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"Are you guys comfortable down here do you need a pillow or something?" Faye looks at the both of them smiling softly.
"Uh...I'm fine." He said as he noticed Tarrow looking at him.
Tarrow shakes his head to Faye plainly, looking blandly to the wall to the side of him as he rolls over somewhat a little moodily, although the true reason was that Tarrow was in deep thought.
"I'll see you in the morning."
"Yeah,I'm going to bed also." He said before planting his head into his pillow.
Faye smiled softly walking back up to her room going to sleep until morning.
Adonis slept hard,waking up grumpily.
He saw Tarrow sleeping comfortably, making Adonis smile.
He leaned over to him and kissed his cheek before getting up and packing his horse.
Faye woke up at bit later walking down the stairs with her things for their journey. She looked down seeing Tarrow on the floor still sleeping nudging him slowly. "Oh tarrow~ It's morning"
Tarrow gives a low moan as he slowly gets up, rubbing his eyes slowly, and giving a low yawn. He subconsciously rubs his cheek before nodding to Faye in thanks for waking him up, then picks his chain from the floor and throws it over his shoulder.
"Well then. Let's get going." Tarrow says plainly as he slings his pack over his other shoulder, chewing a piece of tobacco from his pocket plainly.
Faye smiled softly walking over to her horse putting her things on it's back then feeds it an apple giggling softly. "Here you go buddy we about to go on a journey, I need your strength up" she whispered softly patting it's nose.
Adonis already had his horse ready,eating some bread as hIs horse trotter around.
"I hope you packed thick coats! It's pretty cold where we're heading."
Tarrow jumps onto his horse, adjusting various straps around the horses reigns as he folds his arms, his cheek slowly munching the tobacco leaf as he looks to the morning sun atop the golden horse.
"Cold, huh. No problem. Lead the way." Tarrow says plainly as he holds the leather straps of the horse.
Faye climbs on her horse smiling softly looking over at Adonis with a smile "Cold? There must be many water/ice users there"
"...we just need to get through this forest," he pointed on the map.
"It leads to the mountain." Adonis put the map away and kicked the side of the horse.
"First one to the springs gets to stay in for hunting!" He shouted as he was off.
"Hey no fair!" Faye shouted out to him pulling the reigns of her horse as she started to follow Adonis to the springs.
"...Good grief..." Tarrow mutters as he shakes his head, watching Adonis sprint off with his horse, and Faye following behind him. They were almost like kids, in a wat, but it wasn't a negative quality to have a little fun sometimes. After all, even if Tarrow's face didn't show it whatsoever, it was something that cheered up a group. He kicks his horse, playing along with the two as he gallops after Faye and Adonis.
The forest was green and warm. There was always something making noise.
Fairies,small animals, a group mermaids in the ponds.

A sudden slow galloping noise was coming from the left side of them.
"'s people." He said stopping his horse.
"No,they're you think they know a bit of the spell book?" He asked. But he ignored and trotted his horse next to them.
"I doubt it since they don't really talk to humans and only most of them only speak elven. Don't get us killed Adonis" She laughs trotting her horse looking over at the elves.
Tarrow's eyes dart around now and again, but his face was otherwise expressionless as he surveys the many creatures of the forest, his teeth grinding against the tobacco leaf as he watches a few mermaids swim about.
"Hmph. Careful. Some creatures around these parts like to play pranks."
After they talked,one of the elves came over to Tarrow.
"I like your friend..." He said.
"Do you know what his name means? God of beauty and love." He almost laughed but he wasn't lying.
"The book translates to his name, possible that he could be a god." The words slithered out of his mouth.
He was about to trot back to his group,
"If I were you Id take advantage of the 'loves to love' part." He turned his head to look at Adonis,looking at him suggestvly.
He then looked Tarrow up and down,not the same way as he looks at Adonis.
"And trust me,he'd love to work with that." He said,suggesting that he had a good body.

He returned to his group.
Adonis returned on his horse.
"They didn't give much information...what did he say to you?" He asked Tarrow.
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Tarrow looks plainly at the elf as it gives his explaination. Tarrow's eyes remain narrow and unsurprised at the elf's story; how could he trust a creature he only just met to say that one of the people he was travelling with was a god? Tarrow blinks as the elf suggests what Tarrow thought was to start a relationship with Adonis? That just wasn't him, and Tarrow had become more or less asexual after his wife's cruel death.

He doesn't look at Adonis as Tarrow gives a sigh, hanging his head a little because of how ridiculous it must sound.
"Apparently, you might be a god." Tarrow tries to say as casually as possible.