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Adira - Volume 1: Rise of Legends (OOC)

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The Seer
Name: Circe "the blue fox" Noryth
Age: 62
Sex: Female
Race: Human-Elf Halfling

Appearance: Obviously young and female, there is a special grace to her sharp features that hint to something more. Many would hiss in disgust of her race, being born of a human mother and elven father. She is decades older than many younger women, her elven blood giving her aging a flawless grace. Circe will not be showing her age for many centuries, but even still she is not immortal. Unlike her kin to the fair race, she is quite similar to that of her human side as she is shorter and curvier then female elves. Once her eyes were a warm brown, now however, they are an unnatural blue with a silver symbol for a pupil. Her purification process began as grotesque peeling of skin around her right eye, in fact she was blind for several years as she learned to control her magic. Now, the scars have become a geometric pattern like that of shards of glass. The scars are not of human flesh, rather pure silver embedded around her eye. Some plates of silver and others veins of silver. When her powers are activated, the plates glow and emit an aura of bright blue. Circe is almost always adorned in leather and cotton in a well-fitted fashion that is practical for life in Celestia. Small throwing knives are sheathed around her wrists, on both shoulders, in her boots, and finally at her waist next to the dagger that is made of the same material as her Purification and is roughly the size of her forearm. Circe's hair is long and brown, and a lock of hair closest to her right eye is pure white silk that also glows blue and mimics the flame of sorcery.

History: Circe has seen more of Adira than most, if not for the sake of traveling then for the sake of finding safety. When she was but an infant, she was taken in by a band of thieves when her father abandoned her in the streets of Celestia. A man that was of some importance, but a man she would never know. At just 9 years old she was becoming adept at throwing knives, and 10 years later she would begin training with the dagger that was given to her from the leader of her family Marus, the only father she ever knew. Circe became heavily involved in the crimes that the band that would be soon called The White Hand committed, against her adoptive, if not hypocritical, father's words. Soon she became the most notorious thief in Celestia, many within the White Hand questioned Marus' leadership abilities instead favoring Circe's style. Relentless and endlessly clever. The young girl was beginning to get caught up in the politics of the White Hand, soon Marus accepted her as his legitimate heir days before he would be assassinated by an opposing faction. Having no time to mourn over the loss of Marus, the White Hand spiraled into a blood war with a group that called themselves Dawnstar. Zealots that craved justice. Circe found herself taken by bloodlust, and with many accounts of murder she was no longer fit to take her position as the White Hand's princess. The family that once wholly claimed her, feared for her sanity.

Shunned by The White Hand and hunted by authorities and assassins both after her head, she found refuge on the outskirts of the city. There she was able to live under the radar for a few years, working as protection for an Inn plagued by the wilds and bandits. Though it was short lived as she was attacked in the night and nearly killed, she fled Celestia exiling herself from the one home she loved. Finding voyage across the Futher Sea, she traveled across Poluin and took up residence in Corswen where she used her old talents as a thief to make somewhat of a life. There at the age of 34, she fell perilously in love with an elf by the name of Traphus. Traphus caught her attempting to pinch one of his horses, but being a good-natured soul he allowed her to take the steed on the agreement that she would let him treat her to a meal. From there she found her cold heart warming, for ten years she was allowed happiness as Traphus' wife. Circe actually having a son whom she named Marus Creven Noryth. Finally settling down with her husband and son, she was ready to put her past behind her until it reared its hideous head in the form of four mercenaries and a man by the name of Nyd. When the murderers were through, there was nothing left of her husband and the body of her only son aged seven was beyond recognition. The mercenaries left her with a Nyd from The White Hand. The right hand man to the new ruler of the White Hand. There would be no place for her to hide from the new King of the Hand. Circe was a threat to his rule, and she would not survive to see a century of wisdom. When Nyd left her to bury her child and husband, the shards of her heart froze over. Circe packed her dagger, wedding ring, and the necklace she was given by Marus. The necklace that was around her son's neck. It was time to go home.

Before she was able to travel to Celestia, the ship was seized by a military force. The one path that was arranged for her vengeance was taken away from her by the same people that had been hunting her for years. Though Lady Luck, a thief's saint, would smile on the widow and childless mother. Circe would travel to Aer where she would then hope to arrange another passage to Celestia. Before she would even arrive in Aer, she would meet a woman who would alter her course. Morgana, the Fortune Witch, told Circe that she was not yet prepared to meet her destiny. Morgana told Circe of a weapon in the land of Wrenstock that could help Circe to complete her revenge completely, and give her the power to take back her right to a stolen throne. With a new quest in mind, she traveled to Valry seeking this dagger. Alone she trekked into the Valry Mountains, mountains that were riddled with caves in which were rumored to house sleeping Gods. With the help of a Valryan scholar, she found her dagger. The dagger which had been named long ago Soul Eye. The scholar had warned Circe of the power that the dagger contained, and what power she would have to accept as her own to be able to wield the weapon. Circe however, ignored the warnings. As soon as she wrapped her fingers around the hilt the surge of magic nearly consumed her. She removed the dagger as she fell back, the dagger sliced open her right eye blinding her eye permanently and leaving a nasty scar. The scholar kept Circe safe in Soul Eye's cave, the dagger wrapped in heavy wool in order to keep himself safe.

