" He wanted to wait for a reply, but impulsively his feet pushed him away already, as he ran towards the train.


Status change


Xeloc changed his status to 'Onee-chan'

- He becomes a protective role in the group
- He gains the abilities:
- Fluffy shield: He'll put himself in front of an attack, tacking over the damage.
- Provoke: Distort and gain the attention of an enemy.
- Vengeance: Can deal damage equal to the amount dealt to another player.
- All skills are doubled if done for a younger child.

"Mhhh-...ungh-...!" Seshiru flinched a little this way and that as her face was licked clean, looking up at the wolf-born with already crying eyes.

Big girls don't cry. Big girls dont cry! But...but...Mr. Doggie was...

"O-...Oniichannnnn~..." she started to whine as she was lifted up into warm, comforting arms, and they headed towards the train. In the commotion of the ordeal, an eerie silence rang in her ears.

'Kono baka no gaki...atashi wa kore da, anta no itai wa....atashi desu.' (You stupid child...I'm right here. Your pain, I'll take it.)

"Mhh..." Seshiru sniffled, getting dizzy, eyes flashing between her eyes on those frightening, golden slits for pupils as she turned her head and buried it into Xeloc's chest, shaking.