Accedemy of Glendale (new)

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Cole pursed his lips at the statement. Resting his cheek on his fist, he shrugged. "It has its pros and cons. Just like having a sibling has pros and cons." He thinks about how, if he had a sibling, he'd probably be more loud and friendly. Then again, probably not. "Mostly pros, though. And that's probably a biased statement, but," he didn't finish, just shrugged once more at the end.

[Just thought about how Adrian and Cole could be anti-social together XD]
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Adrian thought about the pros of not having a sibling would be and nodded to himself. Not having to put up with Evangeline's constant chatter all the time would be good and also the fact that there wasn't really anyone else in their family apart from the two of them. Adrian didn't count his parents, they were never at hom so they don't count in his head as family. If anyone did count as family to him, it would the servants in the household. Diving deeper and deeper into his own thoughts Adrian then returned to reality as he looked at Cole and gave a small nod to his previous comment.
"No I guess you are right. Evangeline is a pain... But she has her uses as well..."
Thinking about how many times she had gotten out of tough social situations and also how many times she had helped out with his drawing skills and giving constructive feedback he began to ponder again.
"or maybe..."
Seeing James flirting with Evangeline Xavier felt anger burning in his stomach. She's mine, stay away from her he thought. Although he was mad he figured it was probably best to not let the boy know he was interested in Evangeline.
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Seeing James flirting with Evangeline Xavier felt anger burning in his stomach. She's mine, stay away from her he thought. Although he was mad he figured it was probably best to not let the boy know he was interested in Evangeline....stupid ginger.
(No offense to anyone who is a ginger)
((Offence taken even though i am not ginger))
Honour sat on the bench seeing another boy flirt with the girl and rolled his eye. "So what do we have next?"
Looking up at Honour Xavier replied "gym, although the guys have guy with one teacher and the girls have it with another."

( @justice hunt sorry I'll edit it)
Adrian looked at Xavier and nodded slowly understanding what he was saying. So Evangeline won't be in the same class as me... I hope she doesn't hurt herself... Sighing he looked at his sister and received a playful punch on the shoulder from his twin as she caught his gaze.
"You are thinking that I am going to be a total klutz aren't you?"
Looking away Adrian didn't say anything and his mind ran through all the flashbacks of his sister with sports. The only sport she was really any good at was running but even then she finds a way to nearly fall over. Rubbing his arm slightly he looked at his sister and then raised an eye brow.
"You think you won't fall over?"

Evangeline looked back at him and grinned, "Is this a bet brother?"
Gigglign as her brother had a small excited glint in his eye she knew he was going to take the bet.
"What if it is sister?"
"Then if i win this bet you are going to have to... you are going to have to..."
Trying to think of something she ruffled her hair and then thought of something. Smiling cruelly she grinned at her brother.
"I get to keep your sketch book for a week."

Chuckling as Adrian's eyes glistened with a fire he looked back at her, "If I win, you are going to have to give me your iPod and your headphones. All of your headphones."
Evangeline narrowed her eyes and then reached out a hand hesitantly, "It is only for a week right?"
Watching her brother nod he clasped her hand and shook it.
"The bet is that you will fall over at one point or another during your gym class."
"Your on."
The twins looked at each other and sparks could nearly be seen flying from one sibling to the other.
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Seeing the siblings friendly competition Xavier started thinking. I can either be supportive of Evangeline and be on her side or I can be on Adrian's and then playfully mess with her hmmm.....I can always stay neutral, but that won't help...I'll be on Adrian's side. "Well Evangeline it looks like I won't be there to catch you when you fall, think you'll be ok?" Xavier said playfully. Does she even realize I am flirting with her or does she just think I'm being friendly?
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Evangeline looked at Xavier and pouted, "You are on his side for this!? Come on Xavier! You can't think I am that much of a klutz!"
"Oh but you are."
Glaring at her brother she sighed and folded her arms, "I will show you both. I am going to show you both that I can stand on my two feet and play sport."
Not believing her own words, Evangeline regretted pressuring her brother into the bet and groaned knowing that she was going to lose her headphones. Sighing she looked over at Olivia for help to get out of it but knew that it was futile now. Looking at the boys she tried to smile happily but her worried expression showed through.