Finally when Circe came back to consciousness, she found that the right side of her face burned ferociously. The horrid scar felt as though it was twisting and expelling her own eye. The Scholar sent his dove for help, an ice hunter finding the thief and scholar huddled and starved in the cave. The hunter, Kallum, brought them down the mountain and to a doctor with extraordinary healing magic. The doctor revealed to Circe that the dagger had been hosting a aggressive reservoir of magic that had acted as almost a curse, the magic transferring to the one to wield the dagger. Circe becoming the host. With this revelation, the doctor and scholar both reassured her that the scarring would not last long and that it was the start of her magic's purification process. As the days went by, the scars formed a geometric pattern and instead of flesh, the angry scar tissue transformed into silver plating around her eye that emitted a blue aura constantly. The aura was almost like puss, constantly draining and dripping causing Circe to be unable to much past eating, breathing, and sleeping. Morgana the witch from before found her, and began to help her become used to her new power. Circe became stronger, her eyes cleared up and she was finally able to see properly in her left eye. However her right eye only saw in shades of grey and blue, people were not figures but clouds of vibrant or dull color. This is what Morgana described as the Aura plane. Years passed and finally Circe had learned to control her magic, with Morgana's help she had become a powerful seer.

  • Control I - Years of experience in controlling her ability.
  • Acrobatics II - Being raised as a Thief has some perks, and physical demands.
  • Trustworthy I - Marus taught her how to deceive perfectly, though she has been out of practice.

Unique Aspect - Auric Eye & Animamancy
When she found Soul's Eye, she had no idea what power the dagger possessed. However it was not the dagger that was enchanted, it was simply a conduit for the power someone or something bestowed upon it. When Circe held the dagger, the power transferred to her as a host and soon her body accepted the magic and disposed of some of her humanity both physical and mental when she was cut. Her ability gives her the power to exploit weakness in anything with a soul, the soul emits something called an aura which is only visible on the Auric plane. This magic unveils the Auric plane for Circe, but only in her right eye. The magic is a violent type, needing physical harm to take root and become usable. Without bloodletting or pain, the magic would continue to stay dormant. Had she cut her wrist, her hand would be able to lift the veil between the physical plane and the auric. Her Auric eye can be "turned off" allowing Circe to see everything in shades of grey and blue, when the silver plates begin to glow and inevitably emitting visible blue she begins to see the colors of soul. Circe has had plenty of practice in deciphering what each color means. This ability is very draining if not turned off, if she chooses to leave it on her soul will begin to fade for each moment past her limit. This type of soul magic is very powerful, and very deadly also very finicky. If her eye is so much as covered by too much hair, the power becomes null and void. This being the reason her hair is often pulled up and away from her face. The dagger is of the same material as the plating around her eye, and glows blue as well. This makes the path of Circe being able to detach the soul from its shell permanently, causing a very cruel and painful torture. It does not kill the soul or the body, instead it locks the soul and consciousness from the physical realm. Should the body be killed, the soul would be forced to wander limbo for eternity. This is called Animamancy, the harvesting of souls. It is the opposite of Necromancy, the planting of souls. Animamancy is very old magic according to Morgana, and something that should not be used lightly. Circe is not yet possible powerful enough to use Animamancy without threatening her own life. Auric Eye is the first mark of an Animamancer, a power even darker than Necromancy.

- Morgana the Fortune Witch - Marus Wyte - Traphus Noryth - Marus Noryth - Nyd - The Scholar - Kallum -
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@Rosie : Of note, you have one trait too many. A maximum of four is allowed.

EDIT: Also, welcome and hello!
Yupp all good
Yay! Cannot way to put this baby into action.

*bouncing up and down in excitement*

Filler you say?

Soo if I go into a families home and stab them to death, that would be cool? (In the rp of course.)
I am almost positive that there is not a single situation where this would not have negative consequences.
I am almost positive that there is not a single situation where this would not have negative consequences.
Oi. You!

I looked...

And searched...

Journeyed through the many pages of this thread...

And do you know what I found?

Oi. You!

I looked...

And searched...

Journeyed through the many pages of this thread...

And do you know what I found?


No, I'm trash, it's not there. :( Now it's looking like it might not be up until Wednesday at the earliest. My CALM modules are working against me.

Pretty soon I'm gonna be some weird RP ghost that continues to post in the OOC but never actually does anything.
Sorry Rosie, and anyone else waiting on things from me. I've been out at work or at dinner for over 16 hours today, and didn't really have time to do anything. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to be blasting through my responsibilities.
Circe is accepted. I get the feeling you plan on this being a school of magic, in which case the only thing it can really do at the moment is let you learn see the inner nature of a person (which is very nice utility).
Circe is accepted. I get the feeling you plan on this being a school of magic, in which case the only thing it can really do at the moment is let you learn see the inner nature of a person (which is very nice utility).
I had to read this like eighty times... -_- My brain is fried.

That's the point... I am trying to keep the magic to a minimum so its more Circe than Circe's Magic.
Magic is supposed to be a milkshake... not the whole meal.
Jobs are exhausting and stupid. I have the whole day off tomorrow (thank God for sundays, quite literally) so I will try to get back in this roleplay.
WitchChild, your character is accepted. I'll add them to the OP after work, and will also be PMing people who haven't posted in either round yet.

GM post tomorrow.
Fear my posts, for they are on time.

Also everyone is in a pickle at the moment, which is great fun for all.

Mostly for Felice's group, but technically for all of you: What you do, what the plans are, is up to you. In Felice's group particularly, there's the option to take the known risk of the main tunnel, try a side tunnel and gamble on how that turns out, or come up with something completely different. That last option will always be available for anyone at any time. I'll generally try to give some specific options just so people don't get lost, but none of you are under any need to actually go with said options. Take a hammer to the railroads and go backpacking if you so desire.

And now, I have work tomorrow and it's late, so I'm going to sleep. Those who haven't posted and haven't contacted me via PM to get grouped with someone will be put in the Inactive list in the OP tomorrow. And finally, Ard is officially full at six players. I'll be noting that in the OP tomorrow as well.