Accedemy of Glendale (new)

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"There are showers in the locker room I think, plus they'll give us gym clothes- a shirt and shorts so just change I to them get them all sweaty take a shower and change" Xavier told the boy laughing a little at his excuse.
Evangelien groaned and sighed, looking over at everyone she gave Cole a small smile and then stood up and stretched.
"We should get ready then shouldn't we?"
Olivia shrugged in reply to Evangeline's silent plea for backup. She knew from personal experience never to interfere with sibling rivalry. Picking at the rest of her lunch, Olivia sat in silence and listened to the playful bickering. Though she grimaced at the thought of losing music for an entire week. James always was extremely grumpy whenever he got his iPod confiscated and his favorite thing was always to pick on her during that time. Speaking of James.. You've been gone quite some time, oh brother of mine.. Olivia thought to herself and scanned the cafeteria, but no curly mop of red hair in site.

She had tuned out of the conversation for a moment before catching the last bit from Evangeline.
"Hey, mind if I tag along with you since we'll be in the same class and all?"
Evangeline looked at Olivia and nodded enthusiastically, "Of course! Shall we go then?"
Giggling she opened her arm offering Olivia to link it with hers of course she wasn't expecting Olivia to do so but it wouldn't hurt to offer anyway.
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"Yeah we probable should" Xavier said to the boys as he got up from the table. He walked to the gym with the other boys when they got there Mr. Jupiter was ready.

"Alright boys grab a shirt and a pair of shorts and get dressed" Mr. Jupiter boomed the sound resonating throughout the gym as the man gestured to the lockeroom on one side of the gym. dsfdsa
Cole was muttering all the way to the gym. When they reached it and was ordered to get dressed, his muttering only seem to grow in annoyance. The brunet was now tugging on a shirt quite slowly, wanting to prolong exercise as long as possible. He had already slipped his shorts on.
Xavier walked into the locker room stripped down to his boxers, slipped the shorts on and while he has putting his shirt on turned to Cole "you look thrilled."
Cole had his shirt on when Xavier came to him and spoke. He looked to the other teen and flashed him a sarcastic smile. "Gym's my favorite class. Nothing's better than exercising," he said in a false cheery voice.
Xavier couldn't help but laugh a little. "Come on it keeps you in shape....for the ladies." He said smiling at Cole.
Cole scoffed at the statement, muttering how he wouldn't exercise for anyone. Boy or girl. "Well, guess you should exercise pretty hard this year, yeah? Want to keep your body in shape for Esmeralda," he drawled, glancing at Xavier with a small, knowing smirk. He had sat down on one of the many benches in the locker room, waiting for the other male.
Does he mean Evangeline? "What are you talking about, I don't know an Eseralda." Xavier said he was trying to play it cool. What girl does this boy like then?
(OMG I MEANT EVANGELINE! Esmeralda is a totally different RP XD)

"Evangeline.....? Yeah, her," Cole lazily corrected himself. "Either way, you like her. It's obvious. To me, at least." The brunet ran a hand through his hair, tousling it. He peeked around for the Coach, sighing blissfully when he didn't see him. Turning back to Xavier, he waited for his reaction.
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Crap....Xavier thought to himself before saying "what are you talking about?" Xavier didn't want too many people knowing he figured he could trust Cole, but who knows he could switch to Jame's side....."do you like someone?"
Cole rolled his eyes. Denial was an annoying thing. "I won't go spreading it around, if that's what you're worried about. I'm too anti-social for that," he reassured him. "Or....I don't know, turn on you." He really didn't know how the whole crushes thing worked. At Xavier's sudden question, he blinked. "Me? No, not at all." That's why he didn't understand the crush thing because he never had one.
"Who's you roommates again?" Xavier asked wondering if this boy was James's roommate if so then the two would eventually become close and eventually the boy would turn the information over to James...
[Love how paranoid he is. XD]

"Hmm? My roomate? It's, uh, James. Twin brother to Olivia," Cole informed him, playing with the hem of his shirt. His eyebrows furrowed as he stopped playing with his shirt. He looked back at Xavier, pinning him with a suspicious stare. "Why the sudden question?"
"I just wanted to know, I don't need you to sit here and interrogate me" Xavier said noticing they were the last two boys in the locker room.

"You two" Mr. Jupiter boomed "get out there and run laps with the other guys....slackers."
"Fine, fine," Cole said, backing off. He let out a yelp as he heard Mr. Jupiter's loud voice order them to run laps. His upset mood from earlier came back ten times worse. Silently glaring at Mr. Jupiter, he got to his feet and began to make his way out of the locker room, grumbling and muttering all the way.
Running wasn't so bad Xavier guessed. He ended up circling Cole. "Come on if you burn a lot of calories then you can eat whatever you want."
Cole only pursed his lips at Xavier's attempt to motivate him. He could eat anything he wanted anyways. It was called a fast metabolism. Instead of complaining he even more, he decided to pick up his pace a bit and just get it over with. The sooner he's done, the better.
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