Adrian could see his sisters regret and felt bad for giving her such a harsh bargain. Knowing that she would probably go crazy without her music Adrian thought about wether or not to let her out of the bet but then shook his head. She needs to learn that she can't keep pushing her boundaries like that. Looking over at Xavier he could see that his room mate was interested in his sister but knew that his sister most likely was just thinking that he was being friendly. Sighing he looked back over at Cole who had stayed silent through the whole time.

(Just thought I would tag everyone ^^ @Kitsune, @boogified, who hasnt replied ^^)
"I'm just messing with you, although if you ever need someone to catch you I'm your man!" Xavier said to the girl giving his best flirtatious smile. Does she really not realize James and I are flirting with her?
Evangeline looked at him and giggled and smiled chirpily, "Okie dokie Xavier! I shall call you out when I need help."
Smilign at him, Evangeline thought about how nice and kind he was and smiled warmly at him. He will be a good friend through this year.

(I feel so bad for Xavier, it hurt to write that!)
"Yup" Xavier said half-heartedly. She doesn't notice...... Xavier thought there were two ways he could take it either sadness or anger at her daftness, he decided to go with sad. Why are you sad? You've been single for ever so what's the big deal if she doesn't like you.

Poor Xavier but he is a strong independent man who don't need a woman hahaha I know it usually goes the other way around bit I couldn't help myself haha)
[Bets and heartbreak. Teenagers in a nutshell. XD]

Cole had been watching the scene that was unfolding in front of him with mirth glowing in his eyes. As Adrian turned back towards him, he grinned at the boy. "I'm going to have to be on Evangeline's side for this little bet," he announced. He knew how it felt to be called a klutz or just to have no coordination whatsoever. He understood her on a spiritual level when it came to that. The only difference was that he didn't try at sports or anything physical, really. That's why he had Art and not Gym. Avoid all physical activity at all costs, if possible. It was sort of his motto.
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[Bets and heartbreak. Teenagers in a nutshell. XD]

Cole had been watching the scene that was unfolding in front of him with mirth glowing in his eyes. As Adrian turned back towards him, he grinned at the boy. "I'm going to have to be on Evangeline's side for this little bet," he announced. He knew how it felt to be called a klutz or just to have no coordination whatsoever. He understood her on a spiritual level when it came to that. The only difference was that he didn't try at sports or anything physical, really. That's why he had Art and not Gym. Avoid all physical activity at all costs, if possible. It was sort of his motto.
(Hate to burst your bubble but everyone has gym next hour haha)
"So what do we got next, hope it's science!" Honour made a huge smile. i'm happy they let me sit here for lunch. "Be right back" He smiled and took the empty food try and walked to the garbage. He threw them out and put the try on the cafeteria counter.
"Gym, all of us guys have it together, and it looks like Olivia and Evangeline will be the only ones from our group in that gym class" Xavier said shocked he had called the teens that had assembled at the table our group.
At Xavier's words, Cole tensed up. No, no, no, no! He panicked mentally. One would think that he had some kind of illness that involved him conducting physical activity. Mind racing, he did remember that the schedule said that fifth hour was Gym. On the outside, the brunet was calm, for the most part. A bit tense, yes, but mostly calm. On the inside, Cole was groaning and moaning and whining. He wondered if he could fake a cramp or something and be excused from taking the class. Eyes brightening at the idea, he decided that he was going to try and test it out when they went to Gym.
"Dammit, hate gym, it sucks i don't wanna get all sweaty" He shook his head while grinding his teeth. Then sighed and crossed his arms. "I'll probably just say i hurt my knee really bad"
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