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"ARGH!" Logan fought off a tentacle, the slimy arm retreated and two appeared in its absence.

"What is this?! A HYDRA?!" he exclaimed as he wiped his hand clean from the slime.

"Think about it!" Vyse started "squids don't have a single arm! They have 8 or more!"

"Great! Thanks Discovery Channel! Now I have to worry about 7 more!"
Steve barred his teeth and snarled in rage as the the Tentacle smacked down on Logan, lurching across the deck, his ears now sticking up and alert, Steve let out a piercing howl as more tentacle rose out of the water and smacked against the boat. " It's a Squid! No, I know that smell, it's a fucking Tibetan baby Kraken!" his collar beeped, the tentacle stills flailing about, Some of them swinging at the others, one of them attempting to grab the Lycan before he lept onto it and attempted to pin it, as it began to flail, dragging the wolfman around, digging his claws into the large tentacle Steve took a monstrous bite out of the thing before it slammed him against the deck near Vyse, and receded into the water ludicrously.

Steve's collar seemed to be less translating mental messages he wanted to convey and seemed to be blipping out his basic instinctual messages going through his head, repeating them in that ever chipper tune.


almost as soon as it pulled into the water, the tentacle and Wolf-man reappeared on the other side of the boat, throwing the Lycan into the air wildly and wrapping around him with a tight squeeze going to the point to make him yelp out in a pained whine as it constricted.

The collar was undermining him again..


Taking another viscous chunk out of the thing with his teeth, he noticed another approaching shadow. Before being thrown back at the deck, crashing into Droplet.

None of the crew members seemed to quite notice him, which made Caldur's smile falter into a small frown. As a tentacle came dangerously close to him, he swung his case harshly at the Kraken's limb, smacking it away with full force and momentum of his attack. Narrowing his eyes as the mass of writhing squid arms surrounding the boat, he reluctantly leaped back into the water and swam full-speed at one of their heads. Latching onto it's sleek skin with long, chipped nails the man bit down on it's eye lid, dragging his mouth across half it's face to create long gashes. "...They taste disgusting..." he murmured to himself, leaping back onto the boat. He needed to catch his breath, lungs screaming in firey rage at him for breathing in saltwater again.
"Did I mention how interesting the deep sea is?" Logan said plainly as if he walking in the park.

"How about helping?!" Vyse shouted.

"I' am! I'm just fascinated by the size of these things!" he chuckled, a tentacle grabbed his waist much to Droplet's shock.


Suddenly, a blast of red erupted from his waist.

"Now now my 8 tentacled friend! This is the only shirt I have! Can't have you draping your slime on me now?" Logan pulled out his new invention.

"Oh! Was that something the cop car?" Droplet asked.

"Yeah! I thought it was wise to bring it with us!"

Logan: Magnum Bolt: Specially designed for powerful shots, only to be wielded by those who possess the strength to withstand the recoil.
Katerina quickly picked herself up and drew her sword from it's sheath on her back. "Looks like that'll have to wait." She commented before swinging her sword down on the tentacle in front of the other girl. It pulled away just in time to avoid being severed, but not quick enough that it avoided injury. Damn, she really was not in any sort of shape to be fighting a Kraken. She made her frustration known by mumbling various Russian curses under her breath. She was quickly interrupted by another tentacle- no, the same one as before, swinging back around behind her, sending her flying across the deck until she hit a wall.
The Iqaluullamiluuq was fighting. I frowned, I must protect the Iqaluullamiluuq. I rushed after where the Iqaluullamiluuq had dived. I managed to parry a blow from one tentacle and then I to ran and jumped off the edge of the ship. I landed on top of the beasts head. I began stabbing repeatedly into it's head but it just shook it off like annoying bee stings. A tentacle flicked out of nowhere and sent me tumbling into the air. Soaring over the ship and onto the other side, into the water. I stung everywhere. It felt like I had landed onto concrete. Still, I managed to create an ice floe.
My spear wasn't enough...I needed something...larger.
Almost as soon as the thought came to me a huge fist of ice formed over my left arm.

"Oh no!" Alriska gasped, she rushed towards Katerina and helped her get up "you okay?!"

"I'm fine!" Katerina laughed "it's not everyday you get smacked by a huge tentacle!"

"We need to get on the deck!" they both nodded and rushed to the open air, only to find the same scene as below.

"Glad you could join us! DAMN IT!" Logan swore as his magnum created holes into the tentacles, but one managed to drip some slime into his arm.


A tentacle lashed at Logan but Razzy severed it just in time with his knife.

"Quit complaining about the slime and help us old man!"

Logan rolled his eyes in annoyance "But this slime is like..... slime? Anyhow- I just find it annoying that THIS THING HAS THE NERVE TO PLACE IT ON ME!" Logan unleashed a salvo of bullets upon the creature.
I created a bridge of ice leading straight to and over the ship. I skated forward and began moving back towards the ship. My momentum gained until the world was a dark blur. At the highest point I jumped and aiming my Winter Fust straight down, plunged through the air like a missile.
The fist made contact with the eye and like a super inflated balloon, it popped, making a noise akin to a gunshot.
I was drenched in the squids eye fluid, and it enraged, thrashed through the water as if it had been savagely wounded. Which it had. Tentacles flew everywhere and I only managed to cling to the eye socket.
Alriska was lost in all the commotion, so many people talking at once. It was hard to understand all of what was going on but she wasn't about to sit back and do nothing at all. With a concentrated, semi-frustrated sigh she grabbed the handles hidden under her coat sleeves and pulled. Two large scalpel shaped blades came down from beneath her worn sleeves and she began to hack and slash at a nearby tentacle. She didn't have much style, form or grace, but she did what she could to help out.
I had to make it back to the ship. I had to protect those on board. I just hoped that the Iqaluullamiluuq was all right.
The beast had been wounded but it's pain had turned to rage. And it's rage had caused it to rampage like never before. I flung myself off of it, into the water. The beast was blinded and took no notice. The other one however...It's tentacle rose from the water and wrapped around me. It drew me towards it's maw and without a second thought, I was sent tumbling into blackness.
Caldur was surprised that the ice-user was helping him, nodding to him with a thanks as he swiftly slammed his case onto another tentacle. He was getting tired, his cadaverous form weak from the battling. It took a lot out of him just to pick up his DB, and even more to swing it around. Clutching tightly one one of the long strings he tied on the case and the case itself, he began spinning at high speeds. He became light-headed, dizzy from the rapid spinning that only went faster with the wight of the instrument. Suddenly, he let go of everything except the tether, watching as his beloved DB flew through the air and slammed right into a large squid-limb, forcing it with weight and momentum to twist at unnatural angles and crack. Proud of his work, Caldur drew the case back in with the string.

Almost immediately after however, an angry Kraken arm had wrapped tightly around his body, constricting him as it dragged him under into the water. "L-let go of me!" he cried, his struggles futile against the vice-grip of the giant squid.
"Starting to regret my decision to chug half a bottle of vodka here." Katerina declared, stabbing her sword through one of the tentacles, pinning it to the deck bofore she pulled it out, chopping part off. It wiggled around on the deck for a moment before growing limp. "I thought you found it fascinating Old man!" Katerina laughed.
Right about now would have been a good time to have ammo, and suddenly she was wishing she hadn't wasted it all on the cops. The most she could do right now was continue slashing at the tentacles, hopping they didn't grow back. She lacked the means to get to the main bodies, she'd have to let the others take care of that. Another piece of tentacle is sliced off and limply falls to the floor of the boat. "Hey, you said something about sushi earlier?" Irony at it's finest, Katernia thought.
"How ironic indeed!" Logan chuckled, he grabbed a tentacle and ripped it apart with his bare hands, in the most manliest ways to severe a tentacle, Logan threw threw the limp half to the ocean.

"Well that came out of nowhere! Where did that strength come from?" Katerina laughed, Logan faced another live tentacle.

"I feel like teaching this squid a lesson! That's all!" he reloaded and jumped on the next arm.
If his face was capable of showing it, Steve would have been smiling like a Hyena on Nitrus Oxide. An opening!, no two! The eye of the wounded beast, or into the maw with the elemental, oh choice choices. Choosing the first option, Steve galloped across the deck, avoiding a rather persistent tentacle lurching at him like a cobra scorned.

Leaping into the water, and swimming toward the cloud of squid blood as fast as he could, before finally reaching his target. The eye socket. Lurching forward, the Lycan clung into the wound and began to tear, chew and tear his way into the Kraken's head, slashing and biting at everything as dark slimy blood began to cover his body filling his nostrils with a dank burning odor similar to old crusty socks.

" WE'RE EATING SQUID TONIGHT! " his translator yelled to know one in particular, as bubbles escaped his nose in the water and he continued to work his way into the beast.
It was dark inside the throat but I didn't have long to think. I twisted in midair as I fell, managing to form an handhold just before I touched the acid in the stomach. However, I wasn't quick enough. One foot was doused in acid. it ate away my shoe and burned off most of my skin before I pulled it out. I cried out and in anger, punched the inside of the throat. The beast rumbled and the stomach acid boiled and rolled.
Was it trying to throw me up? I came up with an idea. The acid was less than cooperative to be turned into ice but I managed to make it into acidic snow. Once more I punched the throat and this time the acid shot out and up. I barely reacted by creating a this shield ice as I was pushed out to sea. Using my ability I dragged the acid snow along with me. Just as it was beginning to exit the beasts throat, I turned it to it's regular form. The throat, less protected than the stomach by the acid was eaten away. The excess acid that escaped, quickly dissolved in the water. Yet, still the squid lived.
The Ragdoll girl chuckled lightly at the statements of the one with stitches. Of course she still didn't like her much but at least she could provide some amusement in this chaos. Then an idea struck her, she may not be very good at fighting but if she managed to reach the main body of the beasts she might be able to do some actual damage.

"I have might have something that will work too." Alriska said aloud to no one in particular.

Grabbing her left arm at the shoulder with her right hand, Alriska tore off the limb, threads connecting the arm to the shoulder, she ran over to the side of the boat and flung her arm at the sea beast, hoping that the blade would stick into the eye or the flesh so she could pull herself over. However she had very poor aiming skills and missed by a wide margin as her arm began to drag itself back and sew itself into place.
No one was coming to help him.

The tentacle was tightening on his skinny body, dangerously constricting his ribs together. Caldur was attempting to breath properly, mouth agape as he wheezed in the salt water. Screwing his eyes shut in pain, he felt the limb around him get even tighter, and soon enough, he heard a loud crack. A similar sound resounded again, and slowly each one of his ribs were breaking. He felt the cracked bones slowly starting to puncture his organs, lungs burning even more now with both marine water and several bones beginning to poke it. It hurt to breath now, and the mer-human had given up struggling. If he moved anymore now, he would risk an even quicker death.

Suddenly the Kraken released him, writhing in pain and Caldur assumed one of the others had attacked it inside. Swimming through the waters, he slowly dragged himself back on deck by the side of the boat. Blood was dripping from his mouth now, wincing with pain. Deciding not to engage in hand-to-hand combat anymore with the squids, he instead sat on a wooden bench on the ship as he took out his Double Bass. Cracking his knuckles and shaking out his arms, he began to play a slow, but high-pitched melody.

Caldur: High Cadenza (Hurts the victim's and surrounding other's ears.)
Vyse looked around for something to help fight off the krakens. He did nothing but steer the boat to keep it stable. He looked around for something in particular. He found his fathers throwing knives, and he's been meaning to get rid of them. What better way than to throw them at the kraken? He picked the box up and took out some knives. He threw one when he realized that it would do no good. They had to use the big guns.

"Ally, head to the bottom deck, there should be a room there with a cannon. Put in the cannon balls and then light it on fire. It should kill one of them....probably"
If she could just get in the water- no. Katerina stopped herself before she could even finish the thought. She was human, and in the state she was in, still woosey from pain and blood loss mixed with slight intoxication, that would be suicide. There were a few less tentacles coming after them now, but the ones that were still uninjured began getting more violent. These things were pissed, and if they couldn't kill them soon the whole boat my be crushed.
"To think I was going to spend my night in a nice quiet motel room." She mumbled to herself, swinging at the tentacles she could hit and dodging when they came too close.
Alriska looked towards the captain of the ship as he spoke to her while her limb finished reattaching itself. "Th-this ship has a c-cannon?!" She exclaimed with surprised. Oh well, no time to question orders as she ran down to the lower deck, frantically searching for the cannon.

It didn't take long to locate the cannon and the cannon balls. Loading the cannon she pulled a lighter out of one of her many pockets and lit the fuse. After shoving the lighter back in her pocket Alriska plugged her ears as the cannon fired at one of the Kraken's repeatedly, but Alriska was too busy covering her ears to check if the cannon balls were actually hitting